飛蜥科![]() | |
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雄性 Mwanza flat-headed rock agama (Agama mwanzae), 摄于坦桑尼亚 塞倫蓋蒂 | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 脊索动物门 Chordata |
纲: | Reptilia |
目: | 有鳞目 Squamata |
亚目: | 鬣蜥亞目 Iguania |
演化支: | 避役形类 Chamaeleontiformes |
演化支: | 端齿鬣蜥类 Acrodonta |
科: | 飛蜥科 Agamidae Gray, 1827[1] |
亞科 | |
6個亞科,見內文 |
- 鬣蜥亞科(包含部分飞蜥及岩蜥;非洲、亚洲、大洋洲)
- 髭蜥亞科(澳大利亞、新幾內亞,中國-東南亞大陸也有一種——鬣蜥)
- 飞蜥亞科(包含部分飞蜥;南亞及東南亞;如斑飞蜥)
- 帆蜥亞科(Hydrosaurus,巴布亞紐幾內亞、菲律賓、印尼)
- 蠟皮蜥亞科(东南亞)
- 王者蜥亞科 (Saara和Uromastyx,非洲及南亞)
- 阿坎蜥属 Acanthocercus Fitzinger, 1843
- 棘蜥属 Acanthosaura Gray, 1827
- Acanthosura Hardwicke & Gray, 1827
- 鬣蜥属 Agama Daudin, 1802
- Agasthyagama Das, Pal, Narayanan, Subin, Palot, Rajkumar, & Deepak, 2024
- Agasthyagama edge Das, Pal, Narayanan, Subin, Palot, Rajkumar, & Deepak, 2024[4]
- 髭蜥属 Amphibolurus Wagler, 1830
- 马来蜥属 Aphaniotis W.C.H.Peters, 1864,阿帆攀蜥属
- Aporoscelis Boulenger, 1885
- Arua Doria, 1875
- 長鬚王蜥屬 Barbaturex Head, Gunnell, Holroyd, Hutchison & Ciochon, 2013
- Barycephalus Günther, 1860
- Biancia Gray, 1853
- Biancia niger Gray, 1853
- 巴拉奇蜥属 Brachysaura Blyth, 1856,异名:Brachysaura Hardwicke & Gray, 1827
- Brevidensilacerta Li Jinling, 1991
- 布朗奇树蜥属 Bronchocela Kaup, 1827,异名:Bronchocela Kuhl, 1829
- 布封蜥属 Bufoniceps Arnold, 1992
- 凯曼双孔蜥属 Caimanops Lucas & Frost, 1902,异名:Caimanops Storr, 1974
- Calotella Steindachner, 1867
- 树蜥属 Calotes Cuvier, 1817,异名:Calotes Linneaus, 1758
- Centrotrachelus Strauch, 1863
- 角吻蜥属 Ceratophora Gray, 1834
- Charasia Gray, 1845
- 大耳蜥属 Chelosania Gray, 1845
- 斗篷蜥属 Chlamydosaurus Gray, 1825
- 可皮里树蜥属 Complicitus Manthey & Grossmann, 1997
- Conicodontosaurus Gilmore, 1943
- 卷尾蜥属 Cophotis W.C.H.Peters, 1861
- Cophotis dumbarae Manamendra-Arachchi et al., 2006[5],为Cophotis dumbara Samarawickrama, Ranawana, Rajapaksha, Ananjeva, Orlov, Ranasinghe & Samarawickrama, 2006的异名
- 寇丽蜥属 Coryphophylax Blyth, 1860,异名:Coryphophylax Fitzinger, 1867[6]
- Coryphophylax brevicauda Harikrishnan, Vasudevan, Chandramouli, Choudhury, Dutta & Das, 2012
- Coryphophylax subcristatus (Blyth, 1860)
- Coryphophylax Steindachner, 1867
- 稜背蜥屬 Cristidorsa Wang, Deepak, Aniruddha, Lin, Jiang, Chen & Siler, 2018
- 克里普蜥属 Cryptagama Meyer, 1874,异名:Cryptagama Witten, 1984
- 栉髭蜥属 Ctenophorus Fitzinger, 1843,异名:Ctenophorus Gray, 1831
- 单爵蜥属 Dendragama Doria, 1888
- Dilophyrus Gray, 1845
- 龍蜥屬 Diploderma Hallowell, 1860
- 双孔蜥属 Diporiphora Gray, 1842
- Diptychodera Böttger, 1893
- 飞蜥属 Draco Linnaeus, 1758
- Dracontoidis Fitzinger, 1843
- Gemmatophora Kaup, 1827
- Gindalia Gray, 1845
- 头角蜥属 Gonocephalus Kaup, 1825,异名:Gonocephalus Laurenti, 1768
- Gowidon Wells & Wellington, 1983
- Grammatophora Duméril & Bibron, 1837
- 镰蜥属 Harpesaurus Boulenger, 1885-01, 异名:Harpesaurus Dumeril, 1851
- 海蜥属 Hydrosaurus Kaup, 1828
- Hylagama Mertens, 1924
- 海西蜥属 Hypsicalotes Manthey & Denzer, 2000
- 林蜥属 Hypsilurus
- Indiagama Rana, Augé, Folie, Rose, Kumar, Singh, Sahni & Smith, 2013
- Indiagama gujarata Rana et al., 2013
