
正義聯盟英語:),有時則稱為美國正義聯盟(Justice League of America)或JLA,是DC漫畫所推出的虛構超級英雄團體。正義聯盟在漫畫《勇敢和膽量》第28期首次出場,雖然《勇敢和膽量》偶會出現銷量下降的情況,但自從正義聯盟成立後相當受歡迎。

新52的《正義聯盟》(vol. 2)#1(2011年10月)
藝術家為吉姆·李和Scott Williams
首次登场勇敢和膽量》# 28(1960年二月三月
基地正義大堂(Hall of Justice)和正義聯盟衛星基地(satellite)
正義聯盟守望塔(Justice League Watchtower)
避護所(The Refuge)
秘密庇護所(Secret Sanctuary)


正義聯盟出現後,又分成了數個小隊,分別是美國正義聯盟歐洲正義聯盟(Justice League Europe)、國際正義聯盟正義聯盟特遣部隊(Justice League Task Force)、中國正義聯盟(Justice League of China)和正義聯盟精英部隊(Justice League Elite)。



基於漫畫書系列的特色,正義聯盟保有基本的流行與自從成立以來的粉絲,而且在大多數的角色,大部分的成員都是在DC漫畫中非常受歡迎的人物。其後正義聯盟的概念被套用到《超級英雄朋友動畫系列》(1972-1985)和直接套用的《正義聯盟動畫版》和正義聯盟動畫版的續集——《超人正义联盟》。真人版電影在2008年之前就已經被擱置。2012年6月6日,華納兄弟公司宣布了一項新的《正義聯盟》真人電影正在發展和請了Will Beall作為編劇[1]。然而該項目已報了廢。後來,以2013年電影《超人:鋼鐵英雄》和2016年的續集《蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光》作為《正義聯盟》的鋪路,正義聯盟電影將繼續由查克·史奈德執導,克里斯·泰瑞歐撰寫劇本。



《正义联盟 #12》,由阿历克斯·罗斯

在1950年代末,美国漫画进入了白银时代DC漫畫成功把大部分黄金时代超级英雄(例如閃電俠綠燈俠等)復活後,DC漫畫邀請了加德纳·福克斯引入美國正義聯盟。福克斯因為受到當時流行的美式足球聯盟和棒球職業體育聯盟的影響而決定把原本的美國正義「社」(Justice Society of America)改名為美國正義「聯盟」(Justice League of America)。美國正義聯盟於《勇敢和膽量》第28期首次出場,在推出後隨即成為DC漫畫中最暢銷的漫畫之一。福克斯基本上於1960年代負責編寫正義聯盟的漫畫歷險,而迈克·塞科斯基則在漫畫開始後當了五年的畫師。


正義聯盟的基地位於一個名叫快樂港(Happy Harbor)的小鎮不遠的一個秘密洞穴中。一名青少年史力柏·卡爾(Snapper Carr)在一次任務中加入了正義聯盟,其後更成為聯盟中的福星和正式隊員。史力柏因為語調怪異和經常劈啪地晌自己手指而著名。他也曾經替正義聯盟擊退過敵人。在1969年12月出版的《美國正義聯盟》漫畫第77期中,他被小丑欺騙而泄露了正義聯盟的基地的所在地,最後導致了他退出正義聯盟。


正義聯盟在成立後需要一個新的安全總部,《正義聯盟》#78(1970年)正義聯盟搬進衛星作為基地[2]。此期間伸縮人[3]紅色旋風[4]鷹女俠[5]扎坦娜[6]火風暴[7]陸續加入團隊。Len Wein寫發行號#100-114時和迪林重新引入常勝七勇士於發行號#100-102[8],包含Freedom Fighters在發行號#107-108[9]


