The reorganization plan of the United States Army is a modernization (2015–2028) and reorganization (2006–2016) plan of the United States Army implemented (2006–2016) under the direction of Brigade Modernization Command. This effort formally began in 2006 when General Peter Schoomaker (the 35th Army Chief of Staff) was given the support to move the Army from its Cold War divisional orientation to a full-spectrum capability with fully manned, equipped and trained brigades; this effort was completed by the end of 2016.[1] It has been the most comprehensive reorganization since World War II and included modular combat brigades, support brigades, and command headquarters, as well as rebalancing the active and reserve components.
The plan was first proposed in 1999 by Army Chief of Staff General Eric Shinseki but was bitterly opposed internally by the Army.[2]
By 2028, in Multi-Domain Operations (MDO)[lower-alpha 2]—as part of the Joint force, Army Strategy is to counter a near-peer adversary which is capable of competition in all domains.[lower-alpha 3][3][4][5][6][7][8] In 2019, the planning was for Large Scale ground Combat Operations (LSCO) at echelons above the brigade combat team (meaning division-sized units, or larger).[9][10][11] Multi-Domain Task Forces (MDTFs) operate in a combatant commander's theater (area of responsibility). MDTFs are experimental brigade-sized units which are tailored to the theater; they are to operate subordinate to a Theater fires command, or to a corps, or division headquarters, jointly or independently, depending on the mission.[12][4] These MDTFs increase the "capability to connect with national assets" in space and cyber, with "the capacity to penetrate with long range fires, with the ability to integrate all domains".[12][13] —This is integrated deterrence:[14][15] taking existing capabilities, as well as building on new capabilities, which have been deployed in new and networked ways,[lower-alpha 3] all tailored to the security landscape of the respective regions, in order to deter the antagonists.[16][17]
In 2020, the Army's 40th Chief of Staff, Gen. James C. McConville, was calling for transformational change, rather than incremental change by the Army.[18]: minute 4:55 In 2021, McConville laid out Aimpoint 2035, a direction for the Army to achieve Corps-level "large-scale combat operations" (LSCO) by 2035, with Waypoints from 2021 to 2028.[19][20][21] In fall 2018, Army Strategy for the next ten years was articulated listeding four Lines of Effort to be implemented.[22] By August 2023, the Army's 41st[23][24] Chief of Staff Gen. Randy A. George could lay out his priorities:[25] The priorities are
Origin and initial design
Before Schoomaker's appointment, the Army was organized around large, mostly mechanized, divisions of around 15,000 soldiers each, with the aim of being able to fight in two major theatres simultaneously. Under the new plan, the Army would be organized around modular brigades of 3,000–4,000 soldiers, intended to deploy continuously in different parts of the world and to organize the Army closer to the way it fights.
An additional 30,000 soldiers were recruited as a short-term measure to ease the structural changes, although a permanent end-strength change was not expected because of fears of funding cuts. This forced the Army to pay for the additional personnel from procurement and readiness accounts. Up to 60% of the defense budget is spent on personnel; at the time, each 10,000 soldiers cost roughly US$1.4 billion annually.
In 2002, the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs held a key conference: the "Belfer Center Conference on Military Transformation". Co-sponsored by the United States Army War College and the Dwight D. Eisenhower National Security Series, on November 22 and 23, it brought together present and former defense officials and military commanders to assess the Department of Defense's progress in achieving a "transformation" of U.S. military capabilities.[27]
In 2004, the United States Army Forces Command (FORSCOM), which commands most active and reserve forces based in the Continental United States, was tasked with supervising the modular transformation of its subordinate structure.
In March 2004, a contract was awarded to Anteon Corporation (later a part of General Dynamics) to provide "Modularity Coordination Cells" (MCCs) to each transforming corps, division and brigade within FORSCOM. Each MCC contained a team of functional area specialists who provided direct, ground-level support to the unit. The MCCs were coordinated by the Anteon office in Atlanta, Georgia.
In 2007 a new deployment scheme known as Grow the Army was adopted that enabled the Army to carry out continuous operations.[28] The plan was modified several times including an expansion of troop numbers in 2007 and changes to the number of modular brigades. On 25 June 2013, plans were announced to disband 13 modular brigade combat teams (BCTs) and expand the remaining brigades with an extra maneuver battalion, extra fires batteries, and an engineer battalion.
In 2009 an "ongoing campaign of learning" was the capstone concept for force commanders, meant to carry the Army from 2016 to 2028.[29][21]
- New capabilities
In the summer of 2018, the U.S. Army Futures Command (AFC),[30][31] a new Army command for modernization was activated.[32][33] The modernization effort, coordinated with FORSCOM, US Army Materiel Command (AMC), and US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), addresses the long lead times[34] for introducing new materiel and capabilities into the brigades of the Army.[32][35][36][lower-alpha 4] This planned Joint capability was demonstrated to the Combatant commanders (who are the "customers" for the capability) and the Joint Chiefs (who advise the government on the importance of this effort) at White Sands Missile Range in September 2020,[37][38] in an ongoing campaign for achieving integrated deterrence. By 2020 Project Convergence, a campaign of learning, was pressed into service at Yuma Proving Ground, in the Army's campaign to modernize,[39] by experimental prototype and demonstration of a networking concept;[32] Project Convergence 2021 (PC21)[40] was then a vehicle for the entire DoD, in its Joint Warfighting Concept (JWC) demonstration of Joint all-domain command and control (JADC2).[41][42] Project Convergence 2022 (PC22) now has a website for candidate entries,[43] even as PC21 was underway in 2021. Analysis is underway in FY2022 to balance modernization and readiness going forward.[44][45][46]
History of "Army Force Generation" (ARFORGEN)
The Secretary of the Army approved implementing "Army Force Generation" (ARFORGEN), a transformational force generation model, in 2006. ARFORGEN process diagram 2010 Army Posture Statement, Addendum F, Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN)[47]
ARFORGEN model concept development began in the summer of 2004 and received its final approval from the Army's senior leadership in early 2006.[48]
FORSCOM, Department of the Army AR 525-29 Military Operations, Army Force Generation, 14 Mar 2011
In 2016 the Army force generation process ARFORGEN was sidelined because it relied mostly on the Active Army, in favor of the total force policy, which includes the Reserve and National Guard; in the new model, the total force could have fallen to 980,000 by 2018,[49] subject to DoD's Defense Strategic Guidance to the Joint Staff.[50]: note especially pp.1–3 By 15 June 2017, the Department of the Army approved an increase in the Active Army's end-strength from 475,000 to 476,000. The total Army end-strength increases to 1.018 million.[51]
Planning process, evolution, and transformation
The commander-in-chief directs the planning process, through guidance to the Army by the Secretary of Defense.[50] Every year, Army Posture Statements by the Secretary of the Army and the Chief of Staff of the Army summarize their assessment[lower-alpha 5] of the Army's ability to respond to world events,[53][54] and also to transform for the future.[55] In support of transformation for the future, TRADOC, upon the advice of the Army's stakeholders, has assembled 20 warfighting challenges.[56] These challenges are under evaluation during annual Army warfighting assessments, such as AWA 17.1, held in October 2016. AWA 17.1 was an assessment by 5,000 US Soldiers, Special Operations Forces, Airmen, and Marines,[57] as well as by British, Australian, Canadian, Danish, and Italian troops.[58][59][60][61] For example, "reach-back" is among the capabilities being assessed; when under attack in an unexpected location, a Soldier on the move might use Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T). At the halt, a light Transportable Tactical Command Communications (T2C2 Lite) system[62]: p.356 [63][64][65][66] could reach back to a mobile command post, to communicate the unexpected situation to higher echelons,[67][68] a building block in multi-domain operations.[69][70][22][71]
Implementation and current status
Grow the Army was a transformation and re-stationing initiative of the United States Army which began in 2007 and was scheduled to be completed by fiscal year 2013. The initiative was designed to grow the army by almost 75,000 soldiers, while realigning a large portion of the force in Europe to the continental United States in compliance with the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure suggestions. This grew the force from 42 Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs) and 75 modular support brigades in 2007 to 45 Brigade Combat Teams and 83 modular support brigades by 2013.
On 25 June 2013, 38th Army Chief of Staff General Raymond T. Odierno announced plans to disband 13 brigade combat teams and reduce troop strengths by 80,000 soldiers. While the number of BCTs will be reduced, the size of remaining BCTs will increase, on average, to about 4,500 soldiers. That will be accomplished, in many cases, by moving existing battalions and other assets from existing BCTs into other brigades. Two brigade combat teams in Germany had already been deactivated and a further 10 brigade combat teams slated for deactivation were announced by General Odierno on 25 June. (An additional brigade combat team was announced for deactivation 6 November 2014.) At the same time the maneuver battalions from the disbanded brigades will be used to augment armored and infantry brigade combat teams with a third maneuver battalion and expanded brigades fires capabilities by adding a third battery to the existing fires battalions. Furthermore, all brigade combat teams—armored, infantry and Stryker—will gain a Brigade Engineer Battalion, with "gap-crossing" and route-clearance capability.[72]
On 6 November 2014, it was reported that the 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, currently stationed in South Korea, was to be deactivated in June 2015 and be replaced by a succession of U.S.-based brigade combat teams, which are to be rotated in and out, at the same nine-month tempo as practiced by the Army from 2001 to 2014.[73]
Eleven brigades were inactivated by 2015. The remaining brigades as of 2015 are listed below. On 16 March 2016, the Deputy Commanding General (DCG) of FORSCOM announced that the brigades would now also train to move their equipment to their new surge location as well as to train for the requirements of their next deployment.[74][75][76][77]
By 2018, 23rd Secretary of the Army Mark Esper noted that even though the large deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan had ceased, at any given time, three of the Armored Brigade Combat Teams are deployed to EUCOM, CENTCOM, and INDOPACOM, respectively, while two Infantry Brigade Combat Teams are deployed to Iraq, and Afghanistan, respectively.[78]
[At any given time,] there are more than 100,000 Soldiers deployed around the world —23rd Secretary of the Army Mark Esper[78]
In 2019 the 23rd Secretary of the Army asserted that the planning efforts, including Futures Command, the SFABs, and the Decisive Action readiness training of the BCTs are preparing the Army for competition with both near-peer and regional powers.[79][80] The Army and Marine Corps have issued "clear explanations and guidance for the 429 articles of the Geneva Conventions".[81][82]
The Budget Control Act could potentially restrict funds by 2020.[94] By 2024–2025, the Fiscal Year Development Plan (FYDP) will have reallocated $10 billion more into development of the top 6 modernization priorities,[lower-alpha 4] taking those funds from legacy spending budgets.[95]
Reorganization plans by unit type
The Army has now been organized around modular brigades of 3,000–4,000 soldiers each, with the aim of being able to deploy continuously in different parts of the world, and effectively organizing the Army closer to the way it fights. The fact that this modernization is now in place has been acknowledged by the renaming of the 'Brigade Modernization Command' to the "U.S. Army Joint Modernization Command," on 16 February 2017.[1]
By 2021 the Army of 2030 was envisioned to consist of Brigades for the close fight, Divisions for Large scale combat operations, Corps for enduring, sustained operations, and Theater-scale commands.[19][20][lower-alpha 1]
Modular combat brigades
Modular combat brigades are self-contained combined arms formations.[103][104] They are standardized formations across the active and reserve components, meaning an Armored BCT at Fort Cavazos is the same as one at Fort Stewart.[lower-alpha 6]
Reconnaissance plays a large role in the new organizational designs. The Army felt the acquisition of the target was the weak link in the chain of finding, fixing, closing with, and destroying the enemy. The Army felt that it had already sufficient lethal platforms to take out the enemy and thus the number of reconnaissance units in each brigade was increased.[lower-alpha 7] The brigades sometimes depend on joint fires from the Air Force and Navy to accomplish their mission. As a result, the amount of field artillery has been reduced in the brigade design.
The three types of BCTs are Armored Brigade Combat Teams (ABCTs), Infantry Brigade Combat Teams (IBCTs) (includes Light, Air Assault and Airborne units), and Stryker Brigade Combat Teams (SBCTs).

Armored Brigade Combat Teams, or ABCTs consist of 4,743 troops. This includes the third maneuver battalion as laid out in 2013. The changes announced by the U.S. army on 25 June 2013,[72] include adding a third maneuver battalion to the brigade, a second engineer company to a new Brigade Engineer Battalion, a third battery to the FA battalion, and reducing the size of each battery from 8 to 6 guns. These changes will also increase the number of troops in the affected battalions and also increase the total troops in the brigade. Since the brigade has more organic units, the command structure includes a deputy commander (in addition to the traditional executive officer) and a larger staff capable of working with civil affairs, special operations, psychological operations, air defense, and aviation units. An Armored BCT consists of:
- the brigade headquarters and headquarters company (HHC): 43 officers, 17 warrant officers, 125 enlisted personnel – total: 185 soldiers.
- the Brigade Engineer Battalion (BEB) (formerly Brigade Special Troops Battalion (BSTB)), consisted of a headquarters company, signal company, military intelligence company with a TUAV platoon and two combat engineer companies (A and B company). The former BSTB fielded 28 officers, 6 warrant officers, 470 enlisted personnel – total: 504 soldiers. Each of the combat engineer company fields 13× M2A2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle (BFV) Operation Desert Storm-Engineer (ODS-E), 1× M113A3 Armored Personnel Carrier (APC), 3× M1150 Assault Breacher Vehicle (ABV), 1× M9 Armored Combat Earthmover (ACE), and 2× M104 Heavy Assault Bridge (HAB).
- a Cavalry (formerly Armed Reconnaissance) Squadron, consisting of a headquarters troop (HHT) and three reconnaissance troops and one armored troop. The HHT fields 2× M3A3 Cavalry Fighting Vehicles (CFVs) and 3× M7A3 Bradley Fire Support Vehicles, while each reconnaissance troop fields 7× M3A3 CFVs. The squadron fields 35 officers and 385 enlisted personnel – total: 424 soldiers.
- three identical combined arms battalions, flagged as a battalion of an infantry, armored or cavalry regiment. Each battalion consists of a headquarters and headquarters company, two tank companies and two mechanized infantry companies. The battalions field 48 officers and 580 enlisted personnel each – total: 628 soldiers. The HHC fields 1× M1A2 main battle tank, 1× M2A3 infantry fighting vehicle, 3× M3A3 cavalry fighting vehicles, 4× M7A3 fire support vehicles and 4× M1064 mortar carriers with M120 120 mm mortars. Each of the two tank companies fields 14× M1A2 main battle tanks, while each mechanized infantry company fields 14× M2A3 infantry fighting vehicles. In 2016, the ABCT's combined arms battalions adopted a triangle structure, of two armored battalions (of two armored companies plus a single mechanized infantry company) plus a mechanized infantry battalion (of two mechanized companies and one armored company).[107] This resulted in the reduction of two mechanized infantry companies; the deleted armored company was reflagged as a troop to the Cavalry Squadron.
- a Field Artillery battalion, consisting of a headquarters battery, two cannon batteries with 8× M109A6 self-propelled 155 mm howitzers each (the changes announced by the U.S. Army on 25 June 2013,[72] include adding a third battery to the FA battalion, and reducing the size of each battery from 8 to 6 guns; these changes also increase the number of troops in the affected battalions and also increase the total troops in the Brigade), and a target acquisition platoon. 24 officers, 2 warrant officers, 296 enlisted personnel – total: 322 soldiers.
- a brigade support battalion (BSB),[108] consisting of a headquarters, medical, distribution and maintenance company, plus six forward support companies, each of which support one of the three combined arms battalions, the cavalry squadron, the engineer battalion and the field artillery battalion. 61 officers, 14 warrant officers, 1,019 enlisted personnel – total: 1,094 soldiers.

Infantry Brigade Combat Team, or IBCTs, comprised around 3,300 soldiers, in the pre-2013 design, which did not include the 3rd maneuver battalion. The 2013 end-strength is now 4,413 Soldiers:
- Special Troops Battalion (now Brigade Engineer Battalion)
- Cavalry Squadron
- (2), later (3) Infantry Battalions
- Field Artillery Battalion
- Brigade Support Battalion[108]

Stryker Brigade Combat Team or SBCTs comprised about 3,900 soldiers, making it the largest of the three combat brigade constructs in the 2006 design, and over 4,500 Soldiers in the 2013 reform. Its design includes:
- Headquarters Company
- Cavalry Squadron (with three 14-vehicle, two-120 mm mortar reconnaissance troops plus a surveillance troop with UAVs and NBC detection capability)
- (3) Stryker infantry battalions (each with three rifle companies with 12 infantry-carrying vehicles, 3 mobile gun platforms, 2 120 mm mortars, and around 100 infantry dismounts each, plus an HHC with scout, mortar and medical platoons and a sniper section.)
- Engineer Company (folded into the Brigade Engineer Battalion) [An additional engineer company was added to the battalion[72] in the 2013 reform]
- Signal Company (folded into the Brigade Engineer Battalion)
- Military Intelligence Company (with UAV platoon) (folded into the Brigade Engineer Battalion)
- Anti-tank company (9 TOW-equipped Stryker vehicles) (folded into the Brigade Engineer Battalion)
- Field Artillery Battalion (three 6-gun 155 mm Howitzer batteries, target acquisition platoon, and a joint fires cell)
- Brigade Support Battalion (headquarters, medical, maintenance, and distribution companies)[108]
Modular support brigades
Combat support brigades

Similar modularity will exist for support units which fall into five types: Aviation, Fires (artillery), Battlefield Surveillance (intelligence), Maneuver Enhancement (engineers, signal, military police, chemical, and rear-area support), and Sustainment (logistics, medical, transportation, maintenance, etc.). In the past, artillery, combat support, and logistics support only resided at the division level and brigades were assigned those units only on a temporary basis when brigades transformed into "brigade combat teams" for particular deployments.
Combat Aviation Brigades are multi-functional, offering a combination of attack helicopters (i.e., Boeing AH-64 Apache), reconnaissance helicopters (i.e., OH-58 Kiowa), medium-lift helicopters (i.e., UH-60 Black Hawk), heavy-lift helicopters (i.e., CH-47 Chinook), and medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) capability. Aviation will not be organic to combat brigades but will continue to reside at the division-level due to resource constraints.
Heavy divisions (of which there are six) will have 48 Apaches, 38 Blackhawks, 12 Chinooks, and 12 Medevac helicopters in their aviation brigade. These are divided into two aviation attack battalions, an assault lift battalion, a general aviation support battalion. An aviation support battalion will have headquarters, refuelling/resupply, repair/maintenance, and communications companies.[109] Light divisions will have aviation brigades with 60 armed reconnaissance helicopters and no Apaches, with the remaining structure the same. The remaining divisions will have aviation brigades with 30 armed reconnaissance helicopters and 24 Apaches, with the remaining structure the same. Ten Army Apache helicopter units will convert to heavy attack reconnaissance squadrons, with 12 RQ-7B Shadow drones apiece.[106][110] The helicopters to fill out these large, combined-arms division-level aviation brigades comes from aviation units that used to reside at the corps-level.

Field Artillery Brigades (known as "Fires Brigades" prior to 2014) provide traditional artillery fire (M109 Paladin self-propelled howitzer, M270 MLRS and HIMARS rocket artillery) as well as information operations and non-lethal effects capabilities. After the 2013 reform, the expertise formerly embodied in the pre-2007 Division Artillery (DIVARTY) was formally re-instituted in the Division Artillery (DIVARTY) of 2015, with a colonel as commander.[111] The operational Fires battalions will now report to this new formulation of DIVARTY, for training and operational Fires standards, as well as to the BCT.[112][113]
Air Defense: The Army was no longer to provide an organic air defense artillery (ADA) battalion to its divisions as of 2007. Nine of the ten active component (AC) divisional ADA battalions and two of the eight reserve (ARNG) divisional ADA battalions will deactivate. The remaining AC divisional ADA battalion along with six ARNG divisional ADA battalions will be pooled at the Unit of Employment to provide on-call air and missile defense (AMD) protection. The pool of Army AMD resources will address operational requirements in a tailorable and timely manner without stripping assigned AMD capability from other missions. Maneuver short-range air defense (MSHORAD)[114] with laser cannon prototypes fielding by 2020.[115] But by 2015 the Division Artillery was restored.
Maneuver Enhancement Brigades are designed to be self-contained, and will command units such as chemical, military police, civil affairs units, and tactical units such as a maneuver infantry battalion. These formations are designed so that they can operate with coalition, or joint forces such as the Marine Corps, or can span the gap between modular combat brigades and other modular support brigades.[lower-alpha 8]

Sustainment Brigades provide echelon-above-brigade-level logistics.[117] On its rotation to South Korea, 3rd ABCT, 1st Armored Division deployed its supply support activity (SSA) common authorized stockage list (CASL)[118] as well.[119] The CASL allows the ABCT to draw additional stocks beyond its pipeline of materiel from GCSS-A.[119] The DoD-level Global Combat Support System includes an Army-level tool (GCSS-A), which runs on tablet computers with bar code readers which 92-A specialists use to enter and track materiel requests, as the materiel makes its way through the supply chain to the brigades.[120] This additional information can then be used by GCSS-A to trigger resupply for Army pre-positioned stocks, typically by sea.[120][121]: p.12 The data in GCSS-Army is displayed on the Commander's Dashboard —Army Readiness-Common Operating Picture (AR-COP); this dashboard is also available to the commander at BCT, division, corps, and Army levels.[122]

The former Battlefield Surveillance Brigades,[123] now denoted Military Intelligence Brigades (Expeditionary), will offer additional UAVs and long-term surveillance detachments.[124] Each of the three active duty brigades is attached to an Army Corps.[123]

Security Force Assistance Brigades
Security force assistance brigades (SFABs) are brigades whose mission is to train, advise, and assist (TAA) the armed forces of other states. The SFAB are neither bound by conventional decisive operations nor counter-insurgency operations. Operationally, a 500-soldier SFAB would free-up a 4500-soldier BCT from a TAA mission. On 23 June 2016 General Mark Milley revealed plans for train/advise/assist Brigades, consisting of seasoned officers and NCOs with a full chain of command,[125]: Minute 18:40/1:00:45 but no junior Soldiers. In the event of a national emergency the end-strengths of the SFABs could be augmented with new soldiers from basic training and advanced individual training.[125]
An SFAB was projected to consist of 500 senior officers and NCOs, which, the Army says, could act as a cadre to reform a full BCT in a matter of months.[126] In May 2017, the initial SFAB staffing of 529 soldiers was underway, including 360 officers. The officers will have had previous command experience.[125]: 21:20 Commanders and leaders will have previously led BCTs at the same echelon.[127] The remaining personnel, all senior NCOs, are to be recruited from across the Army.[128][129][130] Promotable E-4s who volunteer for the SFAB are automatically promoted to Sergeant upon completion of the Military Advisor Training Academy.[131] A team of twelve soldiers would include a medic, personnel for intelligence support, and air support,[132] as cited by Keller.[133][134]
These SFABs would be trained in languages, how to work with interpreters,[135] and equipped with the latest equipment[136] such as Integrated Tactical Network (ITN)[137] using T2C2 systems[138][139] including secure, but unclassified, communications[140] and weapons to support coalition partners,[141] as well as unmanned aircraft systems (UASs).[142] The first five SFABs would align with the Combatant Commands (SOUTHCOM, AFRICOM, CENTCOM, EUCOM, and USINDOPACOM, respectively);[19] an SFAB could provide up to 58 teams (possibly with additional Soldiers for force protection).[141]
Funding for the first two SFABs was secured in June 2017.[51] By October 2017, the first of six planned SFABs (the 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade)[143] was established at Fort Moore.[144][125]: minute 50:00 On 16 October 2017, BG Brian Mennes of Force Management in the Army's G3/5/7 announced accelerated deployment of the first two SFABs, possibly by Spring 2018 to Afghanistan and Iraq, if required.[141] This was approved in early July 2017, by the 27th Secretary of Defense and the 39th Chief of Staff of the Army. On 8 February 2018, 1st SFAB held an activation ceremony at Fort Moore, revealing its colors and heraldry for the first time, and then cased its colors for the deployment to Afghanistan.[145] 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade deployed to Afghanistan in spring 2018.[146]
On 8 December 2017, the Army announced the activation of the 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade,[147] for January 2018, the second of six planned SFABs. The SFAB are to consist of about 800 senior and noncommissioned officers who have served at the same echelon, with proven expertise in advise-and-assist operations with foreign security forces. Fort Liberty was chosen as the station for the second SFAB[148] in anticipation of the time projected to train a Security Force Assistance Brigade.[147] On 17 January 2018 39th Chief of Staff Mark Milley announced the activation of the third SFAB.[133] 2nd SFAB undergoes three months of training beginning October 2018, to be followed by a Joint Readiness Training Center Rotation beginning January 2019, and deployment in spring 2019.[149] The 3rd, 4th, and 5th SFABs are to be stationed at Fort Cavazos, Fort Carson, and Joint Base Lewis-McChord, respectively;[150] the headquarters of the 54th Security Force Assistance Brigade, made up from the Army National Guard, will be in Indiana, one of six states to contribute an element of 54th SFAB.[151] It is likely that these brigades will be seeing service within United States Central Command.[152][153]
The Security Force Assistance Command (SFAC), a one-star division-level command[154] and all six SFABs will be activated by 2020.[22] The Security Force Assistance Directorate, a one-star Directorate for the SFABs, is part of FORSCOM in Fort Liberty. SFAD will be responsible for the Military Advisor Training Academy as well.[155][156] The 1st SFAB commander was promoted to Brigadier General in Gardez, Afghanistan on 18 August 2018.[157] The 2nd SFAB commander was promoted to Brigadier General 7 September 2018.[158] SFAC and 2nd SFAB were activated in a joint ceremony at Fort Liberty on 3 December 2018.[154] 2nd SFAB deployed to Afghanistan in February 2019.[159][160] 3rd SFAB activated at Fort Hood on 16 July 2019;[161] 3rd SFAB will relieve 2nd SFAB in Afghanistan for the Winter 2019 rotation.[162]
Security Assistance is part of The Army Strategy 2018's Line of Effort 4: "Strengthen Alliances and Partnerships".[22] The Security Assistance Command is based at Redstone Arsenal[163] (but the SFAC is based at Fort Liberty).[154]
Army Field Support Brigades
Army Field Support Brigades (AFSBs) have been utilized to field materiel in multiple Combatant Command's Areas of Responsibility (AORs).[164] [121]: p22-27 and p.77–78 Initially 405th AFSB prepositioned stocks for a partial brigade; eventually, the 405th was to field materiel for an ABCT, a Division headquarters, a Fires Brigade, and a Sustainment Brigade in their AOR, which required multinational agreements.[165] Similarly, 401st AFSB configured materiel for an ABCT in their AOR as well. The objective has been combat configuration: maintain their vehicles to support a 96-hour readiness window for a deployed ABCT on demand.[166] In addition, 403rd Army Field Support Brigade maintains prepositioned stocks for their AOR.
Command headquarters
Below the Combatant Commands echelon, Division commands will command and control their combat and support brigades.[167] Divisions will operate as plug-and-play headquarters commands (similar to corps) instead of fixed formations with permanently assigned units. Any combination of brigades may be allocated to a division command for a particular mission, up to a maximum of four combat brigades. For instance, the 3rd Infantry Division headquarters could be assigned two armor brigades and two infantry brigades based on the expected requirements of a given mission. On its next deployment, the same division may have one Stryker brigade and two armor brigades assigned to it. The same modus operandi holds true for support units. The goal of reorganization with regard to logistics is to streamline the logistics command structure[168] so that combat service support can fulfill its support mission more efficiently.[169][170]
The division headquarters itself has also been redesigned as a modular unit that can be assigned an array of units and serve in many different operational environments.[171] The new term for this headquarters is the UEx (or Unit of Employment, X). The headquarters is designed to be able to operate as part of a joint force, command joint forces with augmentation, and command at the operational level of warfare (not just the tactical level). It will include organic security personnel and signal capability plus liaison elements. As of March 2015, nine of the ten regular Army division headquarters, and two national guard division headquarters are committed in support of Combatant Commands.[53]: Executive Summary [172][173]
When not deployed, the division will have responsibility for the training and readiness of a certain number of modular brigades units. For instance, the 3rd Infantry Division headquarters module based at Fort Stewart, GA is responsible for the readiness of its combat brigades and other units of the division (that is, 3rd ID is responsible for administrative control —ADCON of its downtrace units), assuming they have not been deployed separately under a different division.
The re-designed headquarters module comprises around 1,000 soldiers including over 200 officers. It includes:
- A Main Command Post where mission planning and analysis are conducted
- A mobile command group for commanding while on the move
- (2) Tactical Command Posts to exercise control of brigades[174]
- Liaison elements
- A special troops battalion with a security company and signal company
Divisions will continue to be commanded by major generals, unless coalition requirements require otherwise. Regional army commands (e.g. 3rd Army, 7th Army, 8th Army) will remain in use in the future but with changes to the organization of their headquarters designed to make the commands more integrated and relevant in the structure of the reorganized Army, as the chain of command for a deployed division headquarters now runs directly to an Army service component command (ASCC), or to FORSCOM.[171]
In January 2017, examples of pared-down tactical operations centers, suitable for brigades and divisions, were demonstrated at a command post huddle at Fort Bliss. The huddle of the commanders of FORSCOM, United States Army Reserve Command, First Army, I and III Corps, 9 of the Active Army divisions, and other formations discussed standardized solutions for streamlining command posts.[174] The Army is paring-down the tactical operations centers, and making them more agile,[167][175][176][177] to increase their survivability.[113][178][179] By July 2019 battalion command posts have demonstrated jump times of just over 3 hours, at the combat training centers, repeated 90 to 120 times in a rotation.[180][181][182] The C5ISR center of CCDC ran a series of experiments (Network Modernization Experiment 2020 — NetModX 20) whether using LTE for connecting nodes in a distributed Command post environment was feasible, from July to October 2020.[183][184][185][186][187]
Four Army commands
AFC, grew from 12 people at headquarters in 2018[188][189] to 24,000 in 25 states and 15 countries in 2019.[190] Although the Army has enjoyed overmatch for the past seventy years,[34] more rapid modernization for conflict with near-peers is the reason for AFC, which will be focused on achieving clear overmatch[191] in six areas — long-range precision fires,[192][193] next-generation combat vehicle, future vertical lift platforms, a mobile & expeditionary Army network,[194][195] air & missile defense capabilities,[196] and soldier lethality[197] (i.e. artillery, armor, aviation, signal, air defense artillery, and infantry).[lower-alpha 4]
In a break with Army custom, AFC headquarters was placed in a downtown property of the University of Texas System, and project-driven soldiers and Army civilians with entrepreneurs/innovators in tech hubs.[198][199][31] AFC was activated on 24 August 2018, in Austin, Texas;[200] AFC soldiers were to blend into Austin by not wearing their uniforms to work side by side with civilians in the tech hubs.[201]: minute 6:20
The organizational design of AFC was informed by the cancellation of the Army's Future Combat Systems project, McCarthy said.[31]: Minute 19:40 Thus "unity of command and purpose"[31]: Minutes 12:22, 23:01
The Program Executive Offices (PEOs) of ASA (ALT) will have a dotted-line relationship with Futures Command.[202][lower-alpha 4]
Eight cross-functional teams (CFTs)[lower-alpha 4][33][203][196] were transferred from the other three major commands to Futures Command.[202] United States Army Research, Development and Engineering Command and the United States Army Capabilities Integration Center[204] will report to the new command.[205] ATEC retains its direct reporting relationship to the Chief of Staff of the Army.
The first tranche of transfers into AFC included: Capabilities Integration Center (ARCIC), Capability Development and Integration Directorates (CDIDs), and TRADOC Analysis Center (TRAC) from TRADOC, and RDECOM (including the six research, development and engineering centers (RDECs), and the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL)[206]), and Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity (AMSAA), from AMC, as announced by Secretary Esper on 4 June 2018.[207] TRADOC's new role is amended accordingly.[207] The Principal Military Deputy to the ASA(ALT) was also to become deputy commanding general for Combat Systems, Army Futures Command, while leading the PEOs; he has directed each PEO who does not have a CFT to coordinate with, to immediately form one, at least informally.[208] General Murray has announced that AFC intends to be a global command, in its search for disruptive technologies.[209] 39th Army Chief of Staff Milley was looking for AFC to attain full operational capability (FOC) by August 2019,[201] a goal since met.
As this modernized materiel is fielded to the brigades, the scheme is to equip the units with the highest levels of readiness for deployment with upgraded equipment earliest, while continuing to train the remaining units to attain their full mission capability.[210]
Multi-domain operations (MDO)

In 2017, the concept of multi-domain battle (MDB)[211] had emerged from TRADOC,[212] for which the Army sought joint approval from the other services; instead, the Air Force recommended multi-domain operations (MDO)[lower-alpha 2] as the operating concept.[213][3][214]
Multi-domain operations cover integrated operation of cyberspace, space (meaning satellite operations, from the Army's perspective), land, maritime, and air.[215] A multi-domain task force was stood up in 2018 in I Corps for the Pacific,[211] built around 17th Field Artillery Brigade. MDO in the Pacific has to involve maritime operations; MDO is planned for EUCOM in 2020.[3][216] Multi-domain battalions, first stood up in 2019, comprise a single unit for air, land, space, and cyber domains[217] to ensure integration of cyber/EW, space, and information operations in more levels of command.
To me, ARCIC's [MDO] analysis means the Army's got to be able to sink ships, neutralize satellites, shoot down missiles, and deny the enemy the ability to command and control its forces.
By 2020 the Army's programs for modernization were now framed as a decades-long process of cooperation with allies and partners,[219][220][221] for competition with potential adversaries who historically have blurred the distinction between peace and war,[222][223] and who have been operating within the continuum (the gray zone) between peace, cooperation, competition, crisis, and conflict instead. When meeting a crisis, the Army's preference is deterrence.[224][lower-alpha 9] The need for deterrence against ballistic missiles is shifting to the need to deter or defend against attack by hypersonic weapons.

