Branislav Ivković (Serbian Cyrillic: Бранислав Ивковић; born 7 August 1952), known as Bane, is a Serbian engineer, academic, and former politician. He was a cabinet minister in the government of Serbia from 1994 to 2000 and served in the parliaments of Serbia, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and Serbia and Montenegro. At one time a prominent figure in the Socialist Party of Serbia (Socijalistička partija Srbije, SPS), he led the breakaway Socialist People's Party (Socijalistička narodna stranka, SNS) in the early 2000s.

Early life, private career, and academic career

Ivković was born in Bijeljina, in what was then the People's Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia. Raised in the community, he graduated from the University of Belgrade Faculty of Civil Engineering in 1979, earned a master's degree in 1983, and received a Ph.D. in 1988 with the thesis, "Optimization of reliability of production systems in construction." He became an assistant at the university in 1981, was promoted to assistant professor in 1989, and became an associate professor in 1994. Ivković has participated in engineering projects in Israel, Kuwait, and Russia, as well as in Serbia.[1]


Ivković's political career began in the 1990s, at a time the political life of Serbia and Yugoslavia was dominated by the authoritarian rule of Socialist Party leader Slobodan Milošević.

He appeared in the twenty-fifth position on the Socialist Party's electoral list for the Belgrade division in the 1993 Serbian parliamentary election. The list won sixteen seats, and he was not awarded a mandate.[2][3] (From 1992 to 2000, Serbia's electoral law stipulated that one-third of parliamentary mandates would be assigned to candidates on successful lists in numerical order, while the remaining two-thirds would be distributed amongst other candidates at the discretion of sponsoring parties or coalitions. Ivković could have been given a mandate despite his list position, though he was not.)[4] The SPS won the election and afterward formed a new government. Ivković became vice-president of the party's city board in Belgrade.[5]

Minister of Urban Development and Housing (1994–1998)

Ivković was appointed as minister of urban development and housing in the first government of Mirko Marjanović on 18 March 1994. One of his responsibilities was finding accommodations for the large numbers of refugees who arrived in Serbia during the Yugoslav Wars of the mid-1990s. In September 1995, he described a $41.5 million pledge for refugee aid from the United Nations and related organizations as "very meagre as compared to our needs."[6] In February 1996, he said that refugees living in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia should be permitted to return safely to their former homes.[7]

He announced a fifteen-year plan for a cable television network in Serbia in 1996, noting the possibility of concessions to international investors.[8]

In April 1997, Ivković brought forward a legislative package that, among other things, gave legal standing to several housing units that had been illegally constructed in the period up to and including November 1995. The stated purpose of this reform was to remove the threat of eviction from low-income households residing in these units.[9] In response to Serbia's chronic financial issues, he oversaw the passing of a controversial law that permitted international concessions for Serbia's roads, power plants, airports, and other state property; he later introduced complementary regional development legislation allowing international mining concessions.[10][11] In September 1997, he announced the creation of a state agency to co-ordinate activities related to international investments in Serbia.[12] In the same period, he introduced "tax holidays" in a bid to convince construction firms that had left Serbia due to international sanctions during the Yugoslav wars to return to the country.[13][14]

In October 1997, Ivković signed an agreement to restructure Serbia's debts with Russian energy firm Gazprom, allowing for half of the total debt to be paid via construction projects over the next two years.[15]

Leader of the Belgrade SPS (1995–1997)

Ivković's political profile rose significantly in November 1995, when he was appointed as president of the SPS's Belgrade board. This occurred against the backdrop of major personnel shifts in the party at the conclusion of the Bosnian War, when Milošević removed a number of figures considered too "hardline" in their views.[16][17]

1996 local elections

Ivković led the SPS's campaign in Belgrade in the 1996 Serbian local elections. The local party organization was divided during this time, with Ivković and incumbent Belgrade mayor Nebojša Čović leading rival factions.[18] Rumours circulated that Ivković and Čović would be rivals for the mayor's office in the event of a SPS victory.[19] In the event, the opposition Zajedno (English: Together) coalition won the Belgrade election. State authorities did not initially accept the opposition's victories in Belgrade and other major cities, leading to an extended series of protests; the state's response to the protests was often violent.

