金英汉(Yung Han Kim, 韩文(한글):김영한,金英漢,1946年10月18日 -,韩国)不仅是韩国的一位教授[1],也是一位神学家和经济部部长。他是韩国着名的学者。他于1996年创立了韩国改革神学学会[1] [2],并且担任该会的第一,二,三届主席。他在崇实大学设立了基督教研究科,担任第一,二,三,五,六任主任。他在崇实大学担任了系统神学和基督教哲学系教授34年。他是克里斯蒂安娜学院的创始人,自1988年以来一直担任克里斯蒂安娜学院院长。他于2010年成立公民组织沙罗纳布尼,一直担任主席。他在“韩国福音派神学学会”[3](圣经与神学)专栏中提供超过30篇文章。他发表了20多本关于系统神学和基督教哲学的书,他一直致力于教理,现代神学,释经学以及[4],基督教文化和基督教灵性等领域进行研究和贡献[5]。他是韩国福音神学学会主席,也是韩国释经学协会主席(2004 - 2006年),基督教哲学协会主席(2006 - 2012年)[6],韩国改革神学学会主席[7]

Professor Dr. Yung-Han Kim
- Department of Philosophy, Seoul University (B. A. 1971),
- Graduate School's Department of Philosophy, Seoul University,
- Philosophical Faculty, Heidelberg University, Germany (Dr. phil. 1974),
- Theological Faculty, Marburg University, Germany (1975-1977, Research Fellow),
- Theological Faculty, Heidelberg University, Germany (Dr. theol. 1984),
- Assistant Professor, SoongSil University, 1978-1982
- Associate Professor, SoongSil University, 1982-1987
- Senior Professor, SoongSil University, 1987- at present
- Director of Korea Institute for Christian Culture Research, Soong Sil University, 1986-2003
- Dean, Graduate School of Christian Studies, Soong Sil University, Seoul, Korea, 1998-2003, 2005-2009
- Senior Professor, Department of Christian Studies, Soong Sil University, 1999- 2012
- Senior Professor, Graduate School of Christian Studies, Soong Sil University, Seoul, Korea, 1998-2012.
- Visiting Scholar, Princeton Theological Seminary, U. S. A. (1984-1985),
- Research Fellow, Divinity School, Yale University, U. S. A. (1990-1991),
- Visiting Scholar, Theological Faculty, Bochum University. (2004/3-2004/8),
- Visiting Scholar, Princeton Theological Seminary, U. S. A. (2004/9-2005/2),
- Husserl und Natorp: zur Problematik der Letztbegründung der Philosophie bei Husserls Phänomenologie und Natorps Neukantianischer Theorie (页面存档备份,存于) (Dr. Phil. Dissertation, Heidelberg, 1974)(written in German)
- Phänomenologie und Theologie: Studien zur Fruchtbarmachung des transzendental-phänomenologischen Denkens für das christlich-dogmatische Denken (页面存档备份,存于) (Dr.Theol. Dissertation, Heidelberg, 1984)(written in German)
- The spiritual Challenge of the Twenty-First Century (页面存档备份,存于), Reformed Theology: Identity and Ecumenicity, Vol 1, eds., Wallace M. Alston Jr. and Mirchael Welker (Eerdmans: 2003), 3-19
- “The 1st Century ad 2nd Centruy of Soongsil", Asia in 21st Century and Christian University, 253-274, August 1998.
- "Gott in Husserls transzendental phänomenologischem Denken", Phänomenologie in Korea (页面存档备份,存于), Kah Kyung Cho und Jeon Sook Hahn(Hg.), Orbis Phaenomenologicus, Freiburg, München:Alber2001,129-155.
- "The Tasks of Reformed Theology in the 21st Century from Korean Context",
- Bible and Theology, Vol. XXX, A Suggestion of korea Evangelical Theology to Western Theology, Korea Evangelical Theological Society, 2001, 96-114,
- “The Idea of Transformed Hermeneutics", Evangelical Reviewof Theology, Editor: David Parker, Volume 25, No. 3, July 2001, 196-209
- "A Suggestion of Korea Evangelical Theology to Western Theology", Bible and Theology Vol. XXX, A Suggestion of Korea Evangelical Theology to Western Theology, Korea Evangelical Theological Society, 2002, Word of Life Press, 6-11
- "The Identity of Reformed Theology and Its Ecumenicity in the Twenty-First Century: Reformed Theology as Transformational Cultural Theology", in: Reformed Theology:Identity and Ecumenicity, Wallace M. Alston & Michael Welker(Editors), Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003, 3-19
- “The Unity and Diversity of Evangelicalism,” vol. 35, 17 p. Bible and Theology, Korea Evangelical Theological Society, 2004.4.25
- Christianity and Korean Culture: The Reasons for The Success of Christianity in Korea (页面存档备份,存于), EXCHANGE, vol. 33, No. 2, E. J. Brill Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 2004.6.30, 132-152
- “The Culture of the 21st Century and Reformed Faith,” in: Korea Journal of Christian Studies, Vol 36, 31.October 2004, pp.73-95
- Eine neue Theologie der Kultur in Korea (页面存档备份,存于), Zeitschrift fuer Evangelische Ethik, 50,Jg. Gütersloher Verlagahaus 2006, März, 60-69,
- “Reformed Evangelical Theology," in: International Journal of Christian Studies, Volume1, 1J une 2006, Soongsil Graduate School of Christian Studies/Department of Christian Studies, Soongsil University, 2006,13-34
- “The Identity of Theology and Its Scientificity," in: International Journal of Christian Studies, Volume III, I June 2007, Soongsil Graduate School of Christian Studies/ Department of Christian Studies, Soongsil University, 15-46
- “A Critical Reflection on Barth and van Til in the Reformed Tradition," in; International Journal of Christian Studies, Soongsil University, June 2008, 15-33,
- "Toward an Open Orthodox Reformed Theology; A Reflection of traditional Western Theology & desirable Theological Movement for Korean Church." in; A Theological Journa lof KIMCHI, December, 2009
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