Title pages to volume 1Corpus Catholicorum.

The Corpus Catholicorum (Corp. Cath., CCath., CC) is a collection of sixteenth-century writings by the leading proponents and defenders of the Roman Catholic Church against the teachings of the Protestant reformers.

The full title of the series is: Corpus Catholicorum: Werke katholischer Schriftsteller im Zeitalter der Glaubensspaltung i.e. Body of Catholic [writings]: Works of Catholic authors in the Time of the Splitting of the Faith.

The series, intended as a counterpart to the Corpus Reformatorum, was conceived by Professor Joseph Greving (1868–1919) of the University of Bonn in 1915, and was announced that same year in the Theologische Revue as a "Plan für ein Corpus Catholicorum" or "Plan for a Corpus Catholicorum" [1]

List of volumes in the Corpus Catholicorum

  • Vol. 1, Dr. Joseph Greving, S.J., ed., Münster in Westfalen, 1919, Verlag der Aschendorffeschen Verlagsbuchhandlung - HathiTrust.
    • Johann Eck. Defensio contra amarulentas d. Andreae Bodenstein,
  • Vol. 2, Johannes Metzler, S.J. ed., Münster in Westfalen, 1921 - HathiTrust.
    • Johannes Eck, Epistola de Ratione Studiorum Suorum (1538)
    • Erasmus Wolph, De Orbitu Ioan. Eckii Adversus Calumniam Viti Theodorici (1543)
  • Vol. 3. Joseph Schweizer, ed., Munster in Westfalen, 1920.
  • Vol. 4, Dr. Franz Xaver Thurnhofer, ed., Munster in Westfalen, 1921 - HathiTrust.
    • Jerome Emser (Hieronymus Emser), De disputatione Lipsicensi, quantum ad Boemos obiter deflexa est, (1519)
    • A Venatione Luteriana Aegocerotis Assertio, (1519)
  • Vol. 5, Dr. Ulrich Schmidt O. F. M, ed., Münster in Westfalen, Aschendorff, 1922 - HathiTrust.
    • Kaspar Schatzgeyer, O.F.M., Scrutinium Divinae Scripturae pro conciliatione dissidentium dogmatum (1522).
  • Vol. 34. Pierre Fraenkel, ed., Münster in Westfalen, Aschendorff, 1979.
    • Johann Eck. Enchiridion locorum communium adversus Lutherum et alios hostes ecclesiae; mit den Zusätzen von Tilmann Smeling. [Enchiridion (i.e., handbook or manual) of Commonplaces against Luther and other Enemies of the Church: with the additions by Tilmann Smeling] ISBN 978-3-402-03182-7
  • Vol. 43. Pierre Fraenkel, Münster, Aschendorff, 1992, ISBN 3-402-03457-3 ISBN 9783402034576.
    • Henry VIII. Assertio septem sacramentorum adversus Martinum Lutherum, Henry VIII, King of England.
  • Vols. 45-48: Mary Ward und ihre Gründung: Die Quellentexte bis 1645 (Mary Ward and Her Foundation. The Source Texts to 1645), 4 vols, 2007, Sr. Ursula Dirmeier, CJ, ed., Münster 2007.
  • Vol. 45 (Band 1), ISBN 978-3-402-03459-0 ISBN 340203459X
  • Vol. 46 (Band 2), ISBN 978-3-402-03460-6 ISBN 3402034603
  • Vol. 47 (Band 3), ISBN 978-3-402-03461-3 ISBN 3402034611
  • Vol. 48 (Band 4) ISBN 978-3-402-03462-0 ISBN 340203462X


  1. The Fortnightly review, ed., Arthur Preuss, St. Louis, Missouri, Volume XXVI, No. 21, November 1, 1919, p. 332


  • Joseph Greving, Plan für ein Corpus Catholicorum (Sonderabdruck aus der Theologischen Revue, Jahrgang. 14, i.e. printed separately from the Theological Review, vol. 14, Nr. 17/18), Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, [1916], Münster in Westphalen
  • Joseph Greving, Johann Eck als junger Gelehrter. Eine literar- und dogmengeschichtliche Untersuchung über seinen Chrysopassus praedestinationis aus dem Jahre 1514,Aschendorff, [1906], Münster in Westphalen.
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