Alain Chivilò or Chivilo is an Italian contemporary art curator, critic, journalist and writer based in Italy with collaborations outside his home country. University education in two different fields, economics and art history, because a process of personal growth is enriched over the years with ideas whose value exceeds the previous one. The beginnings see Alain, with discretion, engaged in the dissemination of the work of figurative artists of the city of Venice, belonging to the second figurative pictorial generation of the School of Burano. Artists, focused in landscape, nature, still life and portraits such as Marco Novati, Eugenio Da Venezia, Neno Mori, Carlo Dalla Zorza, Fioravante Seibezzi, Aldo Bergamini, Gigi candiani, Cosimo Privato, Mario Varagnolo for example).
In this context the art monographs “Gigi Candiani Tessere di vita”,[n 1] “Marco Novati Volti Vissuti”[n 2] and "Gigi Candiani Atmosfere Rarefatte"[n 3] triggered in Italy a debate about the importance of these figurative artists in modern Italian art. [n 4]
At the same time reviews of cultural events, critical texts and presentations of modern and contemporary artists make him appreciated in the art world. The interview and the meeting with the subjects of the artistic world, of internationally renowned, are an important step for a real critical examination.
In press, as freelance journalist,[n 5] he writes for various national and international newspapers and magazines, interviewing artists as for example Sir Anthony Caro, Marc Quinn, Shozo Shimamoto, Hermann Nitsch, Jacques Villeglé, Fabrizio Plessi, Gianni Berengo Gardin, Riccardo Licata, Eugenio Carmi, Rabarama, Achille Perilli, Luca Alinari, Alberto Biasi, Xu Deqi, Helidon Xhixha. In June 2017 all these art contacts, that involved him, have been published in a new book: "Tracce Segni Macchie Bruciature Concetti Scatti Tagli Buchi".[n 6]
In a short period of time, around 2013-16, he studied and analyzed the ignorance and lack of communication in the Italian culture (different geographical areas). The project called "Quod erat demonstrandum" was a sort of global provocative act denouncing the current strength of "commonplace" generated by a culturally superficial society, taking on unsuitable jobs. The result was a failure because it did not create the desired communication and consequently it was immediately interrupted. Now he attempts to form the society towards a philosophy based on dialogue and listening.
As art critic a simplicity of expression (not banality) is a fundamental feature of his texts. [n 7] In the curatorship field he conceives and proposes art events within a constant research. He has also organised exhibitions at Casa dei Carraresi (Treviso), Villa Pisani, Stra (Venice), Casa del Mantegna Andrea Mantegna (Mantua) and in other different locations in Italy and abroad.
Due to the three years of pandemic period (2020-2022) and the general economic crisis, connected to the changing generations of artists, it is becoming very difficult to create and plan events, but Alain Chivilo is continuing with the same spirit of strength and emotion.
Recent edited anthologies include: "Tracce Segni Macchie Bruciature Concetti Scatti Tagli Buchi" 2017, "Gigi Candiani Atmosfere Rarefatte" 2016 and "Marco Novati Volti Vissuti" 2015.
Recent catalogue essays include: "Cinzia Bulone Fascino sommerso" (AM, 2023), "Giuseppe Marcotti Codici visivi" (AA, 2022), "Ennio Bastiani Esplorazioni umane" (AA, 2022), "Helga Gendriesch Visionen" (AM, 2021), "Cinzia Bulone Fragili Atmosfere" (AM, 2021), "Silvio Formichetti In" (AM, 2020),"Donald Martiny Divine Material" (ArteA, 2019), "Alfredo Rapetti Mogol Parole Svelate" (ArteA, 2019), "Materials: Pino Pinelli, Elio Marchegiani, Mario Ceroli, Piero Gilardi, Roberto Barni, Enzo Cacciola, Umberto Mariani, Armando Marrocco, Giuseppe Uncini, Getulio Alviani, Jannis Kounellis, Alberto Burri and Gioni David Parra" (Armanda Gori Arte, Pietrasanta, 2018), "Antonio Amodio Fisionomie Elettive" (Casa dei Carraresi, Treviso, 2017), "Piero Slongo Ars" (AM, 2016), "Paola Romano Moon" (AM, 2015), "Stefano Benazzo La Naturalezza dell’Istante" (AM, 2015), "Cinzia Pellin Cinemart: Omaggio al Cinema Italiano" (Rome, 2013).
- ↑ Publication details: A. Chivilò "Gigi Candiani Tessere di vita" Alcione editore, 2013. ISBN 9788888669458
- ↑ Publication details: A. Chivilò "Marco Novati Volti Vissuti". A. Moro Editore, 2015. ISBN 9788890759093
- ↑ Publication details: A. Chivilò "Marco Novati Volti Vissuti". A. Moro Editore, 2016. ISBN 9788899736095
- ↑ Source details: Gigi Candiani book presentation. Ateneo Veneto Venice 10/23/2014
- ↑ Accredited to the Italian Register of Journalists Publicisti:
- ↑ Publication details: A. Chivilò "Tracce Segni Macchie Bruciature Concetti Scatti Tagli Buchi" A. Moro Editore, 2017.
- ↑ Source details: Marco Novati book presentation, Caio Giulio Cesare hall Mestre 5/11/2015
External links
- AM by AC
- NDSL by AC
- Concerning AC
- News Online about Culture, Art, Fashion and Sports
- Donald Martiny
- Gianfranco Meggiato
- Cinzia Pellin
- Paolo Vegas I quattro elementi
- Paolo Vegas
- Andrea Marchesini
- Fausto Nazer
- Sergio Comacchio Fuggenti bellezze
- Marco Novati
Material by Chivilò
- Feofeo La Stampa
- Paolo Vegas italian press
- Paolo Vegas italian press
- Paolo Vegas italian press
- Paolo Vegas italian press
- Paolo Vegas italian press
- Omar Galliani italian press
- Anna Reber
- Daniela Rebuzzi Movimenti
- Karin Monschauer Universi Geometrici
- Karin Monschauer Universi Geometrici English Text
- Vittoria Chierici Selected press