


  1. 伊凡·阿森一世
  2. 卡洛揚
  3. 波里爾
  4. 伊凡·阿森二世
  5. 卡利曼一世
  6. 米哈伊二世
  7. 米佐·阿森
  8. 伊凡·阿森三世


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  • Vasary, Istvan (2005) "Cumans and Tatars", Cambridge University Press: pp. 34–42
  • Stephenson, Paul (2000) "Byzantium's Balkan Frontier — A Political Study of the Northern Balkans, 900–1204" pp. 289–300
  • History of the Byzantine Empire, A. A. Vasiliev 1935
  • Djuvara, Neagu. . Humanitas. 2008. ISBN 978-973-50-2591-5.
  • Stelian Brezeanu, Istoria Imperiului Bizantin, Bucuresti, MERONIA, 2007
  • Boldur, Alexandru. . Bucuresti: Editura Frunza. 1990 (罗马尼亚语).
  • Wolff, Robert Lee. . Speculum (The University of Chicago Press). April 1949, 24 (2): 167–199. JSTOR 2848560. doi:10.2307/2848560.
  • Fine, John. . University of Michigan Press. 1994 [2021-11-08]. ISBN 9780472082605. (原始内容存档于2020-12-02).
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