重新設計過的正義聯盟成員。藝術家為Ivan Reis

2011年9月,大事件閃點結束後,DC漫畫中的原有正史宇宙將被改變並重啟。最初的成員包括超人、蝙蝠俠、神力女超人、綠光戰警(哈爾·喬丹成為軍團的領袖,已經離開了地球)、水行俠閃電俠(巴里·艾倫)和鋼骨[10][11],之後還加入了原子俠火風暴元素女這些成員[12]。而火星獵人雖然曾經加入正義聯盟,但很快就在一場衝突中離開,但他也加入了暴風守衛(Stormwatch)和國際正义联盟(Justice Leauge United)。最後他刪除了他人對於他曾屬於上述兩個組織的記憶,加入了由美國政府機關成立的美國正義聯盟。








1 Justice League of America Archives volume 1 The Brave and the Bold #28-30, Justice League of America #1-6 978-1563890437
2 Justice League of America Archives volume 2 Justice League of America #7-14 978-1563891199
3 Justice League of America Archives volume 3 Justice League of America #15-22 978-1563891595
4 Justice League of America Archives volume 4 Justice League of America #23-30 978-1563894121
5 Justice League of America Archives volume 5 Justice League of America #31-38, #40* 978-1563895401
6 Justice League of America Archives volume 6 Justice League of America #41-47, #49-50* 978-1563896255
7 Justice League of America Archives volume 7 Justice League of America #51-57, #59-60* 978-1563897047
8 Justice League of America Archives volume 8 Justice League of America #61-66, #68-70* 978-1563899775
9 Justice League of America Archives volume 9 Justice League of America #71-80 978-1401204020
10 Justice League of America Archives volume 10 Justice League of America #81-93 978-1401234126
11 Showcase Presents Justice League of America volume 1 The Brave and the Bold #28-30; Justice League of America #1-16; Mystery in Space #75 978-1401207618
12 Showcase Presents Justice League of America volume 2 Justice League of America #17-36 978-1401212032
13 Showcase Presents Justice League of America volume 3 Justice League of America #37-38; #40-47; #49-57; #59-60* 978-1401217181
14 Showcase Presents Justice League of America volume 4 Justice League of America #61-66; #68-75; #77-83* 978-1401221843
15 Showcase Presents Justice League of America volume 5 Justice League of America #84; #86-92; #94-106* 978-1401230258
16 Showcase Presents Justice League of America volume 6 Justice League of America #107-132* 978-1401238353
17 Justice League of America Chronicles volume 1 The Brave and the Bold #28-30; Justice League of America #1-3 978-1401240820




1 Justice League International Volume 1 Justice League #1-6, Justice League International #7 1-4012-1666-8
2 Justice League International Volume 2 Justice League International #8-14, Justice League Annual #1 1-4012-1826-1
3 Justice League International Volume 3 Justice League International #15-22 1-4012-1941-1
4 Justice League International Volume 4 Justice League International #23-25, Justice League America #26-30 1-4012-2196-3
5 Justice League International Volume 5 Justice League International Annual #2-3, Justice League Europe #1-6 978-1-4012-3010-4
6 Justice League International Volume 6 Justice League America #31-35, Justice League Europe #7-11 978-1-4012-3119-4



1 新世界秩序 JLA #1-4 1-56389-369-X
2 American Dreams JLA #5-9 1-56389-394-0
3 Rock of Ages JLA #10-15 1-56389-416-5
4 Strength in Numbers JLA #16-23, JLA Secret Files #2, New Year's Evil: Prometheus (one-shot) 1-56389-435-1
5 Justice For All JLA #24-33 1-56389-511-0
6 第三次世界大战 JLA #34-41 1-56389-618-4
7 巴别塔 JLA #42-46, JLA Secret Files #3, JLA 80-Page Giant #1 1-56389-727-X
8 Divided We Fall JLA #47-54 1-56389-793-8
9 Terror Incognita JLA #55-60 1-56389-936-1
10 Golden Perfect JLA #61-65 1-56389-941-8
11 The Obsidian Age (Book 1) JLA #66-71 1-56389-991-4
12 The Obsidian Age (Book 2) JLA #72-76 1-4012-0043-5
13 Rules of Engagement JLA #77-82 1-4012-0215-2
14 Trial By Fire JLA #84-89 1-4012-0242-X
15 The Tenth Circle JLA #94-99 1-4012-0346-9
16 Pain of the Gods JLA #101-106 1-4012-0468-6
17 Syndicate Rules JLA #107-114, and a story from JLA Secret Files 2004 1-4012-0477-5
18 良心危机 JLA #115-119 1-4012-0963-7
19 没有正义联盟的世界 JLA #120-125 1-4012-0964-5


