Adolfo Reyes C. Guillot (4 February 1890 – 26 March 1968) was a Spanish journalist, novelist, essayist and playwright. He was the son of the famous writer from Malaga Arturo Reyes Aguilar and Carmen Conejo.[1] Primarily self-taught, he learned several foreign languages, including Latin, Greek, Arabic and German, but worked most of the time as a clerk, journalist and educator, participating in the foundations of a series of local cultural institutions.[2] His writings, characteristic for their elegant style and gentle irony, cover the genres of short story, novel, essay, memoir and drama.



  • Las Cenizas del Sándalo (1916)
  • El Carro de Asalto (1922)


  • Ensayos moriscos (1936)
  • Ideario en estampas (1947)


  • Peranzul
  • Don Lope de Sosa
  • Tragedia de villanos
  • La Danzarina y el Flautista
  • Idilio antiguo


  1. Quiles Faz, Amparo (2002). Reyes Conejo, Adolfo (en: "Diccionario de escritores de Málaga y su provincia"). Málaga: Editorial Castalia. pp. 785–787. ISBN 84-9740-036-4.
  2. Op. cit.
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