- 燕鳳蝶(White Dragontail)- Lamproptera curius walkeri (Moore, 1902)
- 寬帶青鳳蝶(Glassy Bluebottle)- Graphium cloanthus clymenus (Leech, 1893)
- 青鳳蝶(Common Bluebottle)- Graphium sarpedon sarpedon (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 木蘭青鳳蝶(Common Jay)- Graphium doson axion (C. & R. Felder, 1864)
- 統帥青鳳蝶(Tailed Jay)- Graphium agamemnon agamemnon (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 綠鳳蝶(Five-bar Swordtail)- Pathysa antiphates antiphates (Cramer, [1775])
- 金鳳蝶(Common Yellow Swallowtail)- Papilio machaon Linnaeus, 1758
- 柑橘鳳蝶(Swallowtail)- Papilio xuthus xuthus Linnaeus, 1767
- 達摩鳳蝶(Lime Butterfly)- Papilio demoleus demoleus Linnaeus, 1758
- 玉帶鳳蝶(Common Mormon)- Papilio polytes polytes Linnaeus, 1758
- 玉斑鳳蝶(Red Helen)- Papilio helenus helenus Linnaeus, 1758
- 美鳳蝶(Great Mormon)- Papilio memnon agenor Linnaeus, 1758
- 藍鳳蝶(Spangle)- Papilio protenor protenor Cramer, [1775]
- 褐斑鳳蝶(Tawny Mime)- Papilio agestor kuangtungensis Mell, 1935
- 斑鳳蝶(Common Mime)- Papilio clytia clytia Linnaeus, 1758
- 巴黎翠鳳蝶(Paris Peacock)- Papilio paris paris Linnaeus, 1758
- 碧鳳蝶(Chinese Peacock)- Papilio bianor bianor Cramer, [1777]
- 穹翠鳳蝶(Southern Chinese Peacock)- Papilio dialis dialis Leech, 1893
- 中華麝鳳蝶(Chinese Windmill)- Byasa confusus (Jordan, 1896)
- 紅珠鳳蝶(Common Rose)- Atrophaneura aristolochiae goniopeltis (Rothschild, 1908)
- 裳鳳蝶(Common Birdwing)- Troides helena spilotia Rothschild, 1908
- 金裳鳳蝶(Golden Birdwing)- Troides aeacus aeacus (C. & R. Felder, 1860)
- 白傘弄蝶(Pale Awlet)- Burara gomata gomata (Moore, [1866])
- 橙翅傘弄蝶(Orange-striped Awlet)- Burara jaina jaina (Moore, [1866])
- 黑斑傘弄蝶(Orange Awlet)- Burara oedipodea belesis (Mabille, 1876)
- 無趾弄蝶(Slate Awl)- Hasora anura china Evans, 1949
- 雙斑趾弄蝶(Banded Awl)- Hasora chromus chromus (Cramer, [1780])
- 銀針趾弄蝶(White-banded Awl)- Hasora taminatus malayana (C. & R. Felder, 1860)
- 三斑趾弄蝶(Common Awl)- Hasora badra badra (Moore, [1858])
- 緯帶趾弄蝶(Plain Banded Awl)- Hasora vitta indica Evans, 1932
- 尖翅弄蝶(Brown Awl)- Badamia exclamationis (Fabricius, 1775)
- 綠弄蝶(Indian Awl King)- Choaspes benjaminii formosana (Fruhstorfer, 1911)
- 半黃綠弄蝶(Orange Red Skirt)- Choaspes hemixanthus japonica (Murray, 1875)
- 白角星弄蝶(白觸星弄蝶,Common Spotted Flat)- Celaenorrhinus leucocera (Kollar, [1844])
- 匪夷捷弄蝶(White-banded Flat)- Gerosis phisara rex Evans, 1949
- 沾邊裙弄蝶(Water Snow Flat)- Tagiades litigiosa litigiosa Moschler, 1878