1 JLA: The Deluxe Edition Vol. 1 JLA #1-9, plus a story included in JLA: Secret Files and Origins #1 1-4012-1843-1
2 JLA: The Deluxe Edition Vol. 2 JLA #10-17, Prometheus (one-shot), plus JLA/WILDCATS 1-4012-2265-X
3 JLA: The Deluxe Edition Vol. 3 JLA #22-26, 28-31 and 1,000,000 1-4012-2659-0
4 JLA: The Deluxe Edition Vol. 4 JLA #34, 36-41, JLA: Classified #1-3, JLA: Earth II 1-4012-2909-3



1 The Tornado's Path Justice League of America (vol. 2) #1-7 HC: 978-1401213497
SC: 978-1401215804
2 The Lightning Saga Justice League of America (vol. 2) #0, #8-12;
Justice Society of America (vol. 3) #5-6
HC: 978-1401216528
SC: 978-1401218690
3 The Injustice League Justice League of America (vol. 2) #13-16;
JLA Wedding Special #1
HC: 978-1401218027
4 Sanctuary Justice League of America (vol. 2) #17-21 HC: 978-1401219925
SC: 978-1401220105
5 The Second Coming Justice League of America (vol. 2) #22-26 HC: 978-1401222529
SC: 978-1401222536
6 When Worlds Collide Justice League of America (vol. 2) #27-28, #30-34 HC: 978-1401224226
SC: 978-1401224233
7 Team History Justice League of America (vol. 2) #38-43 HC: 978-1401228385
SC: 978-1401232603
8 The Dark Things Justice League of America (vol. 2) #44-48;
Justice Society of America (vol. 3) #41-42
HC: 978-1401230111
SC: 978-1401231934
9 Omega Justice League of America (vol. 2) #49-53 HC: 978-1401232436
SC: 978-1401233563
10 The Rise of Eclipso Justice League of America (vol. 2) #54-60;
Justice Society of America (vol. 3) #43
SC: 978-1401234133



1 起源 Justice League (vol. 2) #1-6 978-1401234614
2 恶棍之旅 Justice League (vol. 2) #7-12 978-1401237646
3 亚特兰蒂斯王座 Justice League (vol. 2) #13-17;

Aquaman (vol. 7) #15-16

4 天罗地网 Justice League (vol. 2) #18-20, 22-23 978-1401247171
5 英雄永恒 Justice League (vol. 2) #24–29 978-1401254193
6 不义联盟 Justice League (vol. 2) #30–39 978-1401252366
7 达克赛德战争 第一部分 Justice League (vol. 2) #40–44 and a sneak peek from Divergence 978-1401259778
8 达克赛德战争 第二部分 Justice League (vol. 2) #45–50, Justice League: Darkseid War #1


1 World's Most Dangerous Justice League of America Vol. 3 #1-7 978-1401242367
2 Survivors of Evil Justice League of America Vol. 3 #8–14 978-1401247263


#TitleMaterial collectedISBN
1 The Extinction Machine Justice League: Rebirth #1, Justice League Vol. 3 #1–5
2 Outbreak Justice League Vol. 3 #6–11
3 Timeless Justice League Vol. 3 #14–19
4 Endless Justice League Vol. 3 #20–25
5 传奇 Justice League Vol. 3 #26–31



