An Díbirt go Connachta is a lament attributed to Feardorcha Ó Mealláin who is claimed as staraí Éirí amach 1641/the historian of the 1641 Rising, Tarlach Ó Mealláin.

It is a lament in Irish inspired by the proposed scheme of the early 1650s to transplant the 'delinquent' Irish to Connacht.


  • Séan de Fréine (ed.) 'Croí Cine' (Baile Átha Cliath, 1999), p. 331.
  • Enri Ó Muirgheasa (ed.), 'Dánta Diagra Uladh' (Baile Átha Cliath, 1926).
  • Breandan Ó Buachalla et al., (eds.) 'Nua-Dhuanaire, i' (Dublin, 1971).
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