Agri-Fab, Inc. is an American manufacturer of lawn and garden attachments located in Sullivan, Illinois. Agri-Fab operates a 350,000 sq ft (33,000 m2) manufacturing facility[1] and at peak season employs nearly 400 employees in a town of 4,700 and the surrounding 40-mile (64 km) area.

Agri-Fab currently produces a variety of tractor attachments.[2]
Its groomers consist of spike aerators, plug aerators, and dethatchers. Aerators are used to loosen compacted soil and allow nutrients to be better absorbed into the soil.[3] They also help the grass roots grow deeper and the turf become thicker. As far as dethatchers go, Agri-Fab produces a variety including one that attaches to most lawn sweepers. Dethatchers are used to remove thatch, a layer of accumulating/slowly decomposing grass clippings, roots, grass stems, and debris that settle on the ground over time.[4]

Agri-Fab's main products, lawn sweepers, use rotating brushes to collect debris such as grass clippings, leaves, pine needles, twigs, and other debris and they are placed into a collection/hopper bag.[5]
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