- 黑邊裙弄蝶(Dark Edged Snow Flat)- Tagiades menaka menaka (Moore, [1866])
- 角翅弄蝶(Chestnut Angle)- Odontoptilum angulata angulata (Felder, 1862)
- 白弄蝶(Magpie Flat)- Abraximorpha davidii davidii (Mabille, 1876)
- 白彩弄蝶(Spotted Angle)- Caprona alida alida (de Niceville, 1891)
- 草黃弄蝶(Tamil Grass Dart)- Taractrocera ceramas (Hewitson, 1868)
- 薇黃弄蝶(Common Grass Dart)- Taractrocera maevius (Fabricius, 1793)
- 擬黃室弄蝶(木黃室弄蝶,Common Dart)- Potanthus pseudomaesa clio (Evans, 1932)
- 斷紋黃室弄蝶(Lesser Band Dart)- Potanthus trachala trachala (Mabille, 1878)
- 孔子黃室弄蝶(Chinese Dart)- Potanthus confucius confucius (C. & R. Felder, 1862)
- 寬紋黃室弄蝶(Yellow Band Dart)- Potanthus pava pava (Fruhstorfer, 1911)
- 竹長標弄蝶(Dark Palm Dart)- Telicota bambusae horisha Evans, 1934
- 長標弄蝶(Pale Palm Dart)- Telicota colon stinga Evans, 1949
- 黃紋長標弄蝶(Dark Palm Dart)- Telicota ohara formosana Fruhstorfer, 1911
- 黑脈長標弄蝶(Hainan Palm Dart)- Telicota besta besta Evans, 1949
- 金斑弄蝶(Plain Palm Dart)- Cephrenes acalle (Hopffer, 1874)
- 直紋稻弄蝶(Common Straight Swift)- Parnara guttata (Bremer & Grey, [1852])
- 曲紋稻弄蝶(Rare Swift)- Parnara ganga Evans, 1937
- 么紋稻弄蝶(Oriental Straight Swift)- Parnara bada bada (Moore, 1878)
- 秈弄蝶(Formosan Swift)- Borbo cinnara (Wallace, 1866)
- 擬秈弄蝶(Bevan's Swift)- Pseudoborbo bevani (Moore, 1878)
- 隱紋穀弄蝶(Small Branded Swift)- Pelopidas mathias oberthueri Evans, 1937
- 印度穀弄蝶(Great Swift)- Pelopidas assamensis (de Niceville, 1882)
- 古銅穀弄蝶(Conjoined Swift)- Pelopidas conjuncta conjuncta (Herrick-Schaffer, 1869)
- 南亞穀弄蝶(Little Branded Swift)- Pelopidas agna agna (Moore, [1866])
- 近赭穀弄蝶(Large Branded Swift)- Pelopidas subochraceus barneyi (Evans, 1937)
- 黃紋孔弄蝶(Contiguous Swift)- Polytremis lubricans lubricans (Herrich-Schaffer, 1869)
- 刺脛弄蝶(Paintbrush Swift)- Baoris farri farri (Moore, 1878)
- 斑珂弄蝶(無斑珂弄蝶,Colon Swift)- Caltoris bromus bromus (Leech, 1894)
- 珂弄蝶(放踵珂弄蝶,Dark Swift)- Caltoris cahira (Moore, 1877)
- 素弄蝶(Indian Palm Bob)- Suastus gremius gremius (Fabricius, 1798)
- 黃裳腫脈弄蝶(Purple and Gold Flitter)- Zographetus satwa (de Niceville, [1884))
- 希弄蝶(Tree Flitter)- Hyarotis adrastus praba (Moore, [1886])
- 黃斑蕉弄蝶(Banana Skipper)- Erionota torus Evans, 1941
- 瑪弄蝶(Common Redeye)- Matapa aria (Moore, [1866))
- 旖弄蝶(Shiny-spotted Bob)- Isoteinon lamprospilus lamprospilus C. & R. Felder, 1862
- 腌翅弄蝶(Forest Hopper)- Astictopterus jama chinensis (Leech, 1890)
