During the Parade of Nations within the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics opening ceremony, athletes and officials from each participating team marched in the Maracanã Stadium preceded by their flag and placard bearer. Each flag bearer had been chosen either by the team's National Olympic Committee or by the athletes themselves.

Parade order

Burkina Faso representation during the parade
Michael Phelps carrying the flag on behalf of athletes from the United States
Great Britain entering the stadium with tennis star Andy Murray carrying the flag
Iran entering the stadium with paralyzed Zahra Nemati carrying the flag
Athletes from host nation Brazil with flagbearer Yane Marques at center closing the parade

Greece entered first, as the nation of the ancient and first modern Olympic Games. The host nation Brazil marched last. Other teams entered in alphabetical order in the language of the host country (Portuguese), according with tradition and IOC guidelines.[1] Announcers in the stadium read off the names of the marching teams in French and English (the official languages of the Olympics) as well as Portuguese, with music accompanying the athletes as they marched into the stadium.

While most countries entered teams under their short names, a few entered under more formal or alternative names, sometimes due to political or naming disputes or for historical reasons. North Macedonia entered as "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia'" (Portuguese: Ex-República Iugoslava da Macedônia) under E because of the naming dispute with Greece until 2020. The People's Republic of China (commonly known as China), entered as the "People's Republic of China" (República Popular da China) under C. The Republic of the Congo entered as just "Congo", right before the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which entered under its full name (República Democrática do Congo). Similarly, South Korea entered as "Republic of Korea" (República da Coreia) under C while North Korea entered as "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" (República Popular Democrática da Coreia). The team from the United Kingdom used the misnomer Great Britain, for historical reasons. Additionally, Brunei, Ivory Coast, the United States, Hong Kong, Iran, Laos, Moldova, Russia, Syria, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, the United States Virgin Islands, and the British Virgin Islands all entered under their formal names, respectively "Brunei Darussalam" (Brunei Darussalam), "Côte d’Ivoire" (Costa do Marfim), "United States of America" (Estados Unidos da América), "Hong Kong, China" (Hong Kong, China), "Islamic Republic of Iran" (República Islâmica do I), "Lao People's Democratic Republic" (República Popular Democrática do Laos), "Republic of Moldova" (República da Moldova), "Russian Federation" (Federação da Rússia), "Syrian Arab Republic" (República Árabe da Síria), "United Republic of Tanzania" (República Unida da Tanzânia), "Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste" (República Democrática de Timor-Leste), "American Virgin Islands" (Ilhas Virgens Americanas), and "British Virgin Islands" (Ilhas Virgens Britânicas).

The Refugee Olympic Team, composed of refugees from several countries, went second to last and received a standing ovation.

Teams and flagbearers

Below is a list of parading teams their announced flag bearer in the same order as the parade. Names are given in the form officially designated by the IOC.