If you want to rapidly integrate all domains in order to take advantage of opportunities on a very lethal battlefield, you need a different type of C2 [command and control] structure. —Lt. Gen. Eric J. Wesley[228][3][229][230]
In the decade from 2009 to 2019 the Army was transitioning its brigade-based counterinsurgency effort to modernization of the echelons above brigade; by 2021 integrated deterrence (a campaign operating across domains, by a single commander to meet the objective of the Joint and Allied Force —the concept is scalable, assigning one objective per task force commander) against possible adversaries was underway, as part of the Joint force's campaign of learning.[231]

TRADOC designed exercises for Joint warfighter assessments —JWA 19,[232][233][234] at Fort Lewis, to clarify the jumps for Command Posts, to ensure their survivability during future operations. In 2019, there was a new focus on planning for large-scale ground combat operations (LSCO),[235][236][237][238][239] "that will require echelons above brigade, all of which will solve unique and distinct problems that a given BCT can't solve by itself."— LTG Eric Wesley.[6] [71] Computer simulations (DOTMLPF), of the survivability rates for the units, were then compared with the interaction strategies, tactics and operations of JWA 19, a highly contested environment.[232] JWA 19 occurred at multiple operational speeds, in multiple domains served by multiple services (cyber: operating in milliseconds; air: operations at 500 miles per hour; maritime: 30 knots; and ground: 2 miles per hour). JWA 19 involved the militaries of the US, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, France, Australia and Singapore.[234][lower-alpha 3][lower-alpha 11][lower-alpha 12]
Mesh networking is in play for the Mobile, Expeditionary Network: In Fiscal Year 2019, the network CFT, PEO 3CT, and PEO Soldier used Network Integration Evaluation 18.2[242] for experiments with brigade level scalability.[243][244][245][246][247] Among the takeaways was to avoid overspecifying the requirements (in ITN[136][248] Information Systems Initial Capabilities Document) to meet operational needs,[243] such as interoperability with other networks.[249][250]: minute 26:40 [251] ITN —Integrated Tactical Network is being fielded to four brigades in 2021.[252] Up through 2028, every two years the Army will insert new capability sets for ITN (Capability sets '21, '23, '25, etc.).[253][254][246]
On 25 September 2020 Army Chief of Staff Gen. James C. McConville discussed the combination of Multi-domain operations (MDO) and Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) with Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown.[255] On 2 October 2020 the 40th Chief of Staff of the Army and the 22nd Chief of Staff of the Air Force signed a Memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Combined Joint All-Domain Command and Control (CJADC2) of the two services, a two-year agreement. Their staffs met again after 60 days to show their progress on connecting the Army's Project Convergence and the Air Force's ABMS into a data fabric in 2021.[256][257][258][259][46][231][260]
In September and November 2019 the Department of Defense (DoD) "scheduled a series of globally integrated exercises with participation from across the US government interagency to refine our plans" —19th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford.[228] This exercise was designed to help 27th Secretary of Defense Mark Esper develop new plans, in the face of a change in chairmanship of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.[228] Specifically what was missing in 2019 was a joint concept[229] shared at the appropriate operational speed between the several domains, among the respective services, when fighting a peer adversary. —LTG Eric Wesley[lower-alpha 3][261][262][263] Note the referenced LRHW graphic depicting a 2019 scenario—[264][265] [266] This is a return to the use of echelons above brigade (Divisions, Corps, and Field Armies),[lower-alpha 13] with specific tasks to force current adversaries to return to competition, rather than continue conflict;[268][228][269] kill chains were formed within seconds, by live-fire demonstration, as of September 2020.[37][lower-alpha 3]
In the Army of 2030 a division would be the Unit of Action, rather than a brigade.[270][271][272] Artillery, engineer, and intelligence units would mass at the division echelon;[270] brigades would become smaller to become more maneuverable.[271] A corps would sustain the brigades' endurance for the longer fight;[270][271] the higher echelons (field army, corps, and division) would gain the resources they would need for the duration of an operation.[273]
By 2021 the Department of Defense could train for crises using capabilities it had developed jointly among its military departments, using concepts it had settled upon experimentally, beginning in 2019:

Note: the following training scenario, to gain relative advantage, is only one of the possible paths suggested by following the 5 red numbered bullet points in the illustration.
- Competition— No overt hostilities are yet detected. Blue bar (force projection) is in standoff against red bar (threat).
- Strategic Support area— National assets (blue) detect breaching of standoff by adversary (in red).
- Close area support— blue assets hand-off to the combatant commands, who are to create effects visible to the adversary (in red).
- Deep maneuver— blue combatant actions dis-integrate adversary efforts (per TRADOC pamphlet 525-3-1: "militarily compete, penetrate, dis-integrate, and exploit" the adversary); —Operational and Strategic deep fires create effects on the adversary. Adversary is further subject to defeat in detail, until adversaries perceive they are overmatched (no more red assets to expend).
- Adversary retreats to standoff. The populations perceive that the adversary is defeated, for now. (Compare to Perkins' cycle, 'return to competition', in which deterrence has succeeded in avoiding a total war, in favor of pushing an adversary back to standoff (the red threat bar). Blue force projection still has overmatched red threat.)
In 2019 the 27th Secretary of Defense ordered the four services and the Joint staff to create a new joint warfighting concept for All-domain operations (ADO), operating simultaneously in the air, land, sea, space, cyber, and the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS).[lower-alpha 14] In 2021 the 28th Secretary of Defense approved the Joint warfighting concept (JWC), which remains classified.[276][lower-alpha 2]
The 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has allocated roles to each of the services in concept development for Joint All-Domain Operations (JADO);[278]
- the Air Force takes the lead for command and control (C2). The Joint services each have a C2 concept to be scaled —for the Army, C2 requires thousands of connections with the sensors and shooters,[lower-alpha 15] as compared with hundreds of connections with the sensors and shooters for the Air Force Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS);[279][280][lower-alpha 3][281]
- the Navy will lead concept development in Joint fires:[278] its newest equipment (the newer Littoral Combat Ships, the MQ-8C, and the Naval Strike Missile) provides standoff for the Navy against its near-peers.[282][283] In February 2020, voices at the tactical level were supporting cross-domain, cross-role, cross-service interoperation: "Any sensor should be able to link to any shooter and any command and control node".[284] The combination of F-35-based targeting coordinates, Long range precision fires, and Low-earth-orbit satellite capability overmatches the competition, according to Lt. Gen. Eric Wesley.[285] A Space sensor layer of satellites (at 1200 miles above earth)[286] would position hundreds of Low-earth-orbit sensors for tracking hypersonic vehicles. This tracking layer would provide guidance information to the interceptors in the missile defense system.[286][287][274][288]
- the Army will lead concept development for contested logistics.[289][290][291][lower-alpha 16]Gen. Van Ovost, commander of United States Transportation Command briefs Kathleen Hicks, 35th United States Deputy Secretary of Defense about the mission of her combatant command
- the service to lead concept development in 'Information advantage' is not yet determined by the Joint Staff J-7 as of 16 September 2020.[278] Build a kill chain faster than the adversary's OODA loop.[39][307][308][309] See Fog of war[310] AI is one such initiative.[319]
- By 11 August 2021, the Joint requirements oversight council (JROC) identified a 5th functional capability— Integrated air and missile defense (IAMD).[320] JROC will now issue a directive to evaluate the capability gaps in the Missile defense review[321] of C2BMC as well as the Nuclear Posture Review.[322]
In late December 2019, the Air Force, Army, and Navy ran a Joint all-domain command and control (JADC2)[323][244] connection exercise of Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS)[324] for the first time. This exercise is denoted ABMS Onramp, and will occur at four month intervals.[324] JADC2 is a joint multi-domain operation (MDO);[297] the exercise will involve the Army's Long range fires, ground-based troops, and Sentinel radar. The Air Force contributes F-22s and F-35s, while the Navy is bringing F-35Cs and a destroyer to ABMS Onramp.[325][326] The December 2019 exercise used a NORTHCOM scenario.[327]

The April 2020 test of ABMS was delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic.[328] The test was to have spanned bases from Eglin AFB to Nellis AFB; from Yuma Proving Ground to White Sands Missile Range— in this test, a simulated attack was to take place on 3 geographic commands: on Space Command, on Northern Command, and on Strategic Command's nuclear command, control, and communications.
JADC2 is to ensure continuity of commander's intent[329]— JADC2 was to be exercised in late August or early September 2020.[328][330][331] Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System (IBCS) is undergoing a Limited user test in August–September 2020 in preparation for a Milestone C acquisition decision.[332] IBCS is a critical building block for JADC2;[332] the ABMS test is a separate project.[333] Thirty-three different hardware platforms, some using 5G, 70 industry teams, and 65 government teams[lower-alpha 17]: minute 9:30 participated in this ABMS Onramp, the first week in September 2020.[lower-alpha 17][334][279] By 13 May 2021 the 28th Secretary of Defense had approved the JADC2 strategy.[335][336] On 11 August 2021 JROC had identified a 5th functional capability (IAMD) in addition to the 4 functional battles, or competitive advantages already identified.[320][337]
In August 2020 a Large force test event (LFTE) was completed at Nellis AFB; the test event demonstrated the ability of F-35s to orchestrate SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defense) using F-22s, F-15Es, E/A-18Gs, B-2s, and RQ-170s.[338] In addition the ability of F-35s to direct Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) was demonstrated during the 2020 Orange Flag event at Edwards AFB (Orange Flag showed the ability of an F-35A to collect targeting data, relay that data to an airborne communications node, as well as to a simulated IBCS station).[338]
- Project Convergence (PC20)
In fall 2020, Futures Command is testing the data links between the Army's AI task force and its helicopters —Future Vertical Lift (FVL), its long-range missile launchers —Long range precision fires (LRPF), and its combat vehicles —(NGCV);[333][39][339] in fall 2021 and going forward, the links between ABMS and Multi-domain operations are invited when the Army's Air and Missile Defense capabilities (AMD's IBCS and MSHORAD —Maneuver short-range air defense) have undergone further testing.[333][340]
In September 2020, an ABMS Demonstration at WSMR (White Sands Missile Range) shot down cruise missile surrogates with hypervelocity (speeds of Mach 5) projectiles jointly developed by the Army and Navy. The Army interceptor stems from an XM109 Paladin howitzer;[341] the Navy interceptor stems from a deck gun.[37][342][343] The data feeds used both 4G and 5G, as well as cloud-based AI feeds, to form the kill chains.[37] The kill chains directing the intercepts were developed from 60 data feeds, and took seconds to develop, as opposed to the minutes which previous processes took. Other 'sensor-to-shooter' kill chains included AIM-9 missiles launched from F-16s and MQ-9s, as well as a ground-launched AIM-9 missile (which was designed to be an air-to-air munition). Four National Test Ranges were involved in the demonstration,[37] as well as five combatant commands.[341][342][344] In October 2020 the DoD Acquisition chief completed an extensive redesign of the Adaptive acquisition framework (AAF) including software acquisition, middle-tier acquisition, defense business systems, acquisition of services, urgent capability acquisition and major capability acquisition. AAF now adheres to the updated DoD 5000.01 policy approved in September 2020 by her lead, the Deputy Defense Secretary.[315]
- PC21
- See PC22
In March 2021, XVIII Airborne Corps hosted a Project Maven (DoD AI-based) live-fire experiment which shares targeting data among F-35s, A-10s, HIMARS, and satellites.[345][346][347]
In June 2021 the 28th secretary of defense issued a classified memorandum directing the Services to engage in more joint experimentation and prototyping, in support of the All-domain operations (JADO) concept (the Joint warfighting concept).[348][276] In fall 2021,[349][350] a Joint Force (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Special Operations) used Project Convergence 2021 (PC21) to simulate the distances in the First island chain of the Pacific Ocean,[351][lower-alpha 10] which Army Long-Range Precision Fires (LRPF) are to cover.[353][354] A Multi-domain task force (MDTF), and Special Forces took the lead during the Competition phase of the exercise.[lower-alpha 18] In June 2021 the 35th Deputy secretary of defense announced
- the RDER (Rapid defense experimentation reserve, "Raider") to fund those defense organizations which successfully institutionalize experiments to exercise joint warfighting capability.[358][lower-alpha 19]
- One example might be, say an end-to-end flow of data, say in a kill chain from an intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance detection of an enemy hypersonic weapons launch, to interdiction of the threat, to battle damage assessment.
- Note that exercises to deepen a service silo have a disadvantage in a competition for RDER funding.[358]
- an AI and data acceleration initiative[lower-alpha 20] to help the 11 combatant commands apply their new capabilities; teams of specialists are to assist the combatant commanders to automate the data flows[360] of what are currently manual exercises in the respective command posts.[362][363][311] The most effective processes are to be left in place after the exercises.[lower-alpha 21]
- § The DoD is seeking AI technology to gain a relative advantage in § competition.[367][368]
- DoD is attempting to fund 8 CHIPS hubs.[369]
Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System (IBCS), an IAMD Battle Command System, is an Army project to unify its disparate anti-missile systems (such as the THAAD, and MIM-104 Patriot missiles) and their radars/sensors (such as THAAD's AN/TPY-2 radar, AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel, and Patriot AN/MPQ-65 radars). IBCS is being exercised in Fall 2021 (Project Convergence 2021) to experiment with its connection to JADC2 and ABMS.[370] JROC is appending IAMD capability (IAMD interoperability) to the JWC (Joint warfighting concept)[320] (Monte Carlo simulations of hundreds of thousands of IBCS missile data tracks were generated by an Army Air Defense Artillery battalion exercising IBCS in 2020;[371] The test created terabytes of data to be queried.[372][373] i.e., "connect any sensor to any shooter and any command and control node" —Eric Wesley)[lower-alpha 3]
In a review of Project Convergence 2021 (PC2021) the director of the Network Cross-functional team (CFT) was able to state 5 takeaways for the Integrated Tactical Network:[374]
- "the importance of a data fabric"— [374]
- "a significant improvement in coverage from resilient wide-band satellite communications"— [374]
- "the importance of an aerial tier to the network to improve the resiliency and range"[374]
- extending edge mesh networking[374][375]
- "the need for a joint operational common picture"– [374] ("provide commanders with a single pane of glass [on a computer screen]")[376]
In August 2023 the Navy's § Live, Virtual, and Constructive environment simulated joint operation across multiple domains. This involved 22 global time zones, and simulated Joint Staff, civilian leaders, and non-navy personnel.[377]
By September 2020 the joint modernization efforts to retain overmatch in a crisis were visible in the press reports covering the joint level (DoD and the military departments).[37]
In the view of John Hyten, 11th Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, in a crisis, each force is to have both a self-defense capability, and a deep strike capability,[213][378] operating under a unified command and control structure,[379][380] simultaneously across the domains, against the enemy.[37][4][lower-alpha 14][13] The potential capability exposed by the use of AI in September 2020 posed a choice for the combatant commanders, who needed to select their top priority, by answering "What do you want and how do we do it?" in November 2020.[38] Hyten then had an opportunity to shape the operation of the Joint requirements oversight council, by providing a common operational picture to the combatant commanders and their forces in the respective domains,[38] to get to a position of relative advantage very quickly (faster than the enemy's OODA loop).[297][381]
In FY2021, TITAN (Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node)[lower-alpha 22] was to undergo an Analysis of Alternatives (AOA).[lower-alpha 1][lower-alpha 23] TITAN is part of the network to integrate sensors and shooters in Multi-domain operations (MDO), in seconds. By FY2022 TITAN was meant to be a Program of Record, for CJADC2;[387] additional Soldier touchpoints will assess capabilities of two prototype satellite ground stations for downselect in 14 months by FY2023, and follow-on phases III and IV.[lower-alpha 24]
Return to competition
By 2020 the Joint all-domain concept[lower-alpha 14] was converging on the need for the allies and partners to convince the adversary that it is in everyone's interest to return to competition,[211][268] [329][396][397] well short of conflict between near-peer adversaries.[37][380] In 2021 the 40th Chief of Staff of the Army described the Army's role in the Continuum of military competition, a Joint concept.[20]
Great power competition does not mean great power conflict. —40th Army Chief of Staff James C. McConville[398][399]
Alliances and partnerships

An ongoing series of programs to strengthen relationships between the Army and its allies and partners is being implemented.[400][401][402][403][404] These programs include demonstrations of cooperation, interoperability, and preparedness of its partners.[405][266][406][407][408][409][19] For example, in 2019 the Army uses DoD's State Partnership Program, to link 22 National Guard Bilateral Affairs Officers (BAOs) with 22 allies or partners in the 54 countries in European Command's area to facilitate common defense interests with the US.[410][411] In all, 89 partnerships now exist.[412][413][414] See: Foreign Area Officer (FAO)
DoD's Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC) has convened 100 online participants from 13 countries to discuss how to use AI in a way that is consonant with their national ethical principles, termed the 'AI Partnership for Defense' in 2020.[400][415][416][417][300] For example, the US has a policy of human permission needed in order to trigger the automatic kill chains.[418] In 2021 the 28th Secretary of defense committed to the department's ethical use of AI capabilities in a "responsible, equitable, traceable, reliable, and governable" way.[lower-alpha 25]
In 2019 the 27th Secretary of Defense Mark Esper identified the Indo-Pacific Theater as the priority theater for the United States.[421] A multi-domain task force for the Indo-Pacific Theater is planned for a Defender exercise.[422][423][424][223] However, in light of the DoD 60-day travel ban due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of CONUS-based troops participating in Defender Europe 2020 was reduced to those troops already in Europe.[lower-alpha 26]
COVID-19 has been a 'wake up call to DoD' —Matthew Donovan[429]
In 2020 the Army lost 3 NTC training rotations to COVID-19.[430][431]
JWA 20 was intended to exercise Multi-domain operations, and multinational forces, in EUCOM for 2020.[lower-alpha 3][lower-alpha 27] See: Vostok 2018. EUCOM's Multi-domain task force is to be smaller than the Pacific's task force.[434][435][lower-alpha 28] It is expected that the task forces are to be employed in the Defender exercises in both EUCOM[436] and the Pacific.[434][266] Defender Europe 2020 was to test the ability to deploy 20,000 Soldiers across Europe, for a 37,000-member exercise.[lower-alpha 29]

- Elements of the 1st Cavalry, 82nd Airborne, 1st Armored, 1st Infantry, and 3rd Infantry Divisions, 11 National Guard states and seven Army Reserve units were to rapidly deploy.[71][444][445][446][447]
- Reception, staging, onward movement and integration (RSOI) of a division-sized formation in EUCOM. A National Guard Brigade was to draw from pre-positioned stocks in EUCOM.[lower-alpha 30]
- An immediate response force from 82nd Airborne Division was to conduct joint forcible entries.[lower-alpha 31]
- A division command post spread across Europe was to conduct JWA 20, to test multi-domain operations (MDO) and other Futures Command capabilities, such as an initial prototype of Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node (TITAN),[382] a ground station for integrating the data feed between "sensors and shooters".[383]
- While in Europe, the units were to spread out across the region for separate exercises with allies and partners to participate in their annual exercises.[219]
- A river crossing (see M1074 Joint Assault Bridge),[lower-alpha 32] forward passages of lines (one unit passes through a position held by another unit),[453] and a maritime off-load mission was to have been conducted.
- Army forces were to clear the training areas, return pre-positioned stocks,[454] consolidate, and redeploy (in this case, to home station).[425] Returning troops were ordered to quarantine for two weeks without experiencing any flu-like symptoms. Social distancing, masks, and other protective measures were employed, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Defender Europe 2021 ran from March til June 2021, involving dozens of operations, using 28,000 troops from 26 countries, from the Baltic nations to Morocco.[455][456][457] Defender Europe 2021 integrated a V Corps command post exercise in preparation for operations with a multi-national division. Allies and partners were to participate in the chain of command, as well.[458][lower-alpha 33]
In April 2019 Germany's 1st Panzer Division took the role of exercise High Command (HICON) at Hohenfels Training Area, primarily for German 21st Armored Brigade, the Lithuanian Iron Wolf Brigade, and their subordinate units; 5,630 participants from 15 nations took part in this Joint multinational exercise, which rotates the lead among the coalition partners. The German division already had Dutch, British and Polish officers within its ranks.[462] The Army's 2nd Battalion, 34th Armored Regiment, took part in the exercise.[463][464] Six engineering advisor teams from 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade provided hands-on experience and testing of secure communications between NATO allies and partners.[465][61][466][467]
A reciprocal exchange of general officers between France and the US is taking place in 2019, under the U.S. Army Military Personnel Exchange Program (MPEP).[468][469] Such programs with the UK, Australia, and Canada have already existed with the US.[468] A reciprocal pact for US and UK capabilities in Future Vertical Lift aircraft and Long Range Precision Fires artillery was signed in July 2020.[470] The UK and Australia are planning to participate in the US Army's Project Convergence 2022.[471]
- Multi-domain task forces (MDTFs)

