據稱的問題 | 研究來源 |
歇斯底里、戲劇化人格違常 | Wilmanns (1933),[2] Murray (1943),[3] Langer (1943),[4] Binion (1976),[5] Tyrer (1993)[6] |
思覺失調症、偏執狂 | Vernon (1942),[7] Murray (1943),[3] Treher (1966),[8] Schwaab (1992),[9] Tyrer (1993),[6] Coolidge/Davis/Segal (2007)[10] |
藥物濫用造成的心理問題 | Heston/Heston (1980)[11] |
生理疾病造成的心理問題 | Gibbels (1994),[12] Hesse (2001),[13] Hayden (2003)[14] |
心理病態、反社會人格障礙 | Bychowski (1948),[15] Henry/Geary/Tyrer (1993),[6] Coolidge/Davis/Segal (2007)[10] |
自戀型人格疾患 | Sleigh (1966),[16] Bromberg/Small (1983),[17] Coolidge/Davis/Segal (2007)[10] |
施虐人格障礙 | Coolidge/Davis/Segal (2007)[10] |
邊緣性人格障礙 | Bromberg/Small (1983),[17] Victor (1999),[18] Dorpat (2003),[19] Coolidge/Davis/Segal (2007)[10] |
創傷後壓力症候群 | Dorpat (2003),[19] Koch-Hillebrecht (2003),[20] Vinnai (2004),[21] Coolidge/Davis/Segal (2007)[10] |
腦功能側化異常 | Martindale/Hasenfus/Hines (1976)[22] |
思覺失調型人格障礙症 | Rappaport (1975),[23] Waite (1977)[24] |
危險領導者障礙(Dangerous leader disorder) | Mayer (1993)[25] |
躁鬱症 | Hershman/Lieb (1994)[26] |
亞斯伯格症候群 | Fitzgerald (2004)[27] |
精神醫學對於疾病書寫(pathography)的評價不佳,尤其是未親自診斷患者的分析[29],在美國,由於1973建立的高華德守則,許多人更認為為這種分析不道德[30]。德國精神科醫師Hans Bürger-Prinz認為任何隔空診斷都是對精神醫學的嚴重濫用[31]。希特勒的眾多不同診斷結果也顯示此方法的不確定性[32]。
有些人根本上反對試圖用任何方式來解釋希特勒,例如猶太神學家和大屠殺倖存者艾米爾·法肯海姆(Emil Fackenheim)認為人類無法解釋希特勒的邪惡,只有神可以解釋[37]。克勞德·朗茲曼(Claude Lanzman)甚至批評試圖解釋希特勒的人,認為這接近纳粹大屠殺否认論[38]
精神醫師Jan Ehrenwald指出,除了希特勒自己的心理狀態,較少人研究為什麼他能得到上百萬的狂熱支持者[39]。在二戰期間即有人指出希特勒知道自己的心理狀態,並利用它來煽動群眾[40]。也有些人注意到其他有精神問題的人物,如查爾斯·曼森和吉姆·瓊斯,也在自己領導的新興宗教團體中得到極大的影響力[10]。
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- Pieper, Werner. Highdelberg: Zur Kulturgeschichte der Genussmittel und psychoaktiven Drogen, 2000, P. 228; Lidz, R.; Wiedemann, H. R. Karl Wilmanns (1873–1945). … einige Ergänzungen und Richtigstellungen. In: Fortschritte der Neurologie, 1989, Volume 57, P. 160–161
- Murray, Henry A. Analysis of the personality of Adolf Hitler. With predictions of his future behavior and suggestions for dealing with him now and after Germany's surrender (页面存档备份,存于), 1943. Online:Analysis of the Personality of Adolph Hitler
- Walter Langer is dead at 82; wrote secret study of Hitler (页面存档备份,存于) New York Times; A Psychological Profile of Adolf Hitler. His Life and Legend 的存檔,存档日期2009-03-12. (Online); Eckhardt, William. The Values of Fascism. In: Journal of Social Issues, Volume 24, 1968, P. 89–104; Muslin, Hyman. Adolf Hitler. The Evil Self. In: Psychohistory Review, 20, 1992, P. 251–270; Berke, Joseph. The Wellsprings of Fascism: Individual Malice, Group Hatreds and the Emergence of National Narcissism, Free Associations, Vol. 6, Part 3 (Number 39), 1996; Lothane, Zvi. Omnipotence, or the delusional aspect of ideology, in relation to love, power, and group dynamics. In: American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1997, Volume 57 (1), P. 25–46
- Binion, Rudolph. Hitler among the Germans, Elsevier: New York, 1976. ISBN 0-444-99033-X.
