
該字最常見的有两种異體字(见右圖),二者主要的区别在于第一个“龙”字的位置。 在異體字1(读作“daito”或“otodo”)中,第一個龙字写在第二个和第三个云字之间,从第25划起开始寫;在異體字2(读作“taito”)中,第一個龙字写在第三个云字之下,从第37划起开始寫。
一些專業的日语词典當中可能會收錄該字符。Ono 和 Fujita (1977) 的读音困难的日本人名词典中收錄了发音为daito或otodo的異體字1。而Ōsuga (1964) 的姓氏词典以及 Sugaware 和 Hida (1990) 的國字词典中則包含了发音为taito的变体字2。
这个由84畫漢字書寫的死語于2000年在現實中被真正采納為名字,当时千叶县北松户站附近的一家拉面店使用发音为Otodo的变体字1命名(Sasahara 2001)。

Unabridged dictionaries of Chinese characters do not include either Japanese 84-stroke taito variant. Both Morohashi Tetsuji's Chinese-Japanese Dai Kan-Wa jiten, which has 49,964 head entries for characters, and the Chinese Hanyu Da Zidian (1989), which has 54,678, list the three most graphically complex characters as the 52-stroke Japanese hō or bō and Chinese bèng 䨻 "sound of thunder" (with quadruple 雷 "thunder"; 1960: 12693, 1989 6: 4085), 64-stroke tetsu or techi and zhé 𪚥 "chatter; be garrulous" (with quadruple 龍 "dragon"; 13747, 7: 4806), and 64-stroke sei and zhéng 𠔻 "meaning unknown" (with quadruple 興 "rise"; 9816, 1: 254)—the first occurrence of the ghost word 𠔻 was in Sima Guang's (1066) Leipian dictionary, which gives the pronunciation gloss zhèng 政 but no semantic gloss.
Some extensive encoding systems for Japanese kanji (preceding Unicode) include taito variant character 2. The superseded Mojikyo font, which comprised 142,228 rare and obsolete characters, included it as number [066147]. The deprecated BTRON Business computer architecture TRON project (TRON stands for "The Real-time Operating system Nucleus") also included taito [3-7D6B], and it was included in the font under development by the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies's Jitī shotai GT書体 project.
In December 2015 it was included in document IRGN2107 as one of 1,640 characters submitted to the Ideographic Rapporteur Group for encoding in Unicode (character source reference UTC-02960).[3] The character was provisionally included in "IRG Working Set 2015", which are candidates for inclusion in a future CJK Unified Ideographs extension.[4]
This character was added to Unicode version 13.0 in March 2020. The character is located at U+3106C (𱁬) in the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension G block in the newly-allocated Tertiary Ideographic Plane.[5]
- 『読売新聞』朝刊2020年10月8日【言の葉巡り】最多84画の元幽霊文字(編集委員 伊藤剛寛)
- 辞書になかった最多画数の漢字「幽霊文字」の怪…「タイト」さんをご存じないですか? (页面存档备份,存于)、読売新聞オンライン、2020年11月21日
- . Ideographic Rapporteur Group. 12 December 2015 [2023-09-18]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-28).
- . Ideographic Rapporteur Group. 23 January 2016 [2023-09-18]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-28).
- (PDF). Unicode: 454. 11 March 2020 [2023-09-18]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2020-03-24).
- Carr, Michael (1986), "Semantic Crystals in Chinese Characters (页面存档备份,存于)", Review of Liberal Arts (人文研究), 71:79-97.
- Halpern, Jack (1981), "The Sound of One Land" (part 9), "A Method in the Madness" PHP, December 1981: 73–80.
- Hanyu da zidian weiyuanhui 漢語大字典委員會, eds. (1989), Hanyu Da Zidian 漢語大字典 [Comprehensive Chinese Character Dictionary], 8 vols., Hubei cishu chubanshe and Sichuan cishu chubanshe. (中文)
- Morohashi Tetsuji (1960), Dai Kan-Wa jiten 大漢和辞典 [Comprehensive Chinese-Japanese Character Dictionary], 13 vols.,Taishukan. (日語)
- Needham, Joseph (1954), Science and Civilisation in China, Introductory Orientations, vol. 1, Cambridge University Press.
- Ōno, Shirō 大野史朗 and Fujita, Yutaka 藤田豊 (1977), Nandoku seishi jiten 難読姓氏辞典 [Dictionary of Names with Difficult Readings], Tōkyōdō Shuppan. (日語)
- Ōsuga, Tsuruhiko 大須賀鶴彦 (1964), Jitsuyō seishi jiten 実用姓氏辞典 Practical Dictionary of Surnames, Mēringu. (日語)
- Sasahara Hiroyuki 笹原宏之 (2011), 漢字の現在 第82回 幽霊文字からキョンシー文字へ? (页面存档备份,存于) [From ghost character to vampire character?], 三省堂辞書サイト Sanseido Word-Wise Web, 8 February 2011. (日語)
- Sugawara, Yoshizō 菅原義三 and Hida, Yoshifumi 飛田良文 (1990), Kokuji no jiten 国字の字典 [Dictionary of Kokuji], Tōkyōdō. (日語)
- character 66147, Mojikyo entry for variant 2
- character GT-57123 or u2ff1-u4a3a-u9f98 (页面存档备份,存于), GT entry for variant 2, GlyphWiki