

科学分类 编辑
域: 细菌域 Bacteria
界: 细菌界 Bacteria
门: 蓝菌门 Cyanobacteriota
纲: 蓝藻纲 Cyanophyceae
目: 颤藻目 Oscillatoriales
科: 顫藻科 Oscillatoriaceae
Engler, 1898
Vaucher ex Gomont, 1892


  • Lyngbyaceae (Gomont 1892) Hansgirg, 1892
  • Oscillariaceae Engler, 1892
  • Plectonemataceae Elenkin, 1949



  • 尖管菌属 Acuasiphonoria Lijing Liu, Yasheng Wu, H.J.Yang & R.Riding, 2016[2]
    • 'Acuasiphonoria ordovica Liu et al. 2016
  • Aerosakkonema Thu and Watanabe, 2012
    • Aerosakkonema funiforme[3]
  • Affixifilum Lefler et al. 2021
    • Affixifilum floridanum Lefler et al. 2021
    • Affixifilum granulosum (Caires et al. 2018) Lefler et al. 2021
  • Argonema Skoupý and Dvořák 2022[4]
    • Argonema antarcticum Skoupý and Dvořák 2022
    • Argonema galeatum Skoupý and Dvořák 2022
  • Arturoa Gonzalez-Guerrero 1951
    • Arturoa anae González Guerrero 1951[5]
  • Blennothrix Kützing ex Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988
  • Caldora Engene et al. 2015
  • Calyptothrix Schopf 1968
    • Calyptothrix annulata Schopf 1968[6]
  • Capillus Caires et al. 2018
  • Cephalothrix Malone et al. 2015
  • Cyanotrichospira Molinari and Guiry 2021
    • Cyanotrichospira bula (McNeill 1948) Molinari and Guiry 2021[7]
  • Dapis Engene et al. 2018
  • Filarszkya Forti 1907
    • Filarszkya saxicola (Filarszky 1900) Forti 1907[8]
  • Filiconstrictosus Schopf and Blacic 1971
  • Havrella Breton and Saulot 1986
  • Hypheothrix Kützing ex Kirchner 1898
  • Inactis Kützing ex Kirchner 1898
  • Limnoraphis Komárek et al. 2013
  • 鞘丝藻属 Lyngbya Agardh ex Gomont 1892
  • Microseira McGregor and Sendall 2015
  • Moorea Engene et al. 2012
  • Moorena Tronholm and Engene 2019
    • Moorena bouillonii (Hoffmann and Demoulin 1991) Engene and Tronholm 2019
    • Moorena producens Engene and Tronholm 2019
  • Neolyngbya Caires et al. 2018
  • Okeania Engene et al. 2013
  • 顫藻属 Oscillatoria Vaucher ex Gomont 1892
  • Oscillatoriella Gaillon 1833
  • Oscillatoriopsis Schopf 1968
    • Oscillatoriopsis breviconvexa Schopf and Blacic 1971
    • Oscillatoriopsis curta Horodyski and Donaldson 1980
    • Oscillatoriopsis hubeiensis Yin and Li 1978
    • Oscillatoriopsis obtusa Schopf 1968
    • Oscillatoriopsis psilata Maithy and Shukla 1977[9]
    • Oscillatoriopsis schopfii Oehler 1977[10]
  • Palaeolyngbya Schopf 1968[11]
    • Palaeolyngbya baraudensis Mandal and Maithy 1984
    • Palaeolyngbya barghoorniana Schopf 1968
    • Palaeolyngbya distinctica Mandal and Maithy 1984
    • Palaeolyngbya elongata Mandal and Maithy 1984
    • Palaeolyngbya kerpii Krings 2019
    • Palaeolyngbya minor Schopf and Blacic 1971
    • Palaeolyngbya sinica Yin and Li 1978
  • 浮絲藻屬 Planktothrix Anagnostidis and Komárek 1988
  • Plaxonema Tangl 1884
  • 织线藻属 Plectonema Thuret ex Gomont 1892
  • Polychlamydum West and West 1897
  • Potamolinea Martins and Branco 2016
  • Potamosiphon McGregor and Sendall 2019
  • Proaulopora Vologdin 1938
    • Proaulopora glabra Krasnopeeva 1938
    • Proaulopora ordosia Liu et al. 2021
    • Proaulopora pachydermatica Liu et al. 2016[12]
    • Proaulopora rarissima Vologdin 1938,模式种
  • Pseudospirulina Pankow and Jahnke 1964
  • Rhicnonema Hofmann 1976
    • Rhicnonema antiquum Hofmann 1976
  • Siphoderma Kützing 1843
    • Siphoderma curvatum Kützing 1843
    • Siphoderma lyngbyaceum Kützing 1843
  • Siphonophycus Schopf 1968
    • Siphonophycus beltensis Horodyski 1980[13]
    • Siphonophycus capitaneus Nyberg and Schopf 1984,也拼作:Siphonophycus capitaneum
    • Siphonophycus crassiusculus Horodyski 1980
    • Siphonophycus indicus Nautiyal 1980[14]
    • Siphonophycus kestron Schopf 1968
    • Siphonophycus lamellosus Liu 1984
    • Siphonophycus punctatus Maithy 1975[15]
    • Siphonophycus robustus (Schopf 1968) Knoll et al. 1991,也拼作:Siphonophycus robustum
  • 束毛藻属 Trichodesmium Ehrenberg ex Gomont 1892
  • Trichophora Bonnemaison 1822[16]
  • Xanthotrichum Wille ex Kirchner 1898,为Trichodesmium Ehrenberg ex Gomont, 1892的异名


