

借自日語 (sugoi, 可能原意為“可怕的,厲害的”),或與英語 的含義變化相同。


  • 韻部:-ɔɪ



  1. (粉絲俚語御宅族文化) 驚人的,令人讚嘆
    • 1997 8月 16, username NeoMercury, “ARRGH! 955 Posts! and now while we’re on the topic, SM Dreams.”, 出自 Usenet group alt.fan.sailor-moon:
      Now ... I got one, and for some reason was able to see a very sugoi card was next in the machine []
    • 1998 6月 23, username Shiva the perpetually busy, “[POLL] What anime scenes would look best in real life movie?”, 出自 Usenet group alt.fan.sailor-moon:
      The Miko outfits are totally sugoi, and the human forms of the gods are really cool as well.
    • 2012, Diana Renn, Tokyo Heist,頁號 189:
      I’m wearing my latest Harajuku find: a gauzy, green sleeveless blouse, a pair of slimming pants—black, with some kind of shiny fabric—and a pair of totally sugoi sandals, with thick heels, black straps, and gleaming silver buckles.





  1. 罗马字转写
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