- 雅弄蝶(Chestnut Bob)- Iambrix salsala salsala (Moore, [1866])
- 曲紋袖弄蝶(Restricted Demon)- Notocrypta curvifascia curvifascia (C. & R. Felder, 1862)
- 窄紋袖弄蝶(Common Banded Demon)- Notocrypta paralysos (Wood-Mason & de Niceville, 1881)
- 薑弄蝶(Grass Demon)- Udaspes folus (Cramer, [1775])
- 黃斑弄蝶(Bush Hopper)- Ampittia dioscorides etura (Mabille, 1891)
- 鉤形黃斑弄蝶(Striped Bush Hopper)- Ampittia virgata virgata (Leech, 1890)
- 寬鍔弄蝶(Jhora Scrub Hopper)- Aeromachus jhora jhora (de Nictville, 1885)
- 侏儒鍔弄蝶(Pigmy Scrub Hopper)- Aeromachus pygmaeus (Fabricius, 1775)
- 雙子酣弄蝶(Dark Brown Ace)- Halpe porus (Mabille, [1877))
- 珀酣弄蝶*(Beaggar's Ace)- Halpe paupera walthewi Devyatkin, 2002
- 黑斑陀弄蝶(Monastyrsky's Ace)- Thoressa monastyrskyi Devyatkin, 1996
註*: 此為香港獨有亞種
- 東方菜粉蝶(Indian Cabbage White)- Pieris canidia canidia (Linnaeus, 1768)
- 菜紛蝶(Small Cabbage White)- Pieris rapae crucivora Boisduval, 1836
- 青園粉蝶(Lesser Gull)- Cepora nadina (Lucas, 1852)
- 黑脈園粉蝶(Common Gull)- Cepora nerissa nerissa (Fabricius, 1775)
- 橙粉蝶(Yellow Orange Tip)- Ixias pyrene pyrene (Linnaeus, 1764)
- 豔婦斑粉蝶(Hill Jezebel)- Delias belladonna kwangtungensis Talbot, 1928
- 報喜斑粉蝶(Red-base Jezebel)- Delias pasithoe pasithoe (Linnaeus, 1767)
- 紅腋斑粉蝶(Red-breast Jezebel)- Delias acalis acalis (Godart, 1819)
- 優越斑粉蝶(Painted Jezebel)- Delias hyparete hierte Hübner, 1818
- 鋸粉蝶(Spotted Sawtooth)- Prioneris thestylis formosana Fruhstorfer, 1903
- 紅肩鋸粉蝶(Red-spot Sawtooth)- Prioneris philonome clemanthe (Doubleday, 1846)
- 靈奇尖紛蝶(Chocolate Albatross)- Appias lyncida eleonora (Boisduval, 1836)
- 白翅尖粉蝶(Common Albatross)- Appias albina darada (C. & R. Felder, [1865])
- 纖紛蝶(Psyche)- Leptosia nina nina (Fabricius, 1793)
- 鶴頂粉蝶(Great Orange Tip)- Hebomoia glaucippe glaucippe (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 遷粉蝶(Lemon Emigrant)- Catopsilia pomona pomona (Fabricius, 1775)
- 梨花遷粉蝶(Mottled Emigrant)- Catopsilia pyranthe pyranthe (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 檀方粉蝶(Tailed Sulphur)- Dercas verhuelli verhuelli (van der Hoeven, 1839)
- 檗黃粉蝶(Three-spot Grass Yellow)- Eurema blanda hylama Corbet & Pendlebury, 1932
- 無標黃粉蝶(Small Grass Yellow)- Eurema brigitta rubella (Wallace, 1867)
- 寬邊黃粉蝶(Common Grass Yellow)- Eurema hecabe hecabe (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 尖角黃粉蝶(Spotless Grass Yellow)- Eurema laeta betheseba (Janson, 1878)
