C區 (約旦河西岸)
C区(希伯來語:,阿拉伯语:)是指由以色列直接控制的約旦河西岸地區,[1] 即巴勒斯坦飛地(A区和B区)、东耶路撒冷以外的約旦河西岸地區。 [2] C区约占約旦河西岸地區的61%,C區境內有以色列定居点,并且C区內的很多地方禁止巴勒斯坦人進入,或者即使能進入也會有其他限制。[3][1] 1995年,根据《奥斯陆第二协议》, 以色列原本承诺會“逐步將C區移交给巴勒斯坦國”,但以色列最終並未移交。[4] :vii[1]

自1967年6月起,C区(不包括东耶路撒冷)与B区一起处于以色列军事控制之下。[5][6] C区的犹太人由以色列犹地亚-撒马利亚区行政部门負責管理。巴勒斯坦民族权力机构负责C区的巴勒斯坦人的医疗和教育服务;基础设施都由以色列負責。 [7]
- Niksic, Orhan; Nasser Eddin, Nur; Cali, Massimiliano. . The World Bank. 2014-07-10 [2023-10-20]. ISBN 978-1-4648-0193-8. doi:10.1596/978-1-4648-0193-8. (原始内容存档于2022-09-01).
The economic significance of Area C lies in that it is the only contiguous territory in the West Bank, which renders it indispensable to connective infrastructure development across the West Bank... Area C is richly endowed with natural resources and it is contiguous, whereas Areas A and B are smaller territorial islands... Less than 1 percent of Area C, which is already built up, is designated by the Israeli authorities for Palestinian use; the remainder is heavily restricted or off-limits to Palestinians, with 68 percent reserved for Israeli settlements, c. 21 percent for closed military zones, and c. 9 percent for nature reserves... In practice it is virtually impossible for Palestinians to obtain construction permits for residential or economic purposes, even within existing Palestinian villages in Area C... The same is true for the extraction of natural resources and development of public infrastructure.
- In the definition of West Bank Areas in the Oslo II Accord it is defined as "areas of the West Bank outside 巴勒斯坦飛地".
- The demise of the Oslo process. Joel Beinin, MERIP, 26 March 1999. "In area B, consisting of about 23 percent of the territory (including some 440 villages and their surrounding lands), the Palestinians are responsible for certain municipal functions, while joint Israeli-Palestinian patrols maintain internal security. Area C, consisting of about 74 percent of the territory including all of the 145 settlements and the new Jewish neighborhoods in and around East Jerusalem, remains under full Israeli control".
- (PDF). World Bank. [7 September 2015]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2015-04-26).
- . Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. 2016 [4 September 2016]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-04).
- Hass, Amira. . Haaretz. 5 March 2014 [27 April 2017]. (原始内容存档于2017-06-22).
- (PDF). 卜采萊姆. [7 September 2015]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2015-04-05).
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