Aarno Maliniemi.

Aarno Henrik Maliniemi (surname until 1930 Malin; 9 May 1892 8 October 1972) was a Finnish historian, professor in church history at Helsinki University 1945–1960.

Maliniemi was an expert on the medieval church. He studied early Finnish literature, and was editor of a number of publications and bibliographies.

Maliniemi was born in Oulu. He was awarded a doctor honoris causa by University of Uppsala in 1952 and by University of St Andrews in 1960.[1] He died in Helsinki, aged 80.


  • Der Heiligenkalender Finnlands (1925)
  • Studier i Vadstena klosters bibliotek (1926)
  • S.G. Elmgrenin muistiinpanot (1939)
  • De Sancto Henrico (1942)
  • Birgittalaisuudesta sekä kohtia Naantalin luostarin historiasta (1943)
  • Zur Kenntnis des Breviarium Aboense (1957)


  1. Otavan Iso tietosanakirja (Encyclopaedia Fennica) 5, page 1278; Helsinki: Otava, 1968
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