
手持長柄斧的曼弗雷德一世(Manfred I, Marquess of Saluzzo)。
西方的長柄斧,或稱頭斧(pollaxe、poleaxe、pole-axe、pole axe、polax、hache)是歐洲中世紀步兵常用的長柄武器。
- 林志隆、陳鈺祥,《宋遼夏金元兵器研究初稿》,第27頁,文史哲出版社。
- 程子頤,《武備要略》,卷八,第45頁。
- The Oxford English Dictionary gives the following etymology, s.v. Poleaxe:
- [ME. pollax, polax, Sc. powax = MDu. polaex, pollaex, MLG. and LG. polexe, pollexe (whence MSw. 15th c. polyxe, pulyxe, MDa. polöxe), f. pol, POLL n.1, Sc. pow, MDu., MLG. polle, pol head + AXE: cf. MDu. polhamer = poll-hammer, also a weapon of war. It does not appear whether the combination denoted an axe with a special kind of head, or one for cutting off or splitting the head of an enemy. In the 16th c. the word began to be written by some pole-axe (which after 1625 became the usual spelling), as if an axe upon a pole or long handle. This may have been connected with the rise of sense 2. Similarly, mod.Sw. pålyxa and Westphalian dial. pålexe have their first element = pole. Sense 3 may be a substitute for the earlier bole-axe, which was applied to a butcher's axe.]
- Wise, Terence; Embleton, G.A. . Men at Arms 145. Osprey. 1983: 33. ISBN 0-85045-520-0.
- For instance, Partridge gives the following etymology:
- L Palus, stake becomes OE pal, whence ME pol, pole, E Pole, the ME cpd pollax, polax becomes poleaxe, AE poleaxe: cf AX (E)
- . [2019-11-21]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-24).
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