- 蛇目褐蜆蝶(Plum Judy)- Abisara echerius echerius (Stoll, [1790])
- 波蜆蝶(Punchinello)- Zemeros flegyas flegyas (Cramer, [1780])
- 大斑尾蜆蝶(Orange Punch)- Dodona egeon egeon (Westwood, [1851])
- 尖翅銀灰蝶(Toothed Sunbeam)- Curetis acuta dentata Moore, 1879
- 中華雲灰蝶(Common Brownie)- Miletus chinensis chinensis C. Felder, 1862
- 蚜灰蝶(Lesser Forest Blue)- Taraka hamada isona Fruhstorfer, 1922
- 鐵木異灰蝶(Silver Streak Blue)- Iraota timoleon timoleon (Stoll, [1790])
- 玳灰蝶(Cornelian)- Deudorix epijarbas menesicles Fruhstorfer, 1912
- 斯米玳灰蝶(Princess Flash)- Deudorix smilis Hewitson, 1863
- 綠灰蝶(Green Flash)- Artipe eryx eryx (Linnaeus, 1771)
- 生灰蝶(Broad Spark)- Sinthusa chandrana grotei (Moore, [1884])
- 娜生灰蝶(Narrow Spark)- Sinthusa nasaka (Horsfield, [1829])
- 麻燕灰蝶(燕灰蝶,Slate Flash)- Rapala manea schistacea (Moore, 1879)
- 珀灰蝶(White Royal)- Pratapa deva devula Corbet, 1942
- 雙尾灰蝶(Peacock Royal)- Tajuria cippus malcolmi Riley & Godfrey 1925
- 豹斑雙尾灰蝶(Spotted Royal)- Tajuria maculata (Hewitson, 1865)
- 克灰蝶(Broadtail Royal)- Creon cleobis cleobis (Crodart, [1824])
- 艾灰蝶(伊灰蝶,Banded Royal)- Rachana jalindra (Horsfield, [1829])
- 銀鏈嬈灰蝶(Centaur Oak Blue)- Arhopala centaurus pirithous (Moore, [1884])
- 齒翅嬈灰蝶(Dark Himalayan Oak Blue)- Arhopala rama ramosa (Evans, [1925])
- 百嬈灰蝶(Powdered Oak Blue)- Arhopala bazalus turbata (Butler, 1881)
- 小嬈灰蝶(Hooked Oak Blue)- Arhopala paramuta paramuta (de Niceville, [1884])
- 緬甸嬈灰蝶(Burmese Bush Blue)- Arhopala birmana birmana (Moore, [1884])
- 瑪灰蝶(Falcate Oak Blue)- Mahathala ameria hainani Bethune-Baker, 1903
- 斑灰蝶(Common Onyx)- Horaga onyx moltrechti Matsumura, 1919
- 白斑灰蝶(Brown Onyx)- Horaga albimacula triumphalis Murayama & Sibatani, 1943
- 萊灰蝶(Chocolate Royal)- Remelana jangala mudra (Fruhstorfer, 1907)
- 安灰蝶(Bi-spot Royal)- Ancema ctesia agalla (Fruhstorfer, 1912)
- 白襯安灰蝶(Silver Royal)- Ancema blanka (de Nicéville, 1894)
- 珍灰蝶(Fluffy Tit)- Zeltus amasa (Hewitson, 1865)
- 銀線灰蝶(Long-banded Silverline)- Spindasis lohita formosana (Moore, 1877)
- 豆粒銀線灰蝶(Club Silverline)- Spindasis syama peguanus (Moore, 1884)
- 彩灰蝶(斜斑彩灰蝶,Purple Sapphire)- Heliophorus epicles phoenicoparyphus (Holland, 1887)
- 百娜灰蝶(Rounded Six Line Blue)- Nacaduba berenice (Herrick-Schaffer, 1869)
- 古樓娜灰蝶(Transparent 6-line Blue)- Nacaduba kurava euplea Fruhstorfer, 1916
- 波灰蝶(娜拉波灰蝶,Common Line blue)- Prosotas nora (Felder, 1860)
- 疑波灰蝶(Tailless Line Blue)- Prosotas dubiosa (Semper, [1879])
