


使用低阻抗微电极来对细胞进行胞外电生理记录,然后进行低通滤波截止频率为300Hz),所获得的数据可以使用电脑进行记录与分析。没有经过滤波的信号反映了电极尖端附近 50-350 μm 的动作电位的叠加情况[1][2] 和电极尖端附近 0.5-3mm 的慢离子通道事件[3]。信号经过低通滤波可以去除动作电位成分并得到低频的局部场电位信号(LFP)。


  1. Legatt, A. D., Arezzo, J., & Vaughan, H. G. (1980). Averaged multiple unit activity as an estimate of phasic changes in local neuronal activity: effects of volume-conducted potentials. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2(2), 203-217.
  2. Gray, C. M., Maldonado, P. E., Wilson, M., and McNaughton, B. (1995). Tetrodes markedly improve the reliability and yield of multiple single-unit isolation from multi-unit recordings in cat striate cortex. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 63, 43–54.
  3. Juergens, Egbert and Guettler, Andreas and Eckhorn, R. (1999). Visual stimulation elicits locked and induced gamma oscillations in monkey intracortical- and EEG-potentials, but not in human EEG. Experimental Brain Research 129, 247-259.


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