



  1. Lesley Adkins,Roy A.Adkins(1998). Handbook to Life in Ancient Greece.Oxford University Press,USA.ISBN 9780195124910.
  2. Langslow 1988:languages and dialects
  3. Joint Association of Classical Teachers 1978a and b: Learning Greek


  • Ballif, Michelle, Michael G. Moran, Classical Rhetorics and Rhetoricians: Critical Studies and Sources, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2005. ISBN 978-0-313-32178-8.
本条目包含来自公有领域出版物的文本: Chisholm, Hugh (编). (第11版). London: Cambridge University Press. 1911.
  • Alcidamas' surviving works
    • Guido Avezzù (ed.), Alcidamante. Orazioni e frammenti (now the standard text, with Italian translation, 1982)
    • J.V. Muir (ed.), Alcidamas. The works and fragments (text with English translation, 2001) – reviewed in BMCR
    • Ruth Mariss, Alkidamas: Über diejenigen, die schriftliche Reden schreiben, oder über die Sophisten: eine Sophistenrede aus dem 4. Jh. v. Chr., eingeleitet und kommentiert (Orbis Antiquus, 36), 2002
    • Friedrich Blass, Teubner edition of the Greek text (1908) online 页面存档备份,存于
    • Alcidamas, "Against the Sophists," trans. Van Hook (1919)
  • About Alcidamas
    • Aristotle, Rhetoric III.3
    • J. Vahlen, "Der Rhetor Alkidamas", Sitzungsberichte der wiener Akademie, Phil.-Hist. Cl., 43 (1863) 491–528 online 页面存档备份,存于(=Gesammelte philologische Schriften (Leipzig & Berlin 1911) 1.117–155)
    • Friedrich Blass, Die attische Beredsamkeit, part 2 (1892) online 页面存档备份,存于, pp. 345–363
    • M.L. West (1967) for Alcidamas' invention of the contest of Homer and Hesiod , N.J. Richardson (1981) against 页面存档备份,存于
    • Various articles on Alcidamas (1856–1919, with links to further online material)
    • Additional bibliography is available online at Christopher Skiebe. . Bautz, Traugott (编). 23. Nordhausen: Bautz. 2004. cols. 9–10. ISBN 3-88309-155-3 (德语).
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