Attila Végh (born Budapest 13 February 1962) is a Hungarian poet, philosopher and essayist.[1][2] He won an Attila József Prize for poetry in 2012.

Végh is known for magazine editorials and social criticism,[3] is host of the poetry forum of the Café Budapest Contemporary Arts Festival (formerly known as the Budapest Autumn Festival).[4]


  1. Mozgó világ 1996 - Issues 1-6 - Page 132 "VÉGH ATTILA 1962-ben született Budapesten. 1988-ban végzett Gö- döllön. Irással és olvasással foglal- kozik. ZEMLÉNYI ATTILA 1967-ben született Szerencsen. A Miskolci Egye- A boritót Valí Dezsö tervezte Szlnes melléklet: Muzsnay Ákos ...
  2. MTI ki kicsoda 2009- Page 1169 VÉGH Attila költö, esszéista. Bp., 1962. febr. 13. T.: GATE, 1982-88, ELTE ВТК, kult antropología, 1989-90, Debreceni Egy., fflozófia, 2000-2005. É.: Bertha Bulcsu-emlékdíj (2007). F. т.: Az ügyész sétája (vérsele, 1999), Fényérték (filmkritikák), ...
  3. Eurotopics - Attila Végh on the superficiality of information Archived 2013-09-26 at the Wayback Machine 16 June 2020
  4. "Café Budapest" Contemporary Arts Festival 2012 Program "The guests of these occasions, organized under the aegis of Café Budapest, are Judit Ágnes Kiss, also recognized as a singer and dancer, and Attila Végh, who has also earned a name as a critic and essayist. Featuring: Attila Végh and his guests"

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