福建觀音座蓮(学名:)为觀音座蓮科觀音座蓮屬下的一个种。种名 fokiensis 意为“福建的”。
福建觀音座蓮![]() | |
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科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 植物界 Plantae |
演化支: | Tracheophyta |
纲: | 真蕨綱 Polypodiopsida |
目: | 合囊蕨目 Marattiales |
科: | 合囊蕨科 Marattiaceae |
属: | 觀音座蓮屬 Angiopteris |
种: | 福建觀音座蓮 A. fokiensis |
二名法 | |
Angiopteris fokiensis Hieron., 1919 | |
- Angiopteris angustipinnula Ching [Chien & Chun, Fl. Reipubl. Pop. Sin. 2: 342 (1959)]
- Angiopteris attenuata Ching [Chien & Chun, Fl. Reipubl. Pop. Sin. 2: 345 (1959), not Brack. (1854)]
- Angiopteris fokiensis var. muralis (Ching) S. H. Wu [Fl. Guangdong 7: 34 (2006), nom. inval.]
- Angiopteris jiangxiensis Ching & J. F. Cheng
- Angiopteris kwangsiensis Ching [Chien & Chun, Fl. Reipubl. Pop. Sin. 2: 332 (1959)]
- Angiopteris lingii Ching [Chien & Chun, Fl. Reipubl. Pop. Sin. 2: 337 (1959)]
- Angiopteris longipetiolata Ching [Chien & Chun, Fl. Reipubl. Pop. Sin. 2: 342 (1959)]
- Angiopteris muralis Ching [Chien & Chun, Fl. Reipubl. Pop. Sin. 2: 343 (1959)]
- Angiopteris officinalis Ching [Chien & Chun, Fl. Reipubl. Pop. Sin. 2: 333 (1959)]
- Angiopteris omeiensis Ching [Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. Bot. 2, 1: 273 (1949)]
- Angiopteris petiolulata Ching [Chien & Chun, Fl. Reipubl. Pop. Sin. 2: 342 (1959)]
- Angiopteris shanyuanensis Ching [Chien & Chun, Fl. Reipubl. Pop. Sin. 2: 343 (1959)]
- Angiopteris sinica Ching [Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. Bot., ser. 2, 1: 274 (1949)]
- Angiopteris subcordata Ching [Chien & Chun, Fl. Reipubl. Pop. Sin. 2: 341 (1959)]
- Angiopteris tenera Ching [Chien & Chun, Fl. Reipubl. Pop. Sin. 2: 344 (1959)]
- . 中国植物物种. 昆明: 中科院昆明植物研究所. [2013-01-18]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).(简体中文)
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