臭虫科![]() | |
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温带臭虫(Cimex lectularius) | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 节肢动物门 Arthropoda |
纲: | 昆虫纲 Insecta |
目: | 半翅目 Hemiptera |
亚目: | 異翅亞目 Heteroptera |
下目: | 臭蟲下目 Cimicomorpha |
总科: | 臭蟲總科 Cimicoidea |
科: | 臭虫科 Cimicidae Latreille, 1802 |
成年的臭蟲是一種褐紅色的微型昆蟲,扁平帶橢圓形,少数有翅膀且善飞。相對於其身軀,臭蟲的頭比較短而闊[10]。臭蟲的身上長有微細的毛,使之看起來像是有條紋。成蟲普遍長4到5毫米,闊1.5到3毫米。臭蟲在進食前身體扁平如紙,進食後身體變深紅色,並且脹起[11]。 若蟲在剛剛孵化出來時呈半透明,顏色較淺;但當牠們達至性成熟時會脫皮,並轉為褐色。臭蟲可以換殼5次,完成第5次換殼就成為成蟲。
目前全世界已知臭虫科的种类为6亚科、24属、110种。在臭虫属的23个记录种内,20个种偏好于取食蝙蝠血液,1种取食鸟类的血液,而温带臭虫和热带臭虫与人类关系密切,主要靠吸食人血为生。溫帶臭蟲(Cimex lectularius)可在世界上所有溫帶氣候地點裡發現,對人類環境最為適應[13]。其他品種如熱帶臭蟲(Cimex hemipterus)[13]則可在熱帶地區和亚热带地区發現,亦同時會感染家禽、蝙蝠及Leptocimex boueti;而在西非及南美洲的熱帶地區發現的,可令人類及蝙蝠感染。Cimex pilosellus及Cimex pipistrella主要感染蝙蝠,而一種在北美發現的品種Haematosiphon inodora則會感染家禽[10]。
臭蟲可以在一個相當廣泛的溫度和大氣成分比例環境裡存活。當環境溫度下降至16.1℃時,成蟲會進入半休眠狀態,使之能夠存活更久[14];即使溫度下跌至-10℃,臭蟲仍然能夠存活至少五天;但若暴露於-32℃的低溫,則會在15分鐘後死亡[15]。臭蟲具高度抗旱性,即使在氣溫達35–40 °C度而且濕度低的環境裡,在失去了體重的三分之一後仍能存活;但在其較早期的生長階段,其抗寒能力較差[16]。C. lectularius在眾多臭蟲科品種裡的熱死點最高:達45℃,而當溫度高達46℃時,只要停留七分鐘時間,所有臭蟲不管在哪一個生命階段都會捱不過而死掉[15]。臭蟲在缺氧環境下也有頗強的生命力,雖然在高濃度二氧化碳或近乎全氮氣的大氣環境裡顯然不能生存,但也可以支撐超過72小時[17]。

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被忽略 (帮助);|number=
被忽略 (帮助) 引述自 Polanco-Pinzón, Andrea; et al. . Conference proceedings of 57th Annual Meeting (Entomological Society of America). 2009.
- Stephen Doggett. A Code of Practice for the Control of Bed Bugs in Australia. 3rd edition, ICPMR & AEPMA, Sydney Australia, May 2010. ISBN 1-74080-122-9. This is free from www.bedbug.org.au (页面存档备份,存于).
- Stephen Doggett. A Bed Bug Management Policy for Accommodation Providers. Draft first ed, ICPMR, Sydney Australia, May 2010. This is free from www.bedbug.org.au (页面存档备份,存于).
- David Cain, Richard Strand. Bed Bug Beware: An easy to understand guide to bed bugs, their prevention and control. Loughborough, United Kingdom: Foxhill Publishing, March 2009. ISBN 978-0-9562617-0-0
- Larry Pinto, Richard Cooper, Sandy Kraft. Bed Bug Handbook: The Complete Guide to Bed Bugs and Their Control. Mechanicsville, Maryland: Pinto & Associates, December 2007. ISBN 978-0-9788878-1-0
- Forsyth, Adrian. A Natural History of Sex: The Ecology and Evolution of Mating Behavior. Richmond Hill, Ontario: Firefly Books, 2001. ISBN 1-55209-481-2.
- MacQuitty, Miranda, and Lawrence Mound. Megabugs: The Natural History Museum Book of Insects. New York: Random House Children's Books, 1995. ISBN 1-898304-37-8, ISBN 1-85868-045-X.
- Goddard, Jerome A. The Physician’s Guide to Arthropods of Medical Importance (second edition).

- bed bug (页面存档备份,存于) on the University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Featured Creatures Web site
- Pollack, Richard; Alpert, Gary. . Harvard School of Public Health. 2005 [2010-06-21]. (原始内容存档于2010-06-20).
- Bed Bug Hub Information from the National Pest Management Association with FAQs and recent round up of news stories on bed bugs
- National Geographic segment on Bedbugs (页面存档备份,存于)
- Bedbugs (页面存档备份,存于) - University of Sydney and Westmead Hospital Department of Medical Entomology
- Solutions on bed bugs (页面存档备份,存于) - Debug X 100
- "Vector surveillance and control: Bed bug fact sheet" NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene 12 January 2008
- Understanding and Controlling Bed Bugs - National Pesticide Information Center (页面存档备份,存于)
- Video Featuring Tips on Controlling/Preventing Bed Bug Problems in Hotel Rooms, from National Pest Management Association
- Bedbug bites (页面存档备份,存于), Robert A. Schwartz, MD, MPH, et al, eMedicine (页面存档备份,存于), May 2008: .
- Bed Bug Infestations in an Urban Environment, Stephen W. Hwang, Tomislav J. Svoboda, Iain J. De Jong, Karl J. Kabasele, and Evie Gogosis : Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol. 11, No. 4, April 2005.
- Barb Ogg. . Insects, Spiders, Mice and More. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension in Lancaster County. 2010 [2010-06-21]. (原始内容存档于2010-06-01).
- University of Kentucky EntFacts Information Sheet on bedbugs (页面存档备份,存于)
- Connecticut Coalition Against Bed Bugs (页面存档备份,存于) - includes information on bed bug self-protection, management, and legal suggestions
- Taisey, Allison A.; Neltner, Tom, (PDF), National Center for Healthy Housing, Feb 2010, (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2010-08-01)