






  1. (obsolete) 咖啡師
    • 1681, Thomas De Laune, The Present State of London,頁號 113:
      Upholsterer, Letter-Carrier, Foreign-Post, Coffee-maker, of each one.
    • 1839, Eliza Leslie, The Behaviour Book,頁號 35:
      If your cook is not habitually a good coffee-maker, the coffee will most probably be sent in cold, thick, and weak—for want of some previous supervision.
    • 1892, Kirk Munroe, Cab and Caboose: The Story of a Railroad Boy,頁號 47:
      To be sure it had to be taken without milk, but there was plenty of sugar, and when Rod passed his tin cup for a second helping, the coffee-maker's face fairly beamed with gratified pride.
  2. 咖啡機
    • 2005, Bill Schneider, Second Chapter:
      As he poured water into the coffeemaker, Ben watched several deer grazing ... While the coffeemaker gurgled, Ben remained entranced by the deer.
      他把水倒進咖啡機的時候,Ben 看著幾支正在吃草的鹿……等咖啡機開始運轉的時候,Ben 還在看鹿看得出神。


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