Brass Monkeys is an Australian sitcom that screened in 1984 on the Seven Network. The series was produced by Gary Reilly and Tony Sattler, who are known for comedy series Kingswood Country and Hey Dad!. The title comes from the colloquial expression "cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey", in reference to the cold climate of the Antarctic.
Brass Monkeys is the story of a pretty female doctor who joins a group of men confined to the lonely isolation of an Australian Antarctic expedition station.
- Graeme Blundell as Noddy
- Paul Chubb as Big Eye
- Kevin Golsby as OIC
- Ross Hohnen as Rex
- Margie McCrae as Dr. Sally Newman
- Colin McEwan as Nick
- Doug Scroope as Cookie
- Bill Young as Martin Lightfoot
External links
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