
musical notation for a slur ( 2 and 3)
來自中古英語 (“稀泥”)。與中古低地德語 (“走在泥裡”)同源。與方言挪威語 (“草率,不上心”)、丹麥語 (“搖晃,鬆垮”)有關;對比古諾爾斯語 (“慢吞吞地走”)。
- 國際音標(幫助):/slɜː(ɹ)/
- 韻部:-ɜː(r)
音頻 (美式): (檔案) 音頻 (英式): (檔案)
- f-slur
- 侮辱或輕視
- Template:RQ:Tennyson MOG
- And how men slur him, saying all his force
Is melted into mere effeminacy?
- And how men slur him, saying all his force
- Template:RQ:Tennyson MOG
- 說話含糊
- to slur syllables; He slurs his speech when he is drunk.
- 音節發音不清楚;他喝醉的時候說話含糊不清
- 2014 4月 21, “Subtle effects”, 出自 , 卷 411, 期 8884:
- Manganism has been known about since the 19th century, when miners exposed to ores containing manganese, a silvery metal, began to totter, slur their speech and behave like someone inebriated.
- (請為本引文添加中文翻譯)
- (音樂) 連奏
- 1817, Thomas Busby, A Dictionary of Music, Theoretical and Practical
- Notes , the stems of which are joined together by cross lines, as in united quavers , semiquavers , & c . or notes over the heads of which a curve is drawn, to signify that they are to be slurred
- 1817, Thomas Busby, A Dictionary of Music, Theoretical and Practical
- 玷污
- Template:RQ:Cudworth True
- they do not only impudently slur the gospel, according to the history and the letter, in making it no better than a romantical legend […]
- Template:RQ:Cudworth True
- 掩蓋,隱瞞
- Template:RQ:Dryden Satire
- With periods, points, and tropes, he slurs his crimes.
- Template:RQ:Dryden Satire
- 矇騙
- Template:RQ:Butler Hudibras
- (印刷,過時) 印刷字跡模糊,糊版
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