

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 軟體動物門 Mollusca
纲: 双壳纲 Bivalvia
目: 鳥蛤目 Cardiida
科: 鸟蛤科 Cardiidae
亚科: 糙鸟蛤亚科 Trachycardiinae
属: Acrosterigma属 Acrosterigma
Dall, 1900



  • Acrosterigma amirante Vidal, 1999
  • 布氏鳥尾蛤 (Dunker, 1877)[3]:又名博氏糙鸟蛤,分佈於日本。
  • Acrosterigma capricorne Vidal & Kirkendale, 2007
  • Acrosterigma cygnorum (Deshayes, 1855)
  • Acrosterigma dianthinum (Melvill & Standen, 1899)
  • Acrosterigma discus Vidal, 1999
  • Acrosterigma hobbsae Vidal, 1999
  • 粗糙鸟蛤 (G.B. Sowerby II, 1841)
  • Acrosterigma kerslakae Healy & Lamprell, 1992
  • Acrosterigma lomboke (Vidal, 2003)
  • 沙糙鸟蛤[4]Acrosterigma maculosum (Reeve, 1845):又名沙尾鳥尾蛤,分佈於台灣、西太平洋、[1]甚至紅海[4]
  • 巴西鳥尾蛤 (Linnaeus, 1758)(巴西、加勒比海);
  • Acrosterigma marielae Wilson & Stevenson, 1977
  • Acrosterigma mauritianum (Deshayes, 1855)
  • Acrosterigma oxygonum (G.B. Sowerby II, 1834)
  • Acrosterigma paulayi Vidal, 1999 †
  • Acrosterigma pristipleura (Dall, 1901)
  • Acrosterigma profundum Vidal, 1999
  • Acrosterigma punctolineatum Healy & Lamprell, 1992
  • Acrosterigma selene Vidal, 1999
  • Acrosterigma seurati Vidal, 1999
  • 單色鳥尾蛤 (Spengler, 1799)(台灣、西太平洋)[5]
  • Acrosterigma sorenseni (Powell, 1958)
  • Acrosterigma subassimile (Vidal, 2003)
  • Acrosterigma suduirauti Vidal & Ter Poorten, 2007
  • Acrosterigma suluanum Vidal, 1999
  • 横糙鸟蛤 (Melvill & Standen, 1899)
  • Acrosterigma triangulare Raines & Huber, 2012
  • Acrosterigma uniornatum Vidal, 1999
  • Acrosterigma variegatum (G.B. Sowerby II, 1840)


  1. 賴景陽. . 貝友 (中華民國貝類學會). 1990, (15): 22–30 [2015-03-04]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04) (中文(繁體)).
  2. Poorten, Jan Johan ten. . WoRMS. 2014-10-30 [2015-03-03].
  3. . WoRMS. [2015-03-05].
  4. . WoRMS.
  5. . WoRMS.
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