Ivković was rebuked for the SPS's poor performance in Belgrade.[20] Following the initial reports of the SPS's defeat, he told party officials that "legal possibilities" existed for annulling a number of opposition mandates and giving the Socialists victory in a repeat vote.[21] Opposition victories in several constituencies were indeed annulled by the city's election commission, and repeat elections were called for 27 November. The opposition boycotted the repeat vote, describing the process as fraudulent, and several SPS and aligned candidates were accordingly declared elected by default. Ivković was a vocal supporter of the repeat elections, at one time telling the Belgrade election commission, "If the results are what we expect and which we feel are right, we’ll quickly organize a city assembly because we have to continue living normally in this city."[22]

The opposition protests continued after the repeat elections in Belgrade. Ivković planned for a "counter-protest" rally organized by Milošević's allies to end the controversy, but it instead resulted in increased protests from opponents of the administration.[23] The Belgrade election commission later annulled the repeat elections and reinstated the victory of Zajedno in January 1997. Ivković said that the SPS would appeal the decision, but before this could happen he was replaced as the party's Belgrade leader by Dragan Tomić.[24] In the aftermath of these events, Čović described Ivković as "the man most responsible" for the party's defeat in the city and accused him of election fraud.[25][26][27] Ivković later remarked that he voted for his own dismissal as local SPS leader, having by this time lost his desire the continue in the role.[28]

The Belgrade election commission's recognition of the opposition's victory did not bring an end to the election controversy, and the state authorities ultimately recognized the victory of Zajedno in Belgrade and other jurisdictions via a "lex specialis" in February 1997. Notwithstanding the broader controversy, Ivković was personally elected for New Belgrade's fourth division.[29]

Ivković, in his capacity as a University of Belgrade professor, later sought to initiate a dialogue with student leaders over the 1996–97 protests. The students responded, "Your hands are bloody, blood was spilled because of your counter rally. You are too late."[30]

Federal parliamentarian (1996–2000)

Ivković was elected to the Yugoslavian assembly's Chamber of Citizens in the 1996 Yugoslavian parliamentary election, which was held concurrently with the local elections. Online reports do not indicate the division for which he was elected, though it may be reasonably inferred to have been New Belgrade, where the SPS alliance won two seats.[31] The SPS alliance won the election, and Ivković served in the federal parliament for the term that followed.[32] In May 1998, he supported the removal of Radoje Kontić as Yugoslavian prime minister and the election of Momir Bulatović as his successor.[33][34]

Minister of Science and Technology (1998–2000)

The SPS formed a new coalition government with the far-right Serbian Radical Party (Srpska radikalna stranka, SRS) and the Yugoslav Left (Jugoslovenska Levica, JUL) following the 1997 Serbian parliamentary election. On 24 March 1998, Ivković was reassigned as Serbia's minister of science and technology.[35] He was also appointed to the provisional executive council of Kosovo later in 1998; in October of that year, he attended a meeting of the council in Priština.[36]

During the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, Ivković took part in "human shield" rallies on Belgrade's bridges. At one such rally in April 1999, he was quoted as saying of NATO's actions, "We must oppose with all our forces the new techno-fascism, which is worse than at the time of Adolf Hitler."[37] In the same period, he called for closer co-operation between Serbia's ministries to maximize the country's resources and re-establish production in factories destroyed by NATO bombing.[38]

In August 1999, following the conclusion of NATO's bombing campaign, Ivković spoke at an event in Serbia called "Diaspora 99" and claimed that the country had produced its own air-to-air missiles. He received applause when he said, "Some wish to turn us into a colony and they have thus introduced sanctions against us [...] They are trying to bring us to our knees economically and then buy us. We will not let ourselves be turned into a colony and that is why we are counting on you."[39] Later in the year, he took part in a Serbian delegation to China to promote greater scientific and technological co-operation.[40]

Ivković led a team of scientists and researchers to Iraq in June 2000 in a bid to improve relations between the two countries.[41][42]

