
間日瘧原蟲Plasmodium vivax)是一種瘧原蟲,可引發間日瘧[2]。它引發的症狀雖不如惡性瘧原蟲那麼劇烈,但也會導致感染者死亡,直接死因一般是脾肿大[3][4]。它僅由雌性瘧蚊攜帶[5]。每次發作間隔時間為48小時,與卵形瘧相同[6]

科学分类 编辑
演化支 SAR超类群 SAR
演化支 囊泡虫类 Alveolata
门: 粘孢子总门 Myzozoa
纲: 無類錐體綱 Aconoidasida
目: 血孢子蟲目 Haemosporida
科: 瘧原蟲科 Plasmodiidae
属: 瘧原蟲屬 Plasmodium
間日瘧原蟲 P. vivax
Plasmodium vivax
(Grassi & Feletti, 1890)

Haemamoeba vivax Grassi and Feletti, 1890
Plasmodium malariae tertianae Celli and Sanfelice, 1891
Haemamoeba laverani var. tertiana Labbe, 1894(?)
Haemosporidium tertianae Lewkowicz, 1897
Plasmodium camarense Ziemann, 1915


  1. Coatney GR, Collins WE, Warren M, Contacos PG. . . Division of Parasitic Disease, CDC. 1971: 43 [2018-04-27]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-26).
  2. White NJ. . Clinical Infectious Diseases. January 2008, 46 (2): 172–3. PMID 18171246. doi:10.1086/524889.
  3. Baird JK. . Trends in Parasitology. November 2007, 23 (11): 533–9. PMID 17933585. doi:10.1016/j.pt.2007.08.011.
  4. Anstey NM, Douglas NM, Poespoprodjo JR, Price RN. . Advances in Parasitology. Advances in Parasitology. 2012, 80: 151–201. ISBN 9780123979001. PMID 23199488. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-397900-1.00003-7.
  5. Crompton PD, Moebius J, Portugal S, Waisberg M, Hart G, Garver LS, Miller LH, Barillas-Mury C, Pierce SK. . Annual Review of Immunology. 2014, 32 (1): 157–87. PMC 4075043可免费查阅. PMID 24655294. doi:10.1146/annurev-immunol-032713-120220.
  6. . 衛生福利部疾病管控署. 2018-04-16 [2018-04-29]. (原始内容存档于2019-02-18).


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