2019 5月 23, Janet Smith, “Matilda: The Musical has a subversive blast with Roald Dahl's story”, 出自 :
A copro with Edmonton’s Citadel Theatre and Winnipeg’s Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre, Matilda pulls things off at the scale the production demands.
2021 9月 24, K.J. Yossman, “‘Doctor Who’ Showrunner Russell T. Davies to Return for Next Season”, 出自 :
The next season will be a co-pro between BBC Studios and Welsh-based Bad Wolf. When Davies, who is Welsh, revived the show 16 years ago he moved production to Wales.
2001, Phil Croucher, The BIOS Companion,頁號 48:
Oddly enough, a copro in a 286 is slower than one in an XT, due to the connections.