Antonius Brugmans
(Museum Martena Collection)

Anton Brugmans (1732–1789) was Dutch physicist who proposed a two-fluid theory of magnetism.[1] He did magnetism experiments by putting objects on water or mercury, using surface tension to make them float and magnets to move them. He discovered the diamagnetism of bismuth.[2]


  • Tentamina philosophica de materia magnetica eiusque actione in ferrum et magnetem (in Latin). Franeker: Willem Coulon. 1765.


  1. "Brugmans, Anton". Eric Weisstein's World of Scientific Biography.
  2. Gerald Küstler (2007). "Diamagnetic Levitation – Historical Milestones". Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. – Électrotechn. Et Énerg. 52, 3: 265–282.

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