- 雅灰蝶(Dark Cerulean)- Jamides bochus bochus (Stoll, [1782])
- 錫冷雅灰蝶(Common Cerulean)- Jamides celeno celeno (Cramer, [1775])
- 素雅灰蝶(Metallic Cerulean)- Jamides alecto alocina Swinhoe, 1915
- 藍咖灰蝶 (Silver Forget-me-not)- Catochrysops panormus exiguus (Distant, 1886)
- 咖灰蝶(Forget-me-not)- Catochrysops strabo strabo (Fabricius, 1793)
- 亮灰蝶(Long tailed Blue, Pea Blue)- Lampides boeticus (Linnaeus, 1767)
- 細灰蝶(Oriental Striped Blue)- Leptotes plinius (Fabricius, 1793)
- 吉灰蝶(Dark Grass Blue)- Zizeeria karsandra (Moore, 1865)
- 毛眼灰蝶(Lesser Grass Blue)- Zizina otis otis (Fabricius, 1787)
- 酢漿灰蝶(Pale Grass Blue)- Pseudozizeeria maha serica (C. Felder, 1862)
- 琺灰蝶(Small Grass Blue)- Famegana alsulus eggletoni (Corbet, 1941)
- 長腹灰蝶(Tiny Grass Blue)- Zizula hylax (Fabricius, 1775)
- 長尾藍灰蝶(Tailed Cupid)- Cupido lacturnus rileyi (Godfrey, 1916)
- 點玄灰蝶(Spot Cupid)- Tongeia filicaudia (Pryer, 1877)
- 黑丸灰蝶(Forest Quaker)- Pithecops corvus Fruhstorfer, 1919
- 一點灰蝶(Quaker)- Neopithecops zalmora zalmora (Butler, [1870])
- 美姬灰蝶(Malayan)- Megisba malaya sikkima Moore, 1884
- 薰衣琉璃灰蝶(Plain Hedge Blue)- Celastrina lavendularis limbata (Moore, 1879)
- 鈕灰蝶(Common Hedge Blue)- Acytolepis puspa gisca (Fruhstorfer, 1910)
- 嫵灰蝶(珍貴嫵灰蝶,Pale Hedge Blue)- Udara dilecta dilecta (Moore, 1879)
- 白斑嫵灰蝶(Albocerulean)- Udara albocaerulea albocaerulea (Moore, 1879)
- 棕灰蝶(Gram Blue, Cupid)- Euchrysops cnejus cnejus (Fabricius, 1798)
- 曲紋紫灰蝶(Plains Cupid)- Chilacks pandava pandava (Horsfield, [1829])
- 紫灰蝶(Lime Blue)- Chilades lajus leucofasciatus (Rober, 1886)
- 普紫灰蝶(普福萊灰蝶,Grass Jewel)- Chilades putli (Kollar, [1844])
- 絹斑蝶(Glassy Tiger)- Parantica aglea melanoides Moore, 1883
- 大絹斑蝶(Chestnut Tiger)- Parantica sita sita (Kollar, [1844])
- 黑絹斑蝶(Chocolate Tiger)- Parantica melaneus melaneus (Cramer, [1775])
- 史氏絹斑蝶(Swinhoe's Chocolate Tiger)- Parantica swinhoei (Moore, 1883)
- 擬旖斑蝶(Ceylon Blue Glassy Tiger)- Ideopsis similis similis (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 青斑蝶(Blue Tiger)- Tirumala limniace limniace (Cramer, [1775])
- 嗇青斑蝶(Dark Blue Tiger)- Tirumala septentrionis septentrionis (Butler, 1874)
- 虎斑蝶(Common Tiger)- Danaus genutia genutia (Cramer, [1779])
- 金斑蝶(Plain Tiger)- Danaus chrysippus chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 雙標紫斑蝶(Double-branded Black Crow)- Euploea sylvester swinhoei Wallace, 1866
