
阿貝爾行星狀星雲目錄'喬治·阿貝爾在1966年創建,包含86個被認為是行星狀星雲的天體。這些天體大約有一半是阿爾伯特·喬治·威爾遜蒐集的,其餘的則由阿貝爾、羅伯特·喬治·哈靈頓魯道夫·閔可夫斯基蒐集。這些天體是帕洛馬山天文台國家地理學會的帕洛瑪天文台天空調查,使用48-英寸(1.2-塞缪尔·奥斯钦望远镜,在1955年8月之前發現的的一部分[1][2]。其中的4個可以從以前的目錄中更好地瞭解:阿貝爾50是NGC 6742,阿貝爾75是NGC 7076,阿貝爾37是IC 972,和阿貝爾81是IC 1454。另有四個後來被確認不是行星狀星雲:阿貝爾11(反射星雲)、阿貝爾32(紅板缺陷)、阿貝爾76(環星系 PGC 85185)和阿貝爾85(超新星殘骸CTB 1,阿貝爾在1966年的論文中也注意到了此種可能)。另外三個也沒有被列入斯特拉斯堡-ESO的銀河行星狀星雲目錄(SEC):阿貝爾9、阿貝爾17(紅板缺陷)和阿貝爾64[3]。目錄上的天體最好用大口徑望遠鏡(例如18-英寸(0.46-)和 OIII雙色濾光器來觀察[4]

类型天體目錄 编辑维基数据
得名乔治·阿贝尔 编辑维基数据
发布1966年 编辑维基数据
观测帕洛马山天文台塞缪尔·奥欣望远镜 编辑维基数据



  1. Abell, George O., , Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1955, 67 (397): 258, Bibcode:1955PASP...67..258A, doi:10.1086/126815可免费查阅, As the National Geographic Society-Palomar Observatory Sky Survey1 nears completion, preliminary lists are being compiled of some of the many new objects discovered. These lists include more than seventy new planetary nebulae and about a dozen star clusters that are believed to be globular.
  2. Abell, George O., , Astrophysical Journal, April 1966, 144: 259, Bibcode:1966ApJ...144..259A, doi:10.1086/148602, Among the many new objects discovered on the photographs taken for the National Geographic Society-Palomar Observatory Sky Survey, eighty-six provisionally classed as planetary nebulae are described here. A. G. Wilson first identified about half of these objects; the rest were found by R. G. Harrington, R. Minkowski, and the writer. Since the publication of a preliminary finding list of seventy-three of these nebulae (Abell 1955), several more have been discovered; more reliable positions and other data for all of the nebulae are given here. The present list of eighty-six objects includes two entries in the Index Catalogue that were not there-identified as planetary nebulae, five objects in a list of new planetary nebulae that was subsequently published by Kohoutek (1962b, 1963), and at least one object that is a radio source and thus which may be a supernova remnant. All eighty-six objects are included in this investigation, however, and are described as "planetary nebulae," with cognizance of the fact that one or two of them may be improperly identified.
  3. Acker, A.; Marcout, J.; Ochsenbein, F.; Stenholm, B.; Tylenda, R.; Schohn, C. . The Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary Nebulae. Parts I, II. (Garching, Germany: European Southern Observatory (ESO)). 1992. Bibcode:1992secg.book.....A. ISBN 3-923524-41-2. The selection of the objects populating this catalogue is mainly based on an observational programme, and a verification programme consisting of spectroscopic observations for all suspected planetary nebulae, assuming that a planetary nebula has a spectral signature which can easy be recognised. For the present catalogue, a list of 1820 objects, each of them called at least once a planetary nebula, have been inspected; 1143 of them have been classified as true or probable planetary nebulae; 347 objects, which status is still unclear, were classified among the "possible" planetary nebulae. Finally, 330 objects have been rejected. Part I: A. Explanation of the catalogue. B. Tables. C. References of papers containing 20 objects or more. D. Finding charts. Part II: The catalogue.
  4. . [2021-11-12]. (原始内容存档于2007-02-20). By "easy" I don't mean easy to see, at least not in a small telescope. (I highly recommend an OIII filter, no matter what size scope you're using.)


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