2000 Yugoslavian elections and fall of Milošević

Ivković did not seek re-election to the Chamber of Citizens in the 2000 Yugoslavian general election but instead appeared on the SPS's electoral list for the upper house of the Yugoslavian parliament, the Chamber of Republics.[43] At one point in the campaign, he took part in a radio debate on B92 with Nebojša Čović, who by this time had left the SPS and joined the Democratic Opposition of Serbia (Demokratska opozicija Srbije, DOS).[44] When a series of polls taken in early September 2000 showed DOS candidate Vojislav Koštunica leading Slobodan Milošević in the Yugoslavian presidential election, Ivković accused the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of involvement, saying that the organization was seeking to manipulate those undecided voters who "always go along with the strongest."[45]

Koštunica ultimately defeated Milošević in the Yugoslavian presidential election, a watershed moment in Serbian and Yugoslavian politics. As in 1996, the state authorities did not initially accept the result and sought to introduce a repeat vote; following large-scale protests, however, the Milošević government was overthrown on 5 October 2000.

The DOS also defeated the SPS in the Yugoslavian parliamentary election. In the election for the Chamber of Republics, the DOS won ten seats as against seven for the SPS; Ivković did not receive a mandate and was not included in his party's delegation for the new parliament. He was also defeated in his bid for re-election to the City Assembly of Belgrade in the concurrent 2000 Serbian local elections, losing to a candidate of the DOS in the downtown municipality of Vračar.

The SPS continued to dominate Serbia's republican government in the early days after Milošević's downfall, and on 11 October 2000 Ivković issued a direct challenge to Koštunica's federal administration by saying that Serbia would assume direct control over the 100,000-member police force within its borders.[46] Ultimately, however, the Serbian government was unable to continue in office without Milošević, and a new transitional government consisting of the SPS, the DOS, and the Serbian Renewal Movement (Srpski pokret obnove, SPO) was formed pending a new Serbian parliamentary election in December. The SPS initially nominated Ivković to continue as minister of science and technology in the new administration, but the DOS objected to his candidacy, with Nebojša Čović accusing him of responsibility for the beating of student protestors in 1996–97.[47] Ivković rejected Čović's accusation but agreed to withdraw his candidacy rather than delay the new administration, and his term in cabinet ended on 25 October 2000.[48]

SPS leader in the Serbian parliament (2001–2002)

Serbia's election laws were reformed prior to the 2000 Serbian parliamentary election, such that the entire country became a single electoral division and all mandates were awarded to candidates on successful lists at the discretion of the sponsoring parties or coalitions, irrespective of numerical order. Ivković appeared in the sixty-fifth position on the SPS's list, which was mostly arranged in alphabetical order.[49][50] The list won thirty-seven seats, and he was chosen as part of his party's delegation. When the new parliament convened in January 2001, he became the leader of the SPS's assembly group.[51] The DOS won a landslide majority victory with 176 out of 250 seats, and the SPS served in opposition.

Ivković was initially seen as a close associate of Slobodan Milošević in this period. On 7 March 2001, he said that he had recently visited Miloševič and described the former president as being in good spirits despite reports that he would soon be arrested on suspicion of war crimes.[52] On 31 March, he played a crucial role in negotiating for Milošević to submit to an arrest warrant, bringing an end to an armed standoff at his mansion.[53][54][55] When rumours circulated about Milošević's pending extradition to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague in June, Ivković spoke at a protest outside the Yugoslavian parliament building.[56]

According to a report in the British newspaper The Independent, Milošević turned against Ivković the following month, describing him as a "traitor" who knew that his extradition was imminent but did nothing to prevent it.[57] Ivković acknowledged being in conflict with Milošević's wife Mirjana Marković during this period, although he said in August 2001 that their disagreements had been resolved and denied reports of a broader division in the party.[58] He was not, at this time, removed from his role in the party leadership.

