Elections were held in Slovakia's eight self-governing regions on 9 November 2013. Elected were Regional Governors and City Councilors.[1]

It was held on basis of 2 rounds if candidate haven't gained 50% of votes, if he gained the required percents, there would not be runoff. Only three candidates got elected in the first round, in Prešov, Žilina, and Trenčín Regions. There was runoff in Košice, Banská Bystrica, Nitra, Trnava, and Bratislava Regions.

Six of the regional presidencies were won by centre-left Direction – Social Democracy (Smer), with Bratislava Region being carried on by incumbent Governor Pavol Frešo of Slovak Democratic and Christian Union – Democratic Party. The biggest surprise came in Banská Bystrica Region, where leader of the far-right People's Party – Our Slovakia, Marian Kotleba, got to the second round of elections to face off with incumbent Governor Vladimír Maňka of Smer. He then defeated Vladimír Maňka in the second round and won the runoff by 55,5 % (71 397 Regional votes) and became Governor of Banská Bystrica Region, and also ended as candidate with most votes to City Council of Banská Bystrica (8678 votes).



Region Winner Party Endorsing parties
Bratislava Pavol Frešo SDKÚ-DS KDH, Most–Híd, SaS, SMK, OKS, SZ
Trnava Tibor Mikuš Smer SNS, KSS
Trenčín Jaroslav Baška Smer Won the first round with over 50%.
Nitra Milan Belica Smer SNS, ASV
Žilina Juraj Blanár Smer Won the first round with over 50%.
Banská Bystrica Marian Kotleba ĽSNS No endorsing parties.
Prešov Peter Chudík Smer Won the first round with over 50%.
Košice Zdenko Trebuľa Smer Most–Híd, SMK


Party Bratislava Trnava Trenčín Nitra Žilina Banská Bystrica Prešov Košice Total  %
Smer 1 12 25 19 19 24 35 26
161 / 408
SDKÚ-DS 6 3 3 1 5 8 5
31 / 408
KDH 9 4 2 13 11 1 10 7
57 / 408
SMK 3 11 14 5 4
37 / 408
HZDS 2 1
3 / 408
SNS 1 3 1
5 / 408
1 / 408
2 / 408
SaS 7 1 1
9 / 408
Most–Híd 7 4 1 1 1 3
17 / 408
NOVA 1 1 1 1 1
5 / 408
Other parties 3 1 1 1 1
7 / 408
Independents 6 6 11 4 16 13 6 11
73 / 408
Total 44 40 45 54 57 49 62 57 408 100


  1. "VOĽBY DO VÚC 2013 - VÝSLEDKY". Sme. Archived from the original on 13 November 2013. Retrieved 10 November 2013.

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