  1. . GBIF. [2023-02-08]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-07).
  2. Liu, L.; Wu, Y.; Yang, H.; Riding, R. (2015). Ordovician calcified cyanobacteria and associated microfossils from the Tarim Basin, Northwest China: systematics and significance. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 14(3): 183-210.
  3. Nanda Kyaw Thu, Yuuhiko Tanabe, Masaki Yoshida, Hiroshi Matsuura & Makoto M. Watanabe (2012) Aerosakkonema funiforme gen. et sp. nov. (Oscillatoriales), a new gas-vacuolated oscillatorioid cyanobacterium isolated from a mesotrophic reservoir, Phycologia, 51:6, 672-683, DOI: 10.2216/11-130.1
  4. Skoupy S, Stanojkovic A, Pavlikova M, Poulickova A, Dvorak P. New cyanobacterial genus Argonema is hidding in soil crusts around the world. Sci Rep 2022; 12:7203.
  5. González Guerrero P. Hallazgos ficológicos en nuestra costa. Anal. Jard. Bot. Madrid 1951; 10:191-230.
  6. Schopf JW. Microflora of the Bitter Springs Formation, Late Precambrian, central Australia. J. Paleontol. 1968; 42:651-688.
  7. Molinari EA, Guiry MD. [Title pending]. Notulae algarum 2021; 183:2.
  8. Forti A. Myxophyceae. In: De Toni JB (eds), Sylloge algarum omnium hucusque cognitarum Vol. 5, Sumptibus auctoris, Padova, 1907, p. 1-761.
  9. Maithy PK, Shukla M. Microbiota from the Suket Shales, Ramapura, Vindhyan System (Late Pre-Cambrian), Madhya Pradesh. Palaeobotanist 1977; 23:179.
  10. Oehler JH. Microflora of the H.Y.C. Pyritic Shale Member of the Barney Creek Formation (McArthur Group), middle Proterozoic of northern Australia. Alcheringa 1977; 1:315-349.
  11. Schopf JW. Microflora of the Bitter Springs formation, late Precambrian, central Australia. J. Paleontol. 1968; 42:651-688.
  12. Liu L, Wu Y, Yang H, Riding R. Ordovician calcified cyanobacteria and associated microfossils from the Tarim Basin, Northwest China: systematics and significance. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 2016; 14:183-210.
  13. Horodyski RJ. Middle proterozoic shale-facies microbiota from the lower belt supergroup Little Belt Mountains, Montana. Journal of Paleontology 1980; 54:649-663.
  14. Nautiyal AC. [Title pending]. Indian J. Earth Sci. 1980; 7:3.
  15. Maithy PK. Micro-organisms from the Bushimay System (Late Pre-Cambrian) of Kanshi, Zaire. Palaeobotanist 1975; 22:133-149.
  16. Bonnemaison T. [Title pending]. J. Phys. 1822; 94:186.
  • LPSN - List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature
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