- Henry, Desmond; Geary, Dick; Tyrer, Peter. Adolf Hitler. A Reassessment of His Personality Status. In: Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Volume 10, 1993, P. 148–151
- Vernon, W. H. D. "Hitler, the man – notes for a case history" (PDF-Datei; 2.8 MB). In: The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, Volume 37, Issue 3, July 1942, P. 295–308; compare Medicus: "A Psychiatrist Looks at Hitler". In: The New Republic, April 26th, 1939, P. 326–327.
- Treher, Wolfgang. Hitler, Steiner, Schreber – Gäste aus einer anderen Welt. Die seelischen Strukturen des schizophrenen Prophetenwahns, Oknos: Emmendingen, 1966 (newer edition: Oknos, 1990). ISBN 3-921031-00-1; Wolfgang Treher 的存檔,存档日期2005-02-12.; Is Wolfgang Treher a reliable author? 的存檔,存档日期2015-01-24.
- Schwaab, Edleff H. Hitler's Mind. A Plunge into Madness, Praeger: Westport, CT, 1992. ISBN 0-275-94132-9
- Coolidge, Frederic L.; Davis, Felicia L.; Segal, Daniel L.. Understanding Madmen: A SSM-IV Assessment of Adolf Hitler (页面存档备份,存于) . In: Individual Differences Research 5, 2007, P. 30–43.
- Heston, Leonard; Heston, Renate. . 1980. ISBN 978-0-8154-1066-9.
- Gibbels, Ellen. Hitlers Nervenkrankheit: Eine neurologisch- psychiatrische Studie. (页面存档备份,存于) (PDF; 6.9 MB) In: Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 1994, Volume 42 (2), P. 155–220
- Hesse, Günter. Hitlers neuropsychiatrischen Störungen. Folgen seiner Lost-Vergiftung? (页面存档备份,存于)
- Hayden, Deborah. Pox. Genius, Madness, and the Mysteries of Syphilis. Basic Books. 2003. ISBN 0-465-02881-0; Hitler syphilis theory revived (页面存档备份,存于); Heinrich Himmler's physician, Felix Kersten, allegedly had access to a medical report that was held under lock and key that supposedly proved that Hitler had syphilis. (Kessel, Joseph. The Man With the Miraculous Hands: The Fantastic Story of Felix Kersten, Himmler's Private Doctor, Burford Books: Springfield, NJ, 2004. ISBN 1-58080-122-6; see also Hitler the Paretic (Syphilitic) (页面存档备份,存于)
- Bychowski, Gustav. Dictators and Disciples. From Caesar to Stalin: a psychoanalytic interpretation of History, International Universities Press: New York, 1948
- Sleigh, Alfred. Hitler: A Study in Megalomania. In: Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, June 1966, Volume 11, Issue 3, P. 218–219
- Bromberg, Norbert; Small, Verna Volz. Hitler's Psychopathology, International Universities Press: New York, Madison/CT, 1983. ISBN 0-8236-2345-9; see also Bromberg, Norbert. Hitler's Character and Its Development. In: American Imago, 28, Winter 1971, P. 297–298; Norbert Bromberg, 81, Retired Psychoanalyst (页面存档备份,存于) New York Times; Verna Small, 92, leading Village preservationist 的存檔,存档日期2012-05-09.