- 異型紫斑蝶(Striped Blue Crow)- Euploea mulciber mulciber (Cramer, [1777])
- 藍點紫斑蝶(Blue-spotted Crow)- Euploea midamus midamus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 幻紫斑蝶(Common Indian Crow)- Euploea core amymone (Godart, 1819)
- 大帛斑蝶(Siam Tree Nymph)- Idea leuconoe Erichson, 1834
- 窄斑鳳尾蛺蝶(Common Nawab)- Polyura athamas athamas (Drury, [1773])
- 大二尾蛺蝶(Great Nawab)- Polyura eudamippus kuangtungensis (Mell, 1923)
- 忘憂尾蛺蝶(Shan Nawab)- Polyura nepenthes nepenthes (Grose-Smith, 1883)
- 白帶螯蛺蝶(Tawny Rajah)- Charaxes bernardus bernardus (Fabricius, 1793)
- 螯蛺蝶(Yellow Rajah)- Charaxes marrnax marmax Westwood, 1847
- 串珠環蝶(Large Faun)- Faunis eumeus eumeus (Drury, [1773])
- 鳳眼方環蝶(Common Duffer)- Discophora sondaica tulliana Stichel, 1905
- 暮眼蝶(Common Evening Brown)- Melanins leda leda (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 睇暮眼蝶(Dark Evening Brown)- Melanins phedima bela Moore, 1857
- 長紋黛眼蝶(Bamboo Tree Brown)- Lethe europa beroe (Cramer, [1775])
- 波紋黛眼蝶(Common Tree Brown)- Lethe rohria permagnis Fruhstorfer, 1911
- 白帶黛眼蝶(Banded Tree Brown)- Lethe confusa confusa Aurivillius, 1897
- 曲紋黛眼蝶(Angled Red Forester)- Lathe chandica (Moore, [1858])
- 玉帶黛眼蝶(Straight-banded Tree Brown)- Lethe verma stenopa Fruhstorfer, 1908
- 翠袖鋸眼蝶(Common Palmfly)- Elymnias hypermnestra hainana Moore, 1878
- 蒙鏈蔭眼蝶(Muirhead's Labyrinth)- Neope muirheadii muirheadii (C. & R. Felder, 1862)
- 小眉眼蝶(Dark-brand Bush Brown)- Mycalesis mineus mineus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 平頂眉眼蝶(South China Bush Brown)- Mycalesis zonata Matsumura, 1909
- 大波矍眼蝶*(Tappan Four-ring)- Ypthima tappana Matsumura, 1909
- 矍眼蝶(Common Five-ring)- Ypthima baldus baldus (Fabricius, 1775)
- 黎桑矍眼蝶(Straight Five-ring)- Ypthima lisandra lisandra (Cramer, [1780])
- 小三矍眼蝶(Small Three-ring)- Ypthima norma norma (Westwood, 1851)
- 前霧矍眼蝶(Common Four-ring)- Ypthima praenubila praenubila Leech, 1891
- 東亞矍眼蝶*(Large Three-ring)- Ypthima motschulskyi (Bremer & Grey, 1853)
- 擬四眼矍眼蝶*(False Four-ring)- Ypthima imitans Elwes & Edwards, 1893
註*: 需要作進一步科學研究
- 苧麻珍蝶(Yellow Coster)- Acraea issoria (Hübner, [1819])
- 紅鋸蛺蝶(Red Lacewing)- Cethosia biblis biblis (Drury, [1773])
- 斐豹蛺蝶(Indian Fritillary)- Argyreus hyperbius hyperbius (Linnaeus, 1763)
- 琺蛺蝶(Common Leopard)- Phalanta phalantha phalantha (Drury, [1773])
- 幸運轆蛺蝶(Common Yeoman)- Cirrochroa tyche mithila Moore, 1872