In April 2021, the Army announced that EUCOM's Multi-domain task force (MDTF),[481] and a Theater Fires Command, 56th Artillery Command[482][483] to control it, are to deploy to the European Theater, and are based in Wiesbaden, Germany. The Fires command is a headquarters to coordinate Long range fires (for ranges from 300 miles to thousands of miles) for the European theater.[484]
In April 2021, 3000 headquarters-level troops, including UK 3rd Division and French 3rd Division, came to Fort Cavazos to exercise Corps-level and Division-level staffs on Large-scale combat operations (LSCO).[485][486] The Mission Command Center of Excellence (MCCoE) provided Opposing forces (OPFOR) and multiple dilemmas for the Warfighters to train on. III Armored Corps commander Pat White stated "the key goal of the exercise, to build international partnerships and increase interoperability, was realized".[485] British and French commanders noted the need to further develop electronic warfare and signals intelligence capabilities.[487]
In May 2021, 7th Army Training Command led Dynamic Front 21 (DF21), a USAEUR-AF exercise in integrating joint fires for artillery units from 15 nations. The exercise was meant to increase the readiness, lethality, and interoperability for nearly 1800 artillery troops from the 15 nations at Camp Aachen, Germany. Later locations for DF21 included Vilseck Army Air Field, Germany, Grafenwoehr Training Area, Germany, and Torun, Poland.[488]
- V Corps FOC
In October 2021 V Corps attained Full operational capability (FOC) by completing Warfighter exercise 22-1 (WFX 22-1),[489] in a series of command post exercises in Large scale combat operations (LSCO).[490] The operations involved a combatant command, Active Army, Reserve and National Guard components, a Theater training command, and a sustainment command,[489] as well as multi-national partners.[488][458] V Corps was slated to lead the Defender Europe 22, as of October 2021.[491]
In 2020 the Secretary of the Army announced 5-month extended rotations to United States Indo-Pacific Command countries such as Thailand, the Philippines, and Papua New Guinea.[492] Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) task forces in the region have already been engaging in MDO-like exercises in concert with the armed forces of Japan, Thailand, and Singapore.[492]
Two Multi-domain task forces are being requested for Indo-Pacom for 2021.[493][494][383][382][lower-alpha 28][472][495] 5th Security Force Assistance Brigade is regionally aligned with USINDOPACOM,[496] and plans to keep one-third of the brigade's advisor teams there at all times, while the other teams train at home station (JBLM), for their assignments in the region.[497] The third[498][499] and fourth[500] ABMS Onramp exercises of Joint all-domain command and control (JADC2) are being planned in 2020, and 2021 for INDOPACOM, and EUCOM respectively.[lower-alpha 35] This is meant to bring key US allies into the planning for the Joint All-Domain Operations Concept,[213][37][498] thereby enabling their "participation in planning, execution and then debrief" after a coalition exercise[500] in overmatching the adversary,[380] and maintaining a Common operational picture (COP),[288][300] to review measured responses, both kinetic and nonkinetic.[397][314] The COVID-19 pandemic actually provided the impetus for rapid fielding of a DoD technology for separating Top secret, Secret, and Unclassified messaging, a necessary function for the Intelligence community.[lower-alpha 36] The JSIL connection of experimental networks with Army battle labs is a way to determine the bandwidth needed for these vignettes, to prepare Project Convergence 2021 for Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2).[471][504]
Defender Pacific 2021 focuses on the southwest Pacific region.[505] The Army was to draw from a pre-positioned stock for its units, exercise its watercraft and an MDTF's long range precision fires.[505] In 2021 the 28th Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, stated he expected to "review our posture in the Pacific from all aspects including presence, capabilities, logistics, exercises, infrastructure, and capacity building and cooperation with allies and partners" during his questioning by the Senate Armed Services Committee.[lower-alpha 37] Integrated deterrence is the objective of the 28th Secretary of defense, in joint exercises in Australian waters,[509] with HMS Queen Elizabeth (R08) in the South China Sea,[510] and by US Special Forces soldiers (Green Berets) with Japan's Self-defense force (JGSDF) parachuting onto Guam.[511][320] On 15 September 2021 the ministers of defense, and foreign affairs, and the secretaries of defense, and state for Australia, and the US, respectively, namely Peter Dutton, Marise Payne, Lloyd Austin, and Antony Blinken signed statements of intent to jointly build nuclear submarines, and share National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) data, as well as a space framework.[512] See AUKUS. On 24 September 2021 the heads of state of Australia, India, Japan, and the US (the Quadrilateral Security Dialog) met face-to-face to discuss cybersecurity, and fix supply chain vulnerabilities, such as electronic chip, and 5G technology.[513] FY2021 marks the end of the Army's manpower expansion, in its effort to modernize.[514][515]
- Arctic strategy
In January 2021 the Army announced its arctic strategy, for arctic, extreme cold, and mountainous environments, which affect the NORTHCOM, EUCOM, and INDOPACOM combatant commands.[516][517] A two-star multi-domain-enabled operational headquarters will be established for the Arctic.[518] Soldiers will be receiving extra support for adapting to the Alaskan Arctic,[519][520] beginning in 2022 and going forward.[521][522] The BCTs of US Army Alaska are reflagging as of 6 June 2022 from 1st SBCT/25th ID, and 4th IBCT/25th ID, to 1st IBCT/11th ID (Airborne), and 2nd IBCT/11th ID (Airborne) respectively; US Army Alaska is now 11th Infantry Division (Airborne) as of 6 June 2022.[523] The Bundeswehr is thinking of training in Alaska.[524] An Arctic Multi-domain task force (MDTF) was planned,[476][lower-alpha 34] to balance the interests of the 8 partners of the Arctic Council, which include Russia, and China as an observer nation.[lower-alpha 38] See Cold Response
- Defender Europe 2022
Defender Europe 2022 started 3 May 2022, under the command and control of V Corps, which has had a forward-deployed Headquarters in Europe since 2021. The exercises will involve 11 allied and partner nations, including Denmark, Estonia, Germany, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Sweden, and Great Britain. Defender Europe 2022 had been previously planned, on a longer timescale than the wartime events of 2022, such as the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.[lower-alpha 39] For example, a float ribbon bridge was erected by troops from Fort Hood, Texas who are deploying to Europe.[532] The bridge came from pre-positioned stocks drawn from APS-2, located in Europe.[533][534]
- PC22
Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Canada, and other allies and partners (such as universities)[43][535][536] expect they will bring experiments or prototype capabilities to Project Convergence 2022.[346] PC22 will require connection of the allies and partners; the connections were exercised during COMMEX 1B in June.[537] Global defender 2022 (GD22) will culminate with Project Convergence 2022 (PC22).[538][539] In the week of 6 Jun 2022 planning for PC22 at Fort Bliss was finalized. The UK and Australian planners were added to the PC22 experiment; their concepts join the 100 technologies incorporated by USAF, Navy, Marines, and Space Force planners. The commander of AFC's Futures and Concepts Lieutenant Gen. Scott McKean, and peers for the services and allies took this opportunity to mutually review their plans for the FY2022 event.[540][541][542][543][544][545][546]
The Synthetic Training Environment's One World Terrain (OWT) data sets are beginning to be used as operational planning tools, for example by V corps, and at PC20, and at PC21. As virtual maps, rather than paper maps, they can project scenarios which will also be used at PC22 in October and November 2022.[547]
In October 2022, the experiments from the previous Project Convergence were scaled up, from just Army in PC21 to joint and international exercises in PC22.[548] AI was utilized not just for autonomous flight, but also for predicting where logistics would be needed in contested environments.[548] PC22 experimented with some 300 technologies.[549][550] Scenarios during PC22 included Tomahawk, SM-6, and LRHW missiles.[548][lower-alpha 1][304] 82nd Airborne participated in the PC22 experiments, using newly developed equipment.[551][552][553][554][555]
In November 2022, at PC22, the use of an uncrewed Black Hawk helicopter under autonomous control was demonstrated in a contested logistics exercise.[556]
- Defender 2023
In April 2023 Defender 2023, a logistics exercise of US Army Europe and Africa[557] was transported to Naval Station Rota, Spain. Spain was the host nation for 5-159th GSAB (5th Battalion, a general support aviation battalion of the 159th Aviation Regiment). 5th Battalion is an Army Reserve unit out of Fort Eustis, Virginia. The aviation materiel included CH-47s, Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawks, and supporting equipment.[557]
- PC24
Project Convergence co-locates from WSMR and YPG (the hub), to allies and partners.[558][559][560] PC24 could occur by spring 2024.[561][562][46][563][564]
Training and readiness
Under Schoomaker, combat training centers (CTCs) emphasized the contemporary operating environment (such as an urban, ethnically-sensitive city in Iraq) and stress units according to the unit mission and the commanders' assessments, collaborating often to support holistic collective training programs, rather than by exception as was formerly the case.
Schoomaker's plan was to resource units based on the mission they are expected to accomplish (major combat versus SASO, or stability and support operations), regardless of component (active or reserve). Instead of using snapshot readiness reports, the Army now rates units based on the mission they are expected to perform given their position across the three force pools ('reset', 'train/ready', and 'available').[565] The Army now deploys units upon each commanders' signature on the certificate of their unit's assessment (viz., Ready). As of June 2016, only one-third of the Army's brigades were ready to deploy.[566][567]: 5:55 By 2019, two-thirds of the Active Army's brigades[210] and half of the BCTs of the Total Army (both Active and Reserve components) are now at the highest level of readiness.[568] The FY2021 budget request allows two-thirds of the Total Army (1,012,200 Soldiers by 2022) to reach the highest level of readiness by FY2022 —Maj. Gen. Paul Chamberlain.[514][569]
Soldiers need to be ready[lower-alpha 40] 100 percent of the time
Robert B. Abrams, FORSCOM commander, June 2, 2016[49]
39th Chief of Staff Mark Milley's readiness objective is that all operational units be at 90 percent of the authorized strength in 2018, at 100 percent by 2021, and at 105 percent by 2023.[570][571] The observer coach/trainers[572] at the combat training centers, recruiters,[573][574] and drill sergeants are to be filled to 100 percent strength by the end of 2018.[570][575] In November 2018, written deployability standards (Army Directive 2018–22) were set by the Secretary and the Chief of Staff of the Army; failure to meet the standard means a soldier has six months to remedy this, or face separation from the Army.[576] The directive does not apply to about 60,000 of the 1,016,000 Soldiers of the Army; 70–80 percent of the 60,000 are non-deployable for medical reasons. Non-deployables have declined from 121,000 in 2017.[576] The Army combat fitness test (ACFT) will test all soldiers;[577] at the minimum, the 3-Repetition Maximum Deadlift, the Sprint-Drag-Carry and an aerobic event will be required of all soldiers, including those with profiles (meaning there is an annotation in their record See: PULHES Factor); the assessment of the alternative aerobic test will be completed by 19 October 2019.[578]
Soldier and Family Readiness Groups
By 2022 surveys of military servicemen, veterans, and spouses and family were indicating that financial and other difficulties were raising questions about the viability of an all-volunteer force.[579][580]
Soldiers and Army spouses belong to Soldier and Family Readiness Groups (SFRGs),[581][582][lower-alpha 40] renamed from (FRGs)[585] which mirror the command structure of an Army unit—the spouse of the 40th Chief of Staff of the United States Army has served on the FRG at every echelon of the Army.[586]: Ryan McCarthy, minute 39:33 The name change to SFRG is to be more inclusive of single soldiers, single parents, and also those with nontraditional families.[582] An S/FRG seeks to meet the needs of soldiers and their families, for example during a deployment,[587] or to address privatized housing deficiencies,[588] or to aid spouses find jobs.[589] As a soldier transfers in and out of an installation, the soldier's entire family will typically undergo a permanent change of station (PCS) to the next post. PCS to Europe and Japan is now uniformly for 36 months, regardless of family status[590][591] (formerly 36 months for families). Transfers typically follow the cycle of the school year to minimize disruption in an Army family.[592] By policy, DoD families stationed in Europe and Japan who have school-aged children are served by American school systems— the Department of Defense Dependents Schools.[593] Noncombatant evacuation operations are a contingency which an FRG could publicize and plan for, should the need arise.[121]: p.11 In 2021, a new Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is being tested by 300 families who are undergoing a permanent change of station (PCS).[594]
When a family emergency occurs, the informal support of that unit's S/FRG is available to the soldier.[587][595] (But the Army Emergency Relief fund is available to any soldier with a phone call to their local garrison.[596][597][598] Seventy-five Fisher Houses maintain home-away-from-home suites for families undergoing medical treatment of a loved one. The Army, Navy, and Air Force Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs) are scheduled to complete their transfer to the Defense Health Agency (DHA) no later than 21 October 2021. This has been a ten-year process. The directors of each home installation's Medical treatment facility (MTF) continue to report to the commanders of their respective installations. This change transfers all civilian employees of each Medical treatment facility (MTF) to the Defense Health Agency (DHA).[599][600]) The name change links Soldier Readiness with Family Readiness.[585] Commanders will retain full responsibility for Soldier sponsorship after a move, especially for first term Soldiers in that move.[601][602]
In response to Army tenant problems with privatized base housing, IMCOM was subordinated to Army Materiel Command (AMC) on 8 March 2019.[603][604][605] By 2020, AMC's commander and the Residential community initiative (RCI) groups had formulated a 50-year plan. The Army's RCI groups, "seven private housing companies, which have 50-year lease agreements" on 98% of Army housing at 44 installations, will work with the Army for long-term housing improvements,[606][607][608] and remediation.[605][609][610]
In 2020 Secretary McCarthy determined that the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Prevention (SHARP) program has failed to meet its mandate,[611] particularly for young unmarried Soldiers at Fort Hood and Camp Casey, South Korea.[612] Missing soldiers were previously classified as Absent without leave until enough time has elapsed to be denoted deserters, rather than victims of a crime; the Army has established a new classification for missing Soldiers, to merit police investigation.[613][614][615]
In response to the report of the Fort Hood Independent Review Committee, the Army has established the People first task force (PFTF), an Army-wide task force that is headed by 3 chairs: 1) Lt. Gen. Gary M. Brito, 2) Diane M. Randon, and 3) Sgt. Maj. Julie A.M. Guerra, who are: 1) the deputy chief of staff G-1, 2) the assistant deputy chief of staff G-2, and 3) the assistant deputy chief of staff G-2 Sgt. Maj. respectively.[616] Cohesion assessment teams (CATs), part of the People first task force, work with brigade commanders on their brigade's command climate. The Cohesion assessment team interviews members of that brigade or battalion, to identify any problems. The CAT then works with the unit commanders to address the root causes of those problems.[617] On 13 May 2022 Fort Hood's People First Center opened its doors; the center is to offer immersive experiences for participants over several days, centered on "family advocacy, sexual harassment and assault prevention, equal opportunity, resiliency, substance abuse, suicide [prevention][618] (The Senate Armed Services Committee is requesting that the military track suicides by MOS.),[619] and spiritual readiness ... all housed at the center with training focused on immersion", collocated with subject matter experts.[620][602]
USAR mobilization
Plans are being formulated for mobilization of the Army Reserve (42,000 to 45,000 soldiers) very quickly.[621] For example, 'Ready Force X' (RFX) teams have fielded Deployment Assistance Team Command and Control Cells to expedite the associated equipment to the various ports and vessels which is required for the specific Reserve personnel who have been notified that they are deploying.[622] FORSCOM's mobilization and force generation installations (MFGIs) have fluctuated from two primary[623][624] installations (2018) to an envisioned eleven primary and fourteen contingency MFGIs, in preparation for future actions against near-peers.[625][626] [627][71]
National Guard training
The 29th chief of the National Guard Bureau, as director of the Army National Guard, plans to align existing ARNG divisions with subordinate training formations.[628] This plan increases the number of divisions in the Total Army from 10 to 18, and increases the readiness of the National Guard divisions, by aligning their training plans with large-scale combat operations.[628] Additional advantages of the August 2020 plan are increased opportunity for talent management, from the Company to the Division level, and opportunity for leader development unfettered by geographical restriction.[71][444]
"Associated units" training program
The Army announced a pilot program, 'associated units', in which a National Guard or Reserve unit would now train with a specific active Army formation. These units would wear the patch of the specific Army division before their deployment to a theater;[629] 36th Infantry Division headquarters deployed to Afghanistan in May 2016 for a train, advise, assist mission.[630]
The Army Reserve, whose headquarters are co-located with FORSCOM, and the National Guard, are testing the associated units program in a three-year pilot program with the active Army. The program will use the First Army training roles at the Army Combat Training Centers at Fort Irwin, Fort Polk, and regional and overseas training facilities.[631]
The pilot program complements FORSCOM's total force partnerships with the National Guard, begun in 2014.[632] Summer 2016 will see the first of these units.
- Associated units[633][634]
- 3rd Infantry BCT, 10th Mountain Division, stationed at Fort Polk, Louisiana, associated with the 36th Infantry Division, Texas Army National Guard
- 48th Infantry BCT, Georgia ARNG, associated with the 3rd Infantry Division, Stationed at Fort Stewart, Georgia
- 86th Infantry BCT, Vermont ARNG, associated with the 10th Mountain Division, stationed at Fort Drum, New York
- 81st Armored BCT, Washington ARNG, associated with the 7th Infantry Division, stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington
- Task Force 1-28th Infantry Battalion., 3rd Infantry Division, stationed at Fort Moore, Georgia, associated with the 48th Infantry BCT, Georgia Army National Guard
- 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry Regiment, USAR, associated with the 3rd Infantry BCT, 25th Infantry Division, stationed at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii
- 1st Battalion (Airborne), 143rd Infantry Regiment Texas ARNG, associated with the 173rd Airborne BCT, stationed in Vicenza, Italy
- 1st Battalion, 151st Infantry Regiment, Indiana ARNG, associated with the 2nd Infantry BCT, 25th Infantry Division, stationed at Schofield Barracks
- 5th Engineer Battalion, stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, associated with the 35th Engineer Brigade, Missouri ARNG
- 840th Engineer Company, Texas ARNG, associated with the 36th Engineer Brigade, stationed at Fort Cavazos, Texas
- 824th Quartermaster Company, USAR, associated with the 82nd Airborne Division's Sustainment Brigade, stationed at Fort Liberty, North Carolina
- 249th Transportation Company, Texas ARNG, associated with the 1st Cavalry Division's Sustainment Brigade., stationed in Fort Cavazos
- 1245th Transportation Company, Oklahoma ARNG, associated with the 1st Cavalry Division's Sustainment Brigade., stationed in Fort Cavazos
- 1176th Transportation Company, Tennessee ARNG, associated with the 101st Airborne Division's Sustainment Brigade, stationed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky
- 2123rd Transportation Company, Kentucky ARNG, associated with the 101st Airborne Division's Sustainment Brigade, stationed at Fort Campbell
Rifleman training
Soldiers train for weapons handling, and marksmanship first individually, on static firing ranges, and then on simulators such as an Engagement Skills Trainer (EST). More advanced training on squad level simulators (Squad Advanced Marksmanship-Trainer (SAMT)) place a squad in virtual engagements against avatars of various types,[635] using M4 carbine, M249 light machine gun and M9 Beretta pistol simulated weapon systems.[635] Home stations are to receive Synthetic training environments (STEs) for mission training, as an alternative to rotations to the National Combat Training Centers, which operate Brigade-level training against an Opposing force (OPFOR) with near-peer equipment.
Some installations have urban training facilities for infantrymen, in preparation for brigade-level training.[636]
A 2019 marksmanship manual TC 3-20.40, Training and Qualification-Individual Weapons (the "Dot-40") now mandates the use of the simulators, as if the soldier were in combat.[637] The Dot-40 is to be used by the entire Army, from the Cadets at West Point to the Active Army, the Army Reserve, and Army National Guard;[637] the Dot-40 tests how rapidly soldiers can load and reload while standing, kneeling, lying prone, and firing from behind a barrier.[637] The marksmanship tests of a soldier's critical thinking, selecting targets to shoot at, in which order, and the accuracy of each shot are recorded by the simulators.[637]
Stryker training
Up to a platoon-sized unit of a Stryker brigade combat team, and dismounted infantry, can train on Stryker simulators (Stryker Virtual Collective Trainer – SVCT), which are in the process of being installed at eight home stations. The fourth was being completed as of 2019.[638] Forty-five infantrymen (four Stryker shells) or thirty-six scouts (six Stryker shells) can rehearse their battle rhythm on a virtual battlefield, record their lessons learned, give their after-action reports, and repeat, as a team. The Stryker gunner's seat comes directly from a Stryker vehicle and has a Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station (CROWS) and joystick to control a virtual .50 caliber (12.7 mm) heavy machine gun or a virtual 30 mm autocannon and other CROWS configurations are possible.[638][639]
Digital air ground integration ranges (DAGIRs)
Live-fire digital air ground integration ranges (DAGIRs) were first conceptualized in the 1990s, and established in 2012,[640] with follow-on in 2019.[641] The ranges initially included 23 miles of tank trails,[642] targets, battlefield effects simulators, and digital wiring for aerial scorekeeping.[641] These ranges are designed for coordinating air and ground exercises before full-on sessions at the National Training Centers.[641]
Training against OPFORs

To serve a role as an Opposing force (OPFOR) could be a mission for an Army unit, as temporary duty (TDY), during which they might wear old battle dress uniforms, perhaps inside-out.[643] TRADOC's Mission Command Training Program, as well as Cyber Command designs tactics for these OPFORs. When a brigade trains at Fort Irwin, Fort Polk, Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center,[644] or Joint Multinational Training Center (in Hohenfels, Germany) the Army tasks 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, 1st Battalion, 509th Infantry Regiment (Abn), 196th Infantry Brigade, and 1st Battalion, 4th Infantry Regiment, respectively, with the OPFOR role,[645] and provides the OPFOR with modern equipment (such as the FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile) to test that brigade's readiness for deployment. Multiple integrated laser engagement systems serve as proxies for actual fired weapons, and soldiers are lost to the commander from "kills" by laser hits.[646]
Training against cyber
Deceptive data intended to divide deployed forces are making their way into the news feeds, and are falsely implicating actual soldiers who are deployed at the time of the false social media reports, which are mixing fact and fiction.[647][13]
The Army now has its tenth direct-commissioned cyber officer: a Sergeant First Class with a computer engineering degree, and a masters in system engineering was commissioned a major in the National Guard, 91st Cyber Brigade, on 30 July 2020.[648]
Soldier integration facility
PEO Soldier has established a Soldier integration facility (SIF) at Fort Belvoir which allows prototyping and evaluation of combat capabilities for the Army Soldier.[649] CCDC Soldier center in Natick Massachusetts, Night Vision Lab at Fort Belvoir Virginia, and Maneuver Battle Lab at Fort Moore Georgia have prototyped ideas at the SIF.[649]
Applications for Synthetic Training Environment (STE)
The Squad Advanced Marksmanship Training (SAMT) system, developed by the STE Cross-functional team from Futures Command, has an application for 1st SFAB.[650] Bluetooth enabled replicas of M4 rifles and M9 and Glock 19 pistols, with compressed air recoil approximate the form, fit and function of the weapons that the Soldiers are using in close combat. For 1st SFAB, scenarios included virtual reality attacks which felt like engagements in a room. The scenarios can involve the entire SFAB Advisor team, and engagements can be repeated over and over again. Advanced marksmanship skills such as firing with the non-dominant hand, and firing on the move can be practiced.[650]
Nine Army sites are now equipped with the SAMT. Over twenty systems are planned for locations in the United States.[650] The Close combat tactical trainers are in use, for example, to train 3rd Infantry Division headquarters for a gunnery training event (convoy protection role),[651] and 2nd BCT/ 82nd Airborne close combat training.[652]
The concept has been extended to the Live, Virtual, Constructive Integrating Architecture (LVC-IA), to integrate the National Guard, and the Reserves, with Active Army.[653]
- "A simulation places leadership teams in a situation akin to a Combat Training Center rotation, an intellectually and emotionally challenging environment that forgives the mistakes of the participants "—Dr. Charles K. Pickar[654][655]
- "It is important for Soldiers to have an open and clear mind during the simulation so that they learn something from the experience." —Tim Glaspie[651]
- "Repetition increases a team's situational understanding of the tactics they'll use" —Maj. Anthony Clas[656]
Other training environments include MANPADS for SHORAD in the 14P MOS at Fort Sill.[657][658]
I believe that a training environment .. should be a maneuver trainer, and it should be a gunnery trainer
Retired Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli, 32nd vice chief of staff of the Army[659]
Deployment scheme
The force generation system, posited in 2006 by General Schoomaker, projected that the U.S. Army would be deployed continuously. The Army would serve as an expeditionary force to fight a protracted campaign against terrorism and stand ready for other potential contingencies across the full-spectrum of operations (from humanitarian and stability operations to major combat operations against a conventional foe).
Under ideal circumstances, Army units would have a minimum "dwell time," a minimum duration of which it would remain at home station before deployment. Active-duty units would be prepared to deploy once every three years. Army Reserve units would be prepared to deploy once every five years. National Guard units would be prepared to deploy once every six years. A total of 71 combat brigades would form the Army's rotation basis, 42 from the active component with the balance from the reserves.
Thus, around 15 active-duty combat brigades would be available for deployment each year under the 2006 force-generation plan. An additional 4 or 5 brigades would be available for deployment from the reserve component. The plan was designed to provide more stability to soldiers and their families. Within the system, a surge capability would exist so that about an additional 18 brigades could be deployed in addition to the 19 or 20 scheduled brigades.
From General Dan McNeil, former Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) Commander: Within the Army Forces Generation (ARFORGEN) model, brigade combat teams (BCTs) would move through a series of three force pools;[565] they would enter the model at its inception, the "reset force pool", upon completion of a deployment cycle. There they would re-equip and reman while executing all individual predeployment training requirements, attaining readiness as quickly as possible. Reset or "R" day, recommended by FORSCOM and approved by Headquarters, Department of the Army, would be marked by BCT changes of command, preceded or followed closely by other key leadership transitions. While in the reset pool, formations would be remanned, reaching 100% of mission required strength by the end of the phase, while also reorganizing and fielding new equipment, if appropriate. In addition, it is there that units would be confirmed against future missions, either as deployment expeditionary forces (DEFs-BCTs trained for known operational requirements), ready expeditionary forces (REFs-BCTs that form the pool of available forces for short-notice missions) or contingency expeditionary forces (CEFs-BCTs earmarked for contingency operations).
Based on their commanders' assessments, units would move to the ready force pool, from which they could deploy should they be needed, and in which the unit training focus would be at the higher collective levels. Units would enter the available force pool when there is approximately one year left in the cycle, after validating their collective mission-essential task list proficiency (either core or theater-specific tasks) via battle-staff and dirt-mission rehearsal exercises. The available phase would be the only phase with a specified time limit: one year. Not unlike the division-ready brigades of past decades, these formations would deploy to fulfill specific requirements or stand ready to fulfill short-notice deployments within 30 days.
The goal was to generate forces 12–18 months in advance of combatant commanders' requirements and to begin preparing every unit for its future mission as early as possible in order to increase its overall proficiency.
Personnel management would also be reorganized as part of the Army transformation. Previously, personnel was managed on an individual basis in which soldiers were rotated without regard for the effect on unit cohesion. This system required unpopular measures such as "stop loss" and "stop move" in order to maintain force levels. In contrast, the new personnel system would operate on a unit basis to the maximum extent possible, with the goal of allowing teams to remain together longer and enabling families to establish ties within their communities.
Abrams 2016 noted that mid-level Army soldiers found they faced an unexpected uptempo in their requirements,[49] while entry-level soldiers in fact welcomed the increased challenge.[49]
Readiness model
ARFORGEN, "a structured progression of increased unit readiness over time, resulting in recurring periods of availability of trained, ready, and cohesive units prepared for operational deployment in support of geographic Combatant Commander requirements" was utilized in the 2010s.[660][168][237][661] ARFORGEN was replaced by the Sustainable Readiness Model (SRM) in 2017.[662][663][49][74] In 2016 the 39th Chief of Staff of the Army identified the objective of a sustainable readiness process as over 66 percent of the Active Army in combat ready state at any time;[664] in 2019 the readiness objective of the National Guard and Army Reserve units was set to be 33 percent; Total Army readiness for deployment was 40 percent in 2019.[210][lower-alpha 40]
Regionally Aligned Readiness and Modernization Model (ReARMM) is a unit lifecycle model which goes into effect in October 2021.[665][666] ReARMM was introduced in October 2020. It is a force generation model which uses the total Army, the Reserve components as well as Active component when planning.[667] Dynamic force employment (DFE) will be used more often.[667] The Operational tempo will decrease, which gives Commanders will more times, 'training windows' during which their units can train, first at the small-unit level, and then at larger-step modernization of their formations.[665] The units can then train at echelon for Large scale combat operations (LSCO) at a more measured pace.[665]
In 2018 39th Chief of Staff Mark Milley's readiness objective is that all operational units be at 90 percent of the authorized strength in 2018, at 100 percent by 2021, and at 105 percent by 2023.[570] The observer coach/trainers at the combat training centers, recruiters, and drill sergeants are to be filled to 100 percent strength by the end of 2018.[570]
The requested strength of the Active Army in FY2020 is increasing by 4,000 additional troops from the current 476,000 soldiers;[11] this request covers the near-term needs for cyber, air & missile defense, and fires (Army modernization).[11][668]
- Organic industrial base (OIB)
The Army’s Organic industrial base (OIB) Modernization Implementation Plan got a refresh in 2022, with a review of the "23 depots, arsenals and ammunition plants that manufacture, reset and maintain Army equipment", in light of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.[669][670][671]
The Acting CG of FORSCOM, Lt. Gen. Laura Richardson, has noted that the Sustainable Readiness Model uses the Army standard for maintenance readiness, denoted TM 10/20,[74] which makes commanders responsible for maintaining their equipment to the TM 10/20 standard, meaning that "all routine maintenance is executed and all deficiencies are repaired".[672]: p. 79 But Richardson has also spoken out about aviation-related supplier deficiencies hurting readiness both at the combatant commands and at the home stations.[673][674]
Prepositioned stocks

United States Army Materiel Command (AMC), which uses Army Field Support Brigades (AFSB) to provision the Combatant Commands, has established Army prepositioned stocks (APS) for supplying entire Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs),[676] at several areas of responsibility (AORs):[164][121]: p.28:Defender Europe 2020 [397]
- APS-1 is Continental US (CONUS)[676][677]
- APS-2 in EUCOM, using several sites,[405][448][165] will accelerate the flow of up-to-date materiel there, to forward-operating sites.[678][405][679][680][681]
- APS-3 in Pacific Ocean, uses ocean-going vessels.[682][424]
- The materiel positioning is allocated under the Calibrated force posture:[683]
- Some materiel will be drawn by units under the Dynamic force employment (DFE) initiative
- Some troop units will be forward deployed
- Some troop units will rotate in
- Some prepositioned stock is under discussion with specific nations with agreements to be announced (currently classified as of October 2020)
- An SFAB is allocated to the Pacific AoR
- APS-4 in NE Asia[676][684]
- APS-5 in CENTCOM's Camp Arifjan, Kuwait,[166] and SW Asia[676]
By 2020 AMC had seven Army prepositioned stocks.[685]
Medical readiness is being tested by the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency, a Life Cycle Management Command (LCMC). The LCMCs are stocking three additional locations in the US (APS-1), as well as APS-2 (EUCOM), and Korea, as of 12 February 2019.[686] For example, during Operation Spartan Shield, the LCMC's relevant AFSB effected the hand-off of prepositioned stocks to 155th Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT) within 96 hours.[687] In the same Operation, 155th ABCT was issued an entire equipment set for an ABCT, drawn from APS-5 stocks, over 13,000 pieces.[688]
Air Defense Artillery deployments
On 27 March 2018 the 678th Air Defense Artillery Brigade (South Carolina National Guard) deployed to EUCOM, Ansbach Germany for a nine-month rotation, for the first time since the Cold War.[689] 10th AAMDC is the executive agent for EUCOM.
In September 2018, the Wall Street Journal reported that four Patriot systems— Two from Kuwait, and one apiece from Jordan and Bahrain are redeploying back to the U.S. for refurbishment and upgrades, and will not be replaced.[690][691] In June 2021, 8 Patriot batteries and a THAAD battery are being withdrawn from the CENTCOM area to focus on Russia and China.[692] By March 2022 NATO Patriot batteries had begun repositioning to Slovakia, and Poland from the Netherlands, and Germany respectively.[693][694]
Forward-deployed materiel
As the U.S. Army's only forward-deployed Airborne brigade, 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, stationed in EUCOM, was supplied with new communications materiel — Integrated Tactical Networks (ITN) in 2018.[695] New ground combat vehicles, the Infantry Carrier Vehicle – Dragoon (M1126 Infantry Carrier Vehicle) are being supplied to 2nd Cavalry Regiment. ICVDs are Strykers with an unmanned turret and 30 mm autocannon (CROWS), and an integrated commander's station, upgraded suspension and larger tires.[695][696][697] The Army brigades of EUCOM have been in position for testing materiel, as its elements engaged in a 2018 road march through Europe, training with 19 ally and partner nations in Poland in 2018.[695]
Dynamic force employment

