A biodiversity reserve of Quebec is a protected area established to promote maintenance of biodiversity in the terrestrial environment and more specifically to maintain representatives of the various natural regions of Quebec, Canada.[1] There are five biodiversity reserves in Quebec with permanent protection status.


The main difference from national parks is that there is no systematic development or establishment of service infrastructure or recreational or educational activities organized by the government. In addition, hunting and trapping activities, occupations such as vacationing and recreational activities such as hiking, biking, snowmobiling or motor boating are permitted. These are protected areas where, in general, only industrial activities exploiting natural resources are prohibited, while access and traffic are free.

Biodiversity reserves are managed by the Quebec Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment, Wildlife and Parks.

Biodiversity reserve, along with aquatic reserve, is a status set up to provide Québec with a network of protected areas that must include representative samples of all types of ecosystems. This level of representation is determined by the Quebec Reference Ecological Framework, which ensures an adequate spatial distribution of protected areas in Quebec.

List of Quebec biodiversity reserves

Biodiversity reserve Image Area Created Regional county municipality
km²sq mi
Caribous-de-Val-d’Or 434.19 167.64 2009 La Vallée-de-l'Or
Kakinwawigak 243.1 93.9 2019 Témiscamingue
Karst-de-Saint-Elzéar 44.27 17.09 2009 Bonaventure
Katnukamat 532.91 205.76 2019 Minganie
Lakes Vaudray and Joannès 193.07 74.54 2007 Rouyn-Noranda
Météorite 232.72 89.85 2009 Manicouagan, Caniapiscau
Taitaipenistouc Meanders 326.53 126.07 2019 Sept-Rivières
Harricana Moraine 365 141 2019 La Vallée-de-l'Or, Rouyn-Noranda
Opasatica 334.4 129.1 2019 Rouyn-Noranda, Témiscamingue
Uapishka 1,381.91 533.56 2009 Manicouagan, Caniapiscau, Sept-Rivières
Vallée-de-la-Rivière-Sainte-Marguerite Biodiversity Reserve
321 124,093234 2005 Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean and Côte-Nord

Proposed biodiversity reserves

The ministry has set aside several territories for the creation of future biodiversity reserves. In general, this proposed status is valid for a period of 4 years. Some of the proposed biodiversity reserves protect areas that are under study with a view to creating national parks:

  • Albanel-Témiscamie-Otish]] (proposed park)
  • Anneaux-Forestiers
  • Baie-de-Boatswain
  • Basses-Collines-du-Lac-au-Sorcier
  • Basses-Collines-du-Lac-Coucou
  • Basses-Collines-du-Lac-Guernesé
  • Basses-Collines-du-Ruisseau-Serpent
  • Brûlis-du-Lac-Frégate
  • Brûlis-du-Lac-Oskélanéo
  • Buttes-du-Lac-Montjoie
  • Canyon-de-la-Rivière-aux-Rats
  • Collines-de-Brador
  • Collines-de-Muskuchii
  • Côte-d’Harrington Harbour (projet de parc)
  • Domaine-La-Vérendrye
  • Dunes-de-la-Rivière-Attic
  • Esker-Mistaouac
  • Estuaire-des-Rivières-Koktac-et-Nauberakvik
  • Fjord-Tursukattaq
  • Forêt-Montmorency
  • Grandes-Piles
  • Hirondelle
  • Îles-de-l’Est-du-Pipmuacan
  • Îles-du-Kiamika
  • Kangiqsujuaq
  • Lac-Berté
  • Lac-Dana
  • Lac-Gensart
  • Lac-Ménistouc
  • Lac-Némiscachingue
  • Lac-Onistagane
  • Lac-Pasteur
  • Lac-Plétipi
  • Lac-Saint-Cyr
  • Lac-Sérigny
  • Lac-Taibi
  • Lac-Wetetnagami
  • Marais-du-Lac-Parent
  • Massif-des-Lacs-Belmont-et-Magpie
  • Montagne-Blanches
  • Montagne-du-Diable
  • Mont-O’Brien
  • Mont-Sainte-Marie
  • Monts Groulx
  • Opémican
  • Paakumshumwaau-Maatuskaau
  • Paul-Provencher
  • Péninsule-de-Ministikawatin
  • Plaine-de-la-Missisicabi
  • Plateau-de-la-Pierriche
  • Quaqtaq-Kangirsuk
  • Réservoir-Decelles
  • Rivière-de-la-Racine-de-Bouleau
  • Rivière-Delay
  • Rivière-Vachon
  • Ruisseau-Niquet
  • Seigneurie-du-Triton
  • Sikitakan Sipi
  • Station-de-Biologie-des-Laurentides
  • Tourbières-Boisées-du-Chiwakamu
  • Vallée-de-la-Rivière-Godbout
  • Vallée-de-la-Rivière-Maganasipi
  • Vallée-de-la-Rivière-Natashquan (projet de parc)
  • Vallée-Tousignant
  • Wanaki
  • Waskaganish



    • Réserve de biodiversité / Réserve de biodiversité projeté, Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs, retrieved 18 February 2007
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