In early 2001, Ivković was investigated on suspicion of having directed funds from the ministry of science and technology to the SPS while he was a cabinet minister. He was also accused of illegally distributing several state apartments.[59] He rejected the charges and said that he would not invoke parliamentary immunity.[60][61] (His immunity was, in any event, removed in October 2001).[62]

SPS split and Socialist People's Party leader (2002–2004)

The SPS split in early 2002, with several party members accusing Ivković of co-operating with Serbia's DOS administration and attempting a party takeover. Milošević openly turned against him at this time, accusing him of overseeing a "fifth column" bid to lead others away from the party.[63] In April 2002, Ivković was formally expelled from the SPS.[64] He rejected the legality of his expulsion and organized a congress of his supporters in June 2002, describing the event as a SPS meeting that would lead to renewal in the party.[65][66] He was formally chosen as the group's leader at this meeting; he paid tribute to Milošević in his acceptance speech but also called for the SPS to adopt a reformist approach under new leadership. In this period, Ivković was often described in the international media as a "moderate."[67]

Ultimately, Ivković's group did not retain ownership of the SPS name. He ran in the September 2002 Serbian presidential election as the leader of an independent group called "Socialists for Return to the Basics" and was defeated, receiving just over one per cent of the vote.[68] In October 2002, he announced plans to create a new party to be called simply the Socialist Party (Partija Socijalista, PS).[69]

Ivković and his supporters established an assembly group called the People's Socialists (Narodni socijalisti) in November 2002.[70] The DOS government had experienced several splits and defections by this time, and the following month Ivković's group co-operated with the administration on a crucial budgetary vote for the upcoming year.[71] In this period, Ivković was a member of the committee for constitutional affairs and the committee for science and technological development.[72]

The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was formally reconstituted as the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro in February 2003, and the Assembly of Serbia and Montenegro was established as its legislative branch. The first members of this body were chosen by indirect election from the republican parliaments of Serbia and Montenegro, with each parliamentary group allowed representation proportional to its numbers. Only sitting members of the Serbian assembly or the Montenegrin assembly, or members of the Federal Assembly of Yugoslavia at the time of the country's reconstitution, were eligible to serve. The "People's Socialists" group was allotted one seat in the federal assembly, which was assigned to Ivković.[73]

Ivković's group coalesced as the Serbian People's Party (SNS) later in 2003. In September of that year, he proposed that the SPS and his party run a joint candidate in the upcoming presidential election. The SPS rejected the offer; Ivica Dačić accused Ivković of wanting to benefit the DOS by running as a candidate himself.[74]

The SNS contested the 2003 Serbian parliamentary election in an alliance with a group called the People's Blok. Ivković appeared in the second position on the party's list, after former SPS parliamentarian Dobrivoje Budimirović.[75] The list did not cross the electoral threshold, and Ivković's terms in the federal and republican parliaments ended in early 2004. He ran as the SNS's candidate in the 2004 Serbian presidential election and received less than one per cent of the vote.[76]

He joined Bogoljub Karić's Strength of Serbia Movement (Pokret Snaga Srbije, PSS) after the 2004 presidential election. The SNS afterward considered merging into the PSS, though it ultimately rejected the option.[77]

Ivković has generally withdrawn from active political life since this time. After Milošević's death in 2006, it was reported that he was the only former SPS "dissident" whose return to the party would not be welcomed.[78]

Since 2006

Ivković joined the Serbian Progressive Party (Srpska napredna stranka, SNS) in 2012.[79] He was named to the supervisory board of Energoprojekt in 2013 and was appointed to a new term in 2017.[80][81]

In a January 2018 court decision, he was acquitted of charges of having illegally allocated state apartments in 2000.[82]

Ivković said in a May 2022 interview that Serbian prime minister Zoran Đinđić had assisted Milošević's defence at the ICTY starting in the summer of 2002 and was planning a massive shakeup in the Serbian government prior to his assassination in March 2003. Concerning his own political history, Ivković said that his departure from the SPS had been orchestrated by Mirjana Marković. He added that he had faced several criminal charges related to his time in cabinet and had been acquitted in all proceedings.[83]

Electoral record

Serbia (President of Serbia)