- 黃襟蛺蝶(Rustic)- Cupha erymanthis erymanthis (Drury, [1773])
- 彩蛺蝶(Vagrant)- Vagrans egista sinha (Kollar, [1844])
- 金蟠蛺蝶(Common Lascar)- Pantoporia hordonia rihodona (Moore, 1878)
- 彌環蛺蝶(Small Yellow Sailor)- Neptis miah Moore, 1857
- 中環蛺蝶(Common Sailer)- Neptis hylas hylas (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 珂環蛺蝶(Southern Sullied Sailer)- Neptis clinia susruta Moore, 1872
- 娜環蛺蝶(Burmese Sailer)- Neptis nata Moore, [1858]
- 娑環蛺蝶(Sullied Sailer)- Neptis soma tayalina Murayama & Shimonoya, 1968
- 卡環蛺蝶(Plain Sailer)- Neptis cartica Moore, 1872
- 柱菲蛺蝶(Short-banded Sailer)- Phaedyma columella columella (Cramer, [1780])
- 穆蛺蝶(Commander)- Moduza procris procris (Cramer, [1777])
- 丫紋俳蛺蝶(White Commodore)- Parasarpa dudu hainensis (Joicey & Talbot, 1921)
- 玄珠帶蛺蝶(Common Sergeant)- Athyma perius perius (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 離斑帶蛺蝶(Blackvein Sergeant)- Athyma ranga serica Leech, [1892]
- 新月帶蛺蝶(Staff Sergeant)- Athyma selenophora leucophryne (Fruhstorfer, 1912)
- 雙色帶蛺蝶(Orange Staff Sergeant)- Athyma cama camasa (Fruhstorfer, 1906)
- 雙思帶蛺蝶(Colour Sergeant)- Athyma nefte seitzi (Fruhstorfer, 1906)
- 殘鍔線蛺蝶(Five-dot Sergeant)- Athyma sulpitia sulpitia (Cramer, [1779])
- 尖翅翠蛺蝶(White-edged Blue Baron)- Euthalia phemius seitzi Fruhstorfer, 1913
- 矛翠蛺蝶(Baron)- Euthalia aconthea aditha Fruhstorfer, 1913
- 紅斑翠蛺蝶(Gaudy Baron)- Euthalia lubentina lubentina (Cramer, [1777])
- 綠裙蛺蝶(綠裙邊翠蛺蝶,Green Stripped Baron)- Cynitia whiteheandi (Crowley, 1900)
- 小豹律蛺蝶(Common Archduke)- Lexica pardalis (Moore, 1878)
- 波蛺蝶(Angled Castor)- Ariadne ariadne alternus (Moore, 1878)
- 羅蛺蝶(Black Prince)- Rohana parisatis staurakius (Frubstorfer, 1913)
- 芒蛺蝶(Courtesan)- Euripus nyctelius (Doubleday, 1845)
- 黑脈蛺蝶(Red Ring Skirt)- Hestina assimilis assimilis (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 帥蛺蝶(Eastern Courtier)- Sephisa chandra androdamas Fruhstorfer, 1908
- 散紋盛蛺蝶(Common Jester)- Symbrenthia lilaea lunica Bascombe, Johnston & Bascombe 1999
- 大紅蛺蝶(Indian Red Admiral)- Vanessa indica indica (Herbst, 1794)
- 小紅蛺蝶(Painted Lady)- Vanessa cardui (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 黃鉤蛺蝶(Comma)- Nymphalis c-aureum (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 琉璃蛺蝶(Blue Admiral)- Nymphalis canace (Linnaeus, 1763)
- 翠藍眼蛺蝶(Blue Pansy)- Junonia orithya orithya (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 黃裳眼蛺蝶(Yellow Pansy)- Junonia hierta hierta (Fabricius, 1798)