Order Team Brazilian Portuguese name Flag bearer Sport
1 Greece (GRE)GréciaSofia Bekatorou[2]Sailing
2 Afghanistan (AFG)AfeganistãoMohammad Tawfiq Bakhshi[3]Judo
3 South Africa (RSA)África do SulWayde van Niekerk[4]Athletics
4 Albania (ALB)AlbâniaLuiza Gega[5]Athletics
5 Germany (GER)AlemanhaTimo Boll[6]Table tennis
6 Andorra (AND)AndorraLaura Sallés[7]Judo
7 Angola (ANG)AngolaLuísa Kiala[8]Handball
8 Antigua and Barbuda (ANT)Antígua e BarbudaDaniel Bailey[3]Athletics
9 Saudi Arabia (KSA)Arábia SauditaSulaiman Hamad[3]Judo
10 Algeria (ALG)ArgéliaSonia Asselah[9]Judo
11 Argentina (ARG)ArgentinaLuis Scola[10]Basketball
12 Armenia (ARM)ArmêniaVahan Mkhitaryan[11]Swimming
13 Aruba (ARU)ArubaNicole van der Velden[3]Sailing
14 Independent Olympic Athletes (IOA)Atletas Olímpicos IndependentesVolunteer[3]
15 Australia (AUS)AustráliaAnna Meares[12]Cycling
16 Austria (AUT)ÁustriaLiu Jia[13]Table tennis
17 Azerbaijan (AZE)AzerbaijãoTeymur Mammadov[14]Boxing
18 Bahamas (BAH)BahamasShaunae Miller[15]Athletics
19 Bangladesh (BAN)BangladeshSiddikur Rahman[16]Golf
20 Barbados (BAR)BarbadosRamon Gittens[17]Athletics
21 Bahrain (BRN)BareineFarhan Saleh[18]Swimming
22 Belarus (BLR)BelarusVasil Kiryienka[19]Cycling
23 Belgium (BEL)BélgicaOlivia Borlée[20]Athletics
24 Belize (BIZ)BelizeBrandon Jones[21]Athletics
25 Benin (BEN)BenimYémi Apithy[22]Fencing
26 Bermuda (BER)BermudasTyrone Smith[23]Athletics
27 Bolivia (BOL)BolíviaÁngela Castro[24]Athletics
28 Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)Bósnia-HerzegovinaAmel Tuka[25]Athletics
29 Botswana (BOT)BotsuanaNijel Amos[3]Athletics
30 Brunei (BRU)Brunei DarussalamMohamed Fakhri Ismail[26]Athletics
31 Bulgaria (BUL)BulgáriaIvet Lalova-Collio[27]Athletics
32 Burkina Faso (BUR)Burkina FasoRachid Sidibé[28]Judo
33 Burundi (BDI)BurundiOlivier Irabaruta[3]Athletics
34 Bhutan (BHU)ButãoKarma[3]Archery
35 Cape Verde (CPV)Cabo VerdeMaria Andrade[3]Taekwondo
36 Cameroon (CMR)CamarõesWilfried Ntsengue[29]Boxing
37 Cambodia (CAM)CambojaSorn Seavmey[30]Taekwondo
38 Canada (CAN)CanadáRosannagh MacLennan[31]Gymnastics
39 Qatar (QAT)CatarSheikh Ali al-Thani Hamad[3]Equestrian
40 Kazakhstan (KAZ)CazaquistãoRuslan Zhaparov[32]Taekwondo
41 Cayman Islands (CAY)Ilhas CaymanRonald Forbes[33]Athletics
42 Central African Republic (CAF)República CentroafricanaChloe Sauvourel[3]Swimming
43 Chad (CHA)ChadeBibiro Ali Taher[34]Athletics
44 Chile (CHI)ChileÉrika Olivera[35]Athletics
45 China (CHN)República Popular da ChinaLei Sheng[36]Fencing
46 Cyprus (CYP)ChiprePavlos Kontides[37]Sailing
47 Colombia (COL)ColômbiaYuri Alvear[38]Judo
48 Comoros (COM)ComoresNazlati Mohamed Andhumdine[3]Swimming
49 Republic of the Congo (CGO)CongoFranck Elemba[28]Athletics
50 Democratic Republic of the Congo (COD)República Democrática do CongoRosa Keleku[39]Taekwondo
51 Cook Islands (COK)Ilhas CookElla Nicholas[40]Canoeing
52 South Korea (KOR)República da CoreiaGu Bon-gil[41]Fencing
53 Ivory Coast (CIV)Costa do MarfimMurielle Ahouré[42]Athletics
