After Hours is a British television sketch show with musical and sporting guests, starring Michael Bentine, produced by ABC Weekend TV for ITV in 1958 and 1959. The show cast included Dick Emery, Clive Dunn, David Lodge, Joe Gibbons and Benny Lee.[1] It was produced at Alpha Studios in Birmingham.[2]

Some episodes were directed by Richard Lester with musical direction of Reg Owen.[3]

All 28 episodes are believed to be lost.


  1. "After Hours - ITV Sketch Show". British Comedy Guide. Retrieved 24 June 2020.
  2. "ABC Programmes and Personalities 3". Behind the Scenes. Alpha Television Services. 1 September 1960. Retrieved 19 June 2022.
  3. "After Hours (1958)". Library of Congress. Retrieved 24 June 2020..

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