- 因特长鬣蜥属 Intellagama Wells & Wellington, 1985
- Intellagama lesueurii (Gray, 1831)
- Intellagama wellsandwellingtonorum Hoser, 2020
- Istiurus Cuvier, 1829
- 攀蜥属 Japalura Gray, 1853
- Laodracon Brakels, Sitthivong, Wang, Nguyen & Poyarkov[7]
- Laodracon carsticola Sitthivong, Brakels, Xayyasith, Maury, Idiiatullina, Pawangkhanant, Wang, Nguyen et Poyarkov, 2023
- 岩蜥属 Laudakia Gray, 1845
- 蜡皮蜥属 Leiolepis Cuvier, 1829,异名:Leiolepis Gray, 1827
- 冠头蜥属 Lophocalotes Bleeker, 1860,异名:Lophocalotes Günther, 1872
- 冠颌蜥属 Lophognathus Gray, 1842
- Lophosalea Beddome, 1878
- Lophosaurus Fitzinger, 1843
- Lophura Gray, 1827
- 琴首蜥属 Lyriocephalus Linneaus, 1758,异名:Lyriocephalus Merrem, 1820
- 'Lyriocephalus scutatus (Linnaeus, 1758)[8]
- Macrops de Vis, 1884
- Malayodracon Denzer, Manthey, Mahlow & Böhme, 2015
- 曼瑟喉褶蜥属 Mantheyus Ananjeva & Stuart, 2001
- Mantheyus phuwuanensis (Manthey & Nabhitabhata, 1991)[9]
- Mecolepis Duméril, 1851
- Megalochilus Eichwald, 1831
- Mergenagama Keqin & Dashzeveg, 1999
- Microauris Pal, Vijayakumar, Shanker, Jayarajan & Deepak, 2018
- 杂鳞蜥属 Mictopholis Annandale, 1908,异名:Mictopholis Smith, 1935
- 魔蜥属 Moloch Gray, 1841
- Monilesaurus Pal, Vijayakumar, Shanker, Jayarajan & Deepak, 2018
- Oreodeira Girard, 1857
- 异鳞蜥属 Oriocalotes Günther, 1864,异名:Oriocalotes M.A.Smith, 1935
- Oriotiaris Günther, 1864
- 隐耳蜥属 Otocryptis Wagler, 1830
- Palaeochamaeleo Stefano, 1903
- 老挝蜥属 Paracalotes Bourret, 1939
- 帕拉劳蜥属 Paralaudakia Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme, 2012
- Pelturagonia Mocquard, 1890
- 瘰蜥属 Phoxophrys Hubrecht, 1881,异名:Phoxophrys Peters, 1864
- 沙蜥属 Phrynocephalus Kaup, 1825,异名:Phrynocephalus Pallas, 1776
- Phrynopsis Fitzinger, 1843
- Phthanodon Wells & Wellington, 1983
- 长鬣蜥属 Physignathus Cuvier, 1829
- Pleurodontagama Borsuk-Bialynicka & Moody, 1984
- 髯蜥属 Pogona Storr, 1982
- Priscagama Borsuk-Bialynicka & Moody, 1984
- Protodraco Wagner, Stanley, Daza & Bauer, 2021
- 荒漠蜥属 Psammophilus Fitzinger, 1843,异名:Psammophilus Gray, 1831
- Psammophilus blanfordanus (Stoliczka, 1871)
- Psammophilus dorsalis (Gray, 1831),模式种[10]
- 假树蜥属 Pseudocalotes Fitzinger, 1843,异名:Pseudocalotes Gray, 1831
- Pseudocophotis Manthey, 1997
- Pseudocophotis kontumensis Ananjeva, Orlov, Truong & Nazarov, 2007[11]
- Pseudocophotis sumatrana (Hubrecht, 1879)
- Pseudotinosaurus Alifanov, 1991
- 假草原蜥属 Pseudotrapelus Fitzinger, 1843,异名:Pseudotrapelus Heyden, 1827
- 喉褶蜥属 Ptyctolaemus W.C.H.Peters, 1864
- Quercygama Augé & Smith, 1997
- 蓝可髭蜥属 Rankinia Gray, 1841,异名:Rankinia Wells & Wellington, 1983
- Redtenbacheria Steindachner, 1867
- 萨拉刺尾蜥属 Saara Gray, 1845
- 鬃蜥属 Salea Gray, 1845
- Sarada Deepak, Karanth & Giri, 2016-01
- Saura Wagler, 1833
- Semiophorus Wagler, 1830
- 英雄蜥属 Sitana Cuvier, 1829
- 斯特拉蜥属 Stellagama Baig, Wagner, Ananjeva & Böhme, 2012
- Stellio Laurenti, 1768
- Sulcatidens Covacevich, Couper, Molnar, Witten & Young, 1990
- Suratagama Rana, Augé, Folie, Rose, Kumar, Singh, Sahni & Smith, 2013
- Talosaurus Keqin & Dashzeveg, 1999
