



  • 法国:
  • 瑞士:
    • 萨尔嫩阿河(Sarner Aa),源起隆格恩湖流向琉森湖
    • Engelberger Aa, also a tributary of Lake Lucerne.
    • Aabach, in the cantons of Lucerne and Aargau, which carries the waters of Lakes Baldegg and Hallwil into the Aar near Lenzburg.
  • 德国:
    • Westphalian Aa (Westfälische Aa), rising in the Teutoburg Forest, and joining the Werre at Herford.
    • Münster Aa (Münstersche Aa), a tributary of the Ems near Münster.
    • Great Aa (Große Aa), a tributary of the Ems near Lingen.
    • and several others (Ahauser Aa, Alstätter Aa, Bocholter Aa, Grenzaa, Ibbenbürener Aa, Speller Aa, Steinfurter Aa).
  • 荷兰:
    • Drentse Aa, a small river in the Drenthe and Groningen provinces that also flows through Groningen city.
    • Aa, a river in Noord-Brabant, flowing through Helmond and 's-Hertogenbosch.
    • Aa or Weerijs, also in Noord-Brabant, a small river near Breda.
    • several small rivers and canals in Groningen province, such as Pekel Aa, Ruiten Aa, Mussel Aa.
  • 拉脱维亚:
    • Lielupe (德語:Kurländische Aa)
    • Gauja(德語: Livländische Aa)both falling into the Gulf of Riga, near Riga


阿河 (河馬)臺灣知名河馬,於2014年12月29日逝世。

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