
A mayfly, Rhithrogena germanica
源自 + 。对比薩特弗里斯蘭語 (“丽蝇”)。
- 蜉蝣
- 2002, John Gooderham, Edward Tsyrlin, The Waterbug Book,頁號 132:
- Adult mayflies have large compound eyes and most have two pairs of wings. […] Mayfly nymphs are distinguished by their three tails (two cerci and a terminal filament) and the set of gills on each side of their abdomen.
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- 2005, Terry Hellekson, Fish Flies: The Encyclopedia of the Fly Tier's Art,頁號 213:
- Mayflies are fragile, gossamer-winged insects that arise from bodies of water and often swarm in great numbers.
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- 2010, Barbara L. Peckarsky, J. David Allan, Angus R. McIntosh, Brad W. Taylor, “Chapter 9: Understanding the Role of Predation in Open Systems”, 出自 The Ecology of Place,頁號 195:
- Stoneflies have negligible consumptive (thin solid line) and behavioral effects (thin dashed line) on mayfly abundance. Consumption by trout decreases the abundance of mayflies (solid line), but trout suppress mayfly emigration (drift) and thereby increase their abundance (thick dashed line).
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