1 Justice League of America Hereby Elects Justice League of America #4, 75, 105-106, 146, 161, and 173-174 978-1401212674
2 JLA: The Greatest Stories Ever Told Justice League of America #19, 77, 122, and 166-168,
Justice League #1, JLA Secret Files #1 and JLA #61
3 Crisis on Multiple Earths volume 1 Justice League of America ##21-22, 29-30, 37-38, and 46-47 978-1563898952
4 Crisis on Multiple Earths volume 2 Justice League of America #55-56, 64-65, 73-74, and 82-83 978-1401200039
5 Crisis on Multiple Earths volume 3 Justice League of America #91-92, 100-102, 107-108, and 113 978-1401202316
6 Crisis on Multiple Earths volume 4 Justice League of America #123-124, 135-137, and 147-148 978-1401209575
7 Crisis on Multiple Earths volume 5 Justice League of America #159-160, 171-172, and 183-185 978-1401226237
8 Crisis on Multiple Earths volume 6 Justice League of America #195-197, 207-209 and crossover issues All-Star Squadron #15-17 978-1401238223


  • 1961年胡同獎-最佳漫畫書
  • 1961年胡同獎-最佳最佳探險英雄集團
  • 1963年胡同獎-喜愛的小說(第一地球和地球危機,加德纳·福克斯和Mike Sekowsky的《美國正義聯盟》#21-22)
  • 1963年胡同獎-應改進的地帶
  • 1963年胡同獎-首選美國正義聯盟藝術家獎(墨菲·安德森)
  • 1973年Shazam獎-最佳著作(Dick Giordano)








  1. Rosen, Christopher. . The Huffington Post. June 6, 2012 [June 24, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-06-24).
  2. O'Neil, Denny (藝術家), Dillin, Dick (鉛筆師), Giella, Joe (著墨師). The Coming of the Doomsters 《Justice League of America》, 第78期 (February 1970).
  3. Wein, Len (藝術家), Dillin, Dick (鉛筆師), Giordano, Dick (著墨師). Specter in the Shadows! 《Justice League of America》, 第105期 (April–May 1973).
  4. Wein, Len (藝術家), Dillin, Dick (鉛筆師), Giordano, Dick (著墨師). Wolf in the Fold! 《Justice League of America》, 第106期 (July–August 1973).
  5. Englehart, Steve (藝術家), Dillin, Dick (鉛筆師), McLaughlin, Frank (著墨師). Inner Mission! 《Justice League of America》, 第146期 (September 1977).
  6. Conway, Gerry (藝術家), Dillin, Dick (鉛筆師), McLaughlin, Frank (著墨師). The Reverse-Spells of Zatanna's Magic 《Justice League of America》, 第161期 (December 1978).
  7. Conway, Gerry (藝術家), Dillin, Dick (鉛筆師), McLaughlin, Frank (著墨師). The Siren Song of the Satin Satan 《Justice League of America》, 第179期 (June 1980).
  8. McAvennie "1970s" in Dolan, p. 152 "Through an impromptu team-up of the JLA and the Justice Society on Earth-2, writer Len Wein and artist Dick Dillin ushered in the return of DC's Seven Soldiers of Victory."
  9. McAvennie "1970s" in Dolan, p. 156 "The annual Justice League-Justice Society get-together resulted in scribe Len Wein and artist Dick Dillin transporting both teams to the alternate reality of Earth-X. There, Nazi Germany ruled after winning a prolonged World War II and only a group of champions called the Freedom Fighters remained to oppose the regime."
  10. Siegel, Lucas. . Newsarama. May 31, 2011 [February 5, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-02-05).
  11. Moore, Ben. . Screen Rant. May 31, 2011 [April 8, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-04-08).
  12. Siegel, Lucas. . Newsarama. July 23, 2011 [April 8, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-04-08).


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