2004 Serbian presidential election (first and second rounds)
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Boris TadićDemocratic Party853,58427.701,681,52853.97
Tomislav NikolićSerbian Radical Party954,33930.971,434,06846.03
Bogoljub KarićCitizens' Group[84]568,69118.46
Dragan MaršićaninDemocratic Party of SerbiaG17 PlusSerbian Renewal MovementNew Serbia414,97113.47
Ivica DačićSocialist Party of Serbia125,9524.09
Jelisaveta KarađorđevićCitizens' Group: Initiative for a More Beautiful Serbia62,7372.04
Milovan DrecunSerbian Revival16,9070.55
Vladan BatićChristian Democratic Party16,7950.55
Borislav PelevićParty of Serbian Unity14,3170.46
Branislav IvkovićSocialist People's Party13,9800.45
Ljiljana AranđelovićUnited Serbia11,7960.38
Marijan RističevićPeople's Peasant Party10,1980.33
Dragan ĐorđevićParty of Serbian Citizens5,7850.19
Mirko JovićPeople's Radical Party, Serbia and Diaspora, European Blok5,5460.18
Zoran MilinkovićPatriotic Party of Diaspora5,4420.18
Valid votes3,081,04098.783,115,59698.64
Invalid/blank votes38,0471.2242,9751.36
Total votes3,119,087100.003,158,571100.00
Registered voters/turnout6,532,26347.756,532,94048.35
Source: RIK
September–October 2002 Serbian presidential election (first and second rounds)
CandidatePartyFirst roundSecond round
Vojislav KoštunicaDemocratic Party of Serbia1,123,42031.561,991,94768.38
Miroljub LabusCitizens' Group: Best for Serbia – Miroljub Labus995,20027.96921,09431.62
Vojislav ŠešeljSerbian Radical Party845,30823.74
Vuk DraškovićSerbian Renewal Movement159,9594.49
Borislav PelevićParty of Serbian Unity139,0473.91
Bata ŽivojinovićSocialist Party of Serbia119,0523.34
Nebojša PavkovićCitizens' Group75,6622.13
Branislav-Bane IvkovićCitizens' Group: Socialists for Return to the Basics42,8531.20
Vuk ObradovićSocial Democracy26,0500.73
Tomislav LaloševićCitizens' Group25,1330.71
Dragan RadenovićCitizens' Group: Society of Free Citizens8,2800.23
Valid votes3,559,96497.952,913,04197.80
Invalid/blank votes74,5342.0565,4272.20
Total votes3,634,498100.002,978,468100.00
Registered voters/turnout6,553,04255.466,553,04245.45
Source: RIK, RIK The election was invalidated due to low turnout in the second round.

Local (City of Belgrade)

2000 Belgrade city election: Vračar Division 3
Filip Golubović (***WINNER***)Democratic Opposition of Serbia–Dr. Vojislav Koštunica (Affiliation: Democratic Party of Serbia)
Natalija (Nataša) ĐurićUnited Pensioners Party
Radovan IvićSerbian Radical Party
Prof. Dr. Branislav Ivković (incumbent for New Belgrade)Socialist Party of SerbiaYugoslav LeftSlobodan Milošević (Affiliation: Socialist Party of Serbia)
Prof. Spasoje Krunić (incumbent)Serbian Renewal Movement
Dragiša MladenovićCitizens' Group: Kalenić
Jovan PantićCitizens' Group: Association of Foreign Currency and Dinar Savers
Source: [85]
1996 Belgrade city election: New Belgrade Division 4 (second and third rounds)
Branislav Ivković (***WINNER***)Socialist Party of SerbiaYugoslav Left (Affiliation: Socialist Party of Serbia)
Dragoslav RosićCoalition Together
Source: [86][87]