This initiative, designed by then-DoD-Secretary James Mattis, exercises the ability of selected BCTs to rapidly surge combat-ready forces into a theater,[71] such as EUCOM, on short notice.[701][702] In several such cases, at the direction of the Secretary of Defense in March 2019, troops were rapidly alerted, recalled and deployed to a forward position, under (simulated) emergency conditions, to prove a capability (such as an ABCT, and a THAAD battery)[703][704][705] against near-peers.[706] The ABCT element next participated in a joint live-fire exercise with Polish troops of the 12th Mechanized Brigade, 12th Mechanised Division (Poland) in Drawsko Pomorskie Training Area, Poland.[707] (A Mission Command element of TRADOC served in the role of echelon-above-brigade for the maneuver and interoperability of the joint multi-national armored brigades.)[707] In September 2018, the 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment had already assumed a forward deployment in Poland.[708][709] Poland and the US are planning for regular rotations going forward.[710][711][712][713][714] A Combat Aviation Brigade element, an Armored Combat Brigade element, and a Division Headquarters element will rotate in.[715]
Similar initiatives are planned for other alliances.[26] [716]
In August 2020 Poland agreed to pay almost all costs associated with US presence in the country;[717] [408] a forward command post for V Corps in Poland has been codified in an Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement between the US and Poland.[718][715] [719][720][721][722] Poland is buying 250 M1A2 Abrams tanks as of 14 July 2021.[723][724][725] Poland ordered an additional 116 used M1A1 Abrams tanks, with faster delivery dates on 15 July 2022.[726] The first 14 of an expected 42 M1A1 Abrams tanks arrived in Poland on 28 June 2023; the 42 will comprise one tank battalion; the 42 tanks are to be the 2023 tranche of 116 M1A1 tanks for Poland.[727][726][728]
In addition to tanks, Poland is buying attack helicopters,[729] Patriot missiles,[730] HIMARS, and F-35s.[728] Poland is buying 96 AH-64E Apaches (to equip six squadrons).[731] Naval Strike Missiles,[732] and LTAMDS missile defense radars.[733] Poland is seeking more HIMARS rockets and launchers, with an eye toward local rocket production in the future.[734] In July 2022, six IBCS Engagement Operations Centers attained basic operational capability in Poland,[735] and are a component for JADC2.
FORSCOM exercised its Emergency deployment readiness exercises (EDREs) in 2019 by sending 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division to the Joint Readiness Training Center in Fort Polk, Louisiana, by sealift, simultaneously exercising the logistics planners at Fort Drum, the seaports in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Port Arthur, Texas, as well as 2nd BCT.[74] Through the EDRE program, 20 of the ports have been exercised to ready them for sealift deployments.[74] A division-sized move of 20,000 pieces of equipment from the US to Europe began a month-long process in January 2020.[440][445][408] In 2020 the pre-COVID-19 plan was "wide-spanning maneuvers will focus on the Baltic States, Poland, and Georgia" (at the time) which would have involved 36,000 troops from 11 countries ranging from the Baltic to the Black Seas,[443] a number still in flux.[425] A number of the Defender-2020 objectives were met in 2020, despite a 60-day travel ban by DoD.
By 2020 the 27th Secretary of Defense signaled that ABMS, its Internet of Military Things, and JADC2 were important parts for Dynamic force employment (DFE) in the Joint All-domain Operations Concept.[736] The Combatant commanders at Eucom, and at IndoPacom sought the AGM-183A (ARRW) hypersonic weapon on the bomber fleet for Dynamic force employment.[737]
In light of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, thousands more troops have posted or rotated to Europe.[738] As of February 2023 the US is planning a HIMARS training center in Poland.[739][740][741] In order to get 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, the Army is weighing options with the fastest delivery times, none of which are sooner than year-end 2023.[742][lower-alpha 41][743]
Force size and unit organization
Overall, the Army would end up with 71 brigade combat teams and 212 support brigades, in the pre-2013 design. The Regular Army would move from 33 brigade combat teams in 2003 to 43 brigade combat teams together with 75 modular support brigades, for a total of 118 Regular Army modular brigades. In addition the previously un-designated training brigades such as the Infantry Training Brigade at Fort Moore assumed the lineage & honors of formerly active Regular Army combat brigades. In 2017 there were 31 brigade combat teams in the Active Army. Within the Army National Guard, there were to be 28 brigade combat teams and 78 support brigades. Within the Army Reserve, the objective was 59 support brigades. Chief of Staff Mark Milley credits Creighton Abrams (Chief of Staff 1972-1974), for placing most of the support brigades in the Reserve and National Guard in order to ensure that the nation would use the total army rather than only the active army in an extended war involving the entire nation.[125]: minute 42:30 [744]
The Reserve component will be playing an increased role.[71] In the Total Army, eight Army National Guard divisions are to be trained to increase their readiness for large-scale combat operations,[628][444] making 58 BCTs in the Total Army in 2018,[745] and six SFABs in 2020.
Army commands
- United States Army Forces Command headquartered at Fort Liberty, North Carolina
- United States Army Futures Command headquarters in Austin, Texas
- United States Army Materiel Command headquartered at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama
- United States Army Training and Doctrine Command headquartered at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia
Army service component commands
- Geographic commands
- United States Army Central / Third Army headquartered at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina
- United States Army North / Fifth Army headquartered at Joint Base San Antonio, Texas
- United States Army South / Sixth Army headquartered at Joint Base San Antonio, Texas
- United States Army Europe-Africa / Seventh Army headquartered at Wiesbaden, Germany
- United States Army Pacific headquartered at Fort Shafter, Hawaii
- Functional commands
- United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command headquartered at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama
- United States Army Special Operations Command headquartered at Fort Liberty, North Carolina
- Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command headquartered at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois
- United States Army Cyber Command headquartered at Fort Eisenhower, Georgia
Army direct reporting units
- United States Army Medical Command (MEDCOM)
- United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) headquartered at Fort Belvoir, Virginia
- United States Army Corps of Engineers
- United States Military Academy
- United States Army Military District of Washington (MDW) headquartered at Fort McNair, District of Columbia
- United States Army Criminal Investigation Division (USACID) headquartered at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia
- United States Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC)
Field armies
- First US Army, headquartered at Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois (A component of FORSCOM; responsible for training the reserve components when mobilized for overseas deployment)
- Eighth US Army, headquartered at Camp Humphreys, South Korea (component of United States Forces Korea)
Army corps
- I Corps headquartered at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington
- III Armored Corps headquartered at Fort Cavazos, Texas
- V Corps headquartered at Fort Knox, Kentucky[10]
- XVIII Airborne Corps headquartered at Fort Liberty, North Carolina
Divisions and brigades
- Note: these formations were subject to change, announced in 2013 reform[746]
In the post-2013 design, the Regular Army was planned to reduce to 32 BCTs after all the BCTs had been announced for inactivation.[747] The 2018 budget was to further reduce 40,000 active-duty soldiers from 490,000 in 2015 to 450,000 by 2018 fiscal year-end. Thirty installations would have been affected; six of these installations would have accounted for over 12,000 of those to be let go. In early 2015, the plan was to cut entire BCTs; by July 2015, a new plan, to downsize a BCT (4,500 soldiers) to a maneuver battalion task force (1,032 soldiers, with the possibility of upsizing if need be) was formulated. In 2015, a plan was instituted to allow further shrinking of the Army, by converting selected brigades to maneuver battalion task forces.[748] A maneuver battalion task force includes about 1,050 Soldiers rather than the 4,000 in a full BCT.[749] This 9 July 2015 plan, however, would preclude rapid deployment of such a unit until it has been reconstituted back to full re-deployable strength. This is being addressed with the § "Associated units" training program from the Reserve and Guard.
In 2017 the National Defense Strategy and National Security Strategy[567]: 4:30 and a § Sustainable Readiness Model (SRM) managed to halt the cuts.[663][49] Funding was allocated for two (out of six planned) Security Force Assistance Brigades (SFABs) in 2016[750] composed of 529 senior officers and senior NCOs (a full chain of command for a BCT).[751] By 2020 all 6 SFABs were activated.
The changes announced so far affect:[752]
- The number of generals and SES's will decrease 25% by 2023, DoD-wide.[567]: 11:10
- Every HHBN (2-star, and higher, headquarters battalion) reduces by 10%[748]
- 3rd ABCT, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Moore[752]
- 2nd SBCT, 25th Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks[748]
- 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command relocates from Fort Knox to Fort Liberty[748]
- 1st Theater Sustainment Command relocates from Fort Liberty to Fort Knox[748][236]
- 81st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 40th Infantry Division to become an associated unit (SBCT) of 7th Infantry Division (81st's armor assets to be pre-positioned in Europe).
Brigade Combat Teams
1st Armored Division, at Fort Bliss (Texas), regionally aligned with Central Command (CENTCOM)[753]
- Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion[754]
- 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, converted from Stryker BCT on 20 June 2019[755][756][757][758]
- 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team
- 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team
- 1st Armored Division Artillery
- Combat Aviation Brigade deploys to Afghanistan early 2019[759][760]
- 1st Armored Division Sustainment Brigade[761]
1st Cavalry Division, at Fort Cavazos (Texas), regionally aligned with European Command (EUCOM)[762]
- Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion
- 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team
- 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team[763]
- 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team
- 1st Cavalry Division Artillery
- Combat Aviation Brigade
- 1st Cavalry Division Sustainment Brigade
1st Infantry Division, at Fort Riley, (Kansas)
- Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion
- 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team
- 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, regionally aligned with African Command (AFRICOM)[764]
- 1st Infantry Division Artillery
- Combat Aviation Brigade
- 1st Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade
2nd Infantry Division, at Camp Humphreys, (South Korea)
- Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion
- 1x Rotation Armored Brigade Combat Team, at Camp Casey, Camp Hovey, and Camp Humphreys, South Korea
- 2nd Infantry Division Artillery[765] at Camp Humphreys, (South Korea)
- Combat Aviation Brigade, at Camp Humphreys and K-16 Airfield, South Korea
- 2nd Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade, at Camp Carroll, Camp Stanley, and Camp Humphreys, South Korea
3rd Infantry Division, at Fort Stewart, (Georgia)
- Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion
- 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team
- 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team
- 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Georgia Army National Guard)[766]
- Task Force 1-28: 1st Battalion 28th Infantry Regiment, at Fort Moore, Georgia[749][767]
- 3rd Infantry Division Artillery
- Combat Aviation Brigade, at Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia
- 3rd Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade
4th Infantry Division, at Fort Carson, (Colorado), regionally aligned with European Command (EUCOM)[768]
2nd SBCT/4th ID Stryker fires FGM-148 Javelin, 28 April 2022 at Fort Carson, Colo.- Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion
- 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team
- 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team[757][769]
- 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team[770]
- 4th Infantry Division Artillery
- Combat Aviation Brigade
- 4th Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade
7th Infantry Division (Headquarters only), at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, (Washington)[771]
- Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion
- 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division
- 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division
- 81st Stryker Brigade Combat Team (Washington Army National Guard)[772][773]
10th Mountain Division, at Fort Drum, (New York)
- Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion
- 1st Infantry Brigade Combat Team
- 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team[774]
- 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team at Fort Polk
- 10th Mountain Division Artillery
- Combat Aviation Brigade
- 10th Mountain Division Sustainment Brigade
11th Airborne Division, at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, (Alaska)
- Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion
- 1st Infantry Brigade Combat Team, at Fort Wainwright, (Alaska)
- 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, (Alaska)
- 11th Airborne Division Artillery
- Aviation Task Force
- Sustainment Brigade
25th Infantry Division, at Schofield Barracks, (Hawaii)
- Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion
- 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team
- 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team
- 25th Infantry Division Artillery
- Combat Aviation Brigade
- 25th Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade
82nd Airborne Division, at Fort Liberty, (North Carolina)
- Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion
- 1st Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne)
- 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne)
- 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne)
- 82nd Airborne Division Artillery
- Combat Aviation Brigade
- 82nd Airborne Division Sustainment Brigade
101st Airborne Division, at Fort Campbell, (Kentucky)
- Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion
- 1st Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Air Assault)
- 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Air Assault)[775]
- 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Air Assault)
- 101st Airborne Division Artillery
- Combat Aviation Brigade[759] rotates stateside early 2019
- 101st Airborne Division Sustainment Brigade
2nd Cavalry Regiment (Stryker BCT), in Vilseck, (Germany)[720]
3rd Cavalry Regiment (Stryker BCT), at Fort Cavazos, (Texas)
173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, in Vicenza, (Italy)
- Active-duty divisions
- 11 division headquarters (one division HQ in South Korea)
Active-duty combat brigades: 31 at the end of 2017
- 11 Armored Brigade Combat Teams
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ABCT at Fort Bliss (Texas), part of 1st Armored Division at Fort Bliss (Texas)
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd ABCT at Fort Cavazos (Texas), part of 1st Cavalry Division at Fort Cavazos (Texas)
- 1st and 2nd ABCT at Fort Riley (Kansas), part of 1st Infantry Division at Fort Riley (Kansas)
- 1st and 2nd ABCT at Fort Stewart (Georgia), part of 3rd Infantry Division at Fort Stewart (Georgia)
- 3rd ABCT at Fort Carson (Colorado), part of 4th Infantry Division at Fort Carson (Colorado)
- 6 Stryker Brigade Combat Teams
- 1st and 2nd SBCTs at Fort Carson (Colorado), part of 4th Infantry Division at Fort Carson (Colorado)
- 1st and 2nd SBCT at Fort Lewis (Joint Base Lewis–McChord) (Washington), administratively under the 2nd Infantry Division at Camp Humphreys (South Korea), operationally under the 7th Infantry Division HQ at Joint Base Lewis–McChord (Washington)
- 2nd Cavalry Regiment (SBCT) at Rose Barracks in Vilseck (Germany), independent SBCT under US Army Europe at Lucius D. Clay Kaserne Barracks (Germany)
- 3rd Cavalry Regiment (SBCT) at Fort Cavazos (Texas), independent SBCT under III Corps at Fort Cavazos (Texas)
- 6 Infantry Brigade Combat Teams (Light)[776]
- 1st and 2nd IBCT at Fort Drum (New York), part of 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum (New York)
- 3rd IBCT at Fort Polk (Louisiana), also part of 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum (New York)
- 1st IBCT at Fort Wainwright (Alaska), part of 11th Airborne Division at Joint Base Elmendorf–Richardson (Alaska)
- 2nd and 3rd IBCT at Schofield Barracks (Hawaii), part of 25th Infantry Division at Schofield Barracks (Hawaii)
- 5 Infantry Brigade Combat Teams (Airborne)
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd IBCT (Airborne) at Fort Liberty (North Carolina), part of 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Liberty (North Carolina)
- 2nd IBCT (Airborne) at Joint Base Elmendorf–Richardson (Alaska), part of 11th Airborne Division (Alaska)
- 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team at Caserma Ederle Barracks in Vicenza (Italy), independent brigade under US Army Europe at Lucius D. Clay Kaserne Barracks (Germany)
- 3 Infantry Brigade Combat Teams (Air Assault)
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd IBCT (Air Assault) at Fort Campbell (Kentucky), part of 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell (Kentucky)
- See National Guard divisions for the 27 ARNG BCTs
Support brigades
Active-duty Support Brigades (with reserve-component numbers in parentheses: ARNG/USAR)
- 12 Combat Aviation Brigades (12/2):
- 12th Combat Aviation Brigade, in Katterbach, (Germany)
- 16th Combat Aviation Brigade, at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, (Washington)
- 10 Combat Aviation Brigades as part of active army divisions
- 3 Military Intelligence Brigades (Expeditionary) (2/3):
- 201st Military Intelligence Brigade, at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, (Washington)
- 504th Military Intelligence Brigade, at Fort Cavazos, (Texas)
- 525th Military Intelligence Brigade, at Fort Liberty, (North Carolina)
- 5 Field Artillery Brigades (8/0):
- 17th Field Artillery Brigade, at Joint Base Lewis–McChord, (Washington)
- 18th Field Artillery Brigade, at Fort Liberty, (North Carolina)
- 41st Field Artillety Brigade, at Grafenwoehr, (Germany)
- 75th Field Artillery Brigade, at Fort Sill, (Oklahoma)
- 210th Field Artillery Brigade, at Camp Casey, (South Korea)
- 6 Air Defense Artillery Brigades (3/0):
- 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, at Fort Bliss, (Texas)
- 31st Air Defense Artillery Brigade, at Fort Sill, (Oklahoma)
- 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, at Osan Air Base, (South Korea)
- 38th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, at Sagami Depot, (Japan)
- 52nd Air Defense Artillery Brigade, at Sembach, (Germany)[777]
- 69th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, at Fort Cavazos, (Texas)
- 108th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, at Fort Liberty, (North Carolina)
- 5 Engineer Brigades (7/4):
- 7th Engineer Brigade, Ansbach, (Germany)[778]
- 20th Engineer Brigade, at Fort Liberty, (North Carolina)
- 36th Engineer Brigade, at Fort Cavazos, (Texas)
- 130th Engineer Brigade, at Schofield Barracks, (Hawaii)
- 555th Engineer Brigade, at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, (Washington)
- 12 Sustainment Brigades (10/9):
- 16th Sustainment Brigade, in Bamberg, (Germany)
- 528th Sustainment Brigade (Special Operations) (Airborne), at Fort Liberty, (North Carolina)
- Ten Sustainment Brigades as part of active army divisions
- 5 Military Police Brigades (4/4):
- 8th Military Police Brigade, at Schofield Barracks, (Hawaii)
- 16th Military Police Brigade, at Fort Liberty, (North Carolina)
- 18th Military Police Brigade, in Grafenwöhr, (Germany)
- 42nd Military Police Brigade, at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, (Washington)
- 89th Military Police Brigade, at Fort Cavazos, (Texas)
- 1 Transportation Brigade (0/5):
- 5 Security Force Assistance Brigades (1/0) planned, 1st in 2017:
- 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade, at Fort Moore, (Georgia)
- 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade, at Fort Liberty, (North Carolina)
- 3rd Security Force Assistance Brigade, at Fort Cavazos, (Texas)
- 4th Security Force Assistance Brigade, at Fort Carson, (Colorado)
- 5th Security Force Assistance Brigade, at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, (Washington)
- 5 Medical Brigades (0/10):
- 1st Medical Brigade, at Fort Cavazos, (Texas)
- 30th Medical Brigade, in Sembach, (Germany)
- 44th Medical Brigade, at Fort Liberty, (North Carolina)
- 62nd Medical Brigade, at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, (Washington)
- 65th Medical Brigade, at Camp Humphreys, (South Korea)
- 9 Signal Brigades (2/2):
- 1st Signal Brigade, at Camp Humphreys, (South Korea)
- 2nd Signal Brigade, in Wiesbaden, (Germany)
- 11th Signal Brigade, at Fort Cavazos, (Texas)
- 22nd Signal Brigade, at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, (Washington)
- 35th Signal Brigade, at Fort Eisenhower, (Georgia)
- 93rd Signal Brigade, at Fort Eustis, (Virginia)
- 106th Signal Brigade, at Fort Sam Houston, (Texas)
- 160th Signal Brigade, at Camp Arifjan, (Kuwait)
- 516th Signal Brigade, at Fort Shafter, (Hawaii)
- 1 Chemical Brigade (1/1):
- 48th Chemical Brigade, at Fort Cavazos, (Texas)
See also
- 1 2 3 4 In Force modernization,[96] Deputy Chiefs of Staff G-8 and G-3/5/7 sit on the Army Requirements Oversight Council (AROC), to advise the Chief of Staff of the Army (CSA).[97]: diagram on p.559 [98][99] The commander, AFC is responsible for Force design.[98]
- The Army's Force management model begins with a projection of the Future operating environment, in terms of resources: political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure, physical environment, and the time available to bring the Current army to bear on the situation.[99]
- The AROC serves as a discussion forum of these factors.[98][100]
- The relevant strategy is provided by the Army's leadership.
- A DOTMLPF analysis models the factors necessary to change the Current force into a relevant Future force.
- A JCIDS process identifies the gaps in capability between Current and Future force.
- A Force design to meet the materiel gaps is underway.
- An organization with the desired capabilities (manpower, materiel, training) is brought to bear on each gap.[96]
- AR 5-22(pdf) lists the Force modernization proponent for each Army branch, which can be a CoE or Branch proponent leader.
- Staff uses a Synchronization meeting[101]: minute 8:29 before seeking approval —HTAR Force Management 3-2b: "Managing change in any large, complex organization requires the synchronization of many interrelated processes".[97]: p2-27
- A budget request is submitted to Congress.
- The resources are "dictated by Congress".[99]
- Approved requests then await resource deliveries which then become available to the combatant commanders.[102]
- 1 2 3 4 5 The Army's unclassified Multi-Domain Operations (MDO) concept is "the combined arms employment of capabilities from all domains that create and exploit relative advantages to defeat enemy forces, achieve objectives and consolidate gains during competition, crisis, and armed conflict".[277]
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 See Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (November 22, 2019) SecArmy's Multi-Domain Kill Chain: Space-Cloud-AI Army Multi-Domain Operations Concept, December 2018 slide from TRADOC pamphlet 525-3-1 (Dec 2018).
Multi-domain operations (MDO)[lower-alpha 2] span multiple domains: cislunar space, land, air, maritime, cyber, and populations.
- In September 2020 an ABMS Onramp demonstrated a § specific scenario, which can be illustrated by the 5 red numbered bullet points from the slide in TRADOC pamphlet 525-3-1:
- Competition— No overt hostilities are yet detected. Blue bar (force projection) is in standoff against red bar (threat).
- Strategic Support area— National assets (blue) detect breaching of standoff by adversary (in red).
- Close area support— blue assets hand-off to the combatant commands, who are to create effects visible to the adversary (in red).
- Deep maneuver— blue combatant actions dis-integrate adversary efforts (per TRADOC pamphlet 525-3-1: "militarily compete, penetrate, dis-integrate, and exploit" the adversary); —Operational and Strategic deep fires create effects on the adversary. Adversary is further subject to defeat in detail, until adversaries perceive they are overmatched (no more red assets to expend).
- Adversary retreats to standoff. The populations perceive that the adversary is defeated, for now. (Compare to Perkins' cycle, 'return to competition', in which deterrence has succeeded in avoiding a total war, in favor of pushing an adversary back to standoff (the red threat bar). Blue force projection still has overmatched red threat.
- 1 2 3 4 5 The capabilities as prioritized by the 39th Chief of Staff, will use subject matter experts in the realms of requirements, acquisition, science and technology, test, resourcing, costing, and sustainment, using Cross Functional Teams (CFTs) for:
- Improved long-range precision fires (artillery):—(Fort Sill, Oklahoma) Lead: BG John Rafferty ... PEO Ammunition (AMMO)
- Next-generation combat vehicle—(Detroit Arsenal, Warren, Michigan) Lead: BG Ross Coffman ... PEO Ground Combat Systems (GCS)
- Vertical lift platforms—(Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama) Lead: BG Wally Rugen ... PEO Aviation (AVN)
- Mobile and expeditionary (usable in ground combat) communications network (Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland)
- Network Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence— Lead: MG Pete Gallagher ... PEO Command Control Communications Tactical (C3T)
- Assured Position Navigation and Timing— (Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama) Lead: William B. Nelson, SES
- Air and missile defense—(Fort Sill, Oklahoma) Lead: BG Brian Gibson, ... PEO Missiles and Space (M&S)
- Soldier lethality
- Soldier Lethality—(Fort Moore, Georgia) Lead: BG David M. Hodne ... PEO Soldier
- Synthetic Training Environment —(Orlando, Florida) Lead: MG Maria Gervais ... PEO Simulation, Training, & Instrumentation (STRI)
- Above, 'dotted line' relationship (i.e., coordination) is denoted by a ' ... '
- ↑ 2015 Army Operating Concept (AOC): "Win in a Complex World"[52]: minute 1:15:00/1:22:58
- ↑ One consequence of a standardized BCT is that actions performed by one BCT can be made in behalf of a successor BCT. Thus pre-positioned stocks can aid in the rapidity of deployment: Army Prepositioned Stocks site in the Netherlands was established 15 Dec 2016, which will store and service about 1,600 U.S. Army vehicles.
- ↑ The Army is introducing drones in its combat aviation brigades in order to increase its reconnaissance capability.[105][106]
- ↑ In the 2013 reform the active duty brigades are deactivating by 2015, leaving only the National Guard's, and the Reserve's, maneuver enhancement brigades.[116]
- ↑ (22 Mar 2022) See, for example the ongoing thread of Prof. Paul Poast[225]
- 1 2 On 5 June 2023 Army Capabilities Development Command Ground Vehicle Systems Center awarded contracts to close down the autonomous vehicle leader-follower program[226] in favor of a competitive commercial autonomy package.[352]
- ↑ Michael Lundy (Sep 2018) The U.S. Army Concept for Multi-Domain Combined Arms Operations at Echelons Above Brigade 2025–2040 Echelons Above Brigade (EAB), as cited by Scott McKean[46]
- ↑ In 2018 new cyber authorities were granted under National Security Presidential Memorandum (NSPM) 13;[240] persistent cyber engagements at Cyber command are the new norm for cyber operations.[241]
- ↑ "The Maneuver Captains Career Course (MCCC) at Fort Moore, Georgia" is preparing exercises in which the division is the Unit of Action, rather than the brigade.[267]
- 1 2 3 4 Colin Clark (18 Feb 2020) Gen. Hyten On The New American Way of War: All-Domain Operations (ADO)
- "A computer-coordinated fight": in the air, land, sea, space, cyber, and the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS)
- "forces from satellites to foot soldiers to submarines sharing battle data at machine-to-machine speed"
- "it's the ability to integrate and effectively command and control all domains in a conflict or in a crisis seamlessly"—Gen. Hyten, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
- All-Domain Operations (ADO) use global capabilities: "space, cyber, deterrent [the nuclear triad (for mutually assured destruction in the Cold War, an evolving concept in itself)], transportation, electromagnetic spectrum operations, missile defense"
- "A computer-coordinated fight": in the air, land, sea, space, cyber, and the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS)
- ↑ Blue force tracking—The Army now has technology to keep track of its warfighters, down to the squad level position, or even individual soldier position.
- ↑ In 2023 a new cross-functional team (CFT) was stood up for Contested Logistics.[290] [292][293][294][278][295][296][121][297][122][298][299][300][301][302][303][304][305][306]
- 1 2 Theresa Hitchens (25 August 2020) More Ambitious ABMS Demo Uses 5G: Roper
- AFWERX (25 August 2020) Dr. Will Roper ABMS 'Ask Me Anything' 1:30:33 ABMS (Advanced battle management system) requires Internet of Military Things.
- 5:00 Foundational IoT: Containerized software systems, forming the connective tissue between domains, devices, platforms, populations.
- 16:15 There is not going to be one machine-to-machine system in the future force, but rather a set of machine-to-machine data-exchanges (in publishable, understandable, communicable, discoverable formats).
- 22:50 A new kind of requirements process (horizontal (modernize seamlessly over time) rather than vertical, top-down processes for hardware). If a standard exists, such as 5G, or APIs, use it.
- 27:50 A culture change, elevating data in importance, over bullets, will be required to win wars. Simplification of the ABMS user interface will be necessary, in order to present the relevant mission-dependent data to the Soldier, or Combatant commander.
- 31:30 There will be so much happening, that phone calls will be seen as the obstacle they are, during ABMS Onramp, just like the COVID-19 data needs.
- 35:00 deviceONE operates on SIPRNET tablets today. Portions of ABMS are operational today (25 August 2020).
