A Present for Dickie is a British television comedy aired from 1969 to 1970 on ITV. Cast included Dickie Henderson, Fabia Drake, Dennis Ramsden and Billy Burden. It was produced by Thames Television.[1]

All six episodes are believed to be lost.[2]


On his way back from a tour of the Far-East, Dickie is followed home by a baby elephant. Farcical situations ensue as Dickie tries to keep "Mini" hidden from visitors.[3]

Partial cast


  1. Guide, British Comedy. "A Present For Dickie - ITV Sitcom - British Comedy Guide". British Comedy Guide.
  2. "TVBrain - Kaleidoscope - Lost shows - TV Archive - TV History". www.lostshows.com.
  3. "Dickie Henderson & Mini Story "A PRESENT FOR DICKIE" - slazengerheritage". 3 July 2017.
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