  1. Dragoslav Grujin, "Branislav Ivković", Vreme, 18 April 2002, accessed 14 December 2022.
  2. Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине одржани 19. и 26. децембра 1993. године и 5. јануара 1994. године – ЗБИРНЕ ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (1 Београд) and Извештај о укупним резултатима избора за народне посланике у Народну скупштину Републике Србије, одржаних 19. и 26. децембра 1993. године и 5. јануара 1994. године, Republic Election Commission, Republic of Serbia, accessed 30 July 2021.
  3. Službeni Glasnik (Republike Srbije), Volume 50 Number 11 (25 January 1994), pp. 193-194.
  4. Guide to the Early Election Archived 2022-01-16 at the Wayback Machine, Ministry of Information of the Republic of Serbia, December 1992, made available by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems, accessed 14 July 2017.
  5. Filip Svarm, Dejan Anastasijević & Jelena Grujić, "Men Hunt", Vreme, 20 June 1995, accessed 14 December 2022.
  6. "Rump Yugoslavia gets new aid for refugees," Reuters News, 14 September 1995.
  7. "Newsline - February 27, 1996", Radio Free Europe, 27 February 1996, accessed 14 December 2022.
  8. "Serbia announces early plans for cable TV network," Reuters News, 4 October 1996.
  9. "Sirotinji onemoguceno da trazi pravdu?", Naša borba, 17 April 1997, accessed 14 December 2022.
  10. "Serbian assembly passes law on concessions," Associated Press Newswire, 13 May 1997.
  11. Gordana Kukić, "Serbia presents international investment plan to woo investors," Reuters News, 2 July 1997.
  12. Gordana Kukić, "Serbia to set up agency to help foreign investors," Reuters News, 25 September 1997.
  13. Gordana Kukić, "Serbia calls its construction firms to return home," Reuters News, 25 September 1997.
  14. Gordana Kukić, "Minister urges Yugo builders' offensive abroad," Reuters News, 20 March 1998.
  15. Gordana Kukić, "Yugoslavia agrees gas debt deal with Russia," Reuters News, 16 October 1997.
  16. Dragoslav Grujin, "Branislav Ivković", Vreme, 18 April 2002, accessed 14 December 2022.
  17. Ivan Radovanović, "Hung-up Phone", Vreme, 11 December 1995, accessed 14 December 2022.
  18. "Leftist Studio B", Vreme, 13 October 1996, accessed 14 December 2022.
  19. Nenad Stefanović, "Belgrade Must not Fall", Vreme, 3 November 1996, accessed 14 December 2022.
  20. Nenad Lj. Stefanović, "Riots in Serbia", Vreme, 24 November 1996, accessed 14 December 2022.
  21. Nenad Lj. Stevanović, "Waiting to be recycled," Vreme, 14 December 1996, accessed 14 December 2022.
  22. Roksanda Ninčić, "Down by law", Vreme, 14 December 1996, accessed 14 December 2022.
  23. Nenad Lj. Stefanović, "Real Power", Vreme, 11 January 1997, accessed 14 December 2022.
  24. Jovan Kovačić, "Turmoil reigns in Serbian political scene," Reuters News, 15 January 1997.
  25. Nenad Lj. Stefanović, "The Covic Case", Vreme, 18 January 1997, accessed 14 December 2022.
  26. Milan Milošević, "The Blue Cordon Disco", Vreme, 25 January 1997, accessed 14 December 2022.
  27. Nenad Lj. Stefanović, "'I'm Still Standing'", Vreme, 8 February 1997, accessed 14 December 2022.
  28. Dragoslav Grujin, "Branislav Ivković", Vreme, 18 April 2002, accessed 14 December 2022.
  29. Nenad Lj. Stefanović, "Pobuna demokratske Srbije", Vreme, 23 November 1996, accessed 14 December 2022.
  30. "Branislav Ivković", Glas javnosti, 3 April 2000, accessed 14 December 2022.
  31. ИЗБОРИ '96: ВЕЋЕ ГРАЂАНА САВЕЗНЕ СКУПШТИНЕ, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Department of Statistics (1996), p. 37.
  32. Dušan Bogdanović and Biljana Kovačević Vučo, Institutions Abused: Who Was Who in Serbia, 1987–2000, (Belgrade: Biljana Kovačević Vučo Fund), 2011, p. 108.
  33. "'Uzdrzani' premijer ne moze da resava jugoslovenske probleme", Naša borba, 19 May 1998, accessed 14 December 2022.
  34. "Momir Bulatovic izabran za saveznog premijera", Naša borba, 21 May 1998, accessed 14 December 2022.
  35. "The new Serb government," Agence France-Presse, 24 March 1998.