- 39:50 a devOps mentality will be required; X as a Service (XaaS) is needed for Developer's adaptability and agility in the face of uncertain threats --an OODA loop with 4-month cycles. Agility and adaptability are needed for the Onramps. A set of Use cases are the targets to be sought during the development process.
- 49:20 70 industry team offerings are welcome, include 50%-solutions as well.
- 52:00 There is no way the Acquisition process can have a lead Systems Integrator to serve as Prime Contractor for a program— Replace this with a tool, a common infrastructure (tech stack) with full authorities (IRAD, Design Reviews, -- DoD has to be good at IT).
- 56:10 for the Army, ABMS means National-level situation awareness, that is tuned, relevant to the mission— from the Soldier on the ground, or to the Combatant Commander.
- 1:00:00 Use robotic agents (drones as wingmen or battle-buddies) to absorb threats at the tip of the spear; 1:06:00 pull people back from the tip of the spear, in favor of robots. Have people make the calls/commands to direct the strikes; this will not replace the warfighter.
- 1:14:00 ABMS scale-up — If we fail, this won't be tried again for years.
- AFWERX (25 August 2020) Dr. Will Roper ABMS 'Ask Me Anything' 1:30:33 ABMS (Advanced battle management system) requires Internet of Military Things.
- ↑ [351][355][356][357]
- ↑ RDER will fund the Combatant Commander's experiments in Joint Warfighting Concepts: °advanced fires, °command and control, °information advantage, and °contested logistics; the Concepts' exercise coordination and execution cell will be funded from RDER.[359][360][361]
- ↑ $76.79 million is requested for FY23.[359]
- ↑ Global Information Dominance Experiments are the vehicle for this effort.[362][364][365][46][301][366]
- ↑ Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node (TITAN)[382] is a ground station for integrating the data feed between "sensors and shooters".[383]
- ↑ [382][384][385] [386]
- ↑ [388][389][390][391][392][393][394][395]
- ↑ [419][420]
- ↑ [425][426][427][428]
- ↑ [432][7][433]
- 1 2 3 4 When used in multi-domain operations, I2CEWS denotes Intelligence, Information, Cyber, Electronic Warfare, and Space. See: ISR, or Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
- ↑ [433][408][437][438][439][440][441][442][443]
- ↑ [436][448][246]
- ↑ 82nd Airborne (with 18,000 troops) has an 18-hour readiness status (after the first phone call)[449][446]
- ↑ [450][451][452]
- ↑ DEFENDER Europe 21 was a large-scale U.S. Army-led, multinational, joint exercise designed to build readiness and interoperability between U.S., NATO and partner militaries. DEFENDER Europe 21 included a greater number of NATO ally and partner nations conducting activities over a wider area than what was planned for in 2020, which was severely restricted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 28,000 multinational forces from 26 nations conducted near-simultaneous operations across more than 30 training areas in a dozen countries. DEFENDER Europe 21 also included significant involvement of the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy. The exercise utilized key ground and maritime routes bridging Europe, Asia and Africa. The exercise incorporated new or high-end capabilities including air and missile defense assets, as well as assets from the U.S. Army Security Force Assistance Brigades and the recently reactivated V Corps. Defender Europe 21 was one of the largest U.S.-Army, NATO-led military exercises in Europe in decades. The exercise began in mid-March and lasted until June 2021. It included "nearly simultaneous operations across more than 30 training areas" in Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Kosovo and other countries.[459][460] Gen. Christopher G. Cavoli, commanding general of the United States Army Europe and Africa, said that "While we are closely monitoring the COVID situation, we’ve proven we have the capability to train safely despite the pandemic."[459] Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said that Russia has deployed troops to its western borders for "combat training exercises" in response to NATO "military activities that threaten Russia."[461] See Defender Europe 2022
- 1 2 The Army (21 Jun 2022) has released a "programmatic environmental assessment (PEA) and draft finding of no significant impact (FONSI) regarding the stationing of a multi-domain task force (MDTF)".[477] Two configurations were considered: 1) a full MDTF of 3,000 troops, and 2) a base MDTF of 400 with headquarters.
- ↑ [498][259][501] [500][502]
- ↑ [498][342][503] In 2021 an MDTF exercised its sensor-to-shooter capabilities in operational vignettes at Joint Systems Integration Lab (JSIL, Aberdeen MD).[471]
- ↑ [506][507][508]
- ↑ [525][526][527][528][529][530][531]
- ↑ As part of the Warfighter exercises 22-1, which completed in October 2021, V Corps attained Full operational capability. The Army alternates its annual Defender exercises between the Pacific and Europe. Thus V Corps was preparing for the Eucom exercises of 2022 in 2021. The COVID pandemic disrupted the 2020 European exercises, however.[491]
- 1 2 3 Readiness means: Be informed; Make A Plan; Build a Kit; and Get Involved[583][584]
- ↑ Poland, Australia, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and Taiwan are M1 Abrams customers.
- 1 2 [http:/fortblissbugle.com/bmc-redesignated-jmc-new-name-better-reflects-evolving-organizational-mission/ BMC redesignated JMC, New Name Better Reflects Evolving Organizational Mission] accessdate=2017-02-16
- ↑ Shinseki, Eric (June 10, 2003). "End of Tour Memorandum" (PDF). Washington Post. Archived from the original (PDF) on March 7, 2009. Retrieved 2023-12-15.
- 1 2 3 4 TRADOC TRADOC Pamphlet 525-3-1 (6 December 2018) The U.S. Army in Multi-Domain Operations 2028, "describes how US Army forces, as part of the Joint Force, will militarily compete, penetrate, dis-integrate, and exploit our adversaries in the future." Link moved here
- 1 2 3 4 5 US Army (2020) AMERICA’S ARMY: READY NOW,INVESTING IN THE FUTURE FY19-21 accomplishments and investment plan
- ↑ Todd South, Military Times (8 May 2019) 4 things the general in charge of the Army's newest command says are needed to win the wars of the future
- 1 2 Anthony Small, U.S. Army Futures Command (March 13, 2019) Futures Command highlights changes, new structure at SXSW: "Synchronizing or creating convergence allows the joint force to create overmatch" —Eric Wesley
- 1 2 Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr. (28 May 2019) Beyond INF: An Affordable Arsenal Of Long-Range Missiles? INF Treaty likely to expire in August 2019
- ↑ William B King (AMC) (18 February 2020) Conference focuses on Army modernization, equipping Soldiers Equipping Enterprise (AMC) + Modernization Enterprise (AFC)
- ↑ Jim Garamone, Defense.gov (August 9, 2019) Milley discusses Army changes as he passes authority
- 1 2 "Army announces activation of additional corps headquarters". US Army. Washington, DC. 11 February 2020. Retrieved 12 February 2020.
- 1 2 3 23rd Secretary Mark Esper and 39th Chief of Staff Mark Milley (MARCH 26, 2019) ON THE POSTURE OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY
- 1 2 3 Sydney Freedberg, Jr. (27 April 2020) Army Rebuilds Artillery Arm For Large-Scale War
- 1 2 3 Theresa Hitchens (19 Aug 2020) Air & Space Forces Add Cyber To All-Domain Ops Data Library
- ↑ C Todd Lopez (21 Apr 2022) Austin to Host Meeting in Germany to Discuss Ukraine's Long-Term Defense Needs integrate with allies and partners
- ↑ Jim Garamone (5 Aug 2022) Austin Launches New Round of Discussions With Hemispheric Partners
- ↑ —Sec. Def. Lloyd Austin— Gen Charles Flynn (12 Oct 2021) AUSA 2021 Warriors Corner – New Approaches, New Dilemmas and New Opportunities: U.S. Army Multi-Domain Land Power in the Indo-Pacific video clip,minute 3:06. See, sense, understand Indo-Pacom
- ↑ Davis Winkie (28 Jun 2023) Exclusive: Army secretary talks force structure cuts, SOF 'reform' in favor of MDTFs, IFPC (indirect fires protection capability), DE-MSHORAD (directed energy mobile short-range air defense using high-energy lasers); and maintaining the Immediate response force
- ↑ Martin, Jeff (24 January 2020), "Video: Can the Army achieve 'transformational change'?", www.defensenews.com,
Army Chief of Staff: "We need transformational change", rather than incremental change.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Chief of Staff Paper #1 (16 Mar 2021) Army Multi-Domain Transformation: Ready to Win in Competition and Conflict army.mil
- 1 2 3 Chief of Staff Paper #2 (1 March 2021) The Army in Military Competition
- 1 2 U.S. Army Combined Arms Center/ U.S. Army Training and Doctrine (August 6, 2021). "Waypoint 2028-2029". Stand-To!. US Army. Retrieved 2023-04-16.
- 1 2 3 4 The Army Strategy 2018 army.mil
- ↑ Sgt. 1st Class Michael Sword (22 Sep 2023) Gen. Randy George sworn in as 41st Army Chief of Staff
- ↑ Michael Marrow and Ashley Rocque (21 Sep 2023) Senate confirms Army, Marine Corps chiefs, though Tuberville hold continues
- 1 2 Sgt. 1st Class Zach Sheely (21 Aug 2023) George lays out his vision for the future of the Army, and how the Guard fits in
- 1 2 Sean Kimmons, Army News Service (June 4, 2019) Pacific Pathways 2.0 to bolster presence in the theater
- ↑ White, John P.; Deutch, John (March 2003). "Security Transformation: Report of the Belfer Center Conference on Military Transformation" (citation). Strategic Studies Institute, United States Army War College. Archived from the original on 2015-09-24.
- ↑ "Statement by General Peter Schoomaker, Chief of Staff United States Army, before the Commission on National Guard and Reserves". Army.mil. 14 December 2006. Archived from the original on 21 December 2006. Retrieved 14 November 2013.
- ↑ TRADOC (21 Dec 2009) The Army Capstone Concept TRADOC Pam 525-3-0
- ↑ David Vergun, Army News Service (December 8, 2017) US Army Futures Command to reform modernization, says secretary of the Army
- 1 2 3 4 AFC AFC announcement, Friday (13 July 2018) Army Officials Announce New Army Command video 34 minutes, 27 seconds
- 1 2 3 US Army Modernization turnaround worth the effort, says acting SecArmy McCarthy
- 1 2 Army Times Army's modernization command taking shape under freshly picked leaders
- 1 2 Col. Richard Hough (4 January 2018) Opinion: "Army's Basic Illusions Gone; Time For Futures Command" Breaking Defense.com
- ↑ Devon L. Suits, Army News Service (April 8, 2019) Acquisition reform requires culture shift, officials say
- ↑ Michael A. Grinston, James C. McConville, and Ryan McCarthy (October 2019) 2019 Army Modernization Strategy as cited by Sydney Freedberg, Jr. (October 16, 2019) Army Launches 16-Year Plan To Tackle Russia, China Summary
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Theresa Hitchens (3 Sep 2020) ABMS Demo Proves AI Chops For C2 The ABMS demo had four phases, under computer control. The kill chains were formed in seconds rather than minutes.
- Early detection, identification, and warning
- Scanning —Humans no longer need to dedicate their attention to a single, boring task. Replace the problem of stovepiped sensors / functions with more salient events. Let sensors perform direct machine-to-machine data exchanges in an Internet of Military Things and detect events which are salient to the mission.
- This allows concentration of effort by the Intelligence Community. Let machines follow the leads under Human direction
- Red force tracking
- Use AI feeds to form the kill chains (plan the series of steps needed to kill a Red threat)
- Let machines follow Red trajectories to estimate the time needed to intercept a Red threat
- Engaging red force threats
- Select an appropriate Blue interceptor (fast enough to engage Red threat, close enough to get past standoff distance)
- In two cases, hypervelocity (moving at Mach 5) munitions were launched from cannons (one Army, one Navy) to kill cruise missile surrogates.
- Other 'sensor-to-shooter' kill chains included AIM-9 missiles launched from F-16s and MQ-9s, as well as a ground-launched AIM-9 missile (which was designed to be an air-to-air munition).
- Blue force tracking
- Develop dedicated Clouds- strategic cloud for the Commander, and tactical cloud for the individual Soldier
- Early detection, identification, and warning
- 1 2 3 Theresa Hitchens (23 September 2020) Picking 1st ABMS Capabilities A Top Issue At Air Force Corona in Nov 2020 at Air Force Academy
- 1 2 3 Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (14 August 2020) Can Army Intel Data Feed The Kill Chain? Quickly pooling data will take AI and cloud—"Project Convergence"
- ↑ Gen Mike Murray (12 Oct 2021) AUSA 2021: CMF #3 – Project Convergence 2021: 7 capstone cases
- ↑ Patrick Tucker (10 Nov 2021) What Worked, What Didn't at Army’s Second Connect-Everything Experiment PC21
- ↑ Andrew Eversden (22 Nov 2021) Robotic vehicles, drones coordinate recon at Army’s Project Convergence 21 ISR relay
- 1 2 Sarantinos, Argie (17 September 2021) Project Convergence 2022 web portal links industry, academia to Army DEVCOM Public Affairs army.mil
- ↑ Andrew Eversden (11 Oct 2021) Army Kicks Off Analysis Effort To Inform Future Investments
- ↑ Andrew Eversden (11 Oct 2021) Murray: Army’s Modernization Push Requires Persistence To Be Successful
- 1 2 3 4 5 Scott McKean (14 Jul 2021) AFC Pamphlet 71-20-9 Army Futures Command Concept for Command and Control – Pursuing decision dominance AFCC-C2 14 Jul 2021 see FUTURES AND CONCEPTS CENTER resources
- ↑ "Addendum F Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN) The Army's Core Process". 2010 Army Posture Statement. Office of the Director of the Army Staff Executive Strategy Group. Archived from the original on 2012-03-06. Retrieved 2010-06-23.
- ↑ Henry S. Kenyon (June 2006) U.S. Army Reforges Training and Readiness.
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- 1 2 Robert M. Gates (5 Jan 2012) "Defense Strategic Guidance" Archived 7 June 2016 at the Wayback Machine
- 1 2 Department of the Army announces force structure decisions for fiscal year 2017 accessdate=2017-06-25
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- 1 2 HQDA McHugh & Odierno, A STATEMENT ON THE POSTURE OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY 2015 Archived 2016-06-10 at the Wayback Machine, Army.mil, accessdate=2016-06-05
- ↑ DoD 2017 DoD Posture Defense Statement
- ↑ Army.mil,Mission of the U.S. Army accessdate=2016-09-11
- ↑ ARCIC Army Warfighting Challenges (AWFCs) Archived 2016-10-25 at the Wayback Machine accessdate=2016-10-25
- ↑ TRADOC News THE EVOLUTION OF THE ARMY WARFIGHTING ASSESSMENT Archived 2016-11-06 at the Wayback Machine
- ↑ US Army Army tests new warfighting tech at Army Warfighting Assessment accessdate=2016-10-23
- ↑ US Army Special Operations Forces integrate into AWA 17.1 accessdate=2016-10-28
- ↑ US Army AWA 17.1: Increasing the pace of battle in a coalition environment accessdate=2016-10-29
- 1 2 A RIC-U might be used by a coalition partner to encrypt their individual networks, when interoperating with a US Army voice network.
- ↑ ASA(ALT) Weapon System Handbook (2018) Transportable Tactical Command Communications (T2C2)
- ↑ Spc. Matthew Marcellus, 1st Armored Division. Communications in Motion: (15 May 2019) Iron Soldiers train on inflatable satellite communications system T2C2 http://fortblissbugle.com/2019/05/15/communications-in-motion-iron-soldiers-train-on-inflatable-satellite-communications-system-t2c2/%5B%5D Archived 2019-08-12 at the Wayback Machine
- ↑ Mark Pomerleau (March 23, 2018) The Army's newest satellite antenna is remarkably simple
- ↑ Mr. Joe Welch, Lt. Col. Jack "Shane" Taylor and Mr. Michael Beery (July 12, 2016) Network Marketplace: Open for Business and Growing
- ↑ Knapp, Brandon (January 18, 2018). "The Army makes it easier for first responders to connect to tactical networks". C4ISRNET. Retrieved 2018-04-17.
- ↑ US Army Army prepares to test enhanced network operation tools at NIE 16.2 accessdate=2016-11-05
- ↑ US Army Future warfighting calls for semi-independent units, empowered leaders accessdate=2017-02-16
- ↑ "We are going to have to empower [and] decentralize leadership to make decisions and achieve battlefield effects in a widely dispersed environment where subordinate leaders, junior leaders ... may not be able to communicate to their higher headquarters, even if they wanted to", Milley said. C. Todd Lopez, Army News Service. (May 5, 2017) Future warfare requires 'disciplined disobedience,' Army chief says accessdate=2017-05-05
- ↑ US Army Army, Marine leaders bring multi-domain concept closer to reality accessdate=2017-02-16
- US Army Air Force may join Army in refining multi-domain concept accessdate=2017-03-18
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (April 03, 2019) How Army's Multi-Domain Overhaul May Impact The National Guard
- ' In 2009, the Army officially replaced "command and control" with "mission command"'
- Col. Douglas M. McBride Jr. and Reginald L. Snell, Ph.D. (9 January 2017) Applying mission command to overcome challenges Creating trust is the foundation for accomplishing the mission.
- US Army "ADP 6-0" (PDF). armypubs.us.army.mil. Army Publications.
- 1 2 3 4 US Army "Brigade combat teams cut at 10 posts will help other BCTs grow | Article | The United States Army". Army.mil. Retrieved 2015-11-11.
- ↑ Stripes.com "2nd ID unit in Korea to deactivate, be replaced by rotational force – News". Stripes. Retrieved 2015-11-11.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Arpi Dilantsian and Matthew Howard (April 1, 2019) Plan, prepare, practice: An interview with Lt. Gen. Laura Richardson
- ↑ US Army "Future of deployments: surge-ready and rotationally-focused | Article | The United States Army". Army.mil. Retrieved 2016-10-21.
- ↑ Michelle Tan Big BCT changes mapped out for 2015 February 9, 2015, Army Times.
- ↑ DoD News (July 9, 2015) Army Announces Force Structure, Stationing Decisions
- 1 2 US Army (23 April 2018) Army Secretary Esper, senior NCO Dailey discuss modernization, recruiting, retention
- ↑ Sydney J Freedberg Jr (May 20, 2019) Army Can Manage Both Mideast & Great Powers: Sec. Esper
- ↑ Sean Kimmons, Army News Service (May 28, 2019) South Korean exercises being revised amid peace talks Abrams USFK assessment
- ↑ Joseph Lacdan (22 January 2020) Army updates Law of Land Warfare doctrine to increase guidance, clarity
- ↑ US Army FM 6-27, C1 (20 September 2019) THE COMMANDER'S HANDBOOK ON THE LAW OF LAND WARFARE 208 page handbook. The Department of Defense Law of War Manual (June 2015, updated December 2016) remains the authoritative statement
- ↑ Devon L. Suits, Army News Service (March 28, 2018) CHIPS Articles: Army Secretary defines goals for coming decade — modernization, Futures Command
- ↑ Jeff Martin (15 October 2018) How did the Army find $25 billion for new equipment? video
- ↑ Daniel Goure (October 18, 2018) Can Trump Rebuild The Military As Deficits Balloon?
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (October 26, 2018) Joint Experiments Will Pick Budget Winners & Losers: Dunford Task is to cut $33 Billion from 2020 budget
- ↑ CovertCabal YouTube: What will $716 Billion Buy You? US Defense Budget 2019 Weapons
- ↑ Michael J. Meese, NDU Press (23 Dec 2016) Chapter 4 : The American Defense Budget 2017–2020 Note Fed chart 1970–2026
- ↑ Paul McLeary (October 26, 2018) Trump Orders DoD To Take Surprise $33B Budget Cut 2020 DoD budget cut from $733 billion to $700 billion
- ↑ Paul McLeary (November 14, 2018) The Pentagon's First-Ever Audit: A Big Disappointment?
- ↑ Wesley Morgan (09 December 2018) Trump reverses course, tells Pentagon to boost budget request to $750 billion
- ↑ Devon L. Suits, Army News Service Army (February 26, 2019) FY20 budget proposal realigns $30 billion
- ↑ Sydney J Freedberg Jr (May 24, 2019) Defense Spending Will Bust BCA Caps: Mark Cancian
- ↑ [83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92] [93]
- ↑ Sydney J Freedberg Jr (May 29, 2019) Army Big 6 Gets $10B More Over 2021–2025
- 1 2 C. Todd Lopez, DOD News (8 Dec 2022) U.S. Military Readiness Goes Beyond Just China, Russia
- 1 2 United States Army War College and Army Force Management School (2019-2020) How the Army Runs HTAR: A senior leader reference handbook which synthesizes "existing and developing National, Defense, Joint, and Army systems, processes, and procedures currently practiced"
- 1 2 3 Headquarters, Department of the Army (29 Jun 2021) Army Regulation 71–9 Force Management. Warfighting Capabilities Determination °1-6c, p.1) tasks for CG,AFC; °2-24 p.13) CG,AFC is a principal member of AROC, with 43 duties a through qq; °3-1 ch.3 pp20-21) AROC is a forum for requirements decisions (RDF); °4-1 p.24) CG,AFC is responsible for force design; °6-4 p39) figure 6-1 Deliberate staffing and review process; figures for more staffing and review processes follow.
- 1 2 3 James Kennedy (2019) Force Management Model - Complete
- ↑ Research, Development, and Acquisition AR 71–9 (2009) Warfighting Capabilities Determination Aug 15, 2019 update
- ↑ James Kennedy, CGSC (Jun 2022) AY22 Force Integration CGSC Weekly meetings on Change, Crisis, Competition, or Conflict. 50:31
- ↑ Caitlin Lee (23 Mar 2022) The US Military's Force Management Tug-of-War an allocation process
- ↑ Field Manual No. 3-96 (8 October 2015) Brigade Combat Team FM 3-96 updated 19 Jan 2021
- ↑ Headquarters, Department of the Army (1 October 2022) FM 3-0 Operations 280 pages
- ↑ The U.S. Army (2021) Army Assesses New UAS to Replace RQ-7B Shadow
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- 1 2 3 Lt. Col. Mike Hammond (July 18, 2019) In Search of Synchronized Tactical Logistics The BSB Commander is responsible for "field trains command post (FTCP) and combat trains command post (CTCP) operations". —Army Field Manual 3-96
- ↑ "Ft Hood's 615th ASB trains at McGregor Range", Fort Bliss Monitor June 26, 2013
- ↑ 3rd Squadron, 6th Cavalry, in Iraq Army.mil, accessdate=2016-03-18
- ↑ 2008 White Paper requesting DIVARTY
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- ↑ 1st SFAB promotes first Soldiers to sergeant under new policy
- ↑ Jaffe and Ryan (21 January 2018), Washington Post Up to 1,000 more U.S. troops could be headed to Afghanistan this spring
- 1 2 Jared Keller Task & Purpose(22 Jan 2018) The 1st SFAB's Afghan Deployment Is A Moment Of Truth For The Global War On Terror Archived 26 January 2018 at the Wayback Machine for 2018, with subsequent SFABs after the year
- ↑ US Army Security Force Assistance Brigade (2 May 2018) ATP 3-96.1 152 pages
- ↑ Capt. John May (November 27, 2017) Military Advisor Training Academy prepares 1st SFAB as combat advisors
- 1 2 Jared Serbu (August 24, 2018) Army experimenting with SOF-tested equipment while building long-term tactical network plan
- ↑ Sean Kimmons, Army News Service (July 18, 2019) Futures Command showcases efforts ahead of upcoming FOC ITN for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd SFABs
- ↑ Kimberly Underwood (20 August 2018) U.S. Army Fields Inflatable Satellite Antenna
- ↑ US Army (December 21, 2017) Equipping SFABs: A 'Rubik's Cube' of logistics over 5,000 pieces of equipment
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- U.S. Army PEO C3T (September 21, 2018) Army Awards 2-Channel Leader Radio Contract
- 1 2 3 Mennes, AUSA (16 October 2017) AUSA Video clip, Warriors corner #9: All things Security Force Assistance Brigade (SFAB), part of the article, "First security force assistance brigade training for deployment"
- ↑ U.S. Army (6 December 2017) Eyes in the Sky with 1st SFAB
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- ↑ U.S. Army Army creates Security Force Assistance Brigade and Military Advisor Training Academy at Fort Moore accessdate=2017-02-24
- ↑ U.S. Army (9 February 2018) 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade holds activation ceremony
- ↑ U.S. Army Public Affairs (January 11, 2018) Department of the Army announces upcoming deployment of the 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade
- 1 2 Army announces activation of second Security Force Assistance Brigade at Fort Bragg
- ↑ CSM, 1st Battalion, 2nd SFAB identified
- ↑ Bridget Lynch & Greg Hall, PEO C3T Public Affairs (September 5, 2018) Network Support Continues for Army's SFABs
- ↑ U.S. Army Office of the Chief of Public Affairs (18 May 2018) Army announces the stationing of three Security Force Assistance Brigades
- ↑ ARNG Indiana National Guard to stand up new assistance brigade
- ↑ SOF News (January 30, 2019) 54th Security Force Assistance Brigade
- ↑ C. Todd Lopez (May 8, 2019) Success of first SFAB in Afghanistan proves 'Army got it right,' commander says
- 1 2 3 Security Force Assistance Command Public Affairs (December 3, 2018) Security Force Assistance Command, 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade activate at Fort Liberty
- ↑ Fort Bragg will be home to Security Force Assistance Command
- ↑ GOMO (4 April 2018) General Officer Assignments
- ↑ Maj. Matthew Fontaine (August 18, 2018) 1st SFAB Commander earns 1st Star and Promotion to Brigadier General
- ↑ "(7 September 2018) 2nd SFAB commander earns first star". Archived from the original on 21 October 2018. Retrieved 21 October 2018.
- ↑ Todd South (8 May 2019) The next Army SFAB deployments might look a whole lot different from recent ones
- ↑ U.S. Army Public Affairs (18 October 2018) Department of the Army announces upcoming 2nd Security Force Assistance Brigade unit rotation to Afghanistan Spring 2019
- ↑ Kyle Rempfer (16 July 2019) 3rd Security Force Assistance Brigade activates, preps for Mideast missions
- ↑ U.S. Army Public Affairs (August 16, 2019) Army announces upcoming 3rd Security Force Assistance Brigade unit rotation
- ↑ Kari Hawkins (AMCOM) (September 16, 2009) Security Assistance Command plants its flag
- 1 2 Megan Cotton (June 6, 2019) Ensuring Readiness for Strategic Support: Strategic Power Projection
- 1 2 Col. Rodney H. Honeycutt, Richard A. Bezold, and Robin T. Dothager (September 5, 2017) Establishing Europe's Army pre-positioned stocks
- 1 2 Justin Graff, 401st AFSB Public Affairs (December 16, 2017) AMC deputy commander assesses APS-5 readiness, combat configuration
- 1 2 Headquarters, Dept of the Army (July 2019) ADP 6-0 Mission Command: Command and Control of Army Forces 4 chapters. See also ADP 3-0; ADP 6-22; FM 6-22; ADP 1-1; and ADP 5-0
- 1 2 David B. Larter (9 Oct 2018) The US Army is preparing to fight in Europe, but can it even get there?
- ↑ Capt. Richard Foote, 593rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) (April 21, 2017) Putting the expeditionary in ESC
- ↑ Maj. Daniel J. N. Belzer (January 2, 2019) Command relationships between corps and ESCs ESC=(Expeditionary Support Command); TSC=(Theater Support Command)
- 1 2 See, for example Francis J.H. Park (November/December 2007) "The strategic plans and policy officer in the modular division"
- ↑ The 29th Division (National Guard) headquarters is deployed as Intermediate Command for ARCENT in Kuwait
- ↑ Two National Guard division headquarters are deployed simultaneously for the first time since the Korean war
- 1 2 "We need two command posts. We need to be able to shut one down and move it while the other is still in the fight." —MG Pat White, CG 1st Armored Division [http://fortblissbugle.com/army-senior-leaders-meet-at-bliss-for-command-post-huddle/ Army senior leaders meet at Bliss for command post huddle] accessdate=2017-01-26
- ↑ Amy Walker, PEO C3T/PM Tactical Network Public Affairs (January 11, 2018) Army pushing to get Secure Wi-Fi on battlefield to gain strategic edge over enemies
- Devon L. Suits (July 26, 2018) "CERDEC unveils more than a dozen new technologies for mission command"
- Kathryn Bailey, Communication-Electronics PAO (June 28, 2018) Command post modernization vision – first, make it mobile
- Justin Eimers (PEO C3T) (October 1, 2019) U.S. Army 'mission complete' on mission command software reduction CPCE upgrades for upwards compatibility with system future versions. Remove redundant servers.
- ↑ Staff Sgt. Samuel Northrup (April 1, 2019) New Army vehicles being developed to counter modern threats to Command Post Directed Requirement Pilot Program of prototypes
- ↑ Army improves mobility, readiness with new secure wireless systems accessdate=2017-06-09
- ↑ Maj. Jeremy Horton and Col. Ted Thomas, Mission Command Center of Excellence (27 May 2020) Adapt or Die: Command Posts – Surviving the Future Fight
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (17 Oct 2022) Army 2030: Disperse or die, network and live
- ↑ Todd South (June 4, 2019) How changes to mission command will mean soldiers taking risks and taking charge on complex battlefields
- ↑ Command Sgt. Maj. Vincent Simonetti and Sgt. Maj. Aaron Forry (18 June 2018) HQ on the Move: Battalion Develops a More Nimble Command Post
- ↑ John Cogbill and Eli Myers (5 August 2020) Decentralizing the Fight: Re-imagining the Brigade Combat Team's Headquarters Using 3rd BCT, 101st Airborne Division "Rakkasans" Headquarters March 2019 at JRTC, "maintained a dual-capable satellite/4G LTE GRRIP system at each location for redundancy, and a SMART-T at the rear and main command posts" for 99% uptime
- ↑ Stew Magnuson (22 Oct 2020) WEB EXCLUSIVE: Army Looks to Disperse Command Posts to Boost Survivability
- ↑ Immersive Ops (15 Nov 2021) Immersive Wisdom briefs Secretary of the Army at Project Convergence '21 on future of Army operations centers 3D Virtual Operations Center software platform
- ↑ Lauren C. Williams (8 Nov 2022) The Army’s Distributed Command Posts of the Future Will Need More than Videochats "Structuring data is key to the service’s visions of Pacific-spanning operations and AI-enabled decision tools".
- ↑ Amy Walker, PEO C3T Public Affairs (8 June 2017) Army improves mobility, readiness with new secure wireless systems instead of physical cables
- ↑ Colin Demarest (19 Oct 2022) Palantir wins contract to help Army quickly process battlefield data
- ↑ Jr, Sydney J. Freedberg (2018-09-13). "Futures Command Won't Hurt Oversight, Army Tells Congress". Breaking Defense. Retrieved 2023-04-15.
- ↑ AUSA (27 March 2018) Army not ready to announce Futures Command home
- ↑ "In first year, Futures Command grows from 12 to 24,000 personnel". www.army.mil. Retrieved 2023-04-15.
- ↑ US Army USArmy tweet: Futures Command will have the overarching objective to achieve clear overmatch in future conflicts, making Soldiers and units more lethal to win the nation's wars, then return home safely.
- ↑ "Long range, short term". www.army.mil. Retrieved 2023-04-15.
- ↑ PEO (AMMO)Picatinny Arsenal Archived 2018-07-17 at the Wayback Machine
- ↑ US Army First unit with TRILOS
- ↑ Rapid Capabilities Office (RCO)Rapid Capabilities Office (RCO) announcemdent note PNT capability
- 1 2 Army Will Field 100 Km Cannon, 500 Km Missiles: LRPF CFT
- ↑ Vergun, David. "US Army Futures Command to reform modernization, says secretary of the Army". www.army.mil. Retrieved 5 June 2018.
- ↑ AFC announcement (13 July 2018) University of Texas System to serve as home base for U.S. Army Futures Command
- ↑ Stripes.com: Army's new Futures Command to set up headquarters at University of Texas
- ↑ Sean Kimmons, Army News Service (August 15, 2018) Army Futures Command aims to tap into innovative culture in Austin and beyond
- 1 2 DVIDS DVIDs video, 24 August 2018 press conference
- 1 2 Breaking Defense (26 March 2018) Army Outlines Futures Command; Org Chart In Flux
- ↑ US Army Ryan McCarthy (06 October 2017) Army Directive 2017–24 (Cross-Functional Team Pilot In Support of Materiel Development)
- ↑ AUSA (14 June 2018), "Authority Transfers Begin to Army Futures Command"
