Capture of Harput (1465)

Harput Castle

Aq Qoyunlu victory

  • Capture of Harput
Aq Qoyunlu Beylik of Dulkadir
Commanders and leaders
Uzun Hasan Melik Arslan Bey
Unknown Unknown
Casualties and losses
Unknown Unknown

The Capture of Harput occurred in 1465 when Uzun Hasan attacked the territories of Melik Arslan and captured Harput.[1]

When Melik Arslan attacked Kayseri, a possession of the Karamanids in 1464, the Karamanids requested help from the Aq Qoyunlu state.[2] This situation created a gap between the Dulkadirids and the Aq Qoyunlu.[2]

Uzun Hasan was looking for an opportunity to seize Harput which was held by the Dulkadirids.[2] In 1465 he attacked the territories of Melik Arslan and captured Harput.[1] Aq Qoyunlu rule over Harput lasted until 1507.[3]


  1. 1 2 Woods, John E.. 1999. The Aqquyunlu: Clan, Confederation, Empire. University of Utah Press.
  2. 1 2 3 Samet, A. L. I. Ç. "Dulkadir Beyliği Akkoyunlu Devleti Münasebetleri." Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 17, no. 1: 211-226
  3. AYTAÇ, İsmail. "HARPUT’TA ÇAHPUR ÇEŞMESİ." Fırat Üniversitesi Harput Araştırmaları Dergisi 4, no. 1: 1-21

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