- Victor, George. Hitler: The Pathology of Evil, Potomac Books, 1999. ISBN 1-57488-228-7
- Dorpat, Theodore. Wounded Monster. Hitler's Path from Trauma to Malevolence, University Press of America, 2003. ISBN 0-7618-2416-2
- Koch-Hillebrecht, Manfred. Hitler. Ein Sohn des Krieges. Fronterlebnis und Weltbild, Herbig: Munich, 2003. ISBN 3-7766-2357-8; Hitlers Therapie (页面存档备份,存于) Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung; Armbruster (2009)
- Vinnai, Gerhard. Hitler – Scheitern und Vernichtungswut. Zur Genese des faschistischen Täters, Psychosozial-Verlag: Gießen, 2004. ISBN 978-3-89806-341-8; Gerhard Vinnai's website (页面存档备份,存于)
- Martindale, Colin; Hasenfus, Nancy; Hines, Dwight. Hitler: a neurohistorical formulation. In: Confinia psychiatrica, 1976, Volume 19, Issue 2, P. 106–116
- Rappaport, Ernest A. Anti-Judaism. A psychohistory, Perspective Press: Chicago, 1975. ISBN 0-9603382-0-9
- Waite, Robert G. L. ' The Psychopathic God: Adolf Hitler, Basic Books, 1977. ISBN 0-465-06743-3; Waite, Robert G. L. Adolf Hitler's Anti-Semitism. A Study in History and Psychoanalysis. In: Wolman, Benjamin B. (editor). The Psychoanalytic Interpretation of History, New York, London 1971, P. 192–230.
- Mayer, John D. The emotional madness of the dangerous leader. In: Journal of Psychohistory, Volume 20, 1993, P. 331–348
- Hershman, D. Jablow; Lieb, Julian. A Brotherhood of Tyrants: Manic Depression and Absolute Power, Prometheus Books: Amherst, NY, 1994. ISBN 0-87975-888-0
- Fitzgerald, Michael. Autism and creativity: is there a link between autism in men and exceptional ability?, Routledge, 2004. ISBN 1-58391-213-4. S. 25–27
- Peter Longerich: Hitler. Biographie. Siedler, Munich 2015, ISBN 978-3-8275-0060-1
- Hilken, Susanne. . Aachen: Karin Fischer. 1993.
- Carey, Peter. . The New York Times (New York City: New York Times Company). August 15, 2016 [June 14, 2018]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-11).
- Bürger-Prinz, Hans. . Hamburg, Germany: Hoffmann & Campe. 1971. ISBN 3-455-00740-6.
- Wippermann, Wolfgang. Faschismus und Psychoanalyse. Forschungsstand und Forschungsperspektiven. In: Bedrich Loewenstein (Editor). Geschichte und Psychologie. Annäherungsversuche, Pfaffenweiler, 1992. P. 266; Dörr, Nikolas. Zeitgeschichte, Psychologie und Psychoanalyse (页面存档备份,存于)
- Armbruster, Jan. (PDF). Journal für Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie (Gablitz, Austria: Krause & Pachernegg). 2009, 10 (4): 18–22 [2009-12-17]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2015-07-03).
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- Emil Fackenheim, Yehuda Bauer: The Temptation to Blame God. In: Rosenbaum, Ron. Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of His Evil. Harper Perennial: New York, 1999. ISBN 0-06-095339-X
- Claude Lanzmann and the War Against the Question Why. In: Rosenbaum (1999), P. 251–266; Lanzmann, Claude. Hier ist kein Warum. In: Stuart Liebman (Editor). Claude Lanzmann's Shoah: Key Essays, Oxford University Press, 2007. ISBN 0-19-518864-0; Lanzmann, Claude; Caruth, Cathy; Rodowick, David. The Obscenity of Understanding. An Evening with Claude Lanzmann. In: American Imago, 48, 1991, P. 473–495
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- Psychological evaluations of Nazi leaders didn't show any signs of mental disturbances (Zillmer, Eric A.; Harrower, Molly; Ritzler, Barry A.; Archer, Robert P. The Quest for the Nazi Personality. A Psychological Investigation of Nazi War criminals. Routledge, 1995. ISBN 0-8058-1898-7)
- Goldhagen, Daniel. Hitler's Willing Executioners. Alfred Knopf: New York, 1996; Hans-Ulrich Wehler shared the same view: Geschichte als historische Sozialwissenschaft. Frankfurt am Main, 1973, P. 103.
- Matussek, Paul; Matussek, Peter; Marbach, Jan . Hitler – Karriere eines Wahns, Herbig: Munich, 2000. ISBN 3-7766-2184-2; Das Phänomen Hitler (页面存档备份,存于); Review (页面存档备份,存于); Marbach, Jan. Zum Verhältnis von individueller Schuld und kollektiver Verantwortung. Lecture given on the 35th annual conference of the "Deutschsprachige Gesellschaft