- ↑ US Army Reference for Department of the Army General Order No. 2018-10. (4 June 2018)
- ↑ ARL Public Affairs (October 5, 2018) Officials announce new senior executive at Army Research Laboratory
- ARL Public Affairs (September 14, 2018) Army taps researcher for senior science position
- 1 2 US Army Army General order G.O.2018-10
- ↑ Ms. Audra Calloway (Picatinny) (September 19, 2018) With new Army Futures Command, senior acquisition leader discusses role of Program Executive Offices
- ↑ David Vergun, Army News Service (October 10, 2018) Army Futures Command to become 'global command,' says its leader
- 1 2 3 Arpi Dilanian and Matthew Howard (April 1, 2019) The number one priority: An interview with Gen. Mark Milley: Readiness (both current and future)
- 1 2 3 4 Gen. David G. Perkins, U.S. Army (November-December 2017) Military Review III "Multi-Domain Battle The Advent of Twenty-First Century War"
- ↑ David Vergun (05.31.2017) Multi-domain battle has immediate applications, says Gen. Perkins
- 1 2 3 Connie Lee (9 Sep 2020) Hyten: New Warfighting Concept to Erase Battlefield Lines
- ↑ HQDA Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3-5-7 (23 April 2021) Army Multi-Domain Transformation Summary of lines of effort (LOE) for MDO
- ↑ TRADOC (Sep 16, 2015) Perkins discusses operationalizing the Army Operating Concept
- ↑ Maj. Richard W. Gibson (October 1, 2018) Applying Multi-Domain Concepts Against Counter-Space Threats Archived April 20, 2019, at the Wayback Machine
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (24 Jan 2019) Hack, Jam, Sense & Shoot: Army Creates 1st Multi-Domain Unit an MDO Battalion for Targeting, I Corps.
- ↑ PACOM Adm. Harry B. Harris Jr., U.S. Pacific Command (May 25, 2016) LANPAC Symposium 2016: “Role of Land Forces In Ensuring Access To Shared Domains”
- 1 2 DVIDS DEFENDER-EUROPE 20 videos, images and stories
- ↑ Matthew Dalton (29 February 2020) Unmanning a Twenty-Second Century Navy "America's principal national defense strategy: deterrence in peacetime"
- ↑ Lt. Col. Travis Dettmer (9 February 2020) U.S. Army Futures and Concepts Center teaches Multi-Domain Operations to NATO Allied Land Command MDO
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (January 13, 2020) Infinite Games & War By Other Means: Ryan McCarthy: "We must be engaged in constant competition, versus an episodic engagement strategy" —Secretary Ryan McCarthy
- 1 2 Kyle Mizokami (8 Mar 2020) The Air Force's New Weapon Is...Shipping Containers? "Drone maker Kratos Defense is proposing inserting its new XQ-58A Valkyrie drone in a modified shipping container" into selected Indo-Pacific locations as pre-positioned stock for quick armed response to threats. Hundreds of containers could be deployed but not all need be occupied with Valkyries.
- ↑ Joseph Lacdan, Army News Service (17 June 2021) AFC chief: ‘Preference is deterrence’ in regards to new capabilities for joint force
- ↑ Paul Poast thread (22 Mar 2022) This picture offers a key lesson on how wars end, as was laid out in the 1945 Potsdam conference
- 1 2 US Army AvMC (16 Jun 2021) Video: Autonomous missile launcher destroys enemy threats AvMC ADO concept video —autonomous multi-domain launcher (AML): Jen Judson (16 Jun 2021) US Army fires autonomous launcher in Pacific-focused demo AML demo at Fort Sill utilized a HIMARS launcher and the AML, in a leader-follower configuration, to launch a PrSM and an extended- range PrSM from an island in the First island chain. One PrSM takes out a ship, while the extended-range PrSM takes out an air-defense system on an enemy occupied island. Fighter jets engage during the window of opportunity after the enemy standoff has been dis-integrated. In 1.25 hours, the HIMARS platoon, of the 18th Field Artillery Brigade, Fort Liberty, fired 7 rockets and engaged 3 islands, in concert with Air Force transports, and DEVCOM's AvMC soldier touchpoint.
- ↑ Andrew Smith (9 Apr 2020) Convergence within SOCOM – A Bottom-Up Approach to Multi Domain Operations
- 1 2 3 4 Paul McCleary (4 September 2019) Major War Game To Jolt 4 Services, Force Decisions
- 1 2 Sydney Freedberg, Jr. (January 14, 2020) Army Chief Seeks ‘Minimally Manned’ Vehicles, Joint C2 LRPF, ITN, IBCS, FARA, FLRAA, and "We need a joint command and control system" —40th Army Chief of Staff James C. McConville
- ↑ Theresa Hitchens (10 Aug 2020) Spacepower Is ‘Catastrophically Decisive’ In War: New Space Force Doctrine —Gen. Jay Raymond,
- "Orbital Warfare,
- Space Electromagnetic Warfare,
- Space Battle Management,
- Space Access and Sustainment,
- Military Intelligence,
- Cyber Operations, and
- Engineering/Acquisitions".
- 1 2 Mission command Battle Lab (2 August 2021) MCBL experiments with ARL's Cross Reality COP to support distributed collaboration in virtual reality Soldier touchpoint for Echelons above brigade (EABs): common operational picture
- 1 2 Amy Walker and Justin Eimers, PEO C3T Public Affairs (April 8, 2019) Multinational exercises aim to improve coalition data sharing
- ↑ Shawn Nesaw (March 20, 2019) Latest sensor upgrades boost recon vehicle capabilities NBCRV
- 1 2 Spc. Miguel Ruiz, Joint Modernization Command [http://fortblissbugle.com/2019/05/08/back-to-the-future-us-partner-nations-assess-future-warfighting-capabilities-at-jmc-sponsored-jwa-19/ (MAY 8, 2019) Back to the future: US, partner nations assess future warfighting capabilities at JMC-sponsored JWA 19]
- ↑ Maj. Gen. Rodney D. Fogg, Brig. Gen. Douglas M. McBride Jr., and Maj. Graham Davidson (July 18, 2019) Focus:Sustaining the Future Fight LSCO compared to Patton's 3rd Army
- 1 2 Capt. Matthew Miller (July 18, 2019) Multi-Domain Intelligence Support for Sustainment Risks of non delivery
- 1 2 Gen. Gustave "Gus" Perna (July 18, 2019) AMC Commander: Battlefield Sustainment Requires Intuition
- ↑ Lt. Gen. Michael Lundy, Col. Richard Creed, and Lt. Col. Scott Pence (July 18, 2019) Feeding the Forge: Sustaining Large-Scale Ground Combat Operations
- ↑ Kyle Rempfer (September 20, 2019) Army's new chief looks to prep the force for large-scale combat 40th CSA mulls deployments for Large-Scale Combat Operations — LSCO
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (17 September 2018) Trump Eases Cyber Ops, But Safeguards Remain: Joint Staff
- ↑ Mark Pomerleau (8 May 2019) New authorities mean lots of new missions at Cyber Command
- ↑ PEO C3T May 30, 2018
- 1 2 Justin Eimers, PEO C3T (October 3, 2018) Network Cross-Functional Team, acquisition partners experimenting to modernize tactical network
- 1 2 Theresa Hitchens (November 14, 2019) OSD & Joint Staff Grapple With Joint All-Domain Command Joint Chiefs of Staff#Joint Staff buy-in
- ↑ Theresa Hitchens (December 02, 2019) Hey SDA, AFRL Boosts Space-Based Internet Tests
- 1 2 3 Amy Walker, PM Tactical Network, PEO C3T public affairs (December 4, 2019) Global network design unifies Army modernization efforts GAIT will be used in Defender 2020
- ↑ Nathan Strout (1 Jul 2021) The Space Development Agency now has demo satellites on orbit. Here's what they'll do. Transporter-2: Mandrake 2, the Laser Interconnect and Networking Communications System (LINCS), and the Prototype On-orbit Experimental Testbed (POET). Yam-3 for data fusion. Pitboss for Autonomous mission management.
- ↑ U.S. Army (April 30, 2019) Profile: Program Executive Office for Command, Control and Communications-Tactical (PEO C3T)
- ↑ Joe Lacdan, Army News Service (October 25, 2018) Interoperability a key focus in building the Army's future network
- ↑ US DoD (May 16, 2018) Army Officials Testify on FY 2019 Budget Request
- ↑ Mark Pomerleau (April 1, 2019) How the Army will sustain its tactical network of the future ITN to take advantage of Tobyhanna depot
- ↑ Mark Pomerleau (21 Jan 2020) What a deployment to the Middle East means for testing a new Army network An operational deployment begun 1 Jan 2020, which won't be instrumented, will provide some Soldier feedback, but instrumented testing is deferred until after redeployment.
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (3 April 2019) Multi-Domain Networks: The Army, The Allies & AI: Incremental ITN Capability sets '21, '23, '25
- ↑ Devon L. Suits, Army News Service (June 21, 2019) New tech, accessibility to improve Army tactical networks
- ↑ Joseph Lacdan, Army News Service (25 September 2020) Army to build on results from first Project Convergence exercise
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr. and Theresa Hitchens (9 October 2020) Army, Air Force Get Serious On JADC2: Joint Exercises In 2021
- ↑ Gen. David Goldfein and Gen. Jay Raymond (28 Feb 2020) America's future battle network is key to multidomain defense JADC2: " We cannot yet share data in a seamless and simultaneous way between the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps or the Space Force"
- ↑ Joseph Lacdan (17 Apr 2021) Service leaders prioritize integration in joint effort to achieve overmatch JSIL, Aberdeen: Preparation of data fabric. for Project Convergence, ABMS JADC2, and Project Overmatch: Army – Air Force – Navy
- 1 2 Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr. (14 Oct 2020) Army Seeks Open Architecture For All Air & Ground Systems: Jette In the spirit of MOSA, JADC2, & Project convergence:
- Army Common Operating Environment (COE)
- C5ISR/EW Modular Open Suite of Standards (CMOSS)
- Future Air-Borne Capability Environment (FACE)
- Integrated Sensor Architecture (ISA)
- Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA)
- Vehicle Integration for C4ISR/EW Interoperability (VICTORY)
- ↑ Jaspreet Gill (17 May 2023) Return of CJADC2: DoD officially moves ahead with 'combined' JADC2 in a rebrand focusing on partners
- ↑ Dan Gouré (May 24, 2019) A New Joint Doctrine for an Era of Multi-Domain Operations MDO- MDC2- Distributed Maritime Operations- Marine Corps Operating Concept- "distributed lethality to connect ships, submarines, aircraft and satellites in networks for sensing, commanding and shooting"
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (September 12, 2019) Army Multi-Domain Wargame Reveals C2 Shortfalls MDC2 software improvements needed
- Theresa Hitchens (November 12, 2019) Navy, Air Force Chiefs Agree To Work On All Domain C2 Change nomenclature: from MDC2 to JADC2
- ↑ Lt. Gen. David Perkins (June 18, 2013) Understanding Mission command. Mission command is beyond C2.
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (28 Feb 2020) Army Ramps Up Funding For Laser Shield, Hypersonic Sword In FY2021 HELs funding is up 209 percent; LRHW funding is up 86 percent. RCCTO spending is $1 billion in 2021.
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (17 Sep 2019) Target, Kaliningrad: Air Force Puts Putin On Notice
- Charlie Gao (May 25, 2018) NATO's Worst Nightmare: Russia's Kaliningrad Is Armed to the Teeth
- Reuters Reporting by Jack Stubbs; Editing by Andrew Osborn (FEBRUARY 5, 2018) Russia deploys Iskander nuclear-capable missiles to Kaliningrad: RIA RIA news agency
- 1 2 3 Joe Lacdan (September 25, 2019) More joint efforts likely as the Army prepares for multi-domain operations Combined Resolve XII; 10th Mountain Div for Atlantic Resolve; 2/1CD & Cab/3ID to Eucom; AR to : Immediate Response (hosted by Croatia and Slovenia), Saber Guardian (in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania), and Swift Response; Operation Cobra Gold (hosted by Thailand). A speedup in tempo by CFTs is needed.
- ↑ John Dolan (7 Jul 2022) The Army is getting leaders ready for a war unlike any the US has ever seen
- 1 2 CRS Insight (IN11019) (January 17, 2019) The U.S. Army and Multi-Domain Operations
- Todd South (11 August 2019) This 3-star Army general explains what multi-domain operations mean for you "think, assess and employ all domains when necessary"— General Wesley
- ↑ Todd South (13 September 2019) Massive simulation shows the need for speed in multi-domain ops "400 participants working with 55 formations, 64 concepts and 150 capabilities"
- 1 2 3 Caitlin Kenny (10 Oct 2022) Divisions, Corps to Replace Brigades As Army’s Wartime Formation Of Choice "Brigades that operated largely independently in Iraq and Afghanistan will fight as part of larger units in future conflicts, officials said".
- 1 2 3 US Army Public Affairs (10 Oct 2022) AUSA Contemporary Military Forum: Army 2030 - Preparing Today for Tomorrow’s Fight Gen. McConville, Gen.(Ret) Perkins, DepUnderSec Diaz, Gen. Rainey, LTG Beagle, Prof. Greer (SAMS)
- ↑ Army University Press (Dec 2021) WayPoint in 2028 – Multidomain Operations 14:00 Lt Gen Theodore Martin, Commander of the Combined Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth, KS
- ↑ Christine Wormuth, 25th Secretary of the Army (10 Oct 2022) AUSA 2022 Opening Ceremony hour 0:37:50 to 1:05:41
- 1 2 Office of the Chief of Public Affairs, US Army (10.16.2019) 2019 AUSA Warriors Corner – TacticalSpace: Delivering Future Force Space Capabilities
The Army is the largest user of Space
- Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing
- Tactical Space: SDA is structuring a multi-layer satellite system:
- Backbone layer for data transport downward to the long-range precision fires
- Custody layer for missiles' trajectories, whether friendly or threat
- Tracking layer for hypersonic glide vehicles which represent threats to the multi-layer satellite system
- Space situational awareness for cis-lunar trajectories,
- NavWar
- ↑ Lt. Gen. Eric J. Wesley, U.S. Army; Chief Warrant Officer 5 Jon Bates, U.S. Army (May-Jun 2020) To Change an Army—Winning Tomorrow The MDO concept —TRADOC pamphlet 525-3-1
- 1 2 Theresa Hitchens (16 Jun 2021) SecDef OKs Joint Warfighting Concept; Joint Requirements Due Soon
- ↑ Jen Judson (23 Mar 2022) Multidomain operations concept will become doctrine this summer
- 1 2 3 4 Theresa Hitchens and Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (22 July 2020) Milley Assigns Service Roles In All-Domain Ops Concept
- 1 2 John R. Hoehn (updated 27 Sep 2021) Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS) Archived 25 October 2021 at the Wayback Machine CRS IF11866, updated from work by Katherine Leahy
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (22 Jan 2020) ABMS Can't Be ‘Sole Solution’ For Joint C2, Army Tells Air Force — Exclusive Scaling sensors, shooters, land-based C2, and JADC2
- ↑ Christopher M. Dougherty (20 May 2021) The Pentagon needs a plan to get punched in the mouth paraphrase of Mike Tyson: another approach to JADC2
- ↑ David Larter and Carl Pinze (September 15, 2019) Armed with a new missile, the LCS comes of age
- ↑ Paul McLeary (28 August 2020) If It Floats, It Fights:’ Navy's New Small Ship Strategy
- ↑ Paul Birch, Ray Reeves and Brad DeWees (19 February 2020) How To Build JADC2 To Make It Truly Joint "Any sensor should be able to link to any shooter and any command and control node"
- ↑ Joseph Lacdan, Army News Service (October 21, 2019) AFC deputy: Combined capabilities make military might more lethal
- 1 2 Loren Thompson (4 February 2020) Pentagon Aims To Build Vast Space Sensor Layer
- ↑ Paul McLeary (18 Dec 2019) MDA Kickstarts New Way To Kill Hypersonic Missiles HBTSS is 'Space sensor layer'
- 1 2 Jay Koester (23 April 2020) JADC2 ‘Experiment 2’ provides looking glass into future experimentation Army's Joint Modernization Command (JMC) JADC2 Experiments 1 and 2
- ↑ Frank Wolfe (6 Oct 2020) Joint Warfighting Concept Assumes 'Contested Logistics'
- 1 2 Jen Judson (29 Mar 2023) US Army has a 'gigantic problem' with logistics in the Indo-Pacific AMC is lead, AFC sets requirements
- ↑ Marcus Weisgerber (17 Oct 2022) Commercial Planes, Ships Would Play Large Role in Pacific War, TRANSCOM Head Says
- ↑ Marcus Weisgerber (26 April 2022) It Will Be Years Before Raytheon Can Build New Stinger Missiles:"The U.S. has been sending its Stingers to Ukrainian forces battling Russia." Aid was being sent by February 2022, at the latest.
- ↑ Dan Grazier (27 Apr 2022) Let a Stinger be a Stinger. A new design isn’t needed.
- ↑ Ashley Roque ( Stinger replacement included in Army’s FY24 budget request, service official says refurbish 1200 Stingers
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (15 Dec 2020) Bullets, Beans & Data: The New Army Materiel Command EXCLUSIVE ala RAPTOR: "Race to 5000" national stock numbers (3D models) in the 12 months in 2021.
- ↑ ASA(ALT) Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) (Friday, October 4, 2019) Army Advanced Manufacturing Initiative
- Ryan McCarthy (18 September 2019) Army Directive 2019–29 (Enabling Readiness and Modernization Through Advanced Manufacturing) This directive is to be implemented by Materiel Command and Futures Command; the proponent will be ASA(ALT)
- Mark Esper (07 Dec 2018) Army Directive 2018–26 (Enabling Modernization Through the Management of Intellectual Property)
- Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (October 23, 2019) Army's 3D Printing Hub Will Be Rock Island: Gen. Perna The 10 Active Army divisions each have a deployable 3D printer as part of the Metal Working & Machining Shop Set (MWMSS), in expandable mobile containers. The 3D designs are downloaded from an interim digital repository developed in-house by Army Futures Command, the Repository for Additive Parts for Tactical and Operational Readiness (RAPTOR).
- Industry Week Staff (May 21, 2019) Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence Opens at Army Center Rock Island Arsenal (RIA)
- Sgt. Travis M. O'Brien (January 4, 2016) Advanced shop sets for Soldiers' advanced skill sets MWMSS for MOS 91Es
- Thomas Brading (December 5, 2019) Advanced manufacturing techniques set to cut costs, timelines
- Thomas Brading (19 February 2020) Army scientists develop cutting-edge, durable 3D printing technology
- 1 2 3 "Finding and engaging high-value relocatable ground systems within rapid timelines" is the Air Force's operational objective in this JADC2 exercise —Eliahu Norwood, Greg Grant, and Tyler Lewis (December 2019) A new battle command architecture for multi-domain operations: countering peer adversary power projection Tie-in to MDC2, MDO
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (13 October 2020) Army Ammo Plants At ‘The End Of The Rope’: Jette AMMO JPEO-- Program objective memorandum needed for a 15-year plan to modernize the production of ammunition. The current 10-year plan is inadequate.
- ↑ Jen Judson (28 March 2023) Army eyes six-fold production boost of 155mm shells used in Ukraine Army is spending $1.45 billion on capacity in 2023 to increase production from 14,000 per month, to 24,000 per month in 2023, to 85,000 155mm howitzer shells per month by 2028.
- 1 2 David Roza (14 June 2022) The Pentagon’s new data chief waited days just for an ID card
- ↑ Eric Berger (4 Jun 2021) Yes, the military is serious about rocketing supplies around the planet
- ↑ Brad Williams (7 September 2021)DoD Forms New Task Force To Shore Up Supply Chain
- 1 2 Joe Lacdan, Army News Service (24 Oct 2022) Army of 2030: Collaboration key to Army modernization
- ↑ ELIZABETH HOWE (17 November 2022) Army Preps for 'Contested Logistics', Works to Boost Arms Production "Logistics win wars—but not if new enemy capabilities can disrupt supply lines".
- ↑ Matthew Wheaton, Joint Munitions Command, Public and Congressional Affairs (2 May 2023) JMC, USTRANSCOM partnership provides ammo in record time to Ukraine Joint Munitions Command, United States Transportation Command
- ↑ The corresponding Army terminology (2021) to OODA is: Sense & understand, Decide, and Act; (Assess underlies the other verbs), from Scott McKean (14 Jul 2021) AFC Pamphlet 71-20-9 Pursuing decision dominance AFCC-C2, as cited by Sydney J Freedberg Jr Army's New Aim Is ‘Decision Dominance’
- ↑ David L. Goldfein All-Domain Operations Doctrine--CSAF signed.pdf (5 Mar 2020) USAF role in All-Domain Operations (JADO) David L. Goldfein: "JADC2 is the C2 of JADO". "Initial stovepiping of a joint operation can delay integration". Therefore, when a Joint force commander can communicate the commander's intent to all forces, and can allow forces from all domains to continuously re-integrate their actions, then a Joint force can flexibly respond to the changing situation in a mission.
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (4 Nov 2020) Military AI Is Bigger Than Just The Kill Chain: JAIC Chief
- ↑ Theresa Hitchens (16 September 2020) JROC Struggles To Build ‘Information Advantage’ Requirement
- 1 2 Theresa Hitchens (29 July 2021) Beyond ABMS: Air Force Pushes Experimental Tech For AI, IT, Data
- ↑ RUSI.org Royal United Services Institute (19 June 2019) – RUSI.org Session Six: Securing Information Advantage 39:07 minutes, 3 speakers 1. Disinformation and trust 2:00, 2. Information warfare 15:40, and 3. Kremlin messaging (as viewed by an observer based in Vilnius, Lithuania) 26:35. Summary 37:30
- ↑ Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre (February 2018), Joint Concept Note 2/18 Information Advantage (PDF), Ministry of Defence
- 1 2 Lyle J. Morris, Michael J. Mazarr, Jeffrey W. Hornung, Stephanie Pezard, Anika Binnendijk, Marta Kepe (27 July 2019) Gaining Competitive Advantage in the Gray Zone: Response Options for Coercive Aggression Below the Threshold of Major War
- The authors provide "Overarching strategic concept for responding to gray zone threats" 36 suggestions for responses to micro-aggressions by Russia and China.
- 1 2 Mandy Mayfield (7 October 2020) JUST IN: Pentagon to Streamline Software Development AAF (Adaptive acquisition framework) now adheres to the updated DoD 5000.01 policy approved in September 2020 by Ellen Lord's lead, the Deputy Defense Secretary David Norquist
- ↑ The Economist (7 October 2021) The promise of open-source intelligence
- ↑ Brandi Vincent (14 Sep 2021) The Marines Are Copying the Air Force's Efforts to Counter Online Disinformation: Meanwhile, the Army is trying to get inside perpetrators' OODA loops.
- ↑ Mark Pomerleau (14 Oct 2021) The next tool the Army needs for information advantage Find the influencers; use a new G39, and public affairs units to reach the influencers
- ↑ [311][312][313][300][314][315][316][317][318]
- 1 2 3 4 Theresa Hitchens (11 Aug 2021) JROC's Next Target: ‘Integrated Air & Missile Defense’ IAMD
- ↑ Office of the Secretary of defense (2019) 2019 Missile Defense Review
- ↑ Jen Judson (11 Aug 2021) Pentagon readies to identify integrated air and missile defense capability gaps
- ↑ Justin Lee (November 21, 2019) MILCOM 2019 Highlights Urgent Need for Joint All-Domain Command and Control
- 1 2 Lauren C. Williams (NOV 13, 2019) Air Force gears up for first 'connect-a-thon' Archived December 9, 2019, at the Wayback Machine
- ↑ Theresa Hitchens (6 Dec 2019, updated 5:21pm) First Multi Domain C2 Exercise Planned: ABMS Onramp
- ↑ Theresa Hitchens (21 Jan 2020) ABMS Demos Speed New Capabilities To Warfighters connections: C130 to LEO Starlink; F22 to F35;
- ↑ >Theresa Hitchens (December 23, 2019) OSD, Services Get First Look At Air Force Multi-Domain Chops
- 1 2 Theresa Hitchens (5 May 2020) The Key To All-Domain Warfare Is ‘Predictive Analysis:’ Gen. O’Shaughnessy
- 1 2 Theresa Hitchens (3 March 2020) Attack On US Satellites Focus Of Next ABMS Test: Goldfein Joint Chiefs will attend the next ABMS test, which will span bases from Eglin AFB to Nellis AFB; Yuma Proving Ground to White Sands Missile Range. All the joint chiefs plan to be there
- ↑ Theresa Hitchens (14 May 2020) MDA: All-Domain C2 Key To Countering Hypersonic Missiles
- ↑ Theresa Hitchens (10 June 2020) CQ Brown Brings Pacific Focus; Keen Interest In Joint Ops Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Brown
- 1 2 Theresa Hitchens (4 Aug 2020) Army IBCS Critical To JADC2: STRATCOM's Adm. Richard
- 1 2 3 Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (28 May 2020) Army Invites Air Force ABMS To Big Network Test: Project Convergence
- ↑ Loren Thompson (28 Aug 2020) Air Force's ‘Skyborg’ Robotic Wingman Will Revolutionize How Air Warfare Is Waged—And How Weapons Are Bought
- ↑ Colin Clark (4 Jun 2021) SecDef OKs JADC2 Strategy: Now OSD Has ‘Teeth’ Approved 13 May 2021
- ↑ Jaspreet Gill (28 Apr 2022) Learning from Ukraine conflict, info security agency pushes ahead on JADC2 DISA planning JADC2 for "denied and disconnected low bandwidth situations"
- ↑ Colin Clark (28 Oct 2021) 'Hundreds' Of China Hypersonic Tests Vs. 9 US; Hyten Says US Moves Too Slowly
- 1 2 Theresa Hitchens (6 August 2020) AF Tests F-35, Stealth Fleet For Integrated Electronic Warfare
- ↑ Joseph Lacdan, Army News Service (11 September 2020) Project Convergence aims to accelerate change in modernization efforts At Yuma Proving Ground, success means to complete the demo in less than 20 seconds.
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (10 September 2020) Target Gone In 20 Seconds: Army Sensor-Shooter Test
- 1 2 Valerie Insinna (4 Sep 2020) Behind the scenes of the US Air Force's second test of its game-changing battle management system A hypervelocity projectile descended from a Paladin munition knocked down a cruise missile surrogate on 3 September 2020 at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR)
- An ABMS Onramp Two vendor provided sensor towers and AI to track the cruise missile surrogates.
- ABMS provided common picture to combatant commanders
- 1 2 3 Patrick Tucker (11 September 2020) The Air Force's ‘Connect Everything’ Project Just Had a Big Success The ABMS Onramp 2 demo occurred on 2 September 2020. Commanders were shown they had the same access to a Common Operational Picture, displayed on their tablets at the flight line, as they had on their screens earlier in the command center.
- ↑ Colin Clark (19 Nov 2020) Preston Dunlap: ‘A Thousand Kill Chains In Your Pocket’ links to video
- ↑ Valerie Insinna (15 Sep 2020) The US Air Force has built and flown a mysterious full-scale prototype of its future fighter jet via "digital engineering, agile software development and open architecture". —Will Roper
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (23 Feb 2021) Army AI Gets Live Fire Test Next Week
- 1 2 Andrew Feickert, Congressional research service (CRS) IF11654 (updated 27 Sep 2021) The Army’s Project Convergence Archived 28 September 2021 at the Wayback Machine PC20, PC21, PC22
- ↑ Nathan Strout (27 Apr 2022) Intelligence agency takes over Project Maven, the Pentagon’s signature AI scheme NGA (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency)
- ↑ Colin Clark (9 Jun 2021) SecDef Austin Takes Personal Charge of DoD China Policy With Classified Directive
- ↑ More precisely, 12 Oct-10 Nov 2021, according to Jen Judson (11 Aug 2021) US Army's critical missile defense system will play role at Project Convergence IBCS battalion will be part of 6000-7000 personnel, including 900 for data collection
- ↑ Mark Schauer (3 November 2021) Yuma Proving Ground supports cutting-edge technology testing during PC 21
- 1 2 Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (5 Apr 2021) Joint Force Vs. China: Project Convergence 21
- ↑ Ashley Rocque (5 June 2023) Army closing down 'leader-follower' robotic truck development, eyeing commercial solutions
- ↑ Andrew Eversden (13 May 2022) Lawmakers worry Army doesn’t have basing agreements for long-range fires
- ↑ Dustin Walker (1 May 2023) Is America postured for a fight in the Indo-Pacific?
- ↑ Colin Clark (11 Oct 2021) Army Puts Leidos Special Mission Plane Through Paces At Project Convergence ARTEMIS 2.0 special mission aircraft, akin to EC-37B (but not electronic warfare)
- ↑ Stavros Atlamazoglou (16 Aug 2021) How The U.S. Navy SEALs Are Getting Ready For War Against Russia Or China
- ↑ Holmes Liao (8 Oct 2021) China’s Development of Hypersonic Missiles and Thought on Hypersonic Defense Publication: China Brief Volume: 21 Issue: 19 Critique of JF-12 hypersonic wind tunnel, as well as the newer JF-22 detonation-driven ultra-high-speed and high-enthalpy shock tunnel (used for XingKong). "PLA strategists fear that the U.S. may deploy hypersonic weapons on the first island chain and/or the second island chain, directly threatening China."
- 1 2 Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (21 Jun 2021) Hicks Seeks To Unify Service Experiments With New ‘Raider’ Fund
- 1 2 Jaspreet Gill (3 May 2022) Pentagon ramps up FY23 funding request in push to address capability gaps, AI RDER funding request $70 million for FY23 going forward. The AI and Data Accelerator (AIDA) requests $76.79 million for FY23, with an estimated minimum of $377 million for the first 5 years for the RDER and AIDA experiments.
- 1 2 Brandi Vincent (9 Feb 2022) New Operating System Aims to Speed AI to the Battlefield
- ↑ Jaspreet Gill (29 Aug 2023) After 2 years of experimenting, Pentagon to evaluate RDER tech ' "So the decision at the DMAG will be, should that be a single service, or [does] every service just buy what they want, right?" Heidi Shyu told reporters about the Rapid Defense Experimentation Reserve.'
- 1 2 Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (22 Jun 2021) Hicks Will Send AI/Data Experts To Combatant Commanders
- ↑ Courtney Albon (8 Dec 2022) US Central Command’s new hub seeks to quickly push battlefield tech Schuyler Moore CENTCOM CTO watch
- Jonathan Lehrfeld (7 Sep 2022) New U.S. military testing facility coming to Saudi Arabia Red Sands
- ↑ Gen. Glen D VanHerck (6 Jul 2021) NEW TOOLS TO CREATE TIME AND INFORMATION: "BUILDING THE BIKE WHILE WE RIDE IT" "global information dominance", 3rd in a series of exercises for all 11 combatant commands. See United States Joint Forces Command#Organization disestablished 2011
- GIDE 1: Dec 2020
- GIDE 2: Apr 2021
- GIDE 3: Jul 2021
- GIDE 4: Dec 2021
- ↑ Patrick Tucker (29 Jul 2021) AI Gives ‘Days of Advanced’ Warning in Recent NORTHCOM Networked Warfare Experiment
- ↑ Jaspreet Gill (16 Mar 2023) DoD kickstarts tight-lipped RDER experiments this year: Official
- ↑ Courtney Albon (13 Apr 2023) Pentagon's Shyu gives 'sneak peek' of tech strategy focused on teaming National Defense Science and Technology Strategy
- ↑ Lauren C Williams (1 Sep 2023) The Pentagon’s innovation arm has a new chief and a new strategy Doug Beck 'DIU 3.0', now under SecDef review, aims to embed teams in the combatant commands.
- ↑ Jaspreet Gill (20 Sep 2023) CHIPS are down: DoD awards $240M to build 8 tech hubs, official warns shutdown would be 'crushing'
- ↑ Colin Clark (10 Aug 2021) Army's IBCS Starts Operational Testing Next Month: SMDC's Karbler
- ↑ Todd South (20 Aug 2020) Army missile defenders defeat cruise and ballistic missiles nearly simultaneously
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (21 August 2020) IBCS Defeats 2 Missiles in Flight – But 100s In Simulation
- ↑ Andrew Eversden (20 August 2020) US Army buys new supercomputers to meet data analytics demand
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mark Pomerleau (8 Dec 2021) Five things the Army learned about its network at Project Convergence 21 PC21
- ↑ Andrew Eversden (17 Nov 2021) At Project Convergence, Army ‘struggling’ to see joint battlefield as it heeds ‘hard’ lessons
- ↑ Amy Walker, Project Manager Tactical Network, PEO C3T Public Affairs (14 Jun 2022) Space provides key to Joint All Domain Command and Control JADC2
- ↑ Justin Katz (24 Jul 2023) Coping with 'tension': Navy's global exercise to pit commanders with joint force pressures
- ↑ Aaron Mehta (14 Aug 2020) ‘No lines on the battlefield’: Pentagon's new war-fighting concept takes shape
- ↑ Morgan Dwyer (10 July 2020) Making the most of the Air Force's investment in Joint All Domain Command and Control
- 1 2 3 Theresa Hitchens (24 August 2020) ‘Bold Quest’ To Demo Allied Connectivity For All-Domain Ops " '.. incorporate and demonstrate' elements of Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) — the capability to link sensors to shooters across air, land, sea, space and cyberspace — into Bold Quest" — need a joint experimental C2 environment for allies to connect to.