  36. "Kosovo Provisional Executive Council in session," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European – Political, 7 October 1998 (Source: Tanjug news agency, Belgrade, in Serbo-Croat 1042 gmt 7 Oct 98).
  37. "WRAP/Kosovo/NATO Raids -2: Officials Join 'Human Shields'," Dow Jones International News, 8 April 1999.
  38. "Serbian minister on need to maximize remaining industrial resources," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European – Political, 27 April 1999 (Source: Tanjug news agency, Belgrade, in English 1227 gmt 26 Apr 99).
  39. "Minister says Serbia has produced its own air-to-air missile," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European – Political, 7 August 1999 (Source: Beta news agency, Belgrade, in Serbo-Croat 1427 gmt 6 Aug 99).
  40. "Yugoslav delegation in China discusses scientific cooperation," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European – Political, 8 October 1999.
  41. "Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz received today Serbian Science and Technology Minister Branislav Ivković," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring Service: Central Europe & Balkans, 30 June 2000 (Source: Tanjug news agency, Belgrade, in Serbo-Croat 1232 gmt 28 Jun 00).
  42. "Iraqi vice-president, Serbian minister discuss technology developments," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring Service: Central Europe & Balkans, 1 July 2000 (Tanjug news agency, Belgrade, in English 1247 gmt 29 Jun 00).
  43. "Parties led by Milosevic and wife submit joint list for upper house election," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring Service: Central Europe & Balkans, 26 August 2000 (Source: Tanjug news agency, Belgrade, in English 1707 gmt 24 Aug 00). Available sources do not indicate the numerical position that Ivković held on the list.
  44. B92 transmission: ponedeljak, 14.8.2000., accessed 14 December 2022.
  45. "Minister - CIA behind opinion polls showing opposition candidate in lead," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring Service: Central Europe & Balkans, 8 September 2000 (Source: Beta news agency, Belgrade, in Serbo-Croat 1644 gmt 6 Sep 00).
  46. Olivia Ward, "Old guard in new Yugoslav power struggle --- Milošević supporters muscle in on control of security forces," Toronto Star, 12 October 2000, p. 1.
  47. Aleksandar Vasović, "Serbian Parliament session delayed by haggling over transitional government," Associated Press NewsWires, 21 October 2000.
  48. "Socialists' ministerial candidate wants his nomination withdrawn," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring Service: Central Europe & Balkans, 25 October 2000 (Source: Radio B-92, Belgrade, in Serbo-Croat 0700 gmt 23 Oct 00).
  49. Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине одржани 23. децембра 2000. године и 10. јануара 2001. године, ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (Демократска опозиција Србије – др Војислав Коштуница (3 Социјалистичка партија Србије – Слободан Милошевић), Republic Election Commission, Republic of Serbia, accessed 2 July 2021.
  50. See also INTERVJU DANA: 12.12.2000, B92, accessed 15 December 2022.
  51. "Socialists for shadow government," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring Service: Central Europe & Balkans, 13 January 2001 (Source: Glas javnosti, Belgrade, in Serbo-Croat 0000 gmt 11 Jan 01).
  52. "Milošević looks 'great' despite woes: party official," Agence France-Presse, 7 March 2001.
  53. Andrew Gray, "Odd couple play key role in ending Milošević drama," Reuters News, 1 April 2001.
  54. Dunja Đorđević, ""HTELA JE DA ZAVADI SLOBU I MENE" Bane Ivković optužio Miru Marković i otkrio šta se događalo u vili "Mir" tokom KLJUČNIH SATI", Blic, 1 April 2021, accessed 14 December 2022.
  55. "BANE IVKOVIĆ O "PORODICI" Serija me je mnogo pogodila. Video sam kako je MIRA UZELA PIŠTOLJ, a meni je pokazala da ćutim", Blic, 3 April 2021, accessed 15 December 2022.
  56. "Thousands of Milošević supporters rally at Yugoslav parliament," Agence France-Presse, 27 June 2001.