- 鉤翅眼蛺蝶(Chocolate Pansy)- Junonia iphita iphita (Cramer, [1779])
- 波紋眼蛺蝶(Grey Pansy)- Junonia atlites atlites (Linnaeus, 1763)
- 美眼蛺蝶(Peacock Pansy)- Junonia almana almana (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 蛇眼蛺蝶(Lemon Pansy)- Junonia lemonias lemonias (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 幻紫斑蛺蝶(Great Egg-fly)- Hypolimnas bolina kezia (Butler, 1877)
- 金斑蛺蝶(Danaid Egg-fly)- Hypolimnas misippus (Linnaeus, 1764)
- 枯葉蛺蝶(Orange Galdeaf)- Kallima inachus chiensis Swinhoe, 1893
- 碎斑青鳳蝶(Veined Jay)- Graphium chironides (Honrath, 1884)
- 升天劍鳳蝶(Six-bar Swordtail)- Graphium eurous (Leech, [1893])
- 斜紋綠鳳蝶(Four-bar Swordtail)- Graphium agetes (Westwood, 1843)
- 台灣鳳蝶(Taiwanese Mormon)- Papilio thaiwanus Rothschild, 1898
- 羽瑪弄蝶(Fringed Redeye)- Matapa cresta Evans, 1949
- 黑紋粉蝶(Grey-veined White)Pieris melete Ménétriès 1857
- 飛龍粉蝶(Naga White)- Pieris naganum naganum (Moore, 1884)
- 鎘黃遷粉蝶(Orange Emigrant)- Catopsilia scylla (Linnaeus, 1763)
- 斑緣豆粉蝶(東亞豆粉蝶,Eastern Pale Clouded Yellow)- Colias erate Motschulsky, 1860
- 德銼灰蝶(Crenulate Darkie)- Allotinus drumila (Moors, [1866])
- 紅灰蝶(Small Copper)- Lycaena phlaeas (Linnaeus, 1761)
- 波太玄灰蝶(Dark Cupid)- Tongeia potemini (Alpheraky, 1889)
- 藍灰蝶(Chapman's Cupid)- Cupido argiades (Pallas, 1771)
- 棒紋喙蝶(Club Beak)- Libythea myrrha Godart, 1819
- 麗喙蝶(Common Beak)- Libythea celtis (Loicharting, [1782])
- 二尾蛺蝶(China Nawab)- Polyura narcaea (Hewitson, 1854)
- 大帛斑蝶(Siam Tree Nymph)- Idea leuconoe Erichson, 1834
- 妒麗紫斑蝶(Dwarf Crow)- Euploea tulliolus (Fabricius, 1793)
- 深山黛眼蝶(Step-banded Forester)- Lethe hyrania (Kollar, 1844)
- 孔雀蛺蝶(Peacock)- Nymphalis io (Linnaeus, 1758)
- 畸紋紫斑蛺蝶(Malayan Egg-fly)- Hypolimnas anomala anaemia (Wallace, 1869)
存疑種(Doubtful Record)是指沒有標本存証,或多年沒有照片記錄的物種。
- 鋸紋黃室弄蝶(Lydia's Palm Dart)- Potanthus lydia (Evans, 1934)
- 圓突稻弄蝶(Dash Swift)- Parnara apostata (Snellen, [1880])
- 鎖鎧花灰蝶(Spangled Plush Blue)- Flos asoka (de Niceville, [1884))
- 豹灰蝶(Common Pierrot)- Castalius rosimon rosimon (Fabricius, 1775)
- 裴斯眉眼蝶(Dingy Bush Brown)- Mycalesis perseus (Fabricius, 1775)
- 僧袈眉眼蝶(Single Ring Bush Brown)- Mycalesis sangaica Butler, 1877
- 暗斑翠蛺蝶(Malay Baron)- Euthalia monina (Fabricius, 1787)
- 瑤蛺蝶(Australian Lurcher)- Yoma sabina vasuki Doherty, 1886
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