
麥考學校英語:)是费城索塞蒂希爾的一所公立八年制學校,服务索塞蒂希爾、费城华埠[1]费城老城区[2]麥考學校以George A. McCall得名。

General George A. McCall School
325 S. 7th Street , Philadelphia PA 19106


学校创立于1911年2月,[3] 麦考学校承担了一部分来自 Binney 学校的学生,第一校长(Louis Nusbaum)是Horace Binney学校旧校长。[4]



《黑人企业》 (Black Enterprise)杂志称,大约在1964年时,麦考学校“以黑人学生为主,被人们所忽视,几乎不配称为一个学校”。[5]这也反映了学校所在社区当时的状态 -- 同一杂志称其为“城市中最令人沮丧的贫民区之一”。[5]从那时起,富裕的居民开始把孩子送到其他学校。[4]到1976年,这个街区逐渐贵族化,以白人为主了。[5]


家庭学校联谊会[9](McCall Home and School Association)是麥考學校的家長教師聯誼會[7]


2009年学生们包括:55%亚洲人、27%黑人、11%白人、4%其他民族人、1.7%西班牙裔/拉丁裔人。[7] 截止2012年,有超过一半的学生生活在贫穷门槛以下。[8]








  1. Kadaba, Lini S. "An Effort To Speak To More Students The School District Is Extending The Reach Of Its Bilingual Programs." (). The Philadelphia Inquirer. October 6, 1998. Article info 页面存档备份,存于. B01 City & Region. Retrieved on November 29, 2015.
  2. "Gen. George A. McCall Elementary School Geographic Boundaries 页面存档备份,存于" (). School District of Philadelphia. Retrieved on November 28, 2015.
  3. "A Little Bit of History 页面存档备份,存于" (). McCall Home and School Association. Retrieved on November 28, 2015.
  4. "The Gen. George A. McCall School 页面存档备份,存于." PhilaPlace, Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Retrieved on February 26, 2017.
  5. "Blacks in Philadelphia." (November 1976). Black Enterprise. Start p. 36. CITED: p. 44. In: Volume 7. E. G. Graves Publishing Company, 1976. p. 144 页面存档备份,存于. See Search view #1, "Less+than+15+years+ago,+Society+Hill" Search view #2
  6. "Blacks in Philadelphia." (November 1976). Black Enterprise. Start p. 36. CITED: p. 44 and 74. In: Volume 7. E. G. Graves Publishing Company, 1976. p. 144 and 174 页面存档备份,存于. See Search view #1 页面存档备份,存于, Search view #2
  7. Smith, Russell Scott. "Affluent Parents Return to Inner-City Schools for Educational Opportunities 页面存档备份,存于" (). Edutopia. August 26, 2009. Retrieved on November 28, 2015.
  8. Graham, Kristen A. "Organizers raise funds to offer free summer school" (). The Philadelphia Inquirer. July 12, 2012. Retrieved on November 28, 2015.
  9. "2016-welcome-letter-from-home-and-school-chinese.pdf 页面存档备份,存于." 家庭学校联谊会.
  10. "Chinatown to get charter school" (). The Philadelphia Inquirer. March 10, 2005. Article info 页面存档备份,存于. B01 Local News Philadelphia & its Suburbs.
  11. "Blacks in Philadelphia." (November 1976). Black Enterprise. Start p. 36. CITED: p. 74. In: Volume 7. E. G. Graves Publishing Company, 1976. p. 174 页面存档备份,存于. See "in+any+other+large+American+city+it+would+probably+have+been" #1 "McCall School was built in 1909. and in any other large American city it would probably have been torn down by now. In Philadelphia, chances are something would have been done to preserve it— as a monument to early-twentieth century[...]"
  12. Graham, Kristen A. "It clicks! Psyched about an elementary school's 'cybrary'" (). The Philadelphia Inquirer. January 8, 2007. Retrieved on November 28, 2015.
  13. Giordano, Rita. "Shift to mandatory dress policy fairly seamless in Phila. schools Students are nattily attired. Parents are just tired." (). The Philadelphia Inquirer. September 7, 2001. Retrieved on November 28, 2015.
  14. Jackson, Leigh. "SCHOOL BOARD TACK: SLASH, UNSLASH" (). Philadelphia Daily News. May 28, 1994. 06 Local. Retrieved on November 8, 2011. - Article info 页面存档备份,存于
  15. Jackson, Leigh. "Mccall Parents Want Bus From Chinatown, Kids Walk A Gantlet" (). The Philadelphia Inquirer. March 15, 1993. Retrieved on November 29, 2015.
  16. "High School Directory Fall 2017 Admissions 页面存档备份,存于" (). School District of Philadelphia. p. 30/70. Retrieved on November 16, 2016.
  17. "Horace Furness High School Geographic Boundaries 页面存档备份,存于" (). School District of Philadelphia. Retrieved on November 28, 2015.



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