- ↑ Scott Lee (19 Aug 2021) A Vision for Better, Faster C2 Decision-Making Across All Domains
- 1 2 3 4 Sean Kimmons, Army News Service (24 October 2019) TITAN system being developed to tie 'deep sensing' to long-range fires For use in I2CEWS battalion of a Multi-domain task force
- 1 2 3 Sean Kimmons, Army News Service (7 February 2020) 37th Vice chief of staff: Speed of modernization no longer at 'glacial pace'
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (23 September 2020) Pushing Data ‘From Space To Mud’: Project Convergence
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (28 Apr 2021) Army Artillery’s AI Gets Live-Fire Exercises In Europe, Pacific APNT: Timing for TITAN terminal prototype in 2022
- ↑ Theresa Hitchens and Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (7 August 2019) Army Seeks Small Satellites To Support Ground Troops 3 programs: Gunsmoke, Lonestar and Polaris.
- Theresa Hitchens (12 October 2020) SMDC Pushes For New PNT, Tracking Sat Payloads In addition to the 3 LEO satellite programs mentioned above, SMDC's technical center is working on project TITAN (Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node), a "common, mobile ground station" for the Army's tactical needs.
- ↑ PEO news (27 Sep 2021) TITAN Brings Together Systems For Next Generation Intelligence Capabilities "[I]n Multi Domain Operations (MDO) and Joint All Domain Operations (JADO), TITAN will be the first Intelligence ground station enabled by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) " --Palantir project
- ↑ Courtney Albon (31 Mar 2022) US Army on track to award TITAN competitive prototyping contracts in the coming months "selection of a single provider for TITAN will occur at the end of the program’s second phase, which will last about 14 months"
- ↑ Andrew Eversden (28 Jun 2022) Army moves ahead with Palantir and Raytheon for next phase of TITAN
- ↑ Courtney Albon (28 Jun 2022) US Army awards $72 million for new phase in next-gen ground system effort DIU and Northrop will field a prototype TITAN in the interim
- ↑ Carlos Munoz, Janes (24 May 2021) US Army preps for TITAN ground station experimentation
- ↑ Nathan Strout (29 Apr 2022) Army Futures Command learning from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine Satellite "sensors also need to be better integrated with Army systems, to the point that satellite data can be downlinked directly to the battlefield".—Willie Nelson, Deputy Asst Sec Army
- ↑ Courtney Albon (10 Nov 2022) Army showcases space-enabled targeting system at Project Convergence TITAN mobile, semi-autonomous pre-prototype at PC22
- ↑ Jaspreet Gill (26 Apr 2023) Army to test TITAN prototypes this summer as it moves toward downselect
- ↑ David Appel, Raytheon (22 Mar 2022) Activity-based intel speeds decisions "The extraction process matches all point locations – this could be a few hundred or millions – from a stack of 2D images, bringing them into alignment to compute 3D locations for each point. When predicted accuracies meet targeting requirements, the data can be referred to as a 'targetable surface'" to reconstruct 3D Point Cloud: Other Transaction number W15QKN-17-9-5555
- ↑ Sydney J Freedberg Jr (13 Mar 2020) ‘No Timeout’ In Future Wars: Army Gen. Murray EXCLUSIVE
- 1 2 3 Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (21 April 2020) COVID-19: Army Futures Command Takes Wargames Online "The competition phase is about deterring war"—Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
- ↑ Devon Suits, Army News Service (September 14, 2020) Chief of staff asks force to fight against harmful behaviors
- ↑ Stephen Losey (9 Mar 2023) Air Force chief wants to take 'wrecking ball' to service's bureaucracy "Accelerate Change or Lose"
- 1 2 Headquarters DCS, G3-5-7 (July 23, 2018) U.S. Army Allies and Partners: 9 lines of effort
- ↑ Maureena Thompson, Army Futures Command (8 Nov 2022) AFC engages with international partners to prepare for the future Eight Allies & Partners At PC22
- ↑ An example exercise —Spc. Joseph Knoch, 5th Public Affairs Detachment (July 11, 2019) Guard units join US Army and Hungarian forces in exercise: 3rd 197th Artillery Battalion from the Ohio and New Hampshire National Guards working alongside Hungarian Defense Forces (HDF)
- ↑ Joe Lacdan, Army News Service (July 12, 2019) Relationship with allies key to maintaining competitive edge, says SF commander From the perspective of Special Forces
- ↑ "Interoperability is huge for our Army; we fight as a coalition..."—Lt. Gen. Jim Richardson Joe Lacdan, Army News Service (April 4, 2019) Allies to join Army Futures Command
- 1 2 3 Lt. Col. Edward A. Fraser and Command Sgt. Maj. Robert V. Abernethy (April 1, 2019) Strong Europe: A continental-scale combat sustainment laboratory includes Euler diagram of European alliances, partners, competitors
- ↑ Sgt. LaShic Patterson (August 6, 2019) 2/2CR unloads vehicles at the Poti port for AS19 Agile Spirit 19: Vaziani Military Base, Tbilisi, Georgia
- ↑ Maj. Kevin Sandell, U.S. Army Central Public Affairs (June 26, 2019) U.S. physician teaches Steppe Eagle 19 medical participants to 'race the Reaper'
- 1 2 3 4 Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr. (June 13, 2019) Poland Deal Lays Groundwork For Division-Strength Deployment: A division-scale exercise next year in Europe, Defender 2020, will be the largest in a quarter-century. Establishes 7 major elements going forward beyond 2020.
- ↑ Wendover Productions (27 August 2019) The US' Overseas Military Base Strategy Estimates 800 current DoD bases, but some of them are transitory. Video clip.
- ↑ Eric Schmitt The New York Times (14 July 2019) "Rehearsing for a Shadow War Against a Foe Embraced by Trump" pp. A1, A10.
- ↑ "Minister says Britain must reduce military dependence on U.S.: report". Reuters. 11 Jan 2020.
- ↑ National Guard Bureau (January 2019) State Partnership Program.
- ↑ Bradley Bowman and Thomas Pledger (10 August 2020) Modernize The National Guard's State Partnership Program
- ↑ James P. Micciche (21 September 2020) U.S. Below War Threshold Options Against China The opinion of a strategist and Civil affairs officer
- ↑ Col. Christopher Holshek, USA Ret. (19 August 2020) Expanding Multi-Domain Operations to Win Moral Competition A recommendation —"integrate military-civilian physical and informational power"
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr. (24 February 2020) DoD Adopts AI Ethics Principles — But How Will They Be Enforced?
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr. (16 Sep 2020) Military AI Coalition Of 13 Countries Meets On Ethics
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr. (23 Apr 2021) Artificial Intelligence, Lawyers And Laws Of War
- ↑ Colin Clark (13 Jul 2021) SecDef Austin Commits US To ‘Responsible AI’ 28th SecDef
- ↑ Valerie Insinna and Aaron Mehta (26 May 2022) Updated autonomous weapons rules coming for the Pentagon: Exclusive details DoD directive 3000.09
- ↑ Aaron Mehta 'The Indo-Pacific Theater is "our priority theater"—Mark Esper.' (27 August 2019) Esper calls for new basing investments in the Pacific Sites to be determined
- ↑ Todd South (10 Jan 2020) The Pacific must mean more than Korea rotations for the Army to counter China —Secretary McCarthy
- ↑ Todd South (May 8, 2019) The Pacific push: New rotation, thousands more soldiers heading to the region as the Army readies for a new kind of fight
- 1 2 Jen Judson (4 February 2020) US Army wants to expand pre-positioned stock in Pacific APS Preparation for 2021: Test of the 24-hour/7-days a week operations center, and Army sealift capability in Pacific, just as Defender 2020 is a "test of the rails and roads in Europe"
- 1 2 3 Headquarters, United States European Command (11 March 2020) Exercise Defender Europe 20 update Troop reduction
- ↑ Theresa Hitchens (13 March 2020) COVID-19: WH Relocates Space Council Meet; Space Symposium Postponed
- ↑ U.S. Army (16 March 2020) DEFENDER Europe 20 modified in size and scope
- ↑ Kevin Baron (17 March 2020) Attacks on DOD Networks Soar As Telework Inflicts ‘Unprecedented’ Loads
- ↑ Connie Lee (14 Sep 2020) Emphasizing Large Warfighting Exercises (UPDATED)
- ↑ Colin Clark (13 Oct 2020) Army Lost 3 NTC Training Rotations To COVID; FORSCOM Curbs Pace Next Year Too
- ↑ Sean Kimmons, Army News Service (October 11, 2018) Second phase of Multi-Domain Task Force pilot headed to Europe
- 1 2 Paul McLeary (16 December 2019) From The Baltic To Black Seas, Defender Exercise Goes Big, With Hefty Price Tag
- 1 2 Jen Judson (8 September 2019) US Army's multidomain force emerges in Europe
- ↑ Training Support Activity Europe (16 September 2021) 2nd Multi-Domain Task Force Activation Ceremony live stream. I2CEWS is a detachment.
- 1 2 Jacob Kriss, CECOM Public Affairs (October 16, 2019) CECOM Empowering Strategic Support Area Readiness: Strategic Power Projection Pre-positioned stocks "with enough equipment for an entire brigade or division, up to 15,000"
- ↑ U.S. Army Public Affairs (October 7, 2019) Army exercise largest in 25 years Test the ability to deploy 20,000 Soldiers to Europe
- ↑ Lt. Gen. Stephen Twitty (October 1, 2019) Logistics Important to Shaping the European Theater
- ↑ Major Bradley Cooper, U.S. Army (September 2019) Precision Logistics: Sustainment for Multi-Domain Operations LSCO
- 1 2 U.S. Army Public Affairs (21 January 2020) Army begins movement for Defender-Europe 20 exercise
- ↑ Sgt. 1st Class Kelvin Ringold (16 January 2020) 'Wolfpack' prepares for DEFENDER mission 13th Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC)
- ↑ Christopher Woody (Oct 16, 2019) The US Army is worried about a potential showdown with Russia, and it's practicing a new way to get to a fight in Europe
- 1 2 Roger N. McDermott (03 February 2020) Moscow Reacts Warily to NATO's Largest Military Exercise in 25 Years "The wide-spanning maneuvers are to focus on the Baltic States, Poland and Georgia, involving more than 36,000 personnel from 11 countries (Lenta.ru, January 26, 2020)"
- 1 2 3 US Army (October 15, 2019) Army Guard improves readiness, supports National Defense Strategy "is in the process of realigning eight full National Guard divisions for the Army"
- 1 2 Sean Kimmons, Army News Service (October 15, 2019) Defender exercise to deploy 20,000 Soldiers to project power in Europe
- 1 2 JOHN VANDIVER (January 6, 2020) Middle East crisis could mean adjustments to Europe's largest military exercise in decades "The Army will adapt as needed, USAREUR officials said."
- Task Force White Devil —82nd Airborne Division (20 February 2020) Nearly 800 Soldiers return home after Middle East deployment 1/82nd Airborne's 2nd Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment (2-504th PIR), serving as Immediate Response Battalion (IRB) for Central command, as well as 3-73rd Cavalry Regiment, and 3-319th Field Artillery redeploys to home station
- Troops returning from the deployment of 1/82ndAB BCT have been ordered to quarantine for two weeks without any flu-like symptoms, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic —Kyle Rempfer (19 March 2020) This is Fort Bragg's FOB-style quarantine. (The specific action was possible because the deploying soldiers have a known PULHES Factor from their Readiness profile)
- Task Force White Devil —82nd Airborne Division (20 February 2020) Nearly 800 Soldiers return home after Middle East deployment 1/82nd Airborne's 2nd Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment (2-504th PIR), serving as Immediate Response Battalion (IRB) for Central command, as well as 3-73rd Cavalry Regiment, and 3-319th Field Artillery redeploys to home station
- ↑ Aaron Mehta (15 Mar 2020) Estonia's top military officer on putting aside national interests for regional defense
- 1 2 Spc. Elliott Page (3 February 2020) Coleman Barracks Army Prepositioned Stock Site DEFENDER-Europe 20 Movement
- ↑ Steve DeVane and Rachael Riley (Jan. 4, 2020) Fort Bragg community in North Carolina on edge as soldiers head to Middle East 82nd Airborne (with 18,000 troops) has an 18-hour readiness status (after the first phone call).—27th Secretary of Defense Mark Esper
- ↑ BREAKING DEFENSE STAFF (17 October 2019) Mind the Gap: The Army Looks to a New Assault Bridge for Heavy Armor Maneuvers in Europe
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (06 February 2020) OMFV: The Army's Polish Bridge Problem Optionally manned fighting vehicle (OMFV) is a modernization project. The 11-meter Joint Assault Bridge is short for a major European river. Abrams tanks are heavier than typical Eastern European bridges' weight limits.
- ↑ Office of the Chief of Public Affairs (10.16.2019) 2019 AUSA Warriors Corner – The Art, Science, and Challenges of River Crossing (USACE)
- ↑ Train.Army.mil ART Conduct Forward Passage of Lines
- ↑ EUCOM (2020) DEFENDER Europe Trifold
- ↑ Defense News (5/22/2021) Video: American forces in Europe, and multidomain operations | Defense News Weekly Full Episode, 5.22.21 26:19
- ↑ Defense News Todd South (15 Mar 2021) Massive, Army-led NATO exercise Defender Europe kicks off Defender Europe 2021
- ↑ Cameron Porter, 405th AFSB Public Affairs Officer (4 May 2021) Equipment, vehicles issued to units in Estonia for DEFENDER Europe 21 drawn from APS-2
- 1 2 Sean Kimmons, Army News Service (10 February 2021) V Corps to be put through its paces before reaching full operational capability this fall
- 1 2 Army Times "Massive, Army-led NATO exercise Defender Europe kicks off". Army Times. 15 March 2021.
- ↑ "NATO, US to stage large-scale military exercises around Serbia until summer". Euractiv. 22 March 2021.
- ↑ "Germany Says Russia Seeking To 'Provoke' With Troop Buildup At Ukraine's Border". Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. 14 April 2021.
- ↑ Christopher Stewart Sgt. (April 8, 2019) Germany's 1st Armored Division Spearheads Allied Spirit X
- ↑ Spc. Yon Henderson (April 17, 2019) Exercise brings American firepower to European partners
- ↑ Sgt. Thomas Mort (April 23, 2019) 2-34 Intel team proves invaluable during Allied Spirit X
- ↑ Capt. Jay Beeman, 5th Battalion, 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade (April 30, 2019) Combat advisor teams sharpen skills in multinational exercise
- ↑ Sgt. Sean Harding (25 February 2020) 3rd SFAB and Kurdish Peshmerga work side by side to defeat threats; Peshmerga refers to the Iraqi Kurdish Army.
- ↑ Davis Winkie (6 Aug 2021) Army won't give up German, Belgian bases scheduled for closure, it says after review
- 1 2 Devon L. Suits, Army News Service (July 19, 2019) Building relationships, interoperability through exchange program
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr. (25 Nov 2020) Budget Up, French Army Preps For Major Wargames With US Wargames are all-out stress tests for command posts, but simulate troop levels. Planned for Warfighter 21-04.
- ↑ Paul McLeary and Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (15 July 2020) US & UK Ink Pact On Next-Gen Aircraft, Long-Range Missiles
- 1 2 3 Thomas Brading, Army News Service (12 February 2021) Army scales up joint capabilities as Project Convergence grows
- 1 2 Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr. (23 Mar 2021) ‘Land Forces Are Hard To Kill’: Army Chief Unveils Pacific Strategy
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr. (10 May 2021) Army Plans To Grow Artillery EXCLUSIVE Five MDTFs are planned.
- ↑ Andrew Eversden (23 Sep 2022) Army formally activating its second Multi-Domain Task Force focused on the Pacific
- 1 2 1st Lt. Kaitlyn Kilgore (21 November 2023) 3rd Multi-Domain Task Force delivers Fires and Effects during JPMRC 24-01 Multi-Domain Effects Battalion (MDEB)
- 1 2 Jen Judson (15 Mar 2023) US Army chief wants three multidomain task force units in the Pacific MDTFs are agile, relocatable. 4th MDTF loc is TBD.
- ↑ Cathy Kropp (USAEC) (21 Jun 2022) Army seeks public feedback on proposed stationing of multi-domain task force
- ↑ Sec. Army Christine E. Wormuth OCPA (10.11.20) AUSA 2021: Opening Ceremony
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (12 May 2021) Army Discloses Hypersonic LRHW Range Of 1,725 Miles; Watch Out China Ranges for: ERCA, GMLR-ER, PRSM, MRC, LRHW
- ↑ Andrew Feickert, Specialist in Military Ground Forces, Congressional Research Service (CRS) (31 May 2022) The Army’s Multi-Domain Task Force (MDTF) report IF11797
- ↑ Todd South (17 Sep 2021) Army’s first multi-domain task force in Europe gets to work in Norway, including an I2CEWS battalion-sized element
- ↑ Andrew Eversden (4 Nov 2021) Army reactivates theater artillery command amid Russian build-up near Ukraine European Theater Fires Command
- ↑ John Gordon IV, John Matsumura, RAND corporation (2021) Army Theater Fires Command: Integration and Control of Very Long-Range Army Fires RR-A809-1
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr. (13 Apr 2021) BREAKING New Army Long-Range Units Head To Germany
- 1 2 Sgt. Evan Ruchotzke (21 April 2021) Warfighter 21-4 concludes, strengthens collaboration with British and French forces
- ↑ Jason Douglas (15 Nov 2017) Fort Hood building new mission training complex
- ↑ Muriel Delaporte (3 Jun 2021) US, France, UK Hammer Out Multinational Corps Warfighting
- 1 2 Spc. Zachary Stahlberg (20 May 2021) Dynamic Front 21 shows the future of modern artillery 1800 troops from 15 nations held an Artillery Systems Cooperation Activities University, Grafenwoehr Training Area, Germany, and Torun, Poland
- 1 2 Gabriella Sullivan (13 October 2021) V Corps completes Warfighter 22-1 en route to becoming America's forward deployed Corps in Europe
- ↑ Devin Klecan (3 Nov 2021) Victory in Europe: V Corps reaches major milestone
- 1 2 Jen Judson (11 Oct 2021) US Army insists next year’s Defender Europe is not canceled
- 1 2 Thomas Brading, Army News Service (13 January 2020) More deployments, stronger presence set for Pacific, says SecArmy
- ↑ Paul McLeary (2 April 2020) EXCLUSIVE Indo-Pacom Chief's Bold $20 Billion Plan For Pacific; What Will Hill Do?
- ↑ Thomas Brading, Army News Service (21 May 2020) Talent management key to filling future specialized MDO units I2CEWS battalion needs to be filled using the Assignment Interactive Module 2.0 (AIM 2.0)
- ↑ Andrew Eversden (1 Apr 2022) Army’s next Multi-Domain Task Force will be ‘tied’ to Indo-Pacific
- ↑ Kyle Rempfer (30 May 2020) Final SFAB activates with upcoming missions in Asia, as Army plans a Pacific Pathways restart "5th SFAB has hired 90 percent of its required troops"
- ↑ Kyle Rempfer (1 Mar 2021) Security force assistance brigade wants a third of its members in Indo-Pacific at all times
- 1 2 3 4 Theresa Hitchens (7 May 2020) New Air Force deviceONE To Allow Remote Top-Secret Access For Services, IC
- ↑ Theresa Hitchens (7 Oct 2020) First Joint Exercise To Test All-Domain Capabilities: Valiant Shield 2020 ABMS Onramp 3 was scaled down
- 1 2 3 Theresa Hitchens (29 June 2020) Air Force Eyes European ABMS Demo In Spring
- ↑ BRETT TINGLEY AND TYLER ROGOWAY (5 Aug 2021) Kratos Says Secret "Off-Board Sensing Station" Unmanned Aircraft Will Be Transformative: The U.S. Air Force has a classified program to field low-cost, attritable drones that can be used as "off-board sensing stations." OBSS
- ↑ Colin Clark (12 Nov 2020) Dunlap Unveils First ‘Global’ ABMS Exercise Linked together by XQ-58 drones in May 2021
- ↑ KELSEY ATHERTON (10 September 2020) NSA Prepares Unclassified Threat Reports — From Home
- ↑ Richard Cody (10 Sep 2021) Project Convergence: Exercise Shows Value In Data Weapons Check For The Digital Age at JSIL
- 1 2 Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr. (19 Jan 2021) Facing Cuts, Army Chief Touts Pacific Role
- ↑ Colin Clark (20 Jan 3031) Austin To Scrub US Pacific Posture; More Bases, Troops Likely
- ↑ Clare Foran (22 Jan 2021) Senate confirms Lloyd Austin to be first Black defense secretary
- ↑ Stacie Pettyjohn, Becca Wasser, and Jennie Matuschak (20 Jul 2021) Risky Business: Future Strategy and Force Options for the Defense Department integrated deterrence
- ↑ Dzirhan Mahadzir (29 Jul 2021) Admiral: Talisman Sabre Proves U.S., Allies Can Create Pacific Naval Force in Days Expeditionary Strike Group 7, 31st MEU, Amphibious Squadron 11
- ↑ ww3 high tension – UK / China / South China Sea High Tension update Friday, July 30, 2021 UK Carrier Strike Group 21 enters South China Sea
- ↑ Defender Anthony Bryant (5 August 2021) Pacific 21: Special Forces Soldiers, JGSDF conduct bilateral operations in Guam
- ↑ Colin Clark (16 Sep 2021) Nuke Sub Accord ‘First Step’ For Deeper US-Aussie Cooperation; Aussies Get NRO Ties "AUKUS" accord
- Stephen Collinson (17 Sep 2021) Washington has a China fixation and France got in the way Japan accords are coming as well
- Justin Katz (17 Sep 2021) New Australia Nuclear Sub Deal Brings Big Questions, Hard Road Ahead AUKUS is a trilateral defense pact
- Binkov (16 Sep 2021) Nuclear submarines for Australia just started a new Pacific military alliance against China!
- Barry Rosenberg (30 Sep 2021) The Navy Electrifies In A Transition As Monumental As Sail To Steam
- Justin Katz (6 Oct 2021) Former Officials Call For AUKUS Submarines To Use Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) for non-nuclear nations such as Australia
- ↑ Colin Clark (24 September 2021) Quad Pushes Chip Supply Security, 5G ‘Diversification,’ Cybersecurity
- 1 2 Mark Cancian and Adam Saxton (14 February 2020) 2021 Budget Spells The End of US Force Expansion Reduced topline $740.5 billion; Army remains at 31 BCTs, 5 SFABs, and 11 CABs.
- ↑ Jen Judson (11 Oct 2021) 'No way around it' Facing budget cuts, Army braces to fight for modernization
- ↑ Headquarters, Dept of the Army (HQDA) (19 Jan 2021) Regaining Arctic Dominance
- ↑ Mikayla Easley (2 Aug 2022) Army Tackles Arctic Challenges Alongside European Allies NTCs come to Alaska
- ↑ HQDA DCS G-3/5/7 (2 Apr 2021) The Army Arctic Strategy
- ↑ U.S. Army Alaska (21 Jul 2021) Alaska's Senior Army Commander
- ↑ AP (12 May 2022) Army poised to revamp Alaska forces to prep for Arctic fight In process
- ↑ Army Public Affairs (31 May 2022) Army announces initiatives to improve quality of life for Soldiers in Alaska AK initiatives in 2022: visits by VCSA, SMA, SecArmy, CSA, hiring 17 behavioral health providers, with a temporary surge in the interim
- ↑ Voice of America (July 2022) The Inside Story: Alaska: America’s Strategic Frontier
- ↑ Andrew Eversden (6 June 2022) Seeking morale boost in Alaska, Army formally re-activates 11th Airborne Division
- ↑ Eve Baker (6 Dec 2022) German Army delegation visit enhances partnership with US Army in Alaska
- ↑ Melissa Rossi (10 Jun 2022) Russian military moves in the Arctic worry the U.S. and NATO
- ↑ Headquarters, Dept of the Army (19 Jan 2021) Regaining Arctic Dominance
- ↑ Andrew Eversden (26 Jan 2022) BAE, Oshkosh cold weather vehicle prototypes survive Army’s Alaskan tests
- ↑ Jen Judson (22 Aug 2022) BAE Systems wins US Army deal for Cold Weather All-Terrain Vehicle
- ↑ Mark Schauer (13 Oct 2022) New Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle shows its stuff at the Army's Cold Regions Test Center
- ↑ Voice of America (3 Sep 2022) Biden To Name Arctic Ambassador As China Eyes Region Senate confirmation required
- ↑ Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen and Gwladys Fouche, Reuters (16 Nov 2022) NATO allies wake up to Russian supremacy in the Arctic
- ↑ Cameron Porter, 405th AFSB Public Affairs Officer (16 May 2022) US Army float bridge system employed in Poland during DEFENDER-Europe 22
- ↑ Cameron Porter, 405th AFSB Public Affairs Officer (5 May 2022) 405th AFSB supports DEFENDER-Europe 22 with APS-2 bridge system, boats
- ↑ Capt. Angelo Mejia (9 Jun 2022) V Corps wraps up DEFENDER-Europe 22 Two wet gap crossings, Poland to Lithuania
- ↑ Colin Demarest (23 Mar 2022) Lockheed eyes Project Convergence after successful 5G expedition on Humvees
- ↑ Andrew Eversden (11 Apr 2022) Electronic warfare and drone swarms: Here’s the Army’s plan for EDGE 22 Electronic warfare and drone swarms: (Experimental Demonstration Gateway Exercise) risk reduction exercise 25 April-12 May for PC22, includes 20 other DoD organizations, and joint partners "Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Australia, France, Canada and the United Kingdom"
- ↑ Colin Demarest (6 Jun 2022) Army verifies info-sharing abilities with forces joining Project Convergence 22 "The testing included more than 50 technologies, according to the Army, and stretched from the Combined Joint Systems Integration Laboratory at Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland and Fort Bliss in Texas to the U.K. and Australia".
- ↑ Headquarters, Department of the Army, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3/5/7 (DAMO-SSW) (29 Oct 2021) Global Defender 22
- ↑ Todd South (11 Apr 2022) The Army’s transformation begins with these new units 17 capability gaps identified
- ↑ Jona3than Koester (15 Jun 2022) Modernization leaders gather for Project Convergence 22 final planning conference
- ↑ Army Futures Command (19 Sep 2022) Project Convergence 2022 to demonstrate futuristic joint, multinational warfighting technologies inaugural PC22 Technology Gateway
- ↑ Jen Judson (10 Oct 2022) Project Convergence exercise has new gateway to test emerging tech +PC22 experiments
- ↑ Lauren C. Williams (11 Oct 2022) Small Radios On Armored Vehicles Will Be a Big Step Toward the Army's Networked Future "The challenges include trying to install them and making sure they don’t run out of range"
- ↑ Colin Demarest (12 Oct 2022) US Army carefully folding Ukraine info into Project Convergence tests
- ↑ Jaspreet Gill (19 Oct 2022) As Project Convergence tries new 'tech gateways', 2 AI algorithms to transition to programs of record Todd Army 2040
- ↑ Andrew Eversden (19 Oct 2022) At Project Convergence, Army doubles down on 'fully autonomous' Black Hawk experiments
- ↑ Jen Judson (15 May 2022) US Army’s virtual world becoming high-demand war planning tool One World Terrain (OWT) data sets to be used at PC22 Oct and Nov 2022
- 1 2 3 Patrick Tucker (21 Oct 2022) The Military’s Network Warfare Experiment Scaled Up This Year
- ↑ Colin Demarest (21 Oct 2022) Project Convergence shows JADC2 alignment, leaders from 3 services say Interoperations "show the services are aligned and not disjointed".
- ↑ Maureena Thompson, Army Futures Command (16 Nov 2022) PC22 experimentation furthers US, partner military efforts to dominate future battlefield
- ↑ Maureena Thompson, Army Futures Command; Sgt. Daniel Ramos, 22nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment contributed (20 Oct 2022) 82nd Airborne Soldiers engage in future warfighting experimentation
- ↑ Jaspreet Gill (15 Nov 2022) At Project Convergence, data management is Army’s biggest challenge
- ↑ Chris Gordon (8 Dec 2022) DOD’s New Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability Will Underpin JADC2 But Require Cultural Shift, Officials Say
- ↑ Chris Gordon (2 Dec 2022) Project Convergence
- ↑ Lauren C. Williams (9 Dec 2022) For DOD, 2023 Is All About Proving It Can Build A Tactical Cloud DISA's Stratus
- ↑ Sean Carberry (2 Nov 2022) JUST IN: Autonomous Army Helicopter Proves Ready for Action nationaldefensemagazine.org
- 1 2 Sgt. 1st Class Terysa King (April 12, 2023) Spain port operation kicks off DEFENDER 23 US Army Europe and Africa army.mil
- ↑ OCPA (10 December 2021) AUSA 2021: CMF #3 – Project Convergence PC23 hub & spoke
- ↑ Andrew Eversden (14 Oct 2021) Four Questions With Army Futures Commander Gen. John Murray
- ↑ Jen Judson (11 Oct 2021) US Army weighs taking future Project Convergence exercises abroad Archived 24 October 2021 at the Wayback Machine
- ↑ Jen Judson (7 Feb 2023) Army sets sights on 2024 for next Project Convergence
- ↑ Ashley Roque (8 Feb 2023) No Convergence in 2023: Army deliberating the path ahead for signature JADC2 exercise
- ↑ Ashley Rocque (15 Dec 2023) Fires, AI and human-machine prototype unites: Army gears up for Project Convergence
- ↑ Sam Skove (13 Dec 2023) Army looks to field loitering munitions next year Fort Moore and Fort Irwin
- 1 2 GEN Charles C. Campbell (June 2009), "ARFORGEN Archived 2011-02-17 at the Wayback Machine: Maturing the Model, Refining the Process". Army Magazine, AUSA.org
- ↑ "Allyn outlines keys to readiness under pressure | Article | The United States Army". Army.mil. 2016-06-13. Retrieved 2016-10-21.
- 1 2 3 The Hon. David Norquist, Deputy Secretary of Defense, DoD (10 Sep 2020) Closing Keynote: Day 2 Defense News Conference 2020 : Sept 9 – 10 22:00 minutes
- ↑ Thomas Brading, Army News Service (October 22, 2019) Half of BCTs now at highest level of readiness, as Army looks to add more
- ↑ Thomas Brading, Army News Service (19 February 2020) Army leaders save $1.2 billion to fund modernization push After a set of 'Night court' cuts
- 1 2 3 4 David Vergun (October 9, 2018) Army readiness, lethality increasing amid troubled world, says chief of staff
- ↑ Mark Cancian (25 March 2019) 2020 Budget: One Half Step Towards A Great Power Strategy: Notes Army's difficulty reaching end-strength objectives.
- ↑ Sgt. LaShawna Custom, 32nd Army Air and Missile Defense Command [http://fortblissbugle.com/2019/03/27/oc-ts-improved-readiness-during-roving-sands-19/ (March 27, 2019) OC/Ts improved readiness during Roving Sands 19] Observer-Coach/Trainer
- ↑ Army Times (17 Nov 2018) The Army is extending recruiters orders by two months
- ↑ Gary Sheftick, Army News Service (May 13, 2019) Large cities see jump in recruits
- ↑ AUSA (October 26, 2018) 'Atrophied’ Recruiting Strategy Being Overhauled surge operation in 22 cities, 3 other actions
- 1 2 Army Directive 2018–22 (8 Nov 2018) Retention Policy for Non-Deployable Soldiers
- Joe Lacdan, Army News Service (November 15, 2018) Non-deployable directive to help Army work toward more 'lethal' force
- Laven2 [http://fortblissbugle.com/2018/11/20/non-deployable-directive-to-help-army-work-toward-more-lethal-force/ (20 November 2018) Non-deployable directive to help Army work toward more lethal force]
- ↑ Kyle Rempfer (1 September 2020) A 59-year-old Army and Marine vet, who served in Afghanistan, just graduated Army basic combat training after a 10-year break in service. He went through Marine Corps boot camp in 1978
- ↑ U.S. Army Center for Initial Military Training Staff (May 20, 2019) Army to conduct assessment of alternate ACFT events
- ↑ Karen Jowers (18 Jul 2022) Survey raises serious questions about the future of the all-volunteer force
- ↑ Davis Winkie (19 Jul 2022) Citing recruiting woes, Army will shed up to 28,000 troops in next year
- ↑ Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (August 16, 2019) Soldier and Family Readiness Groups
- 1 2 Joe Lacdan, Army News Service (June 12, 2019) Army making improvements to Family Readiness Groups
- ↑ Ready Army Archived 2016-09-06 at the Wayback Machine is a proactive campaign to increase Army community resilience and enhance force readiness by informing Soldiers, their Families, Army Civilians and contractors of relevant hazards, and encouraging them to
- Be Informed,
- Make A Plan,
- Build a Kit and
- Get Involved. see: DEFCON
- ↑ Sean Kimmons, Army News Service (August 8, 2019). "Former Army Ranger helps save man on commercial jet".
- 1 2 Devon L. Suits (October 17, 2018) Study reveals impact of Army Families on retention, recruiting: When spouses favor Army life, 93% of Soldiers stay; but when spouses do not, 44% stay in the Army.
- ↑ The US Army (Aug 9, 2019) Change of Responsibility Ceremony: Army Chief of staff and sergeant major of the Army
- 1 2 [http://fortblissbugle.com/monitor/2017/04april/042017/pdf/042017part1a.pdf Strangers as family 32nd AAMDC helps Soldier, family, in need]
- ↑ US Army (6 March 2019) US Military plans release of Tenant bill of rights
