
联合基督教会[1]United Church of Christ,縮寫為 UCC)是美国的主流新教(Oldline Protestant)教會之一,主要遵循改革宗的傳統,但在历史上也深受信義宗的影响,教會體制主要是會眾制又帶有些許長老制的特點(Covenantal Polity)[2],其總部在克里夫蘭

United Church of Christ


UCC參與普世教會協會以及世界改革宗聯會(World Communion of Reformed Churches),並和基督會(Disciples of Christ)、美國歸正教會美國長老教會美國福音路德教會Union of Evangelical Churches(德國)、加拿大聯合教會達成共融[5]。UCC重視和不同信仰傳統的對話[6],以及參與普世教會合一運動



联合基督教会是由福音复初会(E&R)和公理基督教会(CC)在1957年联合而成的,这两个教都是由之前的一些小教會联合而成。UCC自我描述為「基督的、改革宗的、會眾的、福音的」(Christian, Reformed, Congregational and Evangelical)[8],其福音主義源自德國敬虔主義運動[9]社會福音運動進步主義的早期代表人物之一華盛頓·格拉登,是UCC的代表人物。



UCC將歷史上的信條、信仰聲明等文件,視為「信仰告白」(testimonies of faith),而非要求教義標準答案的「信仰測驗卷」(tests of faith)[11]。以下為該教會認為可表達其信仰的典籍與文書:

  • 使徒信經
  • 尼西亞信經
  • 海德堡要理問答》 (inherited from both the German Reformed and German Evangelical heritages),
  • 信義宗教理問答小冊》 (inherited from the German Evangelical heritage),
  • 堪薩斯信仰宣言》(a 1913 statement in the Congregationalist tradition),
  • The Evangelical Catechism (a 1927 catechism in the German Evangelical tradition), and
  • 聯合基督教會信仰宣言》 (written at the founding of the denomination).


  • 芝加哥神學院 (Chicago, Illinois)
  • Eden Theological Seminary (Webster Groves, Missouri and St. Louis, MO)
  • Lancaster Theological Seminary (Lancaster, Pennsylvania)
  • Pacific School of Religion (Berkeley, California)
  • United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities (New Brighton, Minnesota)


  1. 美国驻华大使馆将 United Church of Christ 翻译为联合基督教会,见此文:. [2010-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2009-01-06).
  2. United Church of Christ Constitution and Bylaws:「Within the United Church of Christ, the various expressions of the church relate to each other in a covenantal manner. Each expression of the church has responsibilities and rights in relation to the others, to the end that the whole church will seek God's will and be faithful to God's mission. Decisions are made in consultation and collaboration among the various parts of the structure. As members of the Body of Christ, each expression of the church is called to honor and respect the work and ministry of each other part. Each expression of the church listens, hears, and carefully considers the advise, counsel and requests of others. In this covenant, the various expressions of the United Church of Christ seek to walk together in all God's ways」
  3. GOODSTEIN, LAURIE, , NY Times, 2009-07-15 [2010-01-22], (原始内容存档于2020-11-09)
  4. . [2017-11-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-20). To be sure, many UCC members relish the denomination"s left-wing identity. A quick internet search reveals that a number of UCC churches use the words "liberal" or "progressive" to describe either their individual congregations or the denomination as a whole. But for the UCC"s more-conservative members and congregations, the L-word is akin to fingernails on a chalkboard. The 2001 International Congregational Life Survey, which included 21,000 UCC respondents from more than 800 congregations, found that UCC members were slightly more likely to self-identify as "conservative" rather than "liberal"—both theologically and politically.
  5. . [2017-11-14]. (原始内容存档于2020-09-28).
  6. . [2017-11-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-28).
  7. . anglicannews. [2017-11-16]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-09).
  8. . [2017-11-19]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-01).
  9. . [2017-11-19]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-14).
  10. . [2009-01-23]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-02).
  11. . United Church of Christ. [2017-11-14]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-14).


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