

Bare-shanked screech owl (Megascops clarkii)
Western screech owl (Megascops kennicottii)
tropical screech owl (Megascops choliba)

Gray morph
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 鸟纲 Aves
目: 鴞形目 Strigiformes
科: 鴟鴞科 Strigidae
属: 鸣角鸮属 Megascops
Kaup, 1848
Strix acio
Linnaeus, 1758


  • Macabra Carlo Bonaparte, 1854
  • Gymnasio Bonaparte, 1854
  • Gymnoglaux Cabanis, 1855


本属包括以下物种: 該屬共有23個物種[1]

  • Megascops alagoensis Dantas, Weckstein, Bates, Oliveira, Catanach & Aleixo, 2021
  • 白喉角鸮 Megascops albogularis (Cassin, 1849)
  • 東美角鴞 Megascops asio (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Megascops ater (Hekstra, 1982)
  • Megascops atricapilla (Temminck, 1822)
  • Megascops barbarus (P.L.Sclater & Salvin, 1868)
  • Megascops centralis (Hekstra, 1982)
  • Megascops choliba (Vieillot, 1817)
  • 裸胫角鸮 Megascops clarkii (L.Kelso & E.H.Kelso, 1935)
  • Megascops colombianus (Traylor, 1952)
  • Megascops cooperi (Ridgway, 1878)
  • 圣玛尔塔角鸮 Megascops gilesi Krabbe, 2017
  • Megascops guatemalae (Sharpe, 1875)
  • Megascops guildayi (Brodkorb & Mourer-Chauvire, 1984)
  • 霍氏角鸮 Megascops hoyi (C.König & Straneck, 1989)
  • Megascops ingens (Salvin, 1897)
  • 西部鸣角鸮 Megascops kennicottii (D.G.Elliot, 1867)
  • Megascops koepckeae (Hekstra, 1982)
  • Megascops marshalli (Weske & Terborgh, 1981)
  • Megascops napensis (Chapman, 1928)
  • Megascops nudipes (Daudin, 1800)
  • Megascops petersoni (Fitzpatrick & O'Neill, 1986)
  • Megascops roboratus (Bangs & Noble, 1918)
  • Megascops roraimae (Salvin, 1897)
  • Megascops sanctaecatarinae (Salvin, 1897)
  • Megascops seductus (R.T.Moore, 1941)
  • 欣古鸣角鸮 Megascops stangiae Dantas, Weckstein, Bates, Oliveira, Catanach & Aleixo, 2021
  • 长耳须角鸮 Megascops trichopsis (Wagler, 1832)
  • 蠕纹角鸮 Megascops vermiculatus Ridgway, 1887
  • Megascops watsonii (Cassin, 1849)
  • Gymnoglaux spec Gundlach
  • Western screech owl, Megascops kennicottii
  • Balsas screech owl, Megascops seductus
  • Pacific screech owl, Megascops cooperi
  • Whiskered screech owl, Megascops trichopsis
  • Tropical screech owl, Megascops choliba
  • West Peruvian screech owl, Megascops roboratus
  • Koepcke's screech owl, Megascops koepckeae
  • Bare-shanked screech owl, Megascops clarkii
  • Bearded screech owl, Megascops barbarus
  • Rufescent screech owl, Megascops ingens
  • Cinnamon screech owl, Megascops petersoni
  • Cloud-forest screech owl, Megascops marshalli
  • Tawny-bellied screech owl, Megascops watsonii
  • Middle American screech owl, Megascops guatemalae
  • Vermiculated screech owl, Megascops vermiculatus
  • Foothill screech owl, Megascops roraimae
  • Chocó screech owl, Megascops centralis
  • Yungas screech owl, Megascops hoyi
  • Black-capped screech owl, Megascops atricapilla
  • Long-tufted screech owl, Megascops sanctaecatarinae (construed with the name argentinus)
  • White-throated screech owl, Megascops albogularis
  • Santa Marta screech owl, Megascops gilesi


  1. Gill, Frank; Donsker, David (编). . World Bird List Version 7.3. International Ornithologists' Union. 2017 [23 December 2017]. (原始内容存档于2016-12-21).
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