
The Saint Andrew's cross or saltire (2)(蘇格蘭國旗)

Saint Patrick's Cross, a red saltire (1) on a white background
- (標準英音) 國際音標(幫助):/ˈsæl.taɪə/, /ˈsɔːl-/
- 斷字:sal‧tire
音頻 (英式): (檔案)
- (紋章) X形
- 圣安德鲁旗(Saint Andrew's cross),蘇格蘭國旗
- 2011 10月 1, , “Rugby World Cup 2011: England 16 – 12 Scotland”, 出自 ,於26 September 2016歸檔自原頁面:
- But the World Cup winning veteran's left boot was awry again, the attempt sliced horribly wide of the left upright, and the saltires were waving aloft again a moment later when a long pass in the England midfield was picked off to almost offer up a breakaway try.
- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
- 2014 9月 16, , “Is this the end of Britishness?”, 出自 , 倫敦,於18 April 2016歸檔自原頁面:
- It was early August. In the Borders, there were few signs yet of a campaign that could take Scotland out of the United Kingdom. A large Y-E-S hung in separate letters from a tree on the road from Coldstream to Kelso. There wasn't a N-O to match it, but Kelso town hall flew both the saltire and the union jack.
- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
- (X形):
- (蘇格蘭國旗):
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