- 天安門;天安門廣場
- [1968, “PEKING (PEIPING)”, 出自 , 卷 17, →LCCN, →OCLC,頁號 532,列號 2:
- Adjoining the parks on the south is part of the remaining southern wall of the former Imperial city. The wall is pierced by T'ien-an Men (Gate of Heavenly Peace), on which China's Communist leaders gather on ceremonial occasions to review military and civilian parades in the square adjoining the gate.
- 南面與公園相鄰的是前皇城南牆的一部分。城牆中間嵌着天安門,中國共產黨領導人在儀式場合的時候會聚集在天安門上,檢閱毗鄰天安門的廣場上軍隊和平民的遊行。]
- 2005, , 譯者 Sue Wiles, Witnessing History, , →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC,頁號 333:
- 27 October 1999 The People's Daily publishes the article '"Falun Gong" is an evil cult', written by a special commentator. Approximately 600 practitioners are arrested in Tian'anmen. Seventeen practitioners drape a Falun Gong banner across the rostrum of Tian'anmen.
- 1999年10月27日《人民日報》發表特約評論員文章《“法轮功”就是邪教》。約有600名學員在天安門廣場被捕。17名學員將法輪功的旗幟掛在天安門城樓上。
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