- ↑ US Army (6 Feb 2019) Senior leaders discuss upcoming moves to ease family concerns Army to receive authorization for direct hires of personnel, e.g., childcare workers
- ↑ Sean Kimmons, U.S. Army Garrison Japan Public Affairs (7 April 2022) Military children attend Japanese schools to immerse in culture
- ↑ Sean Kimmons, Army News Service (June 11, 2019) Army lengthens tours for Soldiers in Europe, Japan
- ↑ But moves in summertime cause satisfaction ratings to drop from 95% down to 80%. The Military Moves Hundreds of Thousands of Families Each Summer. Many of Them Don't Go Well
- ↑ Winifred Brown (20 May 2020) Retiring Camp Zama teacher reflects on 33 years of service
- ↑ Devon Suits (15 Sep 2021) Army tests new EFMP system, targets assignment process for select families a new Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) being tested by 300 families
- ↑ Terri Moon Cronk, Defense.gov (10 February 2020) DOD vows to help Exceptional Family Member Program
- ↑ Devon Suits, Army News Service (11 August 2020) New Army Digital Garrison app serves as guide to on-post services 60 installations are currently on the app, which runs on iPhone or Android.
- ↑ [http://fortblissbugle.com/monitor/2018/06june/062118/pdf/062118part1a.pdf aerhq.org, "Did you know ..." example notice] —p.2A, lower right-hand corner
- ↑ Chaplain (Capt.) Calvin Park [http://fortblissbugle.com/2019/06june/062019/pdf/062019part1b.pdf (20 June 2019) Count the cost] page 5b
- ↑ Army.mil Stand-to: Headquarters, U.S. Army Surgeon General (Friday, 24 January 2020) Transfer of Army Medical Treatment Facilities (MTFs) to Defense Health Agency (DHA), no later than (NLT) 21 October 2021.
- ↑ Sean Kimmons, Army News Service (6 December 2019) Surgeon general reaffirms promise of quality care during DHA transfer
- ↑ Devon L. Suits, Army News Service (15 August 2019) Army makes changes to Total Army Sponsorship Program
- 1 2 Davis Winkie (27 Jun 2022) Army takes sweeping look at how new soldiers are welcomed across the force
- ↑ Army News Service (11 Feb 2019) Installation Management Command to realign under Army Materiel Command
- "We are deeply troubled by the recent reports highlighting the deficient conditions in some of our family housing. It is unacceptable for our families who sacrifice so much to have to endure these hardships in their own homes."—23rd Secretary of the Army, Dr. Mark T. Esper and 39th Chief of Staff of the Army, Gen. Mark A. Milley "US Army statement on military housing". U.S. Army. 13 February 2019. Retrieved February 16, 2019.
- ↑ Reuters (2019 summary) Reuters special report on military housing
- 1 2 Army Public Affairs (2 October 2019) Army senior leaders discuss progress in reforming the Military Privatized Housing Initiative
- U.S. Army Public Affairs (27 September 2019) Lt. Gen. Jason Evans confirmed as Army's new Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9 'DCS, G-9' was formerly known as the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (ACSIM)
- ↑ Kari Hawkins, AMC (21 January 2020) Army focuses on making installations number one choice for military families Archived 1 February 2020 at the Wayback Machine
- ↑ U.S. Army Public Affairs (6 February 2020) Army Secretary Ryan D. McCarthy, other service secretaries, meet with housing executives Lists 7 measures
- ↑ Devon L. Suits, Army News Service (March 4, 2020) DOD working to add key provisions to tenant bill of rights 3 more provisions sought: "a dispute resolution process, the right to withhold rent until a dispute is resolved, and access to a building's maintenance history before the move-in date"
- ↑ Karen Jowers (22 Oct 2021) 50,000 military families in 38 privatized housing communities see new ownership Clark Realty Capital, and Lincoln Military Housing have sold their properties to Michaels Organization, and Liberty Military Housing respectively (except for the former Lincoln housing at Fort Sam Houston, Texas which was transferred to Hunt Military Communities)
- ↑ Davud Roza (28 Dec 2021) Why a company guilty of ‘pervasive fraud’ remains one of the Pentagon’s biggest landlords Balfour Beatty Communities LLC
- ↑ Haley Britzky (19 Nov 2020) The Army's ‘complete failure’ led to this private's suicide after she was sexually assaulted, parents say
- ↑ Ryan Morgan (8 Dec 2020) Video: Army Secretary says Army's sexual assault prevention program ‘hasn't achieved its mandate’
- ↑ Scott Maucione (16 Oct 2020) Army will now assume soldiers are missing and not AWOL after multiple deaths this summer
- ↑ The U.S. Army (8 Dec 2020) Secretary of the Army McCarthy addresses the report of the Fort Hood Independent Review Committee
- ↑ U.S. Army (8 Dec 2020) Army Senior Leader Message to the Force
- (8 Dec 2020) Independent Review Timeline
- U.S. Army (8 Dec 2020) Secretary McCarthy holds Fort Hood Leaders Accountable, Announces New Investigations detailing actions taken, at III Corps, 1st Cavalry Division, 3rd Cavalry Regiment, 6th Military Police Group (Criminal Investigation Command)
- ↑ Devon Suits (21 Dec 2020) People first: New task force seeks Army-wide changes
- ↑ Davis Winkie (5 May 2022) Army makes new cohesion assessment teams permanent Cohesion assessment teams (CATs)
- ↑ Davis Winkie (27 May 2022) suicide prevention Data needs CAC
- ↑ Leo Shane III (21 Jul 2022) The military may be required to start tracking suicides by job assignments
- ↑ III Armored Corps Public Affairs (13 May 2022) Fort Hood’s novel People First Center officially opens doors
- ↑ Sgt. Audrey Hayes (October 17, 2018) Army Reserve preparing to fight on a new battlefield
- ↑ Sgt. Bethany Huff (October 23, 2018) U.S. Army Reserve pilots Deployment Assistance Teams for RFX units
- ↑ Capt. Joselyn Sydnor, [http://fortblissbugle.com/2019/07/17/bliss-msf-roc-drill-tests-mfgi-capabilities/ 653rd Regional Support Group (July 17, 2019) Bliss MSF ROC drill tests MFGI capabilities] Mobilization Support Force (MSF).
- ↑ Laven2 [http://fortblissbugle.com/2018/11/20/210th-rsg-soldiers-provide-support-for-civilians-of-mad-brigade-s1-transition/ (20 Nov 2018) 210th Regional Support Group (RSG) Soldiers provide support for civilians of Mobilization & Demobilization (MaD) Brigade S1/transition]
- ↑ Sgt. 1st Class Brent Powell (September 26, 2019) Reserve brigade marks historic first with multi-state field training exercise
- Capt. Joselyn Sydnor ″[http://fortblissbugle.com/2019/10/02/30th-abct-mobilization-identifies-challenges-successes-of-expansion/ (October 2, 2019) 30th ABCT mobilization identifies challenges, successes of expansion] 653rd Regional Support Group was mobilized as the Fort Bliss Mobilization Brigade; the mobilization of 30th ABCT was used to test out the mobilization process of the reserve component of the Army.
- ↑ Linda Gerron (28 August 2020) U.S. Army Reserve aviation brigade adapts to COVID-19 challenges by conducting local command post exercise 11th ECAB local command post exercise without downtrace units
- 1 2 3 Staff Report, National Guard Bureau (1 August 2020) Army National Guard to establish eight Divisions by aligning existing ARNG Division Headquarters with down-trace formations for training
- ↑ "Department of the Army Announces Associated Units Pilot". army.mil. Retrieved 2016-03-22.
- ↑ "36th ID making Guard history in Afghanistan". Fox7 Austin. Archived from the original on 2017-01-04.
- ↑ "Total Army Force leaders plan three-year 'Associated Units' Pilot". army.mil. Retrieved 2016-06-01.
- ↑ Myers, Meghann (2016-03-22). "army-pilot-links-active-guard-and-reserve-units-training-deployments". Army Times. Retrieved 2016-10-21.
- ↑ US Army "Associated Units concept improving readiness, says MG Jarrard". army.mil.
- ↑ Secretary of the Army (21 March 2016), Memorandum: Designation of Associated Units in Support of Army Total Force Policy (PDF), Washington – via MultiBriefs
: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) - 1 2 Pargett, Matthew (March 25, 2019). "Squad tactics tested on new virtual marksmanship trainer". army.mil.
- ↑ Banzhaf, Sgt. Brandon (April 24, 2019). "Focus on teamwork, education helps build a squad of infantrymen". army.mil.
- 1 2 3 4 Fisher, Franklin (August 22, 2019). "Army overhauls small arms training with tougher standards, combat-like rigor". army.mil.
- 1 2 Joanna Bradley, CCDC Aviation & Missile Center Public Affairs (April 18, 2019). "Aviation, Missile Center teams develops Stryker simulator". army.mil.
- ↑ Sgt. Jeff Clements, Virginia National Guard (11 September 2020). "VNG Soldiers train on CROWS remote weapons system". army.mil.
- ↑ Juliet Van Wagenen (October 10, 2014) Lockheed Martin Delivers Digital Air Ground Integration Range to US Army
- 1 2 3 Eric Pilgrim, Fort Knox News (July 22, 2019) Army to break ground on Digital Air-Ground Integration Range this fall
- ↑ Sundt Orogrande (2013 est.) Digital Air Ground Integration Range (DAGIR)
- ↑ Mark Price (27 February 2020) Elaborate unconventional warfare exercise set for undisclosed sites in North Carolina JFK Special Warfare school: acting as guerrilla freedom fighters
- ↑ Todd South (28 Oct 2022) Major Hawaii-based Army exercise tests brigade in island-hopping fight JPMRC
- ↑ Mario J. Hoffmann (October 1, 2018) Modernizing the Army's OPFOR program to become a near-peer sparring partner
- ↑ Jim Smilie (6 Sep 2018) Louisiana Army National Guard gears up for potential deployment in 2020 256th IBCT in XCTC training in 2018 against OPFORs, then JRTC in 2020.
- ↑ Gina Harkins (16 Aug 2020) Fake News Is Wreaking Havoc on the Battlefield. Here's What the Military's Doing About It
- ↑ Kyle Rempfer (17 Aug 2020) Direct commissions for Army cyber officers finally gaining steam, two-star says
- 1 2 Todd South (7 Aug 2020) New Army soldier facility combines tech to sharpen soldier-squad lethality
- 1 2 3 Patti Bielling, Synthetic Training Environment CFT (June 11, 2019) 1st SFAB Soldiers hone close combat skills on Army's newest virtual trainer
- 1 2 Spc. William Griffen (20 February 2020) HHBN masters the fundamentals of convoy escort
- ↑ Ms. Elvia E Kelly (IMCOM) (26 February 2020) 'Machine Gun University' keeps Soldiers ready for real-world missions Squad Advanced Marksmanship Training at Fort Bragg's Virtual Training Center, 20 Feb. 2020
- ↑ Adam Srone (30 Sep 2021) US Army tool empowers soldiers to virtually collaborate across regions
- ↑ Dr. Charles K. Pickar, Naval Postgraduate School (October 29, 2019) An exercise to experience Experential learning
- ↑ US Army Army ALT Magazine (January 29, 2019) Then And Now: Training for the Future —Retired Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli, 32nd vice chief of staff of the Army: "I believe that a training environment .. should be a maneuver trainer, and it should be a gunnery trainer."
- ↑ Maj. Anthony Clas, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division Public Affairs [http://fortblissbugle.com/2019/10october/103119/pdf/103119part1a.pdf (10/31/2019) Regulars’ battalion masters the fundamentals during squad live-fire exercise]
- ↑ Gary Sheftick, Army News Service Army rebuilding short-range air defense (July 2, 2019) Army rebuilding short-range air defense Manpads training for 14P MOS using synthetic training environment (STE)
- ↑ Monica Wood (18 October 2021) Cutting-edge, VR-equipped Stinger training facility opens
- ↑ Jacqueline M. Hames and Margaret C. Roth (January 29, 2019), "Then And Now: Training for the Future", Army ALT Magazine
- ↑ HQDA Army Regulation AR 10–87 Glossary (11 December 2017) "Army Commands, Army Service Component Commands, and Direct Reporting Units" p.53
- ↑ Sean Kimmons (October 11, 2018) Second phase of Multi-Domain Task Force pilot headed to Europe
- ↑ Office of the Chief of Public Affairs (Wednesday, October 4, 2017) Readiness 2017
- 1 2 HQDA "Stand-To! Army Readiness Guidance, Army G-3/5/7". May 19, 2016. Retrieved 19 October 2016.
- ↑ CSA Mark Milley (20 Jan 2016) Army Readiness Guidance, 2016/2017
- 1 2 3 Whitley and McConville (5 May 2021) Statement before the House Armed Services Committee ON THE POSTURE OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY as cited by Office of the Director of the Army Staff Army Posture Statement 2021 (6 May 2021)
- ↑ Alyssa Crockett (21 June 2022) Army leaders, experts collaborate to meet future equipping demands ReARMM: Regionally aligned Readiness and Modernization Model, based on logistics, mission command, ground combat, medical, fires and aviation
- 1 2 Headquarters, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3-5-7 (16 October 2020) Regionally Aligned Readiness and Modernization Model
- AUSA (9 Nov 2020) AUSA 2020 CMF 6 – Regionally Aligned Readiness and Modernization Model (ReARMM) video clip
- ↑ ASA(ALT) Weapon Systems Handbook 2018 update Page 32 lists how this handbook is organized. 440 pages.
- By Modernization priority
- By Acquisition or Business System category (ACAT or BSC). The Weapon systems in each ACAT are sorted alphabetically by Weapon system name. Each weapon system might also be in several variants (Lettered); a weapon system's variants might be severally and simultaneously in the following phases of its Life Cycle, namely — °Materiel Solution Analysis; °Technology Maturation & Risk Reduction; °Engineering & Manufacturing Development; °Production & Deployment; °Operations & Support
- ACAT I, II, III, IV are defined on page 404
- ↑ Megan Cotton Gully, Army Materiel Command Public Affairs (3 Jun 2022) Army industrial base sets way for the future "23 depots, arsenals and ammunition plants that manufacture, reset and maintain Army equipment"
- ↑ Caitlin Kenney (15 Sep 2022) Army Wants to Double Or Triple Some Arms Production As Ukraine War Continues "GMLRS, HIMARS, and artillery rounds top the list".
- ↑ Andrew Eversden (14 Sep 2022) Army acquisition chief ‘not uncomfortable’ with US stockpiles, considers multi-year deals +Javelins
- ↑ Hearing Before The Committee on Armed Services. United States Senate, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, First Session (March 25, 2015) The Current State of Readiness of U.S. Forces in Review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2016 and the Future Years Defense Program
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg, Jr. (April 17, 2019) Army Tells Shoddy Suppliers: Shape Up
- ↑ Miles Brown (April 18, 2019) AMCOM transforming to support multi-domain operations Bill Marriott: the aviation LCMC is responsible
- ↑ JOHN VANDIVER, STARS AND STRIPES (January 18, 2018) ‘Big Red One’ deploying division headquarters for Europe mission
- 1 2 3 4 AUSA (2008) Army Prepositioned Stocks: Indispensable to America's Global Force-projection Capability
- ↑ Todd South (30 Aug 2021) A single unit handles the Army’s rail needs. It was cut from 600 to 180 soldiers 757th Expeditionary Rail Center (ERC) but a CONUS unit is needed
- ↑ Devon L. Suits (19 Sep 2018) New G-8 embraces streamlining tech acquisition
- ↑ Paul McLeary (3 July 2019) US Upgrades Ukrainian Ports To Fit American Warships Maritime Operations Centers at Ochakiv and Mykolaiv
- ↑ Christopher Gardner (7 Sep 2022) USACE supports readiness in Europe by modernizing Army’s Prepositioned Stock facilities
- ↑ Staff Sgt. Ondirae Abdullah-Robinson (5 Apr 2023) Army Prepositioned Stock facility opens in Poland 2700 pieces, for an ABCT
- ↑ ASC Public Affairs release (9 September 25, 2012) Army strategic flotilla
- ↑ Jen Judson (October 2020) Video: AUSA Interview: Gen. James McConville On Prepositioned Stock In The Pacific
- ↑ Master Sgt. Thomas Duval (21 Aug 2023) Two nations, one peace 1-month 'no notice' exercise for 1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team/1st Armored Division in South Korea.
- ↑ Devon L. Suits, Army News Service (10 February 2020) AMC evaluating power-projection capabilities in Defender-Europe 2020 Defender Pacific 2021 is in planning stage. To support readiness, 3-D printing rights are under negotiation.
- ↑ Communications Electronics Command C5ISR, Community News (17 February 2019) Reforming for Readiness: CECOM brings AMC up to speed
- ↑ Ellen Crown, U.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency Public Affairs (August 9, 2018) Army Tests Readiness of Medical Prepositioned Stocks
- ↑ Justin Graff, 401st AFSB Public Affairs (July 13, 2018) Largest ever equipment issue from APS-5 to support Operation Spartan Shield
- ↑ Kyle Rempfer (2 April 2018) US air defense artillery brigade begins new European mission for first time since Cold War
- ↑ WSJ (26 September 2018) U.S. Pulling Some Missile-Defense Systems Out of Mideast
- ↑ Bachner, Michael (26 September 2018). "US said to pull Patriot air-defense systems from Mideast as threats shift".
- ↑ Chen, Shawna (18 Jun 2021). "United States withdrawing some troops, aircraft and antimissile batteries from Middle East". Archived from the original on 24 June 2021.
- ↑ WION (22 Mar 2022) Seeking replacements for its S-300, the Patriot air defence system arrives in Slovakia S-300 is going to Ukraine
- ↑ Vandiver, John (9 Mar 2022), "US Army Patriot missile batteries moving to Poland", stripes.com
- 1 2 3 Spc. Kelsey VanFleet (September 28, 2018) US Army Europe: Modernizing at the tip of the spear
- ↑ Jeff Martin (2019/10/22) Video: 30 mm cannons and a new network: Here's what the Stryker brigade of the future will look like Video interview, Col. William Venable
- ↑ Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. (17 June 2020) Army Reassures Anxious Industry Over Stryker Cannon Competition Competition to up-gun Stryker to 30 mm autocannon
- ↑ Jaroslaw Adamowski (5 Sep 2023) Bulgaria wants to negotiate $1.5 billion Stryker deal with US
- ↑ DSCA (1 Sep 2023) Bulgaria - Stryker vehicles
- ↑ Jaroslaw Adamowski (25 Sep 2023) Bulgarian government approves $1.37 billion Stryker order to "merge three mechanized battalion battlegroups into one brigade"
- ↑ John Vandiver, Defense Media Activity [http://fortblissbugle.com/2019/03/27/soldiers-head-to-europe-pentagon-sends-fort-bliss-troops-on-snap-deployment/ (27 March 2019) Soldiers head to Europe: Pentagon sends Fort Bliss troops on snap deployment]
- ↑ V Corps (9 Sep 2022) 1ABCT/3ID rapid deployment to EUCOM, using prepositioned stock at APS in Poland
- ↑ David Burge [http://fortblissbugle.com/2019/03/20/b-2-thaad-deploys-to-israel-11th-ada-bde-unit-participates-in-joint-rapid-deployment-exercise/ (20 March 2019) B-2 THAAD deploys to Israel: 11th ADA Bde. unit participates in joint rapid deployment exercise]
- ↑ Capt. Robert N Durr 10th AAMDC (March 14, 2019) U.S. Deploys THAAD to Israel
- ↑ Capt. Aaron Smith, 174th Air Defense Artillery Brigade [http://fortblissbugle.com/2019/04/17/useucom-concludes-11th-ada-thaad-task-force-deployment-to-israel/ (17 April 2019) USEUCOM concludes 11th ADA, THAAD task force deployment to Israel]
- ↑ Sgt. 1st Class Jason Epperson (May 22, 2019) US deploys THAAD anti-missile system in first deployment to Romania
- 1 2 Spc. Christina Westover, 24th TPASE [http://fortblissbugle.com/2019/04/10/eurovision-2nd-abct-soldiers-polish-12th-mech-display-might/ (April 10, 2019) Eurovision 2nd ABCT Soldiers, Polish 12th Mech. display might]
- ↑ Sgt Sarah Kirby 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment, Tennessee Army National Guard (September 2018) Tenn. Army National Guard Assumes Responsibility of NATO's eFP Battle Group Poland!
- ↑ Sean Kimmons, Army News Service (May 6, 2019) New capabilities, rotations to bolster Army presence in Eastern Europe
- ↑ WSJ (12 June 2019) US plans new military deployment in Poland
- ↑ Lolita C. Baldor, The Associated Press (11 June 2019) Officials: US to send about 1,000 more troops to Poland
- ↑ U.S. Army Sgt. Kyle Larsen, 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment (June 27, 2019) 174th ADA and NATO demonstrate lethality over 16-day span Tobruq Legacy 2019 (TOLY19) Ustka, Poland
- ↑ Paul McLeary (December 13, 2019) Defense Chief: With Giant Exercise Looming, Poland Looks To Lead Central Europe
- ↑ Paul McLeary (24 June 2020) Poland Talks New Bases As Duda Meets At White House
- 1 2 Aaron Mehta (29 Jun 2022) US increasing troop presence in Europe, while new NATO strategy eyes China
- ↑ Ashish Dangwal (25 Sep 2023) Patriot Missile: Another Country In Chinas Backyard Could Get US Defense System As Tensions Mount With Beijing
- ↑ Paul McLeary (3 August 2020) Poland Agrees To Pay Almost All Costs of US Troop Presence
- ↑ Kyle Rempfer (4 Aug 2020) Army's resurrected V Corps will go to Poland 5500 US troops now authorized for Poland. Rotational forces of 200 troops from V Corps will staff the forward command post, out of a 630-member HHBN based at Fort Knox Kentucky.
- Meghann Myers and Kyle Rempfer (4 Aug 2020) With the Germany withdrawal, Poland is set to be hosting a lot more US troops
- ↑ Meghann Myers, Aaron Mehta, and Sebastian Sprenger (29 Jul 2020) Thousands of troops are coming home from Germany, but some of them could be going right back
- 1 2 Paul McLeary (31 July 2020) Poland Wraps Deal For Permanent US Troops, Drones, Special Ops In addition,
- "4,500 members of the Second Cavalry Regiment in Germany will return to the US, and then begin rotations in the Black Sea region"
- 2000 troops to relocate from Stuttgart to Mons
- On hold: 2000 Airmen were due to deploy from UK to Germany
- An F-16 squadron will move from UK to Italy
- ↑ Sgt. 1st Class Aaron Duncan (9 July 2021) 1st ABCT, 1 ID arrives for Atlantic Resolve 4 ports were used in offloading for Atlantic Resolve
- ↑ Jim Garamone, DOD News (4 Feb 2022) US to deploy 3,000 troops to Romania, Poland, Germany in addition to the prepare-to-deploy orders to 8,500
- ↑ Jaroslaw Adamowski (9 Jul 2021) Poland could purchase M1 Abrams tanks from US 250 M1A2 SEPv3s, + dozen tracked vehicles, purchase confirmed 14 July 2021
- John Vandiver (18 Feb 2022) US will sell Poland tanks to bolster NATO defense
- Paul McLeary (18 Feb 2022) ‘What Mr. Putin did not want’: U.S. approves $6B tank deal with Poland
- Jaroslaw Adamowski (5 Apr 2022) Poland signs $4.75 billion Abrams tank deal as Russia’s war speeds procurements 250 M1A2 Abrams SEPv3. 28 tanks to arrive in 2022, with technical support and logistics package.
- Poland will also acquire a Patriot missile package, HIMARS, and F-35 aircraft in 2022.
- ↑ Todd South (14 Jul 2021) Tanks are here to stay: What the Army's future armored fleet will look like
- ↑ Caleb Larson (19 Jul 2021) 250 U.S. Made M1 Abrams Tanks Are Headed To Russia's Doorstep
- 1 2 Alan Charlish and Pawel Florkiewicz (15 Jul 2022) Poland to buy 116 used Abrams tanks from U.S., says minister
- ↑ Daniel Tilles, Notes from Poland (28 Jun 2023) Poland receives first Abrams tanks from US
- 1 2 Jen Judson (7 Dec 2022) US State Dept. clears sale of Abrams tanks to Poland +"12 M88A2 Hercules combat recovery vehicles, eight M1110 Joint Assault Bridges, six M577A3 command vehicles, 26 M1152A1 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles, 26 M1279A1 Joint Light Tactical Vehicles, and ammunition and supporting equipment" for additional $3.75 billion on top of the M1A2 Abrams agreement.(+mention of the Patriot missiles, HIMARS, and F-35s)
- ↑ Jaroslaw Adamowski (9 September 2022) Poland asks US for Apache helicopters to pair with its Abrams tanks
- ↑ Sam Skove How a tiny Polish airport became a key node for Western aid to Ukraine one is at Rzeszów-Jasionka
- ↑ Bartosz Glowacki (8 September 2022) Poland buying 96 AH-64E Apaches, as modernization spending spree continues
- ↑ Jen Judson (5 Sep 2023) Poland is first foreigner to buy US Army's new missile defense radar LTAMDS
- ↑ Jaroslaw Adamowski (11 Sep 2023) Poland to buy 486 HIMARS launchers from Lockheed Martin
- ↑ Justin Katz (12 Sep 2023) Expanding in Poland, Northrop pushes battle management system further into Europe
- ↑ Theresa Hitchens (16 Sep 2020) Esper Signals Importance Of All Domain & ABMS At AFA
- ↑ Theresa Hitchens (16 Sep 2020) Ray Wants ARRW ‘Soonest’ For B-52, B-1
- ↑ Winkie, Davis (29 June 2022). "Thousands more soldiers will be posted to Europe and rotating through". Army Times.
- ↑ Carla Babb (8 February 2023) Exclusive: US Planning HIMARS Training Center in Europe, General Tells VOA 18 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems were sold to Poland, along with GMLRS's, ATACMS for $10 billion.
- ↑ Marcus Weisgerber (13 Feb 2023) Will Roper's startup; NATO talks Ukrainian fighter jets; Poland cleared to buy $10B in HIMARS; and more. 18 launchers
- ↑ Vivienne Machi (17 Feb 2023) US State Department approves sale of HIMARS to Netherlands 20 M142 HIMARS launchers, along with 17 Humvees, with support and communications equipment, and 29 GMLRS M30A2 Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System pods
- ↑ Jen Judson (23 February 2023) Tanks might not reach Ukraine this year, US Army secretary says
- ↑ Jen Judson (8 March 2023) Army is moving to get tanks to Ukraine 'as quickly as possible' —7th ASA(ALT) Doug Bush
- ↑ Suits, Devon (29 April 2021). "Reserve unit reflects on sustainment operations in Kuwait amid pandemic". army.mil. 311th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), 304th Sustainment Brigade (United States)
- ↑ South, Todd (20 September 2018). "The Army is converting two BCTs as it beefs up its fighting force for the next big war". Army Times.
- ↑ "Army outlines plan to inactivate 7 brigade combat teams". Army Times. May 5, 2014. Retrieved 2015-11-11.
- ↑ "Gallego Statement on Army Restructuring at Fort Bliss". Gallego.house.gov (Press release). June 26, 2013. Archived from the original on 2014-09-13. Retrieved 2014-09-03. by 2019, the Regular Army is planned to be 490,000 troops, down from 570,000 in 2012
- Brigade combat teams cut at 10 posts will help other BCTs grow Army.mil, accessdate=2014-09-03
- 1 2 3 4 5 Army to re-align brigades, Army.mil, accessed 2015-07-10
- 1 2 "3rd Brigade Combat Team transitions into task force". Retrieved 19 October 2016.
- ↑ U.S. Army Public Affairs (15 June 2017) Department of the Army announces force structure decisions for fiscal year 2017
- ↑ C. Todd Lopez (19 September 2017) Security force assistance brigades to free brigade combat teams from advise, assist mission
- 1 2 C. Todd Lopez (10 July 2015) Army to cut 40,000 Soldiers, 17,000 civilians, Army.mil accessed 2015-07-10
- ↑ Mission Command in the Regionally Aligned Division Headquarters p.5, Usacac.army.mil, accessed 2015-10-16
- ↑ 1st AD Headquarters was deployed to Iraq, 12 July 2017 —1st AD Takes on Mission accessdate=2017-07-22
- ↑ David Burge (12 June 2019) ‘Ready First’ gets an A: 1st SBCT to become 1st ABCT June 20, infantry battalions to reflag
- ↑ 1st Armored Division Public Affairs Office (September 20, 2018) Fort Bliss-based 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team to be converted to an Armored Brigade
- 1 2 Stripes (20 September 2018) Army to transition two brigades to add heavy firepower as it prepares for near-peer conflict
- ↑ Staff Sgt. Kris Bonet, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division (September 4, 2019) M1A2 SEP V2 arrive ‘Ready First’ receives tanks following armor conversion
- 1 2 U.S. Army Public Affairs (October 18, 2018) Department of the Army announces upcoming 1st Armored Division Combat Aviation Brigade unit rotation
- ↑ Laven2 (24 Oct 2018) ‘Heavy Cav’ prepares for CAB deployment FARPs, Live fire, and AAI RQ-7 Shadow training
- ↑ Roeder, Tom (2015-05-12). "Sustainment Brigade Changes Name, Gets Ready to Deploy to Afghanistan". Military.com. Retrieved 2015-11-11.
- ↑ Combined Resolve IV Archived 2015-05-25 at the Wayback Machine, accessed 2015-05-23
- ↑ 2nd ABCT deploys to South Korea in the summer of 2017 —Department of the Army announces 1st Cavalry Division deployment accessdate=2017-07-22
- ↑ "'Dagger' brigade readies for AFRICOM missions". Retrieved 19 October 2016.
- ↑ Todd South (9 Sep 2021) Army artillery headquarters moves from JBLM to South Korea permanently
- ↑ Corey Dickstein Army to pair National Guard, Reserve units with active-duty units, Stars and Stripes, by Corey Dickstein, dated 22 March 2016, last accessed 27 November 2016
- ↑ "Army lays out plan to cut 40,000 soldiers". Armytimes.com. 2015-07-10. Retrieved 2015-11-11.
- ↑ Media Operations Division. "4th Infantry Division to support Operation Atlantic Resolve | United States European Command". Eucom.mil. Retrieved 2015-11-11.
- ↑ Staff Sgt. Neysa Canfield (15 June 2020) New Beginnings: Fort Carson infantry brigade converts to Stryker brigade
- ↑ In May 2017, during their rotation to EUCOM, Combined Resolve VIII, 3rd ABCT/4th ID combined with land and aviation forces from six partner nations, Albania, Finland, Hungary, Kosovo, Romania and the Ukraine. The combined team will operate within 3rd ABCT's combined arms structure. The scenario is to defend a European nation from attack. in a NATO Article V incident. —Staff Sgt. Ange Desinor (3rd ABCT, 4th ID)(31 May 2017) 3/4 ID evolves into multinational brigade at Combined Resolve VIII accessdate=2017-07-18
- ↑ Michelle Tan "7th ID reorganizing to be deployable, Army announces". Armytimes.com. 2014-12-23. Retrieved 2015-11-11.
- ↑ Corey Dickstein "Army to pair National Guard, Reserve units with active-duty units".
- ↑ "Adding 81st Bde. to team makes Bayonets stronger". JBLM Northwest Guardian. Archived from the original on 2016-12-23. Retrieved 2016-12-26.
- ↑ 2nd IBCT/10th MD is to deploy to Iraq, Fall 2017 —Department of the Army announces 10th Mountain Division deployment
- ↑ Soldiers of the 2nd BCT/101st Airborne Division served as the first rotational brigade during NIE 17.2 in July 2017 at Fort Bliss. 1st Battalion 502nd Infantry Regiment served as their opposing force. —David Burge (16 July 2017) "Fort Campbell soldiers travel to Bliss for modernization mission" El Paso Times
- ↑ Sean Kimmons Spartan Brigade to become Army's newest armored brigade accessdate=2016-12-02
- Daniel P. Elkins, Mission and Installation Contracting Command Public Affairs Office MICC supporting Army's efforts for newest armored brigade (24 March 2017) accessdate=2017-03-30. The 10th in the Active component, but the 15th ABCT in the total force.
- ↑ Zamone Perez (6 Oct 2022) Army activates new unit to control air and missile defenses in Europe DRU of 10th AAMDC
- ↑ John Vandiver (17 Nov 2022) German garrison town gears up for a thousand US arrivals with incoming Army units 7th Engineer Brigade (United States)? and the 1st Battalion of the 57th Air Defense Artillery Regiment
External links
- Blythe, Wilson C. Jr., Farrell, Dave, Jacobsen, Tim, and Owens, James. “The Battlefield Development Plan: A Holistic Campaign Assessment to Inform the Army Modernization Enterprise”, Military Review (July–August 2020), https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Journals/Military-Review/English-Edition-Archives/July-August-2020/Blythe-BDP/
- Feickert, Andrew. U.S. Army's Modular Redesign: Issues for Congress (PDF) (Report). Updated May 5, 2006. Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2006-07-28. Retrieved 2017-06-30.
- 2007 Army Modernization Plan
- Moran, Michael (2007-09-14). "U.S. Army Force Restructuring, "Modularity," and Iraq". Council on Foreign Relations. Archived from the original on 2008-02-07. Retrieved 2007-09-20.
- GlobalSecurity.org article about current transformation
- GlobalSecurity.org article about Force XXI
- Addendum D: Naming Convention for Headquarters and Forces
- John Gordon, "Transforming for What? Challenges Facing Western Militaries Today", Focus stratégique, Paris, Ifri, November 2008.
- ARFORGEN — Army Force Generation Graphic showing the three stages before deployment, discussion, ARFORGEN from Warrant Officer viewpoint, and example of training for deployment Archived 2013-01-22 at archive.today
- Wesley, Eric J. and Blythe, Wilson C. Jr. AFC Pamphlet 71-20-1 Army Futures Command Concept for Maneuver in Multi-Domain Operations 2028