- 索玛蜥属 Thaumatorhynchus Parker, 1924
- Tiaris Duméril & Bibron, 1837
- Tinosaurus Marsh, 1872
- 草原蜥属 Trapelus Cuvier, 1817,异名:Trapelus Kaup, 1827
- Tropicagama Melville, Ritchie, Chapple, Glor & Schulte, 2018
- Tropidolepis Gray, 1830
- Tropidolepis aculeatus Gray, 1831
- Tropidolepis bellii Gray, 1831
- Tropidolepis fasciatus Gray, 1831
- 隐鼓蜥属 Tympanocryptis W.C.H.Peters, 1863
- 刺尾蜥属 Uromastyx Merrem, 1820
- Vastanagama Prasad & Bajpai, 2008
- 仙那蜥属 Xenagama Boulenger, 1895
- Zephyrosauridion Gao & Dashzeveg, 1999

- Dahms Tierleben. www.dahmstierlrben.de/systematik/Reptilien/Squamata/Iguania/agamidae.
- Agamidae (页面存档备份,存于), UniProt Taxonomy
- . GBIF. [2022-09-17]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-13). (页面存档备份,存于)
- Sandeep Das, Saunak Pal, Surya Narayanan, K. Subin, Muhamed Jafer Palot, K. P. Rajkumar, V. Deepak. 2024. Discovery of A New Species of Kangaroo Lizard (Squamata: Agamidae: Agasthyagama) from the southern Western Ghats of India. Vertebrate Zoology. 74: 151-168. DOI: 10.3897/vz.74.e113084
- Manamendra-Arachchi, K., A. de Silva and T. Amarasinghe (2006). Description of a second species of Cophotis (Reptilia: Agamidae) from the highlands of Sri Lanka. Lyriocephalus, 6, Suppl. 1: 1–8.
- Harikrishnan S., Karthikeyan Vasudevan, S.R. Chandramouli, B.C. Choudhary, Sushil Kumar Dutta and Indraneil Das. 2012. A New Species of Coryphophylax Fitzinger in: Steindachner, 1867 (Sauria: Iguania: Agamidae) from the Andaman Islands, India. Zootaxa. 3451:31-45.
- Saly Sitthivong, Peter Brakels, Santi Xayyasith, Nathanaël Maury, Sabira Idiiatullina, Parinya Pawangkhanant, Kai Wang, Tan Van Nguyen and Nikolay A. Poyarkov. 2023. Hiding on Jagged Karst Pinnacles: A New microendemic Genus and Species of A Limestone-dwelling Agamid Lizard (Squamata: Agamidae: Draconinae) from Khammouan Province, Laos. Zoological Research. 44(6); 1039-1051. DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2023.062
- D M S Suranjan Karunarathna, A A Thasun Amarasinghe. 2013. Behavioral Ecology and Microhabitat Use by Lyriocephalus scutatus (Linnaeus, 1758): A Monotypic Genus in Sri Lanka (Reptilia: Agamidae: Draconinae) with Notes on the Taxonomy. Russian Journal of Herpetology. 20(1): 1-15.
- Manthey, U. and J. Nabhitabhata, 1991. Eine neue Agame Ptyctolaemus phuwuanensis sp.n. (Sauria: Agamidae) aus Nordost-Thailand. Sauria. 13(4): 3-6 pp.
- Saunak Pal, S.P. Vijayakumar, Kartik Shanker, Aditi Jayarajan and V. Deepak. 2018. A Systematic Revision of Calotes Cuvier, 1817 (Squamata: Agamidae) from the Western Ghats adds Two Genera and Reveals Two New Species. Zootaxa. 4482(3); 401–450. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4482.3.1
- Ananjeva, Natalia B., Nikolai L. Orlov, Quang Truong Nguyen and Roman A. Nazarov. 2007. A New Species of Pseudocophotis (Agamidae: Acrodonta: Lacertilia: Reptilia) from central Vietnam. Russian Journal of Herpetology 14 (2):153-160
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