  57. Vesna Perić Zimonjić, "Milošević launches a purge of his party from behind prison bars," The Independent, 30 July 2001, p. 8.
  58. "Socialists' official confirms there is no rift in party," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European – Political, 15 August 2001 (Source: Tanjug news agency, Belgrade, in Serbo-Croat 1946 gmt 14 Aug 01).
  59. "Počela istraga protiv Ivkovića", Glas javnosti, 2 October 2001, accessed 15 December 2022.
  60. "SPS official denies financing party while cabinet minister," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European – Political, 4 April 2001 (Source: Beta news agency, Belgrade, in Serbo-Croat 1458 gmt 4 Apr 01.).
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  62. "Serbian Assembly strips two opposition deputies of immunity," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European – Political, 17 September 2001 (Source: Beta news agency, Belgrade, in Serbo-Croat 1650 gmt 17 Sep 01).
  63. Katarina Kratovac, "Hardliners in Slobodan Milošević's party move to oust moderate leader," Associated Press Newswires, 13 April 2002.
  64. "Milošević's ally expelled from party," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European – Political, 14 April 2002 (Source: Radio B92 text web site, Belgrade, in English 0749 gmt 14 Apr 02).
  65. "SPS u kandžama JUL-a", Glas javnosti, 15 April 2002, accessed 15 December 2022.
  66. "Socialists describe splint group congress as farce," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European – Political, 25 June 2002 (Source: FoNet news agency, Belgrade, in Serbo-Croat 1852 gmt 23 Jun 02).
  67. "Split confirmed in Milošević's Yugoslav Socialists," Agence France-Presse, 23 June 2002.
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  71. "Commentary see 'futile' strife between Serbia's leading parties," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European, 19 December 2002 (Source: Text of commentary, "Serbia - fragmentation," transmitted in English by Serbian news agency Beta).
  72. ДЕТАЉИ О НАРОДНОМ ПОСЛАНИКУ: ИВКОВИЋ, БРАНИСЛАВ, "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2003-04-22. Retrieved 2022-12-16.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link), National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 22 April 2003, accessed 15 December 2022.
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  75. Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине одржани 28. децембра 2003. године – ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (15. СОЦИЈАЛИСТИЧКА НАРОДНА СТРАНКА - НАРОДНИ БЛОК - ГЕНЕРАЛ НЕБОЈША ПАВКОВИЋ), Republic Election Commission, Republic of Serbia, accessed 14 August 2022.
  76. "Svi su politikanti, samo ja vredim", Glas javnosti, 27 May 2004, accessed 15 December 2022.
  77. "Minor Serbian party rejects decision to merge with tycoon's party," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European, 24 November 2004 (Source: FoNet news agency, Belgrade, in Serbian 0816 gmt 24 Nov 04).
  78. "Race for Serbian Socialist party leadership to kick off on 1 September," British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European, 15 August 2006 (Source: Radio B92 text website, Belgrade, in English 0757 gmt 15 Aug 06).
  79. Ivana Mastilović Jasnić, "Miloševićev ministar Branislav Ivković pristupio SNS-u", Blic, 25 January 2012, accessed 15 December 2022.
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  83. "Branislav Ivković: Đinđić je pomagao Miloševićevu odbranu u Hagu", Danas, 25 May 2022, accessed 15 December 2022.
  84. Karić was the leader of the Strength of Serbia Movement.
  85. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 46 Number 13 (15 September 2000), p. 422; Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 46 Number 15 (20 October 2000), p. 469-470.
  86. Nenad Lj. Stefanović, "Pobuna demokratske Srbije", Vreme, 23 November 1996, accessed 14 December 2022.
  87. Službeni List (Grada Beograda), Volume 48 Number 3 (22 February 1997), p. 1.
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