54 Costa Rica (CRC)Costa RicaNery Brenes[43]Athletics
55 Croatia (CRO)CroáciaJosip Pavić[44]Water polo
56 Cuba (CUB)CubaMijaín López[45]Wrestling
57 Denmark (DEN)DinamarcaCaroline Wozniacki[46]Tennis
58 Djibouti (DJI)DjibutiAbdi Waiss Mouhyadin[3]Athletics
59 Dominica (DMA)DominicaYordanys Durañona[3]Athletics
60 Dominican Republic (DOM)República DominicanaLuguelín Santos[47]Athletics
61 Egypt (EGY)EgitoAhmed El-Ahmar[48]Handball
62 El Salvador (ESA)El SalvadorLilian Castro[49]Shooting
63 United Arab Emirates (UAE)Emirados Árabes UnidosNada Al-Bedwawi[50]Swimming
64 Ecuador (ECU)EquadorEstefania García[51]Judo
65 Eritrea (ERI)EritreiaVolunteer[3]
66 Slovakia (SVK)EslováquiaDanka Barteková[52]Shooting
67 Slovenia (SLO)EslovêniaVasilij Žbogar[53]Sailing
68 Spain (ESP)EspanhaRafael Nadal[54]Tennis
69 Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)Estados Federados da MicronésiaJennifer Chieng[55]Boxing
70 United States (USA)Estados Unidos da AméricaMichael Phelps[56]Swimming
71 Estonia (EST)EstôniaKarl-Martin Rammo[57]Sailing
72 Ethiopia (ETH)EtiópiaRobel Kiros Habte[3]Swimming
73 Macedonia (MKD)Ex-República Iugoslava da MacedôniaAnastasija Bogdanovski[58]Swimming
74 Fiji (FIJ)FijiOsea Kolinisau[59]Rugby sevens
75 Philippines (PHI)FilipinasIan Lariba[60]Table tennis
76 Finland (FIN)FinlândiaTuuli Petäjä-Sirén[61]Sailing
77 France (FRA)FrançaTeddy Riner[62]Judo
78 Gabon (GAB)GabãoAnthony Obame[63]Taekwondo
79 The Gambia (GAM)GâmbiaGina Bass[64]Athletics
80 Ghana (GHA)GanaFlings Owusu-Agyapong[65]Athletics
81 Georgia (GEO)GeórgiaAvtandil Tchrikishvili[66]Judo
82 Great Britain (GBR)Grã-BretanhaAndy Murray[67]Tennis
83 Grenada (GRN)GranadaKirani James[3]Athletics
84 Guam (GUM)GuamBenjamin Schulte[68]Swimming
85 Guatemala (GUA)GuatemalaAna Sofía Gómez[69]Gymnastics
86 Guyana (GUY)GuianaHannibal Gaskin[3]Swimming
87 Guinea (GUI)GuinéMamadama Bangoura[70]Judo
88 Equatorial Guinea (GEQ)Guiné EquatorialReïna-Flor Okori[71]Athletics
89 Guinea-Bissau (GBS)Guiné-BissauAugusto Midana[3]Wrestling
90 Haiti (HAI)HaitiAsnage Castelly[72]Wrestling
91 Honduras (HON)HondurasRolando Palacios[73]Athletics
92 Hong Kong (HKG)Hong Kong, ChinaStephanie Au[74]Swimming
93 Hungary (HUN)HungriaÁron Szilágyi[75]Fencing
94 Yemen (YEM)IêmenZeyad Mater[3]Judo
95 India (IND)ÍndiaAbhinav Bindra[76]Shooting
96 Indonesia (INA)IndonésiaMaria Natalia Londa[77]Athletics
97 Iran (IRI)República Islâmica do IrãZahra Nemati[78]Archery
98 Iraq (IRQ)IraqueWaheed Abdul-Ridha[79]Boxing
99 Ireland (IRL)IrlandaPaddy Barnes[80]Boxing
100 Iceland (ISL)IslândiaÞormóður Jónsson[81]Judo
101 Israel (ISR)IsraelNeta Rivkin[82]Gymnastics
102 Italy (ITA)ItáliaFederica Pellegrini[83]Swimming
103 Jamaica (JAM)JamaicaShelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce[84]Athletics
104 Japan (JPN)JapãoKeisuke Ushiro[85]Athletics
105 Jordan (JOR)JordâniaHussein Ishaish[3]Boxing
106 Kiribati (KIR)KiribatiDavid Katoatau[3]Weightlifting
