Adolf von Koenen

Adolf von Koenen (21 March 1837, Potsdam 5 May 1915, Göttingen) was a German geologist best remembered for his paleontological research of northern Germany.

He received his education in Berlin, and following study trips through Belgium, England and France, he obtained his habilitation at the University of Marburg in 1867. In 1878 he became a full professor at Marburg, then relocated to the University of Göttingen in 1881 as a professor of geology.[1] At Göttingen one of his better known students was mineralogist Friedrich Rinne.

His name is associated with koenenite, a mineral that he discovered,[2] and Ctenosauriscus koeneni, a sail-backed reptile from the Early Triassic.[3]

Selected works

  • Ueber eine Paleocäne Fauna von Kopenhagen, 1885 On the Paleocene fauna of Copenhagen.
  • Das norddeutsche Unter-Oligocän und seine mollusken Fauna, 1889 On the north German Lower Oligocene and its mollusks.
  • Die Ammonitiden des norddeutschen Neocom (Valanginien, Hautierivien, Barrêmien und Aptien), 1902 Ammonitida of the north German Neocomian (Valanginian, Hauterivian, Barremian and Aptian).
  • Ueber die untere kreide Helgolands und ihre ammonitiden, 1904 On the lower Cretaceous of Helgoland and its ammonites.
  • Die Polyptychites-Arten des Unteren Valanginien, 1909 Polyptychites-types of the Lower Valanginian
  • De Platylenticeras-Arten des Untersten Valanginien Nordwest-Deutschlands, 1915 Platylenticeras-types of the Lower Valanginian of northwestern Germany.[4]


  1. Meyers Konversations-Lexikon: Eine Encyklopädie des allgemeinen ..., Volume 9 edited by Hermann Julius Meyer
  2. Web Mineral Koenenite Mineral Data
  3. pone-0025693-g001 The Sail-Backed Reptile Ctenosauriscus.
  4. OCLC Classify published works

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