Adjustierung (literal: adjustation | AT:[1] [Dienstkleidung], en: service dress) is derived from the German (Austrian) verb adjustieren (AT: [ausrüsten], en: equip[2]) is in Austrian armed forces the generic term to a defined type uniform, as well as the paraphrase to a specific dress and equipment to be worn by military personnel. However, another historical designation to military uniform, e.g. in the Austro-Hungarian Army (1867–1918), was Montur, and in the Prussian Army Montierung.
Today the Austrian Bundesheer discriminates the different kinds of Adjustierung (mil. dress and equipment | adjustation) as follows:
- Paradeadjustierung (en: parade adjustation)
- Marschadjustierung / Feldadjustierung (en: march adjustation / field adjustation)
- Gebirgsadjustierung (en: mountain adjustation)
In the German Bundeswehr is Anzugsordnung (en: dress order) the equivalent to the Austrian Adjustierung. Until 1945 the designation Waffenrock was commonly used.
Kinds of military adjustation
- Oberleutnant of the Dalmatian Landesschützen to horse – march adjustation
- Sapper – march adjustation
- Dragoon's officer – parade adjustation
- Military construction engineer – service adjustation
- Rifleman – march adjustation winter
- Oberst of the Cisleithenian Austro-Hungarian infantry – parade adjustation
- Infantryman – march adjustation
- Mountain infantryman – mountain adjustation
- Patrolleader (Patrouilleführer) – rifles of Bosnia & Herzegovina
See also
Further reading
- Rest, Ortner, Illming Des Kaisers Rock im 1. Weltkrieg Edition Militaria Vienna 2002 ISBN 3-9501642-0-0
- Adjustierungsvorschrift für die k. u. k. gemeinsame Armee, die k.k. Landwehr, die k.u. Landwehr, die verbundenen Einrichtungen und das Corps der Militär-Beamten. (Theil III) Herausgegeben mit Genehmigung des k.u.k. Kriegsministeriums durch die k.u.k. Hofdruckerei von Erich Christl, Bozen 1912.
- Johann C. Allmayer-Beck, Erich Lessing: Die K.u.k. Armee. 1848-1918. Verlag Bertelsmann, München 1974, ISBN 3-570-07287-8.
- Stefan Rest: Des Kaisers Rock im ersten Weltkrieg. Verlag Militaria, Wien 2002, ISBN 3-9501642-0-0
- Das k.u.k. Heer im Jahre 1895 Schriften des Heeresgeschichtlichen Museums in Wien - Leopold Stocker Verlag, Graz 1997, ISBN 3-7020-0783-0