107 Kosovo (KOS)KosovoMajlinda Kelmendi[86]Judo
108 Laos (LAO)República Popular Democrática do LaosXaysa Anousone[3]Athletics
109 Lesotho (LES)LesotoMosito Lehata[3]Athletics
110 Latvia (LAT)LetôniaMāris Štrombergs[87]Cycling
111 Lebanon (LIB)LíbanoNacif Elias[88]Judo
112 Liberia (LBR)LibériaEmmanuel Matadi[3]Athletics
113 Libya (LBA)LíbiaMohamed Fuad Hrezi[89]Athletics
114 Liechtenstein (LIE)LiechtensteinJulia Hassler[90]Swimming
115 Lithuania (LTU)LituâniaGintarė Scheidt[91]Sailing
116 Luxembourg (LUX)LuxemburgoGilles Müller[92]Tennis
117 Madagascar (MAD)MadagascarEliane Saholinirina[3]Athletics
118 Malaysia (MAS)MalásiaLee Chong Wei[93]Badminton
119 Malawi (MAW)MaláuiKefasi Chitsala[3]Athletics
120 Maldives (MDV)MaldivasAminath Shajan[94]Swimming
121 Mali (MLI)MaliDjenebou Dante[3]Athletics
122 Malta (MLT)MaltaAndrew Chetcuti[95]Swimming
123 Marshall Islands (MHL)Ilhas MarshallMathlynn Sasser[3]Weightlifting
124 Morocco (MAR)MarrocosAbdelkebir Ouaddar[96]Equestrian
125 Mauritius (MRI)MaurícioKate Foo Kune[97]Badminton
126 Mauritania (MTN)MauritâniaJidou El Moctar[28]Athletics
127 Mexico (MEX)MéxicoDaniela Campuzano[98]Cycling
128 Mozambique (MOZ)MoçambiqueJoaquim Lobo[99]Canoeing
129 Moldova (MDA)República da MoldovaNicolae Ceban[100]Wrestling
130 Monaco (MON)MônacoBrice Etès[3]Athletics
131 Mongolia (MGL)MongóliaTemuulen Battulga[101]Judo
132 Montenegro (MNE)MontenegroBojana Popović[102]Handball
133 Myanmar (MYA)MyanmarYan Naing Soe[3]Judo
134 Namibia (NAM)NamíbiaJonas Junias[103]Boxing
135 Nauru (NRU)NauruElson Brechtefeld[3]Weightlifting
136 Nepal (NEP)NepalPhupu Lhamu Khatri[104]Judo
137 Nicaragua (NCA)NicaráguaRafael Lacayo[105]Shooting
138 Niger (NIG)NígerAbdoul Razak Issoufou[106]Taekwondo
139 Nigeria (NGR)NigériaOlufunke Oshonaike[107]Table tennis
140 Norway (NOR)NoruegaOle Kristian Bryhn[108]Shooting
141 New Zealand (NZL)Nova ZelândiaPeter Burling[109]Sailing
142 Oman (OMA)OmãHamed Said Al-Khatri[110]Shooting
143 Netherlands (NED)Países BaixosJeroen Dubbeldam[111]Equestrian
144 Palau (PLW)PalauFlorian Skilang Temengil[3]Wrestling
145 Palestine (PLE)PalestinaMayada Al-Sayad[3]Athletics
146 Panama (PAN)PanamáAlonso Edward[112]Athletics
147 Papua New Guinea (PNG)Papua Nova GuinéRyan Pini[113]Swimming
148 Pakistan (PAK)PaquistãoGhulam Mustafa Bashir[3]Shooting
149 Paraguay (PAR)ParaguaiJulieta Granada[114]Golf
150 Peru (PER)PeruFrancisco Boza[115]Shooting
151 Poland (POL)PolôniaKarol Bielecki[116]Handball
152 Puerto Rico (PUR)Porto RicoJaime Espinal[117]Wrestling
153 Portugal (POR)PortugalJoão Rodrigues[118]Sailing
154 Kenya (KEN)QuêniaShehzana Anwar[119]Archery
155 Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)QuirguistãoErkin Adylbek Uulu[120]Boxing
156 North Korea (PRK)República Popular Democrática da CoreiaChoe Jon-wi[3]Weightlifting
157 Romania (ROU)RomêniaCătălina Ponor[121]Gymnastics
158 Rwanda (RWA)RuandaAdrien Niyonshuti[122]Cycling
159 Russia (RUS)Federação da RússiaSergey Tetyukhin[123]Volleyball
160 Solomon Islands (SOL)Ilhas SalomãoJenly Tegu Wini[3]Weightlifting
161 Samoa (SAM)SamoaMary Opeloge[3]Weightlifting
162 American Samoa (ASA)Samoa AmericanaTanumafili Jungblut[3]Weightlifting
163 San Marino (SMR)San MarinoArianna Perilli[124]Shooting
164 Saint Lucia (LCA)Santa LúciaLevern Spencer[3]Athletics
165 Saint Kitts and Nevis (SKN)São Cristóvão e NévisAntoine Adams[3]Athletics
166 São Tomé and Príncipe (STP)São Tomé e PríncipeBuly Triste[3]Canoeing
167 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VIN)São Vicente e GranadinasKineke Alexander[3]Athletics
168 Seychelles (SEY)SeichelesRodney Govinden[125]Sailing
169 Senegal (SEN)SenegalIsabelle Sambou[126]Wrestling
170 Sierra Leone (SLE)Serra LeoaBunturabie Jalloh[3]Swimming
171 Serbia (SRB)SérviaIvana Anđušić Maksimović[127]Shooting
172 Singapore (SIN)SingapuraDerek Wong Zi Liang[128]Badminton
173 Syria (SYR)República Árabe da SíriaMajd Eddin Ghazal[3]Athletics
174 Somalia (SOM)SomáliaMohamed Daud Mohamed[3]Athletics
175 Sri Lanka (SRI)Sri LankaAnuradha Cooray[129]Athletics
176 Swaziland (SWZ)SuazilândiaSibusiso Matsenjwa[3]Athletics
177 Sudan (SUD)SudãoAbdalla Yousif[3]Athletics
178 South Sudan (SSD)Sudão do SulGuor Marial[3]Athletics
179 Sweden (SWE)SuéciaTherese Alshammar[130]Swimming
180 Switzerland (SUI)SuíçaGiulia Steingruber[131]Gymnastics
181 Suriname (SUR)SurinameSoren Opti[132]Badminton
182 Tajikistan (TJK)TadjiquistãoDilshod Nazarov[133]Athletics
183 Thailand (THA)TailândiaRatchanok Intanon[134]Badminton
184 Chinese Taipei (TPE)Taipé ChinesaIsheau Wong[135]Equestrian
185 Tanzania (TAN)República Unida da TanzâniaAndrew Thomas Mlugu[136]Judo
186 Czech Republic (CZE)República TchecaLukáš Krpálek[137]Judo
187 East Timor (TLS)República Democrática de Timor-LesteFrancelina Cabral[3]Cycling
188 Togo (TOG)TogoAdzo Kpossi[138]Swimming
189 Tonga (TGA)TongaPita Taufatofua[139]Taekwondo
190 Trinidad and Tobago (TTO)Trinidad e TobagoKeshorn Walcott[140]Athletics
191 Tunisia (TUN)TunísiaOussama Mellouli[141]Swimming
192 Turkmenistan (TKM)TurcomenistãoMerdan Atayev[3]Swimming
193 Turkey (TUR)TurquiaRıza Kayaalp[142]Wrestling
194 Tuvalu (TUV)TuvaluEtimoni Timuani[143]Athletics
195 Ukraine (UKR)UcrâniaMykola Milchev[144]Shooting
196 Uganda (UGA)UgandaJoshua Tibatemwa[3]Swimming
197 Uruguay (URU)UruguaiDolores Moreira[145]Sailing
198 Uzbekistan (UZB)UzbequistãoBakhodir Jalolov[146]Boxing
199 Vanuatu (VAN)VanuatuYoshua Shing[147]Table tennis
200 Venezuela (VEN)VenezuelaRubén Limardo[148]Fencing
201 Vietnam (VIE)VietnãVũ Thành An[149]Fencing
202 Virgin Islands (ISV)Ilhas Virgens AmericanasCy Thompson[150]Sailing
203 British Virgin Islands (IVB)Ilhas Virgens BritânicasAshley Kelly[151]Athletics
204 Zambia (ZAM)ZâmbiaMathews Punza[3]Judo
205 Zimbabwe (ZIM)ZimbábueKirsty Coventry[152]Swimming
206 Refugee Olympic Team (ROT)[153]Time Olímpico de RefugiadosRose Lokonyen[154]Athletics
207 Brazil (BRA)BrasilYane Marques[155]Modern pentathlon


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