平安夜 (歌曲)


1943年奥地利流亡人士赫塔·保利为这首歌写了一本书,书名是《Silent Night. A Story of a Song》,在这本书里他给美国小朋友解释了这首歌是怎么来的。这本书后来由弗里茨·克雷德爾改编为画册,并又Alfred A. Knopf出版发行[5]。
关于这首歌另一个流行的说法是,第一次演出后,它很快就被人忘记了,直到修管风琴的师傅1825年发现了手稿并重新上演。然而格魯貝爾在贯穿他的整个生命的这段时间都在改编它。我们现有的莫爾改编版(约1820年)保存在萨尔兹堡Carolino Augusteum博物馆。
Stille Nacht Heilige Nacht
- Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht!
- Alles schläft, einsam wacht
- Nur das traute hochheilige Paar.
- Holder Knabe im lockigen Haar,
- Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh,
- Schlaf in himmlischer Ruh
- Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht,
- Hirten erst kundgemacht
- Durch der Engel Hallelujah,
- Tönt es laut von fern und nah,
- Christ, der Retter ist da,
- Christ, der Retter ist da!
- Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht,
- Gottes Sohn, o wie lacht
- Lieb aus Deinem göttlichen Mund,
- Da uns schlägt die rettende Stund,
- Christ, in Deiner Geburt,
- Christ, in Deiner Geburt!
- Silent night Holy night
- All is calm all is bright
- 'Round yon virgin Mother and Child
- Holy infant so tender and mild
- Sleep in heavenly peace
- Sleep in heavenly peace
- Silent night, holy night,
- Shepherds quake at the sight.
- Glories stream from heaven afar,
- Heav'nly hosts sing Alleluia;
- Christ the Savior is born;
- Christ the Savior is born.
- Silent night, holy night,
- Son of God, love's pure light.
- Radiant beams from Thy holy face,
- With the dawn of redeeming grace,
- Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth;
- Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth.
- 平安夜,圣善夜!
- 万暗中,光华射,
- 照着圣母也照着圣嬰,
- 多少慈祥也多少天真,
- 静享天赐安眠,静享天赐安眠。
- 平安夜,圣善夜!
- 牧羊人,在旷野,
- 忽然看见了天上光华,
- 听见天军唱哈利路亚,
- 救主今夜降生,救主今夜降生!
- 平安夜,圣善夜!
- 神子爱,光皎洁,
- 救赎宏恩的黎明来到,
- 圣容发出来荣光普照,
- 耶稣我主降生,耶稣我主降生!
- 佩里·科莫 (several times)
- 法蘭·仙納杜拉 from Christmas Songs by Sinatra (1948)
- 埃爾維斯·皮禮士利 from Elvis' Christmas Album (1957)
- 安迪·威廉斯 from The Andy Williams Christmas Album (1963)
- 芭芭拉·史翠珊 from A Christmas Album (1967) entitled 'Sleep In Heavenly Peace'
- 約翰·丹佛和The Muppets for the television special and soundtrack John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together (1979)
- 芮芭·麦克伊泰 from Merry Christmas to You (1987)
- 大人小孩雙拍檔 from Christmas Interpretations (1993)
- 格洛丽亚·埃斯特凡 from Christmas Through Your Eyes (1993) partly as 'Noche De Paz' in Spanish
- 瑪麗亞·凱莉 from Merry Christmas (1994)
- 恩雅 as a b-side of her "Evening Falls" single (1988) and again on And Winter Came... (2008) both times as 'Oiche Chiun' in Gaelic
- Jewel from Joy: A Holiday Collection (1999)
- 惠特妮·休斯顿 from One Wish: The Holiday Album (2003)
- 布拉德·帕斯利 from Brad Paisley Christmas (2006)
- 萨拉·麦克拉克伦 from Wintersong (2006)
- 美聲男伶 from Siempre (2006)
- 泰勒·斯威夫特 from Christmas EP Sounds of the Season: The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection (2007)
- 喬許·葛洛班 from Noël (2007) also as 'Noche De Paz' in Spanish
- 大衛·阿丘利塔 from Christmas from the Heart (2009)
- 多莉·艾莫絲 from Midwinter Graces (2009)
- 蘇珊·波伊爾 from I Dreamed a Dream (2009)
- 皮克西·洛特 from Turn It Up iTunes UK Deluxe Edition (2009)
- 海莉·薇思特拉 from the Nativity! soundtrack (2009)
- 快速马车合唱团 from Not So Silent Night: Christmas with REO Speedwagon (2009)
- Ronald M. Clancy, William E Studwell. Best-Loved Christmas Carols. Christmas Classics Ltd, 2000.
- . [25 December 2014]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-18).
- . [2009-03-27]. (原始内容存档于2009-05-22).
- "Stille-Nacht-Gedächtniskapelle" 的存檔,存档日期2005-12-25.
- Hertha Pauli Silent Night. A Story of a Song. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1943.
- 平安夜教会(萨尔兹堡)附加历史回顾信息 (页面存档备份,存于)
- 这首歌在全世界的传播情况报告 (页面存档备份,存于)
- “平安夜”演奏音阶口琴
- 给世界带来祥和的圣诞歌曲《平安夜》,德國之聲中文網(简体中文)
- 平安夜粵語 (页面存档备份,存于),YouTube