IBM POWER指令集架构是由IBM公司开发的一种精简指令集计算机(RISC)指令集架構(ISA)。该名称是“增强RISC性能优化”()的首字母縮略字[1]。

该示意图显示了不同的POWER,PowerPC和Power ISA的演变
POWER、PowerPC,以及Power ISA架构 |
飞思卡尔(原摩托罗拉) |
IBM/任天堂 |
其他 |
相关条目 |
- Bakoglu, H. B.; Grohoski, G. F.; Montoye, R. K. . IBM Journal of Research and Development. January 1990, 34 (1): 12–22. doi:10.1147/rd.341.0012.
- Weiss, Shlomo; Smith, James Edward. . Morgan Kaufmann. 1994. ISBN 978-1558602793. — Relevant parts: Chapter 1 (the POWER architecture), Chapter 2 (how the architecture should be implemented), Chapter 6 (the additions introduced by the POWER2 architecture), Appendixes A and C (describes all POWER instructions), Appendix F (describes the differences between the POWER and PowerPC architectures)
- Dewar, Robert B.K.; Smosna, Matthew.
. McGraw-Hill. 1990. — Chapter 12 describes the POWER architecture (referred to as RIOS, its earlier name) and its origins
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