



根據羅勃·閔斯·勞倫斯[4]亞瑟·德·布勒()和 R. L. 吉爾斯()的說法,約斐爾就是奉命將亞當夏娃逐出天堂天使[5]

根據偽經摩西啟示錄》,約斐爾還有一個名字叫做迪納(),約斐爾/迪納被描述為是第七重天的天使,妥拉 (其自身即智慧) 的卡巴拉守護者,並是在造物之初教導靈魂學習70種語言的天使。[6]光輝之書》將祂列為統轄53支軍團的首席大天使,並負責監管在安息日妥拉的誦讀。[7]據說約斐爾還是天使梅塔特隆的同伴。[5] 根據在《以西結書》中,約斐爾是有四張臉、四個手腕以及四片翼的天使長。


約斐爾是卡巴拉天使長,這包括中古早期神學家偽丟尼修所列的天使名單在內的多份名單都持同樣觀點。[10]自然魔法萬年曆》列出約斐爾是卡巴拉生命樹的第二個質點 (智慧)的天使,[11]而《所羅門之鑰》的變體版《所羅門眞實之鑰》(),[12]以及《摩西六書與七書》也持相同觀點,[13]後兩本著作都是衍生自《自然魔法萬年曆》。[14]阿格里帕將約斐爾歸於土星的天使,但帕拉塞爾蘇斯卻認為祂是屬於木星的天使,[5]湯瑪斯·路德則將約斐爾的黃道帶[15]卡巴拉生命樹的第三個質點 Binah (理解/領悟) 連繫在一起。[16]阿塔納斯·珂雪將約斐爾以拉丁語命名為「」,意即「美之天使」。[17]根據羅伯·安貝朗的看法,約斐爾是智天使的掌管者,特別是於七十二字母神名中所提到的天使。[18]








  1. K, Simon. . flickr.com. 2009-09-17 [2019-01-31]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-30) (英语).
  2. Glass Angel. . flickr.com. 2011 [2019-01-31]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-28) (英语).
  3. . stjohnsmemphis.org. [2019-01-31]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-23) (英语).
  4. Lawrence, Robert M. (1898), The Magic of the Horse-Shoe, With Other Folk-Lore Notes, Chapter III: The Number Seven 页面存档备份,存于 at sacred-texts.com 页面存档备份,存于
  5. Davidson, Gustav (1967), A Dictionary of Angels, Including The Fallen Angels 页面存档备份,存于, Entry: Iofiel, Free Press, p. 150, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 66-19757, ISBN 9780029070505
  6. Gaster, Moses (1893), "Hebrew Visions of Hell and Paradise," 页面存档备份,存于 in the Journal of The Royal Asiatic Society, p. 579, at www.sacred-texts.com 页面存档备份,存于
  7. Davidson, Gustav (1967), A Dictionary of Angels, Including The Fallen Angels 页面存档备份,存于, Entry: Iofiel, Free Press, p. 320, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 66-19757, ISBN 9780029070505
  8. Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy, Book III, Part 1 页面存档备份,存于, ed. Joseph Peterson, hosted at Twilit Grotto Esoteric Archives 页面存档备份,存于.
  9. A Treatise on Angel Magic, by Thomas Rudd, ed. Adam McLean, p.25 & 204, (two editions):
    • Phanes Press, 1990
    • Red Wheel/Weiser, 2006
  10. Davidson, Gustav (1967), A Dictionary of Angels, Including The Fallen Angels 页面存档备份,存于, Appendix, Free Press, p. 338, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 66-19757, ISBN 9780029070505
  11. The Magical Calender, by Johann Baptist Grossschedel (two editions):
  12. The Veritable Clavicles of Solomon 页面存档备份,存于, anonymous, ed. Joseph Peterson, hosted at Twilit Grotto Esoteric Archives 页面存档备份,存于
  13. The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses (part 2 页面存档备份,存于), anonymous, ed. Joseph Peterson, hosted at Twilit Grotto Esoteric Archives 页面存档备份,存于
  14. The Magical Calender, Peterson edition introduction
  15. Rudd, McLean, pp.100 (2006 ed), p.101 (1990 ed)
  16. Rudd, McLean, p.204 (1990, 2006)
  17. "Cabala Hebraeorum 页面存档备份,存于" in Oedipus Aegyptiacus, by Athanasius Kircher, ed. Joseph Peterson, hosted at Twilit Grotto Esoteric Archives 页面存档备份,存于
  18. The Complete Magician's Tables, by Stephen Skinner, Golden Hoard Press, 2006, p.41
  19. Furnival, William James. . Moscow: Ripol Classic Publishing House. : 525 [1904] [2019-04-24]. ISBN 9781176325630. (原始内容存档于2019-05-14) (英语). While on either hand are the archangels: Michael is a glorious figure in armour; Uriel holds the sun; Gabriel bears the lily of the Annunciation; Chemuel, the angel of the Sangreal, stands next him with the sacred